Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous 100 Year Old Motivational Cartoon Points To Keys To Success In Life

Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous 100 Year Old Motivational Cartoon Points To Keys To Success In Life


CELEBRATING 100 YEARS (1913-2013)

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Road To Success , Motivational Poster and T-shirts

  [5 star rating]

You’ve Found It – The One and Only Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational POSTER – Now ONLY $15 OR 2 FOR $20 Allegorical Cartoon from 1913 Etude Magazine. MAKES AN IDEAL PRESENT. 23″ X 17″ BLACK ON GLOSSY HEAVY PAPER STOCK , Mailed in tube. Click TWICE to enlarge

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CLICK below either: 1 POSTER, 2 POSTERS , 5 POSTERS, 10 POSTERS  (Get One FREE) or call 925 788 3316 for other quanities or T-SHIRTS, below  or call 1-925-788-3316 or 888-422-6876

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 Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous Road To Success Motivational Cartoon

THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational Poster, adapted to musical education from an original drawing issued by the National Cash Register Co. to point the road to business success. It originally appeared in THE ETUDE music magazine, published October 1913 and includes some of the unique language and jargons of the time. Great inspirational and motivational tool/gift for anyone, especially young people starting out, new businesses and anyone seeking success (aren’t we all?).. Just follow the ‘Road to Success,’ making sure not to fall prey to ‘bohemianism,’ shiftlessness’ or one of the many other pitfalls along the way. Don’t lose time at the ‘Hotel Know It All’ or ‘Mutual Admiration Society’ waiting for compliments such as ‘Caruso can’t touch you’ or ‘You’ll set the world on fire.’ Once you reach the ‘Gate of Ideals’ you’ve nearly reached the big zither(?) of success! Great promotion or gift. 23″ x 17 1/2″, black writing on white, glossy 80 lb. paper stock, comes rolled.


Click image twice to blow up size: ‘This (literally) lyrical prize is achieved by first entering the Gate of Opportunity. People are running through, but some have already settled in to the sit-down life of ease and comfort in what looks like the Beer Garden of Bohemianism. Some manage to pass by those delights to check in to the Hotel Know It All, because they hold to mottoes such as Nobody can tell me, or I don’t need to practice, or I’m a born genius, or yet: I don’t need system. Similarly misguided cries are heard on the patio of the Mutual Admiration Society: You’re the Hit of the Age, You’ll Set the World on Fire, You’re a Wonder My Boy, or (my favourite): Caruso Can’t Touch You. Those who avoid those three establishments of ill repute might still fall victim to the deep, dark well of Illiteracy, or the spinning, disorienting wheel of Conceit. A select few manage to board the train called Right System at the Railroad Station.

Promo square new with bus quantity promo


NOW AVAILABLE IN TSHIRTS! That doesn’t stop some from running along the rail track towards Success, only to succumb to the ugly hand of Vices, the spinning fan of Bad Habits (blowing its victims towards Oblivion), or the pitfall of Bad Reputation. Others fall prey to Charlatanism, or get tangled up in the webs of Jealousy and Do It Tomorrow. Those who overcome all these perils will enter the gates of System. But while the train crosses a bridge across the river Failure, those on foot are threatened by the Cauldron of Misrepresentation, and tempted by Short Cuts. Some do manage to wade across the river to the other side, but there must overcome Bad Temper, Carelessness, Shiftlessness and Bad Memory. Then there’s Lack of Preparation, a giant rock which the train can tunnel through effortlessly, while the surviving pedestrians must trek across it. Sprees, Laziness and Bad Business Methods then still threaten them, until at last they come before two gates, the one for Weak Morals remaining forever closed, the Gate of Ideals open to the train (and some on foot). Conclusion: you can be successful without adopting the Right System, but your chances are far smaller. And you’ll have to make a lot bigger effort to get there.’ Many thanks to Strange Maps for the above review.

The ROAD TO SUCCESS has since become very popular with young people starting out, new business, musicians and people in all walks of life. Purchase 1 poster for $15 or 2 for $20 plus $5 flalt rate for shipping and postage. Pay by PayPal or credit card (Visa,,Master Card or American Express). Entertainment Advertising copyrighted the poster in 1982 and is the only known, legal source for the poster. See to appreciate. An ideal gift for or any occassion. May pay 1) with Paypal or Credit Cards using handy menu above , 2) email your credit card info to succeed@roadtosuccess.us or 3) Call it in: 1-888-429-3272. Only available from Yellow Pages Coupons. SAVE ON SHIPPING! We only charge $5 flat rate shipping, regardless of the quantity you buy. Cannot guarantee delivery by certain date.usually 3-7 days.  

CLICK below either: 1 POSTER, 2 POSTERS , 5 POSTERS, 10 POSTERS  (Get One FREE) or call 925 788 3316 for other quanities or T-SHRTS, below that (Order Separately- mailed in separate package ) – Indicate Quantity and Size or call 1-925-788-3316 or 888-422-6876

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Road To Success , Motivational Poster

 Road To Success , Motivational Poster, Inspirational Print, Allegorical Cartoon
Road To Success Posters Success Posters Make Great Gifts

Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous Road To Success Motivational Cartoon

OBAMA 9/11 SPEECH – OBAMA DECLARES WAR IN IRAQ (without calling it war)

OBAMA 9/11 SPEECH – OBAMA DECLARES WAR IN IRAQ (without calling it war)

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IRAQ (without calling it war)


WAR in Iraq
Obama also said there would be ‘no boots on the ground,’ though it’s hard to call the 475 new troops being sent over for administrative purposes and to train Iragi forces NOT books on the ground. All told, with the new additions there should be roughly or exactly 1100 American
helping out the war effort in Iraq.


Without giving a number, The President said there would be a ‘broad coalition’ working with the US in Iraq. Upon further checking we learned of only nine countries agreeing to work with the U.S.
in the new depolyment. President Bush II entered Irag during his presidency with a full 37 countries on the U.S. coalition.


With any significant help from abroad, that leaves the weak Iraq army helping us, or us helping them.  Look what happened last time we were in Iraq and , then, with a stronger Iraq army.  Doesn’t look good…


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It’s How You Say It’
Sometimes it’s as much or more important the way one phrases something than than the actual actions. Obama , in his speech, was sure to tell republican congress members
words , in effect, with regard to bomping the Isis:
‘I can do it myself but it would be good to get the support of Congress. Why not just tell his cronies that he would appreciat their support, rather than couch it with the opening back-handed compliment that he could ‘do it himself’?


‘Core Principles’ – A rather strange mention by Obama was one of his ‘core principles’ having to do with countries or groups that attacked the United States would be attacked back, perhaps a core principle Obama just made up for the day…
Look for a new book…
New book from author living in Israel





Most Snobbish Cities in America – New Report May Surprise

Most Snobbish Cities in America – New Report May Surprise


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New report out – take it for what it is but probably at least some truth in it:


5) Oakland
2)Washington DC
1) San Francisco

Can’t argue with these except I would have expected to see a Beverly Hills or Los Angeles
being up there, too.

Not to get too political here, but note that these are all liberal cities
where people can often be intransigent in their views, where political correctness
reigns despite that liberals profess to be open-minded and transparent.

It goes along with seeing, in our opinion, for example, the San Francisco Giants baseball team continue
to get away with things that teams in other cities couldn’t, including their ‘manipulation’ to win at all costs -including pushing out their former CEO and several others including former announcer Hank Greenwald, trainer Stan Conte (who left after tiring of Bonds getting away with his own agenda over the teams’ and even the beloved Brian Wilson’s departure, to ‘sell out’
every game for the past two three years (even if they’re not truly sellouts), not to mention have the team appears players off and on ‘the juice’ as they have been doing now over 20 years, in our researched
opinion, published elsewhere. They may have , purportedly among the top announcers,
but, ‘homers’ constantly questioning umpire calls that go against the Giants as well
making fun of other teams ‘inferior play,’meanwhile always looking the other way
over the years of known and un-published player use of performance enhancing drugs
(the Giants are, by far, the ‘Steroid Kings’ having had over 23 INDICTED players since Bonds
and continue to acquire previously KNOWN PED users (such as Michael Morse just this year)
despite the team owner’s half-hearted pledge to stay away from such due to the team’s known
reputation. If it were New York, Boston or other cities, we wouldn’t see this
yet, with a liberal, ‘accepting’ local media nobody questions the repeated ‘September
Surges’ we have outlined elsewhere . We could go on but this is just one example of
San Francisco’s ‘snob’ bias, or whatever you want to call it…