by admin | May 20, 2013 | Benghazi, Obama, Political
September 11, 2012
but Hillary Clinton, the key link, is nowhere to be found…INSTEAD
1) Clinton goes to Australia to attend a Wine Tasting
2) Clinton falls down in her home and has a concussion
3) Clinton has surgery for a blood clot in her head
A few days before she is to leave office as Secretary of State,
Hillary Clinton finally shows for hearings and proclaims:
ANSWER (to Hillary) :
– Poorly Secured Libyan Embassy even after many requests by Ambassador Stevens and others
– Refusal to send in military jets during terrorist attack to at least try to stave off terrorist attackers
– Denial of terrorist attack, after the fact, for a full two weeks: ‘ It was a protest over a Youtube video’
– Refusal to give true details eight months later, only false promises that the purpetrators ‘will be brought to justice.’
– FOUR DEAD AMERICANS – America Wants Answers How it happened and Who did it
Eight Months After Benghazi…
Still No Answers from the Obama Administration
The modus operandi for the Obama Administration becomes obvious after we see it repeated so often:
1) Promise an investigation and that purpetrators ‘will be brought to justice.’
2) Stonewall for months
3) Refuse to talk ‘pending the investigation.’
4) String along the ‘investigation’ for many months until , hopefully, people will forget Benghazi
and other topics willtake over Americans’ short attention spans.
5) When people ask , ‘What REALLY Happened,’ just tell them ‘ Oh, that was so long ago…’
The State Department finally decides to have its own investigation but Hillary is never called to testify… And guess what’s lurking around the corner…
May, 2013
… and more scandals coming for Obama. Gee, Nixon only had one!
Now Your Turn… What Can You Do To Help ?
…and that’s only ONE Scandal ! Wait until you see the rest…
and counting
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by admin | May 20, 2013 | Benghazi, Obama, Political
You may only know of three but, yes, there have been a full 10… and counting with a few new surprises coming soon to these pages and
by admin | May 20, 2013 | Benghazi, Obama, Political, Tshirts
We know Obama and his men are good at scheduling, e.g. press conferences for Fridays , but they probably did NOT plan this one. In fact, we knew it was close but, only Bob Shieffer of CBS’ Face The Nation and a few others pinned it down. Yes, this May marks the 40th Anniversary of the Watergate Hearings!
Obama on Nixon’s Slippery Slope of a nose… IRS Harassment, Press Intimidation, Coverups…
…but he sure couldn’t have picked better -or worse- timing for his own problems. The parallels between Watergate and ObamaGate are uncanny. Just as John Dean opened the Watergate hearings in 1973 by telling of Nixon cooking the books in the IRS, Obama could fall prey to a similar fate in the new IRS scandal, probably the most serious of the several issues he has to contend with right now, namely BenghaziGate and AP Media Gate, plus a couple impending Gates we’ll remind you about shortly…(stay tuned)
Will another Deep Throat emerge?
Watergate 40th Anniversary Tshirts availabe @ or
What do you think of this?
Like this if you think we should have new Hearings on IRS Gate …
by admin | May 17, 2013 | Baseball, PEDs, San Francisco Giants

They call them the GIANTS… for good reason when Bonds was around. Now, the new designer drugs don’t necessarily increase one’s bulk anymore, but it’s the same ol same ol in San Francisco…. Just the secret sauce and names have changed..
Some people call them the Amazing Giants… but as we keep telling you ( -DELETED , MYSTERIOUSLY) , there’s a lot more behind what meets the eye... Everyday we see more evidence of just what’s REALLY going on behind the scenes that let the Giants keep winining…just as it with Barry Bonds for eight years until a couple reporters were finally brave enough to break the story of Bonds ‘flaxseed oil’ of which only a minority of Giants fans accepted – and Bonds and the Giants weren’t so REAL outside of San Francisco. . The Giants wouldn’t be getting away with what’s happening in any other city than liberal San Francisco. Not to get too political here but The Giants are the Obamas of baseball. In this new era they can seemingly do no wrong .
And it doesn’t stop with the players . Even Giants management will do whatever it takes to win and sell fans, e.g. s turning up the PA to cause more excitement , falsely claiming every game a sellout for two years, getting rid of people who know too much (trainer Stan Conte, minority owner Bill Neucomb), bringing in known PED users (and sometimes repeat offenders)… Now the Giants are actually winning world series and seeming to win at will with players who weren’t hitting much until they came to the Giants, ie Scutaro, Blanco, Pagan, etc. And the others are ‘magically’ raising their averages inexplicably to some… It’s rather obvious when you look at all the numbers as we have in previous blogs (
Just a few teasers:
– The Giants , at last check , had the third lowest strikeout team total in the majors, with Pablo Sandoval having less than 20 stirkeouts – only Scutaro has fewer among the regulars. A free swinger like Sandoval doesn’t just suddenly stop striking out , while increasing his power (15 home runs in two months, since last September, after hitting only seven the entire first 5 months of last year). Of course , lack of strikeouts are often indicative of other things, especially when combined with power. A guy who hits for homeruns with low strikeouts comes into question, ala McGwire and Bonds… and now Sandoval, and he’s had some monsters since last September — and in the difficult San Francisco park
– Tim Lincecum seems to be suddenly back on track. After going downhill the past year and a half, seems like he’s magically back on track. His pitching velocity has magically improved of late and today he shut out the team with the best record in baseball, Lincecum shut out the Braves
Lincecum velocity up almost 2 mph, 90-92 mph this year as compared to last year |
– More to Giants management, if a fan does something to help the Giants, such as the fan who interferred with Atlanta‘s Upton making a catch, to help the Giants in the Atlanta game today (Sunday). With managerment and fan support and even that of Giants’ homer announcers Kuiper and Kruko, interfering fan , known as ‘the Dog’ for other things he has done, is a hero in San Francisco, not even kicked out of the game. Meanwhile, instead of calling the Giant player out for interference from the fan when it might have been a homer, the umpires ‘compromised ‘ and gave him a double.
The Giants keep doing it with more than mirrors – after all this time and we’ll go into even more details very soon. We’ll tell you how a player can take the new designer PEDs one day and have it out of his system within hours. That’s why a guy like Scutaro can be down for a few weeks and then suddenly start hitting – even homers as he did today – not bad for the little 38 year old second baseman from Venezuela. It’s almost like they talk to each other and have a plan where some guys will have a few good days while others have bad ones, only to switch it up later so as to make
things not quite so noticeable as Scutaro’s .370 average the last half of last year. WE WILL BRING OUT A LIST OF DOZENS OF PLAYERS WHO WERE EITHER INDICTED
OR TARGETED (by the Miami Dade recent investigation) AND OUR OWN ‘SCIENTIFIC’ RESEARCH OF PLAYERS PROBABLY USING TODAY – who can easily get away with it
with still lax drug testing in baseball (one can even call it a joke) . The Giants have had as many PED players as perhaps all the other teams in baseball, combined and we’ll go into this…
Why do you think all those late inning heroics with players named Guillermo who had only one
previous homer in his major league career. And , after losing star players like Melky Cabrera and Brian Wilson, the Giants keep on winning. Magically, previous ‘no name’ players like
Goudin, Mijares and Blanco suddenly became stars with the Giants. Half the entire 2010 team
that won a world series is gone, yet the Giants are still winning…. We”ll keep bringing up the
evidence and exposing the scandal, in our opinion, for those of us baseball traditionalists and
honest folks who care about the grand old game and would like to see it played in such a manner
you don’t have to always guess which Giants are using PEDs which days…

by admin | May 17, 2013 | Baseball, Giants, PEDs, San Francisco Giants
Google /blogger has taken down our watchdog site , exploring drugs in baseball @ Hopefully they won’t take down this one , which is critical of Obama administration…
AN OPEN LETTER To The DENVER ROCKIES AND MOST ANY OTHER TEAM WHO PLAYS THE GIANTS @ (as long as they don’t take down THIS site with many fewer blogs than the other… Maybe i beetter start going back to putting them on as I don’t think Google can take down a WordPress site…
I feel sorry for the Rockies when they play the San Francisco Giants. Notice how Scutaro, Sandoval and some of the others suddenly raised their averages significantly, cut down on strikeouts, magically, when Melky came around last year? Well, it’s been going on a long time – like over 10 years since Bonds, and only in a city like San Francisco can they get away with it. Management not only turns a blind eye but even looks for tainted players like Jose Guillen or Mota that other teams don’t want.Even they the Giants lose a Cabrera or Brian Wilson it doesn’t matter because they go to Venezuela or the Dominican and pick up another guy who’s not afraid to, well… you know. I hate to be say it, but we’re about the only watchdog in town. Nobody else here seems to care.
We’re old school and it’s a joke to see the players ‘load up’ when they want to and ease off when they think they’d better. With the new designer PEDs they can virtually go on or off and the stuff’s working or not working and undetectable within hours of not taking it. (We’ve got a lot of articles in store, including explaining exactly how the drugs work – and just how easy it is today to take the undetectable PEDs – only still undetectable because MLB has n’t brought in the latest ‘detectable’ tests . It takes a Victor Conte of Balco Fame to blow the whistle and explain things these days – and nobody still seems to care – in San Francisco.Plus, there aren’ t all the side effects anymore, like gaining mass like Bonds. I could go on… but , basically, the only thing to do to beat the Giants now, as long as they’re using, is to use yourselves – which I don’t condone.
When the Giants are down they’ll just go to their bench and bring in someone like a Blanco who’ll get a key pinch hit and later bring in a reliever like Mijares , who’s suddenly gained velocity and will shut you down. It’s hard to beat that stuff. Meanwhile, you’ve got a team led by the Venezuelans Scutaro and Sandoval , alaong with Mijares , Blanco and others, who almost always keep the ball in play, rarely striking out.
That’s baseball for you in the 2000s in San Francisco , anyway. Sure wish it would change. We’ve put down a lot of science that explains everything that no sportwriters here would even bring up. In fact, they just closed down our main blog site, , but we’re going through all the channels, to , hopefully get it restored. Otherwise we’ve got a couple other sites like like and , which have a fraction of what they took down. It’s pretty sad what’s going on is all I can say. We know people out their – even some of the SF writers – know what’s going on but just don’t say anything. For the Giants’ it’s win at any cost, even to the point of lying about being sold out everygame, turning up the PA when they’re at bat. etc…
We don’t like it – and I used to be a Giants fan… Thanks for hearing us out and good luck Rockies. Maybe you’ll beat the Giants a game or two yet…
by admin | May 15, 2013 | Benghazi, Hillary Clinton
– Poorly Secured Libyan Embassy even after many requests by Ambassador Stevens and others
– Refusal to send in military jets during terrorist attack to at least try to stave off terrorist attackers
– Denial of terrorist attack, after the fact, for a full two weeks: ‘ It was a protest over a Youtube video’
– Refusal to give true details eight months later, only false promises that the purpetrators ‘will be brought to justice.’
That’s what difference it makes that you didn’t do your job, Hillary!
The modus operandi for the Obama Administration becomes obvious after we see it repeated so often:
1) Promise an investigation and that purpetrators ‘will be brought to justice.’
2) Do nothing, really, for months
3) Refuse to talk pending the ‘investigation.’
4) String along the investigation for many months until , hopefully, people will forget and other topics will
take over Americans’ short attention spans.
5) When people ask , ‘What REALLY Happened,’ just tell them ‘ Oh, that was so long ago…’
WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE? Lots of Benghazi Answers for Hillary
Pick One:

Like this if you think we should have Select Hearings on Benghazi …
by admin | May 9, 2013 | Benghazi, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Political
The only way to keep the momentum going and get something done with regard to a likely
Benghazi coverup, especially after the revealing whistle blowing hearing yesterday, is to have a special bi-partisan select committee similar to the Watergate Hearings or the Mitchell investigation hearings of illegal drug use in Baseball, according to Frank Wolf, representative from Virginia. Right now, there are several partisan committees going in different directions, not working together, according to Wolf . He is pushing for such a committee to take up and run with what he and many believe to be a coverup by Administation people: first , not being prepared and then covering their mistakes in Benghazi. This is probably the only way something will get done before summer and before more time goes by and people forget the tragedy of September 11, 2013 which resulted in the death of Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans.
Such a committee would have supoena power and a selected person to run the committee. The speaker does not have to be from the House. Right now, Speaker John Boehner has been holding back , though 60% of Republicans are in favor of such a committee, to day, according to Wolf
Frank Wolf mentioned a list of his concerns, such as:
-why were the jets not allowed to go in to try to save remaining security forces in Benghazi?
-who changed talking points?
Wolf suggests we call our congressmen, telling them that you support Frank Wolf and a select committee on Benghazi
more @

by admin | Apr 6, 2013 | Nancy Pelosi, Political

They Said That-Pelosi: “Unemployment Benefits are Creating Jobs Faster than Practically any other Program”.