We’re only on the first week of the year and the media seems to be doing the same SPINNING / yellow journalism they’ve been doing especially the last 12 years.
Perfect example of the little game they play is like in the East Bay Times today we are told that California drug overdoses/ deaths are down (10K) from a high of 12k last year and, technically, yes they are down but ONLY from last year. THEY ARE DOUBLE from what they WERE (5K) FIVE years ago just before ,yes, President Biden came into office. Sorry to get political but that’s important, too- that’s not the main thing but it follows in line with the media’s interest in ‘covering’ for the inept Democratic president AND party. So, add drug overdose deaths to the list of things 0you can blame on the president or at least Newsome but probably both, what with all the influx of illegals and Fentanyl coming across the border
Good going media.
More misleading headlines: ‘Truck runs over 15 people im New Orleans’ -Wash Post how’s about more accurately reporting would be’ Isis sympathizer drives over and kills kills 15, pictures over 40 Orleans Orleans citizens celebrating the new year