by admin | Mar 4, 2018 | Biographies, Books, Spiritual, Uncategorized
Not since I happened upon a particular episode of ‘Touched By An Angel’ more than a decade ago have I come upon such spiritually healing words /visions that have done as much for this blogger. I’ve never been able to recapture that episode of TBAA but Dani Shapiro’s words are here to stay, and, hopefully may be of an equally healing nature for others like us who have been through many tragedies in life

DANI SHAPIRO Books – Devotion – Spiritual Journey
This morning I had one of those personal revelations listening to Dani Shapiro interview on Oprah. Apparently Ive been doing alot of the ‘right’ things Ive needed to do after whats transpired in my life but didnt know I was necessarily moving in the right directions . ( I can go into this another time.) These thoughts probably wont have as much meaning for you as they do me but you can get a greater window into this sometimes neurotic person Burt K…and may gain something from it otherwise for your own spiritual enhancement.
from Oprah Super Soul Sundays
Dani Shapiro was born to an orthodox father and athiest mother whose early death and illness became turning points in Dani’s life. These events WOKE HER UP from that ‘hard kernal of sadness’ in what was then ‘the humdrum everyday way of life ‘ for her and many around her. She would await the next impending doom in her life instead of experiencing the beautiful life of the NOW. Sad, Bad things will happen again and again in life but we must learn to not only enjoy but savor the many good times in between-especially those like some of us who have experienced much loss, sadness and even tragedy. And even build upon it.
As Oprah points out in the interview, at least Dani had the foresight to ‘awaken’ and do something about her spiritual void. After waking up every morning at 3 am with feelings of something really missing from life one day the word DEVOTION popped into her head during her yoga class and her reawakenin g began as she wrote down her thoughts around that word that became the title of her new book.
Not Just For Those Who Have Loved and Lost – A Healing Spiritual Revelation from Dani Shapiro, ‘Devotion’ Book
Special, fleeting moments…
‘Learn from others (like Dani) and incorporate new views and be open to change your previous ‘locked in’ thought patterns’….
Your teachers can be books, things you see on TV, even links on twitter as well as serendipitous events …Perhaps take notes.
Be open to receive….Ref ‘The Alchemist’... Follow and be open to the ‘teachers’ around you.
‘Youre going to miss this someday… Dont let even mundane events like packing your kids lunch become routine. As the great Warren Zevon said ‘Enjoy every sandwich.’
Simply Driving with her son watching the fall leaves turn…That can be a sacred moment. WHEN YOU’RE BEING WITH SOMEONE REALLY BE WITH THAT PERSON. EVERY EVENT CAN BE MEMORABLE.
Ask ‘What are the spiritual takeaways of your past and now?’…Recognize even the negative… Every death is a wake up call WE CAN LEARN FROM.
Recognize the possibility of the divine in every moment like a lense to the world or that moment is lost. The energy of a place or event can becone sacred like that beautiful day in Napa with Mindy Helen Maggie and her mother and dog just sitting out on the winery lawn enjoying life one special day among many. Every day can be a special day and now THEY ARE in my life. Without the losses perhaps I would be unaware of these daily special moments…walking the dog or just waking early to that wonderful morning sun and fresh chill in the air. Ref: Abraham Joshua Heshold> ‘THE TASK OF LIFE IS TO FACE SACRED MOMENTS’ It can require courage. Some can shut down from close deaths and tragedy and some will make lemonade out of the lemons to use a trite phrase. God has given us this wonderful life not everyone gets to enjoy like those taken away from us prematurely…Joan, Don,Cookie, Polly, Mitch, Juicy, Dorian,Kevin and Mikee among others famous and not so famous. ( I like when I can drop names like this to keep these friends alive, never forgetting).
Life happens but we can control what we are given. One CAN heal from tragedy.
REMAIN CURIOUS. Greatest underated trait. Follow the path of my own calling. That is where to find , finding, speaking. Follow the gut more than the head.
All of have longing and it is important to keep reaching out for the invisable we cant touch
For Those Who Have Loved and Lost – A Revelation from Dani Shapiro, ‘Devotion’ Book
by admin | Oct 11, 2014 | Biographies, Books

IN NEW BOOK, PANETTA Opens Up on Benghazi , other topics …
Obama’s former Right Hand Man Breaks Silence , refutes Obama claim violence that killed four Americans wasn’t a terrorist attack on Benghazi.
Finally, a real smoking gun. Perhaps he was busy holed up / saving it for his new book and interviews he’s now doing but Panetta has come out in multiple interviews explaining how he told President Obama even before the ‘video excuse’ given for the Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi violence that killed four Americans that the REAL culprits of Benghazi were TERRORISTS. Obama flatly denied on the O’Reilly Factor that he heard this from Panetta.
Perhaps now Panetta will go before Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi Investigation Committee and put the ‘new’ information on the record.

So it appears, again, Obama went with politics over ‘transparency’ and doing what was right. And now, Gowdy has just come out saying that he has found new info on which he believes Obama could be charged of a high crime right now…. We shall see
(CNN) — The publication this week of memoirs by Leon Panetta has stirred up a sharp …

The harrowing, true account from the brave men on the ground who fought back during the Battle of Benghazi.
13 HOURS presents, for the first time ever, the true account of the events of September 11, 2012, when terrorists attacked the US State Department Special Mission Compound and a nearby CIA station called the Annex in Benghazi, Libya. A team of six American security operators fought to repel the attackers and protect the Americans stationed there. Those men went beyond the call of duty, performing extraordinary acts of courage and heroism, to avert tragedy on a much larger scale. This is their personal account, never before told, of what happened during the thirteen hours of that now-infamous attack.
Book currently tops National Best Sellers List –
Rating: 4.5 – 53 votes – $10.49 to $16.65
13 HOURS presents, for the first time ever, the true account of the events of September 11, 2012, when terrorists attacked the US State Department Special …

Rating: 4.5 – 12 votes – $11.69 to $15.99
Available in: NOOK Book (eBook), Hardcover, Audiobook, Other Format. CAN AMERICA SURVIVE ANOTHER CIVIL WAR?According to Michael Savage, OUR …
According to Michael Savage, OUR NATION IS IN REAL TROUBLE and the seeds of a second conflagration have been sown.
Not between the states – but between true patriots who believe in our nation’s founding principles and those he believes are working every day to undermine them and change the very nature of the country.
Savage cut his teeth exposing the political left’s goals, tactics and actions as they attempt to tilt the country’s axis ever closer to socialism. In these pages he lays out his belief that lefties don’t want some to know… connecting the dots between their many frightening moves hiding in plain sight, and raising the not-so-obvious questions they don’t want people to ask:
-How are recent changes to the Senate’s filibuster rules a thinly- veiled extension of big government’s limits on our civil rights?
-Why have so many of our top military commanders been summarily pushed aside, after years of brave service?
-When will the nefarious strategy of “purposeful incompetence” underlying Obamacare be exposed for what it is?
-How is Obama’s feckless foreign policy not just weakening us in the world, but actually endangering our security at home as well?
STOP THE COMING CIVIL WAR is a no-holds-barred tale as gripping as any movie script in which some super hero or secret agent saves the day. Except no one but We the People can save the country we love. A page-turner from start to finish, this [intelligent and principled] fervent warning offers the Savage truth — a call to action in the voting booth – in order to defend the freedoms our Constitution so brilliantly established.
Read it and be ready to play your part in helping STOP THE COMING CIVIL WAR!
by admin | Jul 17, 2014 | Biographies, Books, Uncategorized
BOOK REVIEW CRISES and COMPASSION – From Russia to the Golden Gate
Best Economics Books- Timely Biography in Wake of Russia -Ukraine Crisis
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Book Review:
Crises and Compassion: From Russia to the Golden Gate (Footprints Series)
Bay Area and Berkeley’s own John M. Letiche, now in his mid-90s, started life as Ianik Letichevsky, a citizen of the newly constituted Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The son of a brilliant but dictatorial father and a loving, cultivated mother, he went on to a remarkable career as an accomplished scholar, professor of economics, and adviser to governments.
Letiche, now in his nineties, provides an intriguing look at the changes that have occurred during his lifetime.
Recommended books, Best books economics, careers in economics, history of economics, New Biography – Best Economics Books- Economics Books – Economic News –
***** 5 stars
Can’t Put It Down
By clairevdd
Dr. Letiche provides adventure and thorough analysis of the time in which he lived. His early years in Russia and then in Canada are fascinating for a view of how people were coping with uncertainty and instability in the world. One is drawn into the thinking of a very sensitive child who shows wisdom beyond his years. Of course, the fact that he ended up teaching Economics at UC Berkeley during the sixties makes him seem one of us westerners. He brings a great sense of balance in his evaluation of many African heads of state during a grueling, sometimes dangerous working tour of the country. He showed insight and balance in his analysis of the behavior of the Chancellor of the University during the turbulence of the Free Speech Movement. Guns in Africa, tear gas in Berkeley; there is plenty of action.Dr. Letiche shows generosity of spirit in revealing his personal foibles and skillfully emphasizes the traits that form his own philosophy. What better way to get to know this extraordinary man, other than knocking on his door and having a good listen in conversation with him.
Joint pain and stiffness vanish! – Top rated and gentle
on your stomach and safe with most heart meds
by admin | Jun 18, 2014 | Benghazi, Books, HILLARY

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Don’t be fooled like all or most of the media, democrat or conservative, who couldn’t see the full politics in the capture of the supposed ‘Mastermind’ of the Bengahzi attacks, 6-15.
1) Timing: Not only did politics play a part
in that the capture of Ahmed Abu Khatallah was made Sunday , yet it wasn’t announced until Tuesday. That alone is suspicious in that it wasn’t announced immediately , but when one discovers that,
2) That Tuesday was the day that Hillary Clinton would be doing her big interview on Fox TV with Van Sustern and Baer (promoting her new book) it becomes doubly obvious that the capture was about politics…so that Hillary would have a nice ace in the hole to help deflect questions on Benghazi
and other topics. No questions were asked of Clinton as to why Abu Khatallah was not captured sooner despite his openess to do media interviews and almost thumbing his nose at America.
3) Then, you add the fact, that the Abu Khatallah
was caught without a bullet fired, easily lured to
capture with the help of local Libyan intelligence
the Obama administration could have probably captured him most anytime they wanted. In fact, Abu Khatallah was known to have done a number of media interviews out in the open over the past two years since Benghazi
and was even interrogated by U.S. officials but not brought to bare.
4) There is some question whether Ahmed Abu Khatallah was even the ‘mastermind’, as claimed by the Obama administration, but, rather, simply a
pawn (as he has already purportedly claimed) who was there as one of the flame throwers. Perhaps the truth may or may not come out when and if he is interrogated.
5) The capture of Ahmed Abu Khatallah was just another political chess move by Hillary and the Obama administration, in the tradition of Alinsky* Rules for Radicals, a militant doctrine subscribed to by by both Obama and Clinton.
Not only does the capture score points for Clinton and Obama with a sycophantic media and party base after their likely involvement in allowing the Benghazi attack by not providing ample (requested) security and the following probable cover-up, but it deflects attention away from the probably scandals that have
beset the administration , of which Clinton was a big part and continues to defend.
Timing has always been a big part of the Obama ‘game plan,’ whereby the administration has made sure to announce things that would affect it NEGATIVELY on a Friday afternoon or weekend (when they would largely be ignored by media and forgotten over the weekend, or, in the case of GOOD things (positive points for the administration) they would be announced during the week preferably on light news days like this past Tuesday , June 17, to garner plenty of positive media attention and have Wed- Fri to ride the wave.
Despite Clinton’s poor book reviews and sales, to date – she is said to have ‘lifted’ the book’s title, ‘HARD CHOICES,’ from another Secretary of State’s book a few decades earlier – Clinton managed to skate through the half hour Fox interview Tuesday largely by answering questions in generalities or non-answers (eg not siding with the 30% pro or 64% vs government in recent urvey) and prolonging them so as to cut down on the number of questions that could be asked, much like we have noted in President Obama press conferences.. . Even though Clinton may have to separate herself from the falling current adminstration, make no doubt that Hillary and Obama are two political lpeas in a pod, raised on the Alinsky doctrines of community organizing and Rules for Radicals.
In an email this evening, a veteran publishing source calls the latest Hillary Clinton book, Hard Choices, a memoir of her State Department years, a “bomb.” The source is referring to the early but underwhelming sales figures. “Between us, they are nervous at S&S [Simon & Schuster],” says the source, who gave permission for his email to be published. “Sales were well below expectations and the media was a disaster.” According to this source, a Simon & Schuster insider, “They sold 60,000 hard covers first week and 24,000 ebooks.” The publishing house was “hoping and praying for 150,000 print first week.” “The 60k represents a less than 10% sell thru based on what they shipped,” says the source. It’s been reported that one million copies of Clinton’s book were shipped weeks before the June 10 publication date. “They will be lucky to sell 150,000 total lifetime,” the source writes in the email. Hillary reportedly received a near-$14 million advance, a sum the publishing house will unlikely make back. “It’s a bomb but it will be interesting to see how they spin it.” Ruby Cramer of BuzzFeed reported earlier today that Barnes & Noble sold 24,000 of Clinton’s book. (WEEKLY STANDARD)
*Saul David Alinsky (January 30, 1909 – June 12, 1972) was an American community organizer and writer. He is generally considered to be the founder of modern community organizing. He is often noted for his book Rules for Radicals. In the course of nearly four decades of political organizing, Alinsky received much criticism … In the 1950s, he began turning his attention to improving conditions in the African-American ghettos, beginning with Chicago’s … Hillary Clinton‘s senior honors thesis on Saul Alinsky, written at Wellesley College, noted that Alinsky’s personal efforts were a large part of his method. Both she and President Barack Obama were described in promotional material for a radio interview of an author of an Alinsky biography as having been indirectly influenced by Alinsky’s work. His ideas were adapted in the 1960s by some US college students and other young counterculture-era organizers, who used them as part of their strategies for organizing on campus and beyond.[5] Time magazine once wrote that “American democracy is being altered by Alinsky’s ideas,” and conservative author William F. Buckley said he was “very close to being an organizational genius.”[4] (Wikipaedia)
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by admin | Aug 31, 2013 | Biographies, Books, Professor, U.C.
Bay Area and Berkeley’s own John M. Letiche started life as Ianik
Letichevsky, a citizen of the newly constituted Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics. The son of a brilliant but dictatorial father and a
loving, cultivated mother, he went on to a remarkable career as an
accomplished scholar, professor of economics, and adviser to
Letiche, now in his nineties, provides an intriguing look at the changes that have occurred during his lifetime.
Amazon reviews (5 reviews – 5 *****)
***** 5 stars
By clairevdd
Dr. Letiche provides adventure and thorough analysis of the time in
which he lived. His early years in Russia and then in Canada are
fascinating for a view of how people were coping with uncertainty and
instability in the world. One is drawn into the thinking of a very
sensitive child who shows wisdom beyond his years. Of course, the fact
that he ended up teaching Economics at UC Berkeley during the sixties
makes him seem one of us westerners. He brings a great sense of balance
in his evaluation of many African heads of state during a grueling,
sometimes dangerous working tour of the country. He showed insight and
balance in his analysis of the behavior of the Chancellor of the
University during the turbulence of the Free Speech Movement. Guns in
Africa, tear gas in Berkeley; there is plenty of action.Dr.
Letiche shows generosity of spirit in revealing his personal foibles
and skillfully emphasizes the traits that form his own philosophy. What
better way to get to know this extraordinary man, other than knocking on
his door and having a good listen in conversation with him.
***** 5 stars 2 of 2
“Dr. Jack Letiche’s twentieth century journey instructs, entertains,
and inspires the reader who will finish the book better off on any
account, but above all for the time spent with the life and mind of a
great thinker and global citizen.”
Kinsman, Canadian Ambassador or High Commissioner in Moscow, Rome,
London, and Brussels, and Regents’ Lecturer 2009-10, University of
California, Berkeley
Memoir Traces Economics Professors’ Amazing Rags to Riches Story – JOHN LETICHE, Bay Area Arts
by admin | Aug 9, 2011 | Books, School
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