Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous 100 Year Old Motivational Cartoon Points To Keys To Success In Life

Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous 100 Year Old Motivational Cartoon Points To Keys To Success In Life


CELEBRATING 100 YEARS (1913-2013)

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Road To Success , Motivational Poster and T-shirts

  [5 star rating]

You’ve Found It – The One and Only Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational POSTER – Now ONLY $15 OR 2 FOR $20 Allegorical Cartoon from 1913 Etude Magazine. MAKES AN IDEAL PRESENT. 23″ X 17″ BLACK ON GLOSSY HEAVY PAPER STOCK , Mailed in tube. Click TWICE to enlarge

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CLICK below either: 1 POSTER, 2 POSTERS , 5 POSTERS, 10 POSTERS  (Get One FREE) or call 925 788 3316 for other quanities or T-SHIRTS, below  or call 1-925-788-3316 or 888-422-6876

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 Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous Road To Success Motivational Cartoon

THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational Poster, adapted to musical education from an original drawing issued by the National Cash Register Co. to point the road to business success. It originally appeared in THE ETUDE music magazine, published October 1913 and includes some of the unique language and jargons of the time. Great inspirational and motivational tool/gift for anyone, especially young people starting out, new businesses and anyone seeking success (aren’t we all?).. Just follow the ‘Road to Success,’ making sure not to fall prey to ‘bohemianism,’ shiftlessness’ or one of the many other pitfalls along the way. Don’t lose time at the ‘Hotel Know It All’ or ‘Mutual Admiration Society’ waiting for compliments such as ‘Caruso can’t touch you’ or ‘You’ll set the world on fire.’ Once you reach the ‘Gate of Ideals’ you’ve nearly reached the big zither(?) of success! Great promotion or gift. 23″ x 17 1/2″, black writing on white, glossy 80 lb. paper stock, comes rolled.


Click image twice to blow up size: ‘This (literally) lyrical prize is achieved by first entering the Gate of Opportunity. People are running through, but some have already settled in to the sit-down life of ease and comfort in what looks like the Beer Garden of Bohemianism. Some manage to pass by those delights to check in to the Hotel Know It All, because they hold to mottoes such as Nobody can tell me, or I don’t need to practice, or I’m a born genius, or yet: I don’t need system. Similarly misguided cries are heard on the patio of the Mutual Admiration Society: You’re the Hit of the Age, You’ll Set the World on Fire, You’re a Wonder My Boy, or (my favourite): Caruso Can’t Touch You. Those who avoid those three establishments of ill repute might still fall victim to the deep, dark well of Illiteracy, or the spinning, disorienting wheel of Conceit. A select few manage to board the train called Right System at the Railroad Station.

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NOW AVAILABLE IN TSHIRTS! That doesn’t stop some from running along the rail track towards Success, only to succumb to the ugly hand of Vices, the spinning fan of Bad Habits (blowing its victims towards Oblivion), or the pitfall of Bad Reputation. Others fall prey to Charlatanism, or get tangled up in the webs of Jealousy and Do It Tomorrow. Those who overcome all these perils will enter the gates of System. But while the train crosses a bridge across the river Failure, those on foot are threatened by the Cauldron of Misrepresentation, and tempted by Short Cuts. Some do manage to wade across the river to the other side, but there must overcome Bad Temper, Carelessness, Shiftlessness and Bad Memory. Then there’s Lack of Preparation, a giant rock which the train can tunnel through effortlessly, while the surviving pedestrians must trek across it. Sprees, Laziness and Bad Business Methods then still threaten them, until at last they come before two gates, the one for Weak Morals remaining forever closed, the Gate of Ideals open to the train (and some on foot). Conclusion: you can be successful without adopting the Right System, but your chances are far smaller. And you’ll have to make a lot bigger effort to get there.’ Many thanks to Strange Maps for the above review.

The ROAD TO SUCCESS has since become very popular with young people starting out, new business, musicians and people in all walks of life. Purchase 1 poster for $15 or 2 for $20 plus $5 flalt rate for shipping and postage. Pay by PayPal or credit card (Visa,,Master Card or American Express). Entertainment Advertising copyrighted the poster in 1982 and is the only known, legal source for the poster. See to appreciate. An ideal gift for or any occassion. May pay 1) with Paypal or Credit Cards using handy menu above , 2) email your credit card info to succeed@roadtosuccess.us or 3) Call it in: 1-888-429-3272. Only available from Yellow Pages Coupons. SAVE ON SHIPPING! We only charge $5 flat rate shipping, regardless of the quantity you buy. Cannot guarantee delivery by certain date.usually 3-7 days.  

CLICK below either: 1 POSTER, 2 POSTERS , 5 POSTERS, 10 POSTERS  (Get One FREE) or call 925 788 3316 for other quanities or T-SHRTS, below that (Order Separately- mailed in separate package ) – Indicate Quantity and Size or call 1-925-788-3316 or 888-422-6876

Add to cart button speical Hilllary



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Road To Success , Motivational Poster

 Road To Success , Motivational Poster, Inspirational Print, Allegorical Cartoon
Road To Success Posters Success Posters Make Great Gifts

Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous Road To Success Motivational Cartoon

KENNEDY ASSASSINATION – I Saw How  One Moment Changed America

KENNEDY ASSASSINATION – I Saw How One Moment Changed America

KENNEDY’S SECRET SOCIETY SPEECH – This is a portion of the speech that President John F. Kennedy gave at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel on April 27, 1961. “The President and the Press” before the American Newspaper Publishers Association.

KENNEDY New-Time-cover



– I Saw How That One Moment

Changed America, Timely Secret Society Speech


Time magazine’s cover story is titled “The Moment That Changed America,” and it features some newly discovered color pictures of the Kennedys riding through Dallas before the fatal shots rang out. Reporter David Von Drehle writes the piece, calling the tragedy on Nov. 22, 1963 “shocking beyond almost anything else in American history.”   I would say that the moment’s resulting aftermath was even worse – how it dramatically changed, or contributed heavily,  to the largely rudderless,  schizophrenic  society that followed in it’s wake.

     I remember as a 10-year-old kid in 1962 my mother taking me to see President Kennedy at University of California, Berkeley, for the charter day address. I didn’t really appreciate at the time what the President was talking about or the magnitude of his presence there. All I know is that there were 50,000 presidential admirers packing the UC Stadium , taking time off on a week day to be there for the President of United States. Can you imagine 50,000 people showing up today for our current president or any other modern president since Kennedy, for that matter?


It was rather eerie but interesting  – thanks TO modern technology – to  be able to listen to this Kennedy Charter Day Address 50 years later, from March 23, 1962 ,  and really understand it for the first time.  Here’s to you Mom, for bringing me to this historic date. If    I think having seen President  Kennedy made it even worse and harder for this boy to fathom when we lost President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Presidents weren’t supposed to die. Yes, I remember not being able to finish my school lunch of macaroni and cheese when the news came down . It was a major blow that would have a significant impact on the rest of my life. Yes, my life — perhaps all of our lives- changed on that day. I felt life wasn’t the same as it was. They call it the end of innocence. I guess you could say that. The optimistic, happier times were over as society moved into an era of contention and even violence.



One cannot say whether the angrier tone in society that followed would have existed had Kennedy lived. Pres. Kennedy brought with him an optimism carried over from the postwar era that we haven’t seen since. they say the music died in 1959 when the plane with Buddy Holly, pop icon, went down. One might say that everything else went down on November 22, 1963 when Kennedy died. Since then, despite major efforts , legislation and millions of dollars to try to correct social iniquities and other problems in society, things have only gotten worse. Time does not always heal and, sadly, we have not healed since the death of our beloved President Kennedy.



One can Note the changes in society reflected in our media, music, movies and so forth which have taken on a significantly edgier tone since Kennedy. The crime rate has more than doubled. Today we are a less educated and more violent society then when Kennedy lived. One would think that 50 years time would be time enough to correct those underlying problems in society that were simmering when Kennedy lived but things have only gotten worse rather than better with no foreseeable hope on the horizon. Throw all the taxpayer money you want at problems today it’s not going to bring us back to the hopeful and optimistic days they called Camelot of the early 60s when people left their doors open for their neighbors, children played in the street and life was much simpler and happier.

 KENNEDY TSHIRT KENNEDY TSHIRT**************************************************

KENNEDY TSHIRT - The Moment That Changed America Shirt from Zazzle_com' - www_zazzle_com_kennedy_the_moment_that_changed_america_shirt-235528847282875109


KENNEDY  ’50 YEARS’  T-shirts Now Available  –  Give a memorable gift and keep this great President ‘s memory strong.   Also, customise your own  Posters, Mugs,  other wearables and specialty media


Interestingly, outside of the south, even the races seemed to get along better in the early 60s than they do today despite all the newfound understanding and social programs developed in the past 50 years. Bussing, welfare, food stamps… Nothing seems to help, if anything, they make things worse. We’ve seen flashes of a return to the Kennedy during the presidencies of Clinton and Reagan but those times were fleeting and without the real Kennedy impact. all of our technological, medical and so-called educational advances have not helped to right the ship. No, Kennedy was not perfect by any means, but he instilled those Christian values, if you will -basic core values not seen in 50 years that brought us together during the postwar era.




Despite what many considered a handicap in being Catholic, Kennedy was still able to unite all religions and races unlike any leader since his time. Can simply having the right president in office right all society’s wrongs? Of course not, but it can go a long way. Without opening up Fort Knox, Kenndy remained a friend to all races, colors and creeds. Even without major social legislation at the time, Kennedy was able to instill in minorities a sense of hope and success. During his presidency unemployment was lower than it is today and without the ‘benefit’ of millions of dollars in aid. Outside of the South, ask minorities who lived during the Kennedy era how they felt race relations were then as compared to now and They’ll tell you that things were better then.


WILDWOOD DAYS,  sung by Bobby Rydell , is  said to have been ‘the song’ that ushered out the Kennedy Era. (Dr Demento and others )  Rydell’s Cameo Parkway label spawned and capitalized on the dance craze of Kennedy era America  It was  a big hit at the time with upbeat lyrics and music  reflecting the feel-good Kennedy Years. Celebrating the fabled amusement park in New Jersey,  as WILDWOOD DAYS began fading from  the music charts,so came  the disintegration of Camelot – the JFK era of hope and optimism.


President Kennedy was a man who did make a real difference. Yes, one man can shape a nation and Kennedy did that better than anyone since. Politics didn’t matter- what a change from today, both democrats as well as republicans admired Kennedy. The likes of a man of the stature of Kennedy have been sorely missed ever since we lost him on that fateful day , November, 22, 1963. I remember it well. One man’s memories and thoughts.

by BK  




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KENNEDY ASSASSINATION – I Saw How That One Moment Changed America


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GRADUATE GIFT – Graduation , College Graduate, Graduation Ideas for High School

GRADUATE GIFT – Graduation,

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Click above image to find FAMOUS ROAD TO OSUCCESS POSTER – ONLY $15 PER POSTER, 2 FOR $25

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Road To Success , Motivational

Poster and


You’ve Found It – The One and Only Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational POSTER – Now ONLY $15 OR 2 FOR $20 Allegorical Cartoon from 1913 Etude Magazine. MAKES AN IDEAL PRESENT. 23″ X 17″ BLACK ON GLOSSY HEAVY PAPER STOCK , Mailed in tube. Click TWICE to enlarge

verification seal THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational Poster, The Original   2 for $20 Graduation Special only at Yellow Pages Coupons

CLICK below either: 1 POSTER, 2 POSTERS , 5 POSTERS, 10 POSTERS  (Get One FREE) or call 925 788 3316 for other quanities or T-SHRTS, below that (Order Separately- mailed in separate package ) – Indicate Quantity and Size or call 1-925-788-3316 or 888-422-6876





T-shirts – QUANTITY


 Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous Road To Success Motivational Cartoon

THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational Poster, adapted to musical education from an original drawing issued by the National Cash Register Co. to point the road to business success. It originally appeared in THE ETUDE music magazine, published October 1913 and includes some of the unique language and jargons of the time. Great inspirational and motivational tool/gift for anyone, especially young people starting out, new businesses and anyone seeking success (aren’t we all?).. Just follow the ‘Road to Success,’ making sure not to fall prey to ‘bohemianism,’ shiftlessness’ or one of the many other pitfalls along the way. Don’t lose time at the ‘Hotel Know It All’ or ‘Mutual Admiration Society’ waiting for compliments such as ‘Caruso can’t touch you’ or ‘You’ll set the world on fire.’ Once you reach the ‘Gate of Ideals’ you’ve nearly reached the big zither(?) of success! Great promotion or gift. 23″ x 17 1/2″, black writing on white, glossy 80 lb. paper stock, comes rolled. Click image twice to blow up size: ‘This (literally) lyrical prize is achieved by first entering the Gate of Opportunity. People are running through, but some have already settled in to the sit-down life of ease and comfort in what looks like the Beer Garden of Bohemianism. Some manage to pass by those delights to check in to the Hotel Know It All, because they hold to mottoes such as Nobody can tell me, or I don’t need to practice, or I’m a born genius, or yet: I don’t need system. Similarly misguided cries are heard on the patio of the Mutual Admiration SocietyYou’re the Hit of the Age, You’ll Set the World on Fire, You’re a Wonder My Boy, or (my favourite): Caruso Can’t Touch You. Those who avoid those three establishments of ill repute might still fall victim to the deep, dark well of Illiteracy, or the spinning, disorienting wheel of Conceit. A select few manage to board the train called Right System at the Railroad Station. ______________________________________________ NOW AVAILABLE IN TSHIRTS! That doesn’t stop some from running along the rail track towards Success, only to succumb to the ugly hand of Vices, the spinning fan of Bad Habits (blowing its victims towards Oblivion), or the pitfall of Bad Reputation. Others fall prey to Charlatanism, or get tangled up in the webs of Jealousy and Do It Tomorrow. Those who overcome all these perils will enter the gates of System. But while the train crosses a bridge across the river Failure, those on foot are threatened by the Cauldron of Misrepresentation, and tempted by Short Cuts. Some do manage to wade across the river to the other side, but there must overcome Bad Temper, Carelessness, Shiftlessness and Bad Memory. Then there’s Lack of Preparation, a giant rock which the train can tunnel through effortlessly, while the surviving pedestrians must trek across it. Sprees, Laziness and Bad Business Methods then still threaten them, until at last they come before two gates, the one for Weak Morals remaining forever closed, the Gate of Ideals open to the train (and some on foot). Conclusion: you can be successful without adopting the Right System, but your chances are far smaller. And you’ll have to make a lot bigger effort to get there.’ Many thanks to Strange Maps for the above review. The ROAD TO SUCCESS has since become very popular with young people starting out, new business, musicians and people in all walks of life. Purchase 1 poster for $15 or 2 for $20 plus $5 flalt rate for shipping and postage. Pay by PayPal or credit card (Visa,,Master Card or American Express). Entertainment Advertising copyrighted the poster in 1982 and is the only known, legal source for the poster. See to appreciate. An ideal gift for or any occassion. May pay 1) with Paypal or Credit Cards using handy menu above , 2) email your credit card info to succeed@roadtosuccess.us or 3) Call it in: 1-888-429-3272. Only available from Yellow Pages Coupons. SAVE ON SHIPPING! We only charge $5 flat rate shipping, regardless of the quantity you buy. Cannot guarantee delivery by certain date.usually 3-7 days.  

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Mays , McCovey and the ’60s Giants Deserved a World Series Victory more than this current crop, so at least they could share in this one. They were the REAL WINNERS – those 1962 era Giants, who never knew steroids back then.


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