(Also see ARCHIVES at https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story/) If it seems like most of these stories we report ,below, target the mainstream media and Dems its because those involve the stories mostly not covered or which were highly edited. There are promising signs out there now with new News Nation TV and Twitter removing one-sided restrictions

21% of 2020 mail-in voters (16 million votes) surveyed said they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member. In addition, 17% of these voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member, with or without permission. Need to stop widespread mail-in ballots
Which lead to voter fraud


Mayim Balik’s heartfelt message everybody should
NARA (national archives) discloses 82,000 private Joe Biden emails using his three aliases. thata more than Hillary Clintons 30,000 emails and 55,000 pages, according to John Solomon.
Netanyahu quoote:ceasefire with hamas
Would be like surrendering at pearl Harbor and after 9:11.
National board security mark Morgan quote. :National security is synonymous with border security. And with over a million gotta ways. Tons of Syrians and middle easterns now are crossing the border illegally in our country
Biden administration is trying to appease both Israel and Iran, and instead hes ticking off Both. Iran has already said they’re mad at America for siding
with Israel, so they’re not gonna cooperate.
15 democrats would not commit or condemn homos after they slaughtered. 1400 Israelis, including beheading babies and raping women- this after securnity advisor Jake SULLIVAN Declared that the ‘MiDEAST has been more peaceful of late than has been since 911.’
Jan 6 was a protest thst turned into a riot. ..it was a rebellion…not an insurrectuon’ – Prof Jonathan Turley,Democrat, geo Washington u

remember. Next time you have a Chinese beer

NARA (national archives) discloses 82,000 private Joe Biden emails using his three aliases. thata more than Hillary Clintons 30,000 emails and 55,000 pages, according to John Solomon.
Netanyahu quoote:ceasefire with hamas
Would be like surrendering at pearl Harbor and after 9:11.
National board security mark Morgan quote. :National security is synonymous with border security. And with over a million gotta ways. Tons of Syrians and middle easterns now are crossing the border illegally in our country
Biden administration is trying to appease both Israel and Iran, and instead hes ticking off Both. Iran has already said they’re mad at America for siding
with Israel, so they’re not gonna cooperate.
15 democrats would not commit or condemn homos after they slaughtered. 1400 Israelis, including beheading babies and raping women- this after securnity advisor Jake SULLIVAN Declared that the ‘MiDEAST has been more peaceful of late than has been since 911.’
Jan 6 was a protest thst turned into a riot. ..it was a rebellion…not an insurrectuon’ – Prof Jonathan Turley,Democrat, geo Washington u

Editors Note :
There are growing numbers of unhappy,
lonely people in our country and the world due to the increasing lowering life quality brought on largely by leaders and institutions such as the media and our education system .. Many of these people will go to extreme measures and do things they wouldn’t normally do, including ‘ take out ‘ large numbers of innocent people . it’s time to get this country back on track, but it may have to wait until the next admin as nothing seems to be getting better, only worse In this country.

WWIII-Biden on beach

Pyramid of Radicalization as described in ‘Police State‘

NEW Non-lethal alternative to guns / firearms- No fatal mistakes with BYRNA

Biden Admin Doesnt Want Israel to WIN-Duran on Strategy: US , Israel Too Powerful- need to bring them down- This is the Obama- Biden strategy-no more victories-The Realignment | Hudson (this has been planned for years, thus 5/21 dated article)>>>


Make America Energy-Dominant Again. (MAEDA)
MAEDA) . Whenever our enemies get rich, they invade a nation. So we need to go back and produce our own oil. Like we did before Biden was in office. Bankrupting the bad guys so they cannot afford to invade other nations
while we get richer.


Corrupt media are complicit, again, this time in latest ‘mis’ or dis-information of hospital bombing IN GAZA. Media are complicit in the current major strife AND DEATH throughout the world. CONTINUED

Why was the general assessment that Biden had a successful trip to israel? More media propaganda?
Biden failed to meet with anybody other than Netanyahu And came right back home without having Any real hostage negotiations. CONTINUED
–Oakland CA has a higher death rate than the Israelis in the current war.
Oakland has just gone over the 100 mark for homicides this year. In a city of only 300 thousand That’s a rate of .033 % deaths . Israel Has lost 1,300 to war casualties in a country of seven million israelis, a percentage of .018.

–The difference between mis- and disinformation and how to avoid falling victim with uptick during Israel war
WILL AMERICA BE NEXT On Iranian / Terrorist Hit List?

Our open southern border is now a petri dish for a growing number of terrorist cells to spread (like bacteria) through the United States. And now with seemingly more anti-Israel sentiment than ever before , cities like Los Angeles and Chicago are already said to be breeding grounds for international terrorist groups and another potential Israel / 9-11 seige, if not WWIII, in our opinion.
Risk for a terrorist attack today (in U.S.) is higher than it’s been since 911′ -Where Fault Lies for Israel’s 9-11
Blame the whole mess-Almost 100% -on the Biden administration for:
1) reversing previous safeguards and sanctions against Iran including reopening Iran nuclear enrichment deal ,
2) reversing the neighborly effect of the Abraham accords , while
3) enriching Iran not only with 6 billion dollars but enriching Iran with oil money ($80 billion) they now receive from other countries since easing sanctions and cutting our own oil production .
Now Iran, in turn, enriched Hamas and Hezbollah and set up the war machine with massive amounts of weapons , money and training to overpower Israel Oct 7
while diminishing affect of Abraham accords to where even Egypt turned away from helping out by reversing decision to open border for people to escape Gaza. No way would Iran have had the money necessary to fund Hamas if Biden hadn’t reversed US oil production of previous administration. Now Biden couldn’t even deliver planes right away like even gov DeSantis could do to rescue Israelis, meanwhile pretending a couple aircraft carriers would help out. not. As usual, lots of flowery words but no actions by Biden Administration. CONT.
,’ Risk for a terrorist attack today (in U.S.) is higher than it’s been since 911′ -Ted Cruz
Oakland has a higher death rate per population then the Israelis in the current war.
Oakland has just gone over the 100 mark for homicides this year. In a city of only 300 thousand That’s a rate of .033 % deaths . Israel Has lost 1,300 to war casualties in a country of seven million israelis, a percentage of .018.
The difference between mis- and disinformation and how to avoid falling victim with uptick during Israel war
Biden has shown his true colors. Now its the U.S citizens who are being played
by Biden, using taxpayer dollars to literally kill Americans. Yes, we said that- and not just responsible for the 27 dead Americans but thousands (Israelis AND Palestinians) who would not have been killed if Biden hadn’t given Hamas, via Iran, the funding for weapons (not to mention the Afghanistan weapons left behind) -and don’t forget the 100,000 fentenyl deaths in U.S on Biden, largely responsible for opening borders for 8 million illegals, including hundreds of known terrorists ( not to mention ‘gotaway’ terrorists.) With all these new terrorists in our own country Will America be next on Iranian/terrorist hit list? Be prepared and SPEAK OUT NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE

Just eight days before Hamas launched their barbaric surprise attack against Israel, he [Sullivan] stated, ‘the Middle East is quieter today than it has been in two decades,'”
Unlike Sullivan and Biden, A strong U.S. leader would be on the phones with Egypt and other allies to put pressure on Egypt to open port for safe passage from Israel. unlike US with open borders, Arab countries don’t want floods of potential terrorists to come in. But there are ways of handling the situation. but no western leaders to lead the charge.

as unlikely as it sounds, Maybe gov De Santos can be the leader Biden is not- as he was rushing out planes to bring back Americans from Israel, something Biden has not yet done. Instead of being on the emergency all waking hours Biden was hosting another unrelated dinner Saturday night.
KUDOs also to Glen Beck for additional, successful plane hauls of Israelis to America ahead of Biden’s own efforts(?) (without the beaurocracy and restrictions of coming directly to America).
What good sending a aircraft carrier or two? With Biden its all about window dressing

GOLDA Is Turning In Her Grave-#Israel Is 9-11 and Afghanistan 2.0 – AGAIN!” 🚔
NEW Non-lethal alternative to guns / firearms- No #FatalMistakes with #BYRNA 📉 #FatalMistake


Democrats’ Sympathies in Middle East Shift to Palestinians
Gallup 3-23


Israel, Our White-House Absurdities, and the Left’s Empire of Lies
by Victor Davis Hanson, Stanford Hoover Institute 8-10-23
The Biden administration is furiously trying to contextualize its past, unsupportable policies that have sown global chaos, especially in the Middle East. But the more it spins, the clearer its culpability.
Does it really believe that the long-agreed-upon U.S. green-lighting of $6 billion in sanctions relief to Iran has had no role in Iran’s terrorist support of Hamas, whether psychological or material or both? Do they think we are that stupid?
Even a first-grader might surmise that if a terrorist state knows that an impending $6-billion bonanza will shortly arrive in its coffers, then it will more readily in the here and now send arms to Hamas—on the logical assumption that those costs soon will be more than covered, while making the additional assumption that the United States is complicit in its own fungible use of sanctions relief cash, and thus not innately hostile to Tehran’s self-professed agenda. In short, Tony Blinken is either a naif, a fool, or to use his words “misinforming”. CONTINUED.>
Editors note:
…And a potential hamas re-do in America where terrorist cells are growing daily with open border opportunists

Local support for Israel in Walnut Creek, CA

EDITOR NOTE: Kudos to Mayweather , marchers and others speaking out and doing on behalf of Israel

Dems accusing Trump of saying the 2020 election was stolen but they themselves claimed on many occasions in their elections were stolen. Eg…
A few examples :
2006 Gore, Dem Maloney
criticized elec machines
2016 Hillary and Abrams
-Mich 8,000 phony ballots dropped
off , not investigated
-Georgia late night shenanigans-see below
-Kari Lake Arizona, 2020

Mainstream media folks like CNN’s Dana Bash are accusing Donald Trump of the same thing that the democrats said years ago , that the election was stolen. This is free speech aspiration NOT criminal action as Jack Smith would like to believe:

Georgia Election Fraud:


Joe Biden’s Big Vendetta- How he relentlessly has gone after the former husband of the woman (Jill) he stole- as heard on the Newsmax Greg Kelley show 7-26-23 SEE BELOW

Popular East Bay cycling trail becoming a hot spot for armed bike-jackers

LEAVING CA- Why People Are Leaving California in Droves
4 in 10 California residents are considering packing up and leaving, new poll…
Tired of CA, NY and blue states?
Want to live Well and earn starting apprentice pay of $77,000, Where you may freely transfer your current license whether it be a doctor or teacher or whatever. and pay ZEROn state and property tax and a mere 4.4% sales tax !!! >>>

Meanwhile, our irresponsible

Meanwhile, our irresponsible
FBI and DOJ are now blatantly weaponizing Dems now AFTER 5 years OF HOAX INVESTIGSTIONS AND everyone knows it. YET MANY NO LONGER BOTHERED BY WHATS RIGHT OR WRONG as long as it fits their agenda…even at the expense of gender-confused children and exascerbates homelessness, criminality, drugs, illegal aliens and skyrocking suicide and death rate and lower life expectancies.
All I can say is I think liberal politics has hijacked the jewish religion among others. Anybody in their right mind should put politics aside and be outraged by the weaponization of the FBI and d o j and president destroying our institutions.
Democrats’ only talent is weaponizing govt any chance possible with third world phony investigatuons and indictments to hide all their own crimes. And note how they always.drop the day they’re being found out ie Biden family latest crimes they / media try to igno
-curiosity is the enemy of today’s journalism
10% of Americans have IQ under 82, which means theyre ubtraiunable
Sf giants featured Trans gender operatic singer doing star spangled banner In slow motion with a vibrato out of contrilol in this writers opinion
Hunters Laptop post this screenshotneitht his link, ot to be glossed er since it interfered with election and has been Censored
Regarding debt ceiling extension,’ We should be paying our own bills instead of pushing them on 2 our children’
According to former FBI employee George Hill 5-17If you Had an account with Bank of America your personal information was given to the FBI between January 5th and January 7th 2022. And if you purchased a gun you went to the top of the list. Beware Big brother is watching you. https://email.justthenews.com/t/y-e-pjktuik-djhltthuuk-r/


PERHAPS somewhat overlooked was perhaps the greatest ever running back in football, Jim Brown- certainly the equivalent in sports to what Tina Turner was in music

According to former FBI employee George Hill 5-17 If you Had an account with Bank of America your personal information was given to the FBI between January 5th and January 7th 2022. And if you purchased a gun you went to the top of the list. Beware Big brother is watching you. https://email.justthenews.com/t/y-e-pjktuik-djhltthuuk-r/

CONFIRMED Russian Hoax and the LYING SOCIETY: Corrupt Societies Encourage Lying and Cheating
Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., told Newsmax on Monday that even after a cursory reading, the Durham Report on FBI misconduct in its investigation of ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign should “scare the living hell out of everyone.” MORE
Corrupt Societies Encourage Lying
They see the media lie and the Corporate Media lie leaning left (shall we say –leaning left lies?), The President
too- regarding everything from his association with his dope-smoking, hooker-chasing, money-laundering son to his denial of an open border to widespread accusations of racism and white supremecy to inflation for which the U.S. Media covers up. It wasn’t always this way- only in recent years since Obama-Biden has it gotten really bad. Is there a topic Biden doesn’t lie blatantly about and his spokesperson always cover for him? MORE

MORE: Left Furious With CNN as Trump ‘Wins’ Town Hall | Newsmax

Tucker Carlson on Free Speech and ability to tell the real news in today’s mass media

Megan Kelley , who also left Fox under less than good graces, insists FOX is out to ruin Carlson

Harriet Hageman Calls for Antony Blinken to Appear Before her Weaponization Committee

Spies who Lie: 51 ‘Intelligence Experts’ Refuse to apologize for discrediting true Hunter Biden story

Days after a story about Hunter Biden’s laptop in 2020, Sec. of State Antony Blinken, then a Biden campaign adviser, reached out to a former CIA director Michael Morell, according to Morell, himself, “set in motion the events that led” to a statement from intelligence officials say House Republicans.

Q.What’s wrong with America? How could they possibly let Biden run again? And when he doesn’t even come out and speak live? He will be taping the announcement so they can alter it if he makes mistakes, which he usually does.
A. Perhaps because they cant come up with a better candidate.. Plus the new dem party is happy with a surrogate figurehead that they could manipulate
Tucker Carlson wasn’t the only one …Last place Don LEMON has finally been cut loose after 17 years by CNN and he’s ‘shocked’. Carlson, on the other hand, was the top rated cable TV host, period- perhaps too contraverisal and too interesting for Fox.


NEW BIDEN SHOCKER ( Or maybe nothing shocks any more
We were raised to believe we should Work hard to have better credit scores so that we can purchase homes and such at lower interest rates. That’s always been the american way that’s built Anerica.l Instead,As of today,we will be penalized for having good credit scores. Thank you joe biden >https://trendingpoliticsnews.com/breaking-biden-signs-order-enforcing-social-justice-credit-scores-mace/?utm_source=knab&utm_medium=twitter https://twitter.com/kylenabecker/status/1649477002737360908qP

Dominion, Dems Set New Standard
by admin | Apr 17, 2023 | Uncategorized
Steve Deuce: we’re not a nation of laws but of wills.
Dems and Mainstream Media trying to OVERPOWER, Turn ‘Fake news’ tables on Fox in Dominion Lawsuit >

Don’t play an instrument? No problem! Even listening to music prevents dementia
Former SF tech exec didn’t feel safe in SF but had to return for business when he got murdered. People now afraid of coming to SF
‘Coming to the city, I’m sorry, it’s scary’; Safety fears linger in wake of a violent week in San Francisco


FLORIDA sheriff blasts media and dems for claiming guns kill. : Criminals will get the weapons no matter how strict gun laws , as I’m Florida

Chicago Mayor Election (and Milwaukee forbthat matter):
I don’t get it . They got rid of Lori Lightfoot in hopes to improve the crime and corruption in Chicago . Then they went and elected somebody Even worse! Call me a conspiracy theorists if you want but Who’s REALLY controlling the vote?
This makes no sense
Trump’s MUG SHOT

‘Get Trump’ 7 years:
-Muller’s Russia’ Probe
-Ukraine Phone Call
-2 Impeachments
-Mir-a-lago Raid
and now
-Bragg’s NY, GA
and D.C.probes-
Because he was successful and far ahead of their man in the polls they’re going low again. VERY LOWI
MUG (Shot)

DA Bragg committed the felony , leaking the Story, not Trump. That’s what Trump gets for trying to cLean up the corruption.

Free MEGAMILLIONS Ticket with purchase of one- #Win Record #MegaMillions

Or home > https://roadtosuccess.us

‘Political Persecution and Election Interference At Highest Level’- Defenders Weigh In on Trump Indictment ☑️

‘Show Me the Man and I’ll Find You the Crime.’– old Stalinist tactic per Dershowitz who also claims What what black DA Bragg is doing is right out of the Jim Crow South where a DA Will pin some little thing such as a black leaving a cigarette butt on the ground in 1951.
Persecution and Election Interference At Highest Level’- Defenders Weigh In on Trump Indictment‘ ☑️
-‘BANANA REPUBLIC’ EFFORT. Time (for GOP) to fight back’– Kurt Schlicter
-‘When it was JOHN EDWARDS’ and NOT indicted for same thing , only worse

–When it was Bill Clinton , accused for same thing with Paula Jones but NOT indicted

and MORE

EXPLAINING SUDDEN CHANGE IN SOCIETY -Bill Bennett , former secretary of Education and author of the Book of Virtues, may have explained our changing country better than anybody
EXPLAINING SUDDEN CHANGE IN SOCIETY -Bill Bennett , former secretary of Education and author of the Book of Virtues, may have explained our changing country better than anybody, on the #LarryKudlow show March twenty seventh 📖 👍 https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story-latest/
Only 38% people now prioritize hard work and pride of country as compared to 70% in 1998 a 32% drop in just Twenty five years. They call it ‘equity’:

Replying to a new poll conducted by the Wall Street Journal that shows how America’s values have changed drastically in the last 20 years – see attached Poll results- including. Lincluding less patriotism down by 30% religion down by similar. It’s the democrats that have changed explains bennett, moving far to the left while the republicans have stand stood pretty pat -see attached chart.
Bennett explains how the democrats have been able to make this change influencing The young by controlling The ‘Academy,’ as he calls education, as well as the Internet going back to the late sixties/Early seventies -no there wasn’t Internet yet but education was there and then the Internet came, serving to better spread the mantra. MEANWHILE, the republicans stood by, not really paying attention while these Changes were made by the democrats. we’ve learned how easily people can be influenced or brainwashed, if you will. Will the republicans try to Win back some of the ‘new democrats’ who NOW Find the party too radical?. Or perhaps will the old blue dog democrats re emerge for the same reason?

Only 38% people now prioritize hard work and pride of country as compared to 70% in 1998 a 32% drop in just. Twenty five years(per above WSJ poll)- They call it ‘equity‘:
It’s more important to have an unqualified, under- productive person of minority status . You can see the result in joe biden’s cabinet-all minority With people like Travel Secretary ‘Mayorkas and ⁵Pete’ who’s had no experience in travel and then takes off two months for maternity leave without telling anybody. The real sad part is that nobody noticed he was gone. That’s just one example and then you’ve got the head of the border Mayorkas, supposedly, Who’s only been down there one time despite all the problems. Where’s Janet Yellen, who keeps telling us The economy is in great shape even as inflation continues and prices go up? And you’ve got the klepto man in a dress Who I don’t know what he does other than steal stuff. You have a vice president who makes professor Irwin Corey look smart and you’ve got a press secretary ,KJP , who is also black and LBGTQ and never comes up with an original thought. It’s usually about referring us back to the White House when she’s supposed to be having the information the white house won’t give us. Then you have outside democrats like college professors such as Steven Shapiro telling us It’s better to kill republican speakers than to allow them to speak at their colleges. Thus, we see the changing scene including lack of Free Speech and a one-tiered justice system that goes after the former President and GOP for
lesser or non-crimes like Jan 6 while letting the 2021 antifa rioters and Hillaries of deleted email fame skate .free

Trying to find evidence to put your political rivals in jail Is not the american way and never has been . It’s total third world justice. EVEN Soros-funded DA Bragg had initially no interest in taking on Such a weak case , trying to turn a possible misdemeanor into a felony. But Apparently Bragg had a change of mind trying to Trying to make a political name for himself – and realizing he’s got a deep blue jury pool on his side, ala OJ Simpson trial.
DA Bragg, who is responsible For this horrendous 2022 murder of innocent 35 year old woman and letting criminals skate, is the same person indicting Trump (again) on political, trumped up charges >>> https://www.fox5ny.com/news/landlord-rips-manhattan-da-after-woman-murdered-in-apartment

Meanwhile, Scott Adams of Dilbert comic fame, said basically the same Thing as Deangelo but in reverse and his life was ruined -so we got the old double standard. Segregation is back with a vengeance but anti-white and accepted. In fact at least 4 or 5 colleges are having their own segregated Graduation ceremonies. They don’t say that whites are not allowed but they all but do. Don’t expect to see whites welcomed there. This is largely a part of the left race hustlers. We’ve been sWhat you doing this inbsome form going on 50 years. With the media in their pockets. And in the colleges as well. Anti black racism appears all but over for the most part Except perhaps for a backlashbut anti-White racism is going stronger that ever and acceptable in society.

US banking system ‘sound’ yet not all deposits guaranteed, Yellen admits, despite rush to cover ‘connected’ Signature and SVB uninsured Silicon Valley bank ‘high stakes’ investors such as CA governor Gavin Newsome
By David Lawder and Doina Chiacu,
WASHINGTON, March 16 (Reuters) – The U.S. banking system remains ‘sound’ and Americans can feel confident that their deposits are safe, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Thursday, but she denied that emergency actions after two large bank failures mean that a blanket government guarantee now existed for all deposits.
In her first public remarks since the weekend’s emergency measures with other regulators to ensure no depositors at Silicon Valley Bank (SIVB.O) and Signature Bank (SBNY.O) suffered losses from those lenders’ collapse, Yellen was pressed during a hearing before the U.S. Senate Finance Committee if that meant all uninsured deposits were now guaranteed.

Yellen appeared to contradict herself:
‘Americans can feel confident that their deposits are safe’, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said on Thursday, but she denied that emergency actions after two large bank failures mean that a blanket government guarantee now existed for all deposits

More than $9.2 trillion of U.S. bank deposits were uninsured at the end of last year, accounting for more than 40% of all deposits, according to U.S. central bank data. Those uninsured deposits are not distributed evenly across the country, FDIC data shows.

The Fox News anchor was speaking with Daniel Goodwyn, self-proclaimed Proud Boy who had trespassed at the Capitol along with a mob of other Donald Trump supporters who stormed the building in an attempt to invalidate the certified results of the 2020 presidential election.
You see the other side reported constantly in the mainstream media so we thought we’d report whats not been reported outside of Fox and few other outlets-or at least without edited bias, e.g. ‘Tucker privately denies this story’ – WHAT?. Somehow youtube did not censor this video….yet….
Dem Reporter Calls Mainstream Reporting ‘Comically inept’ On Witness Stand Re. January 6 and 2020 election

Another Conservative Speaker Again Results in Riot on College Campus, Chancellor Blames Speaker.

We only found one mainstream report on this news topic and the headline, as usual, is less than Revealing, as above-compare to our headline

SVB Collapse-How it happened…
SVB took risk and deposited their assets in mediocre, lesser stocks and long term low interest govt bonds-but many of their investors are Tech companies that need money often and there wasn’t enough when they recently needed it. MORE

In Today’s News: Donald Trump Skyrockets to #1 on iTunes with New Single ‘Justice for All’ beating out likes of Taylor Swift, Miley Cyrus, etc


Joe Rogan mocks Biden for his ‘sideshow’ of ‘diversity’ as
Joe Rogan’s cancel-proof ‘Comedy Mothership’ club opens in Texas, ‘You can’t fire me from my own club!’

-‘Jan 6 worst attack on the capital since the civil war.’ parrots KJP (KAREEN Jean Pierre, Biden press secretary)
-Re. Chuckie Shumma and Jan 6, We showed the whole cherry tree after Chuckie and dems cherry- picked Jan 6 view. We showed the rest of it so people could see the whole view, not hide half like you did .https://www.politifact.com/article/2018/feb/05/age-cherry-picking/

–Hamburglar’ Who Stole Steaks From Trader Joe’s Signals ‘Breakdown of Civilization’

Russell Brand Obliterates MSNBC as ‘Propaganda’ in Soul-Searing Rant — Right to MSNBC Analyst’s Face
Obliterates MSNBC as ‘Propaganda’ in Soul-Searing Rant — Right to MSNBC Analyst’s Face
By Zachary LeemanMar 4th, 2023, 11:48 am
-Democrat damage control strategy in a nutshell

Scott Adams’ anti PC comment about The potential futility of getting along with blacks by whites proved correct in not one but three surveys
Scott Adams’ anti PC comment about The potential futility of getting along with blacks by whites proved correct in not one but three surveys. Nearly half of blacks not sure of whites rights to exist,according to rasmussen poll. Yet adams lost his column in most news papers in america and effectively ended his career. an other poll by washshing post blacks believe over half of whites are white surpremesists. why is it o k to be anti white racist ?
Good for Eli Musk for Not being afraid to step in to the debate.
The real issue may have more to do more with media and schools for exacerbating hate
–why is administration’s John Kirby and military brand trying to distract with Extraneous Russian mis-information when he should be talking about China ‘ s multiple ‘UFO’ spy news that is being kept from us. Breaking: Kirby just announced that China has a ‘high level’ spy program
-JUST IN: Trump Warns ‘World War III Has Never Been Closer’ https://buff.ly/3KCPHQe
I’ve been thinking the same thing lately But has anybody else?
-California lost more people than any other state last year . USC professor Dowell Myers blames It on the pandemic . Did Myers forget about cost of living, crime and homelessness, For which California leads the nation, followed by nine other blue states? https://buff.ly/3B1ysDi

Who really are these new democrats? Not the Dershowitz’, Turleys, JFKs , Scoop Jacksons and Joe Liebermans but The old hippies and their descendants of the late 60s – now The Party That Was supposedly for the little guy and humanity, compassion and concern. And now They’ve turned 180゚ against the people to serve big business and corporate interests for their own purposes,e.G. NOT East Palestine ‘reds’-the democrats have become sellouts, willing to sell their souls to the highest bidders-as long as theyre lefties
-She began her imposed medical transition at 13 years old and today regrets it https://buff.ly/3Kg1yna
Is many more examples
“Freedom of the Press’ Debate- i.e. what happened to common sense, debate?
#commonsense #debate #freedomofthepress
–Revelation: CRT seems to be working ….
Ever wonder why so many young people are moving back to the city especially a city like Oakland when is the violence has climbed And the police are fewer after being defended?
Per attached article it appears that a lot of young people now think it’s OK to die because of the ‘inhumanity that blacks are treated with’ . Read near the bottom of the attached article and there’s a whole new outlook by the young people what they’ve been learning in school apparently that racism persists today much like it did it really didn’t the fifties So much so that they’ll stake out their lives and they don’t want to blame the blacks or other minorities for anybody that may have Committed violence against them.
Beloved Oakland bakery owner dies after violent robbery, friends say >>>
Here’s the key shocker:
Her friends wrote that Angel would want “alternatives to traditional prosecution, such as restorative justice. Jen’s family and close friends ask that the media respect this request and carry forward the story of her life with celebration and clarity about the world she aimed to build. Do not use her legacy of care and community to further inflame narratives of fear, hatred, and vengeance, nor to advance putting public resources into policing, incarceration, or other state violence that perpetuates the cycles of violence that resulted in this tragedy.”
DirecTV Showing ‘Sovietization’ of Media
Revelation made today And not a good one . CRT seems to be working .
Ever wonder why so many young people are moving back to the city especially a city like Oakland when is the violence has climbed And the police are fewer after being defended?
Per attached article it appears that a lot of young people now think it’s OK to die because of the ‘inhumanity that blacks are treated with’ . Read near the bottom of the attached article and there’s a whole new outlook by the young people what they’ve been learning in school apparently that racism persists today much like it did it really didn’t the fifties So much so that they’ll stake out their lives and they don’t want to blameùup the blacks or other minorities for anybody that may have Committed violence against them.
Beloved Oakland bakery owner dies after violent robbery, friends say
Amy Larson
22 hours ago
OAKLAND, Calif. (KRON) — Jen Angel, a beloved local bakery owner and social justice community activist, died on Thursday from injuries she suffered in a violent robbery, according to her close friends. She was 48.
If it weren’t for an eagle eyed citizen who spotted the balloon we would not know to this day about it.
-Future shopping= automated surveillance
Just How did those 5 cops ever make the Memphis police forcez you ask? Well, ever since BLM and the anti police riots fewer people want to be cops and standards and requirements have been lowered in cities like Memphis, including allowing cops to have criminal rec o rds. And, then, it helps if youre a person of color to land a police job
Every person or animal’s death diminishes me’ “Dick Van Dyke reads “A Most Non-Political Speech” by Rod Serling | Mr.Vandy”
Something’s happening here as life expectancy continues to drop.. and We seemingly lose another friend every day.. Is it something in the air or is it something in washington???? Maybe both.. Wake up America. There’s Something happening here…

California lost more people than any other state last year -almost half a million . USC professor Dowell Myers blames It on the pandemic . Did Myers forget about cost of living, crime and homelessness, For which California leads the nation, followed by nine other blue states?

Here we go again…
East Bay High School Cheer Team Accused of Racist Instagram Post

We’ve spent the last 60 years trying to placate everybody. The bay Area is the least racist place anywhere . it’s very difficult to be racist here Except maybe against whites, Asians , Jews, etc. In this in many cases like it people are not getting the full story And cherry picking if they choose. Read the whole story and decide If something is truly racist and 1st discussed with others. Talk to your kids are you kids really racist or just kids doing an innocent prank? OK, talk to them if you feel you need to regarding insensitivity but don’t accuse them of racism. I happily sacrificed a lot in my own life but This is starting to get old and we repeat the cycle again and again With a new generation. I can’t think of any local white supremacists can you? Wokism and reverse racism have ruined our police departments and our fabric of life. Don’t like to be so blunt but this needs to finally be said . And people can’t be afraid to speak the truth and Try to Engage in real conversation and honest debate as we used to do )

News Nation reporter brutally arrested for covering the East Palistine, Ohio stuck derailment and oil fire leak. Where are the environmentalists?
2 types of people today – the givers and the takers

The Biden admin is really mixed up. They shoot down 3 UFOs they can’t identify And the one they do know about they don’t shoot down until China has already spied with balloon throughout the US

The case for guns in current society:
The criminals will get their guns Regardless of laws. Law abiding citizens will not get guns As tightening laws restrict.
So , we end up with a bunch of sitting ducks awaiting slaughter in college classrooms And at other venues as we saw at Michigan state. Even a single gun owner in that classroom could have prevented The carnage. Other examples abound, eg Monterey Park, Half Moon Bay just in recent weeks. Sure, call it vigilantes, but when we have less cops and their hands tied in an in increasingly dangerous society what other choices are there???
See Mike Gallagher
Vaccine complications up 1700% as compared to none with the flu vaccines in the state of Florida, reported by the surgeon general of Florida 2 23
The untimely death of someone is a big deal according to The Bible and should not go without consequences
I didn’t watch one minute of the Super Bowl but I heard they had 2
National anthems. Explain why this was necessary to have one just for blacks and one for the others. ?
And, why no more family-friendly half time shows?
On a positive note,
What Our Leaders Can Learn From a Great Super Bowl
why is administration’s John Kirby and military brand trying to distract with Extraneous Russian mis-information when he should be talking about China ‘ s multiple ‘UFO’ spy news that is being kept from us. Breaking: Kirby just announced that China has a ‘high level’ spy program
“Freedom of the Press’ Debate- i.e. what happened to common sense, debate?
Sad Example of Oakland’s Devolutuion

Revelation: CRT seems to be working
Ever wonder why so many young people are moving back to the city – especially a city like Oakland where the violence has climbed astronomically in recent years. And the police are fewer after being defunded?
Per attached article , it appears that a lot of young people now think it’s OK if they die because of the ‘inhumanity that blacks are treated with’ . Read near the bottom of the attached article and there’s a whole new outlook by the young people what they’ve been learning in school apparently that racism persists today much like it did it in the 1950s and earlier. So much so that they’ll stake out their lives and they don’t want to blame the blacks or other minorities for anybody that may have Committed violence against them.
Here’s the key shocker:
Her friends wrote that Angel would want “alternatives to traditional prosecution, such as restorative justice. Jen’s family and close friends ask that the media respect this request and carry forward the story of her life with celebration and clarity about the world she aimed to build. Do not use her legacy of care and community to further inflame narratives of fear, hatred, and vengeance, nor to advance putting public resources into policing, incarceration, or other state violence that perpetuates the cycles of violence that resulted in this tragedy.”
Freedom of the Press’ Debate- i.e. what happened to common sense, debate?

DirecTV (AT&T) Showing ‘Sovietization’ of Media


If it weren’t for an eagle eyed citizen who spotted ‘ the balloon’ over Montana we would not know to this day about it. Now, how many more balloons or objects will follow?

And her Mentor http://roadtosuccess100years.blogspot.com/2023/01/what-did-camel-as-joe-calls-her-say.html?m=1

What does kamala say?>http://roadtosuccess100years.blogspot.com/2023/01/what-did-camel-as-joe-calls-her-say.html?m=1

Something’s happening here as life expectancy continues to drop.. and We seemingly lose another friend every day.. Is it something in the air or is it something in washington???? Maybe both.. Wake up America. There’s Something happening here…



Stanford’s New War on English: Words You Can’t Say, like ‘American’
“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.” Marcus Aurelius
Here are SOME of the words that Stanford University has decided are “bad” and should be replaced. They even provide those replacement words to “swap” for the offending ones.Does anyone else remember what U.S.A. stands for? Think about that when you get to the BAD WORD, “American”.
Some of the words considered ‘harmful’ from grandfather to brave to American
Original: walk-in
Swap: drop-in, open office
Reason: ‘Ableist language that trivializes the experiences of people living with disabilities’
Original: grandfather
Swap: legacy
Reason: ‘This term has its roots in the “grandfather clause” adopted by Southern states to deny voting rights to Blacks’
Original: guru
Swap: expert, subject matter expert (SME), primary, leader, teacher, guide
Reason: ‘In the Buddhist and Hindu traditions, the word is a sign of respect. Using it casually negates its original value’
Original: brave
Swap: none/do not use
Reason: ‘This term perpetuates the stereotype of the “noble courageous savage,” equating the Indigenous male as being less than a man’
Original: man hours
Swap: person hours, effort hours, labor time
Reason: ‘This term reinforces male-dominated language’
Original: American
Swap: US Citizen
Reason: ‘This term often refers to people from the United States only, thereby insinuating that the US is the most important country in the Americas (which is actually made up of 42 countries)’
continued here

Opinion based on Fact: Generation Destroyed by Lockdown ?
Almost three years of Covid lockdowns have destroyed or nearly destroyed a generation of character development. Add to that a growing withdrawal from religion and Godly belief and we have growing Nihilism (the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless) largely by the left. We’ve since learned that lockdowns didnt work and millions died regardless. (Yes, some will come up with studies showing the lockdowns did work but just ask your local family doctory, or better, pediatricians.

There hasn’t been a REAL full investigation of 2020 election due to Dem state interference. Most people write it off like media without real scrutiny. Now with real Twitter evidence of election tampering and ballot tampering to go along with everything else it’s rather obvious Biden didn’t get a record 81 billion votes by sitting in his baaement for 6 months. Trump is so right to stay on this while Pence, Barr and others cop out… maybe GOP house will finally go do a real investigation !
New US House should seize on timing of China covid protests and investigate NOW.
It’s because it’s a man -made virus gone out of control . You need to investigate/ back engineer the disease thru China because we don’t know what they put In this highly irregular Covid virus
It’s because it’s a man -made virus gone out of control . You need to investigate/ back engineer the disease thru China because we don’t know what they put In this highly irregular Cov id virus
The New Abnormal
Vaccine Passport and Digital Dollar which will subjugate our freedoms at the hands of WHO.
JD Vance: Don’t blame
TRUMP editorial -america conservati e: focus should have even on on money gap and turning out less engaged voters
ELECTION DELAYERS Dems are always 1 Step Ahead at working The System, first changing the #voting rules to give extra days to ‘find’ just enough Dem ballots to win elections. ☑️ 🔎 🗳 🏆 http://roadtosuccess100years.blogspot.com/2022/11/election-delayers.html?m=1 #election #winning #electiondelayers
Recently, Dems put their time and effort In two Arizona races, Masters and Lake, going well past election days to radically swell the Dem vote just enough to put their persons on top after trailing big. Shades of swing states election overnight 2020 reversal. In Last 15 swing state elections Dems have managed to win 12 of them (80%) by small margins DAYS AFTER THE ELECTION.
Dems have already stole Senate.. GOP better wake up Or theyre going to steal house,too.. now down to 2 or 3 from 15 ! I won’t be surprised if weak GOP let house slip away, too. This is serious. GOP is being groomed to accept delays and thereby losing! The longer it goes the more likely GOP will blow it all. No accountability, pressure.
Get the lawyers going.
Whether with mail-in ballots or questionable voting machines, something smells as Dems have now TURNED AROUND 12 of last 15 swing state elections days after election voting was supposed to be done. >
DIRTY DEMS STEAL SENATE AGAIN- I know Many GOP don’t give a darn but i do: Not just AZ and NV, other blue states CA, OR, WA, CO are also dragging out House vote and in Dems favor. Shades of what followed Nov 8, 2020, 8pm > buff.ly/3DXYg3k ELECTIONS MUST BE INVESTIGATED-
Besides election fraud, Dems outspent GOP 2 to 1.
GOP also loses thousands of votes by waiting until election day to vote.
Then there are the large GenXer block, brainwashed by societal media and mainstream media who voted Dem 2 to 1.
These delayed swing state and other elections are strategically planned out by Dems to win elections and its worked for them 10 of 13 recent times, according to Tucker Carlson research . With votes allowed to come in up to three days after election day, people can literally bring in boxes of harvested ballots-legal or otherwise-as we watch Dem vote counts creep back up. It’s not because mail-in ballots are always counted last and more Dems do mail-ins. The longer an election drags on the more chance for fraud.
We need to go back to when elections were completed the same day. If large states like Florida and Texas can do it so can Arizona, Nevada, Oregon , California, Washington and Pennsylvania. Notice a pattern here. Mostly western blue and swing states taking part In these election scams -again , much like 2020 and most doing it with mailin ballots, no voter ID and ballot harvesting after election day! The New GOP house(?) should do a real investigation that the state Dem courts and Pelosi House illegally rejected in 2020 and we think you’ll find that, yes, the election(s) was stolen from Not only Trump But many other mostly GOP candidates.
It’s not just Arizona and Nevada but California -notorious mail-in state where mail is still being accepted if postmarked by Nov. 8- and many other BLUE states where votes are Still being counted !!!
This never used to happen until last two election cycles since Dems expanded voting accessibility . No wonder all the election dissent. US is now looked upon as a third world country with corrupt elections, open borders, rampant homelessness and crime , inflation, etc SEE MAP BELOW
Why are most cars now either white, black or gray? Reflective of our drab
Society or maybe just cheaper to make? No good reason
McConnell urges Sen. Romney to seek reelection: bit.ly/3G83pIr
Ilya Shapiro of Manhattan Institute think tank says professors are being forced out of universities such as Georgetown and UCLA for offering more moderate points of view that don’t go along with mainstream faculty. This has never happened to this extent before on college campuses where open discussion was always the rule. T he difference now is that leftists – often the radical students of the late 60s and beyond – are now the administrators running the college campusses rather than the previous more DEMOCRATIC, ‘open’ bodies of the post-war era, says SHAPIRO.
He also says that it’s the same with politicians who are more radicalized today and with fewer moderates, fearful of being ‘primaried
out.’ Of 50 democrat senators , only Joe Manchin and sometimes Kristen SINEMA DONT ALWAYS GO ALONG IN LIBERAL LOCKSTEP. No more Scoop Jacksons and notbsurprising Joe Liebermans left that party and so many house members are retiring today.
OPINION: Past Time To For Our ‘Leaders’ To Get Out of the Rabbit Holes and Find REAL SOLUTIONS to Covid https://obamascandals.blogspot.com/2022/07/opinion-past-time-for-our-leaders-to.html
Covid continues to rage on, well past all expectations of when it might have ended with experts now saying it could go on indefinitely, what with all the many new vatiants and lesser effectiveness of vaccines. We are told to ‘get boosted’ by CDC and our own doctors yet with scant evidence those vaccines will do any good for the newer Covid variants.
My/Our real concern is that nothing is being done to get to the bottom of why covid continues to rage on, unlike most other viruses that may mutate a bit and fade.
After three years, Top ‘experts’ can STILL give no answers or show trends with the virus. Therefore, people cannot be treated properly and many are suffering with ‘Long Covid’ and other side effects, indefinitely, and long after major symptoms have subsided.
COVID. It is now fairly well accepted by top medical experts that the origins of covid came from a medical lab in Wuhan, China. Covid is so different and more pervasive than other viruses you would think that our U.S. government and medical institutions would want to spend more time and effort exploring the origins of covid to find solutions. That’s how things normally work. But, instead, government and society continues to spin its wheels with ‘to mask or not to mask’ or to ‘boost or not to boost instead of getting to the root causes that are key to figuring this thing out.
Sure, it will be difficult to back-trace into the Wuhan labs because the Chinese don’t want us to- and not sure our own U.S. government wants us to, either, for possible dark and scandalous reasons.
The Biden Administration Hid A $177 Million No-Bid Contract To ⁶ Immigrants Violating Federal Regulation To Downplay Border Crisis>>>
Biden bypasses our own people and helping our economy, sells 1 million barrels of oil to China from our strategic reserves!
Interesting how Boring Johnson gets forced out for much lesser thing done than Biden. We now know Biden lied about ot talking business with his son while President plus utter failure as Pres…but Dems are in control.
GOP not as vindictive as Dems
Meanwhile, in an unprecedented movd, Biden is robbing millions of gallons of our
oil reserves and giving them away
FACT and OPINION: The Main Difference g the Republican party and the Democratic party.>>>
https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story/ ⏩ 👩👩👦 ❓
The REAL Watergate Story by John O’CONNOR,
Deep Throat’s Lawyer- Much like scenarios today where The Media covers up the Real Story to protect (usually Dem operatives), so was The Case with Watergate, according to O’Connor. Nixon was way ahead in the polls- by 20% over McGovern in the run up to the 1972 electjon- so why would the Nixon people bothering today get their hands dirty? It was basically a setup by the Dems to entrap the GOP, continues O’Connor…just like the Dems are trying to do today w Jan 6 witchhunt >https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story/ ⏩ 👩👩👦 ❓
longevity #gaming #goodfood #share #nixon #dems #gop #jan #coverup #witchhunt
The REAL Watergate Story by John O’CONNOR, Deep Throat’s Lawyer
Much like scenarios today where the media covers up the real story to protect (usually Dem operatives), so was the case with Watergate, according to O’Connor.
Nixon was way ahead in the polls- by 20% over McGovern in the run up to the 1972 electjon, so why would the Nixon people bother to get their hands dirty?
It was basically a setup by the Dems to entrap the GOP, continues O’Connor.
The REAL Watergate Story by John O’CONNOR, Deep Throat’s Lawyer
Much like scenarios today where the media covers up the real story to protect (usually Dem operatives), so was the case with Watergate, according to O’Connor.
Nixon was way ahead in the polls- by 20% over McGovern in the run up to the 1972 electjon, so why would the Nixon people bother to get their hands dirty?
It was basically a setup by the Dems to entrap the GOP, continues O’Connor.
It begins with the GOP trying to get some files on Dan Ellsberg’s Pentagon papers that incriminate the GOP and Nixon white house.
And it escalates when ‘traitor’ John Dean leads on an aggressive Paul Ehrlichman who wants to get evidence on Larry Obrien and a call girl ring politicos were using. Dean is fearful he and others (mainly Dems) might get caught and tries to get out ahead of Ehrlichman. EHRLICHMAN , who would have had the Dems on the ropes, instead goes much too far by leading the Watergate breakin, spurrednon by Dean. Watergate would have never happened without a rogue guy like Ehrlichman and Dean, Dems and media leading the GOP to their demise, much like today with the Dems and complicit media are trying to bring down Trump with ‘dirty tricks.’
By the way, Nixon won the ’72 election in a huge landslide over McGovern.
What never got into the Washington Post was a wider CIA operation to ‘get Nixon’ with wire taps . The Dems admitted to the call girls but nothing more.
The GOP ,as is the case today, got scared, and tried hard to cover their ass.
Watergate was the beqinning of the big media move to the left, says O’Connor. The GOP couldn’t get past the media’s lies and biased coverage of Watergate and ended up resigning.
G Gordon Liddy could have prevented the whole thimg if he hadn’t kept silent to be patriotic and instead fingered John Dean and the call girl ring, says O’Connor.
The bad guys who KNEW-the Post, John Dean and Dem
Postgatebook.com> mysteries of Watergate.
To write this book
O’Connor spent two decades deciphering Woodward and Bernstein hatchet job, ‘All the Presidents Men’ and its flaws
And more- and was the one who figured out who was Deep Throat (Mark Felts)
Great read will shed real light on our current dirty games and politics. You’ll see an amazing parallel in politics then (the dawn of a subversive media and intolerant Dem party) and now. Because the media has been covering for the Dems for 50 years , ever since then, the Dems are not fearful to continue to engage in their bigger dirty tricks and modern McCarthyism.
Rand Paul July 1 on Hannity:
There has not been one congressional investigation on the origins of covid, that killed over 1 million Americans yet their are dozens of investigations on plastic bottles cancer effects.
If and when the GOP has congressional power in Nov he will convene that such committee to not only investigate covid liability but to prevent such from happening again
Finally, a college student (Harvard, no less), gets it! Good for her. This is well worth your time.
#wakeup #wakeupcall #wakeupamerica
Watch “The REAL DONALD TRUMP The Media Won’t Tell You About! | Sarah Huckabee Sanders | Huckabee” https://youtu.be/_ToE68Nw8M4
Wake Up Call 2
Top 11 Reasons Why President Trump Won The 2020 Election and 31 More Add Up to Absolute Proof . Pass it on… ROAD TO SUCCESS t.co/DorJuijfzU t.co/gjui54PiRs
election #2020 #trumpwon
-1 million people have changed parties from Democrat to Republic an during the past 12 months, according to Associated Press
Only In AmerIca are some health officals (CDC, EHC, FDA) paId commissions by drug companies (PfIzer, Moderna, etc) . Ths 6 mon ft h old b a u es g I ven cov I d vaccine I nes desp I te vv I v I r yr yally 0% dea r hate
Carlson has been speaking out about Biden’s mental acuity for quite some time and even recently revealed that he knows of members of Biden’s own family that told him they are concerned about his fitness for the presidency. ‘Executive cognition’ requires him to have a cue card you might give to a child >
Biden DOJ has dropped charges against 79 ’21 summer Antifa rioters who assaulted police.
Appears major Paul Pelosi cover up after DUI. Fact that there was a witness , possibly in car, and that there appears to me an injury to other party after we learn both cars were totalled and more… Thanks to Jesse Waters for suing for infrmato That finally obtained Pelosi Mug shot and hopefully more.
Biden’s going after windmills
Did you know that Jaim⁶ at the time
Mouse in My House – Rock the Woke https://rockthewoke.com/disney/
Remember Walt Disney? I miss him and the old Disney. Many other Things have changed like Disney, too
Read this one example article i came across >
Mouse in My House – Rock the Woke https://rockthewoke.com/disney/
Now my thougnts… I was just writing one of three friends I can still REALLY talk with. Thought I’d share it with any you and any remaining non-wokers if they exist in CA or anywhere. Starting to wonder if I’m the last man still swimming in a sea of zombies.
That’s interesting about your fighting married couple neighbors. Its just amazing to start realizing the difference between Dem and Republican sympathizers. Never realized until lately how peoples’ personalities are tied to political beliefs.
Another way of saying it is as Dennis Prager:
Wokers (Dems) motto (in a nutshell):
‘ I mean well, therefore I do good.’
(Regardless of what i say or do. )
‘You can’t attack me because I mean well.
I’m wonderful even if America stinks.’
We’re seeing this attitude played out more now than ever- and see the real personalities come out. too. Its amazing how married people (like your neighbors) can be so antagonostic to each other instead of trying to see the other side, which is usually common sense, but , as they say, our old friend Common Sense seems to have disappeared.
I understand its getting to the point boys and girls aren’t allowed to act like boys and girls anymore. They are taught that boys and girls ARE THE SAME! No more romance. As for sex, I have no idea…
Just glad I didn’t have to go thru
This…you probably know people with kids or grandkids who are dealing with this… Now we have a sharp rise in ‘transgender’ kids- or at least who say they are even though they’re not. Today Republicans have to take their kids out of school to maintain normalcy.⁸
All because of politics/new culture..
I have a Dem friend i walk with who just spews Dem talking points , like the Jan 6 thing. To me its such an obvious attempt by mean -spirited Dems to bring down Trump instead of going after t heir insane Biden . They’ll never admit things were 10x better under Trump.
Anyway its refreshing to have a few normal friends like you
Of course, Dems will say we’re abnormal.
Every single one of my dozens of relatives is a Dem….and I’m afraid that if my immediate family members were alive they may have swallowed the kool-aid, too, I’m sorry to say…
and probably everyone at Temple Sinai. It was always ‘there’ but now it’s become ‘out in the open’. Only now do some of us clear- thinking people really see the light – and its scary. Never thought even my own long- time friends could be so closed-minded, or shall I say, ‘ simple-minded.’ ‘Whatever makes you feel good.’ We’re truly living in a Twilight Zone. I feel like I’m in that episode as the last human on earth living with a bunch of zombies.
P.S. Out of several dozen former close friends and relatives, I can now count three- and you’re one of them- who I can actually talk to without fear of our conversation ending in a fight like I just had last Sunday with my walking buddy. Imagine being married to someone you cannot talk to- it’s common today. Think Kelly Ann Conway, Mary Matalin, Ivanka Trump, to name some celebritie married to the enemy. Thankfully , I do have my furry friends I can live with without a fight . They may not always reply but that’s probably better than the alternative.. “
Wokers motto (in a nutshell):
‘ I mean well, therefore I do good.’
(Regardless of what i say or do. )
‘You can’t attack me because I mean well.’
I’m wonderful even if America stinks.’
Washington Redskins changed their name to Commanders even t hough nobody REALLY cared but it made team owner(s) feel good
Coach Jack Del Rio was fined by team $100k for disagreeing
No Mouse in My House – Rock the Woke https://rockthewoke.com/disney/
This massive company has an unrivaled ability to influence American culture, and its economic strength has given it a unique ability to lobby localities, states, and the federal government—
Media actually made small attempt to balance hour and a half TV coverage things with short. one minute Gary Bauer stagement:
Is this really AMERICA with
Jan 6 hearings a case of SELECTive pandering. How can anyone take seriously a SELECT committee stacked with ALL Democrats / Anti-Trumpers? – Even the name says it all : SELECT as in SELECTive. It goes right along with its supportive media and its YELLOW journalism that cherry-picks
words to try to make a case.
One huge example is the tweet of Trump ‘Dizzy Lizzie’ put up for all to see , after quoting only the first part but leaving out ‘Go Home in Peace,’ clear for all with for all see…
The Fall of TV News -see the changed Disney. Is Walt spinning in His grave? https://www.billoreilly.com/b/The-Fall-of-TV-News/858495247817009524.html?dest=/mobile/blogdetail.jsp
Music sales have dropped 95% in 20 years, according to OReilly. Only real money is in touring. And God bless the ‘old guys’ like Bob Dylan , the stones and Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys still touring in their 80s.
Music quality has probably dropped 95% ,too.
Bidens attack of fuel industry helped drive rates up.
Sussman jury foreman dismisses her responsibility to come up with a just verdict, saying t hat there are more important things than finding Sussman guilty of a possible lie to the grand jury https://yellowpagescoupons.net/%F0%9F%92%AA%F0%9F%8C%BB%F0%9F%98%8Elive-longer-now-top-10-memorial-day-covid-biovirus-entertain-shape-up-for-summer #memorialday
Now politics entering sports especially in San Francisco. Will this backfire ,,?
https://yellowpagescoupons.net/%F0%9F%92%AA%F0%9F%8C%BB%F0%9F%98%8Elive-longer-now-top-10-memorial-day-covid-biovirus-entertain-shape-up-for-summer #memorialday
Sussman jury foreman dismisses her responsibility to come up with a just verdict, saying t hat there are more important things than finding Sussman guilty of a possible lie to the grand jury
The Hodgetwins : Bill Maher on Trans Trend ‘You’re 5 Years Too Late’ | Facebook https://fb.watch/dfgHbQgKQv/
Blacks 2.5x more likely to commit hate crimes than whites but nobody cares if the NY Times etc lies…The big issue here is the lying media . In LA blacks anti-Asian crime eight times higher, according to police records. But people continue to accept the mainstream media
REAL story the Jan 6 committee ignored> https://loudermilk.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3989
Biden’s Disinformation Chief: Men Can Give Birth and HAVE abortions (‘There Are Many Non-Binary People Who Give Birth’)
Twitter/Nina Jankowicz
The woman President Joe Biden chose to be the government-sanctioned arbiter of truth believes “there are many non-binary people who give birth” — despite the basic fact that pregnancy is biologically unique to women.
The Biden administration appointed Nina Jankowicz as chief of the “Disinformation Governance Board,” which the Department of Homeland Security is setting up to combat “misinformation” online. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas spoke about the “just established” governance board during a congressional hearing Wednesday, arguing it would help reduce domestic threats to the United States.
Jankowicz, who is a so-called “disinformation expert” and a fellow for the Wilson Center, has been published by various corporate media outlets and has used the term “pregnant people” in her articles. When she received pushback for using leftist language that erases women in an article for Wired this year, she explained her logic in a tweet and claimed “non-binary” people can have children.
“First it was important to me to make sure this piece was inclusive. There are many non-binary people who give birth,” she tweeted on January 22.
One follower pushed back against her claim and accused her of using “trending ideology for clicks.”
“It’s not about leaning into trending ideology for clicks; I have non-binary friends who have borne children,” Jankowicz replied, doubling down. “Beyond my own personal experience, there are plenty of doctors and other healthcare professionals who recommend the use of inclusive language. ACOG does as well.”
Far-left politicians and government officials have been trying to further the radical transgender activist agenda by attempting to popularize the phrase “pregnant people” and insisting men and “non-binary” people can get pregnant. Just this month, White House press secretary Jen Psaki referred to “pregnant and postpartum people” during a press briefing. Centers for Disease Control Director Rochelle Walensky has also repeatedly referred to “pregnant people,” instead of “pregnant women.”
Katherine Hamilton is a political reporter for Breitbart News. You can follow her on Twitter.
AP-NORC Poll: Joe Biden’s Approval Dips to Lowest of Presidency2,894
Senate Passes $40 Billion in Ukraine Aid During 40-Year-High Inflation4,807
Ultra Biden: 78% of Americans Say Economy Is Bad562
Menendez: Cuba Increased Repression after Biden’s ‘Concessions’1,156
Trump Torches Musk over ‘Probably Illegal Purchase’ of ‘Fake Twitter’1,970
Biological Man Suddenly Dominating Female Surfing in Australia184
NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Announces Police Unit to Combat ‘Hate Speech’3,985
Joe Biden’s Last Sit-Down Press Interview Was 100 Days Ago83
11 Conservatives Vote Against $40 Billion in Aid to Ukraine7,500
Report: SpaceX Flight Attendant Accused Musk of Sexual Harassment30,610
San Francisco Archbishop Prohibits Nancy Pelosi from Receiving Holy Communion Over ‘Extreme’ Abortion Stance36
Dr. Scott Gottlieb: Rising Monkeypox Cases Suggest It’s Spread ‘Pretty Wide’73
Trump Torches Musk: Elon Wants to Join GOP Because of Issues with ‘Probably Illegal Purchase’ of ‘Fake Twitter’1,970
Dow Jones Industrial Average On Longest Losing Streak Since 19324,185
Ultra Biden: 78% of Americans Say Economy Is Bad562
Epic Collapse: Joe Biden Suffers Record-Low Approval Rating, Democrats Lose
Interior Sec Deb Holland doesn’t believe gas prices are high
198 mass killings already this yr, far ahead of any other year
FBI uses the same GEO-tracking on Biden’s enemies, such as Project Veritas, that they accuse the movie ‘2000 Mules’ of being innacurate in tracking down 2020 Presidential election ballot stuffers.
May our generation be the one that said, enough, and stopped the daily blood bath of 2363 children killed every day by abortion. That’s about 10x more than the 50,000 people killed every year in US car accidents. The difference is that abortions are preventable
Joe Biden 600+ incidents of creepy often illegal behavior>
To paraphraze Zelinski, who tries to hide his disgust:
‘_ may be helping ( by gradually doling out weapons ) but he’s not helping us win . We would have won the war long ago if he gave us the weapons we needed then (not months later after so much damage is done and now who will pay the billions to rebuild?) ‘ (Fill in the blank-it begins with a ‘B’ and his nickname is ‘a day late and a dollar short’
To quote Zelinski, who tries to hide his disgust:
(Biden) may be helping ( by gradually doling out weapons ) but _ not helping us win . We would have won the war long ago if gave us the weapons we needed long (not months later after so much damage is done and now who will pay the billions to rebuld?)
Climate is the veneer
-listen to ‘beat’ free association opening only Savage can do. Last of an era -Next to Last Radio Show of the Savage Nation episode of The Savage Nation Podcast
Pelosi, schumer and dems playing politics again, ignoring section 230 and preventing 2,000. stimulus bill so))
as to distract from and obfuscate voter fraud issue.
How could ‘ Most popular’ Trump- 3 times more 5e To him by 10 million votes? #fightback
Hillaria baldwin n on TodayV show
Sidney Powell Fires Huge Warning Shot at GOP…
Read Full Article at Gateway Pundit
Here here! We need To see more Sen. HAWLEYS STAND UP before too late #FIGHTBACK
Sen. Hawley announces…
#electoralcollege #biden #standup #power #certification #college #vote #contest #hawley
. More covid (Opinion)
I laugh, sardonically, every time I hear these John Hopkins and UCSF, etc. doctors try to explain LONG COVID
by , basically, NOT explaining anything . Because they do t know anything. It might be faster to figure what’s going on if we pinned down China, Fauci and rhe gang to as to Back-Engineer the virus and learn
Exactly how they created the virus. Right now it seems like they’re just spinning their wheels and costing time and perhaps lives, just like we did with covid at its peak.

Just like the beginnings of Nazi Germany but its not just one man. But an entire party. I view things seriously, like the stolen elections especially in Arizona that so many GOP even writen off as conspiracy- Its so obvious and Kari Lake should be supported more by every GOP and Dems too
“Society began pushing away gods and religion on the early 60s leaving only demonic
the spirits. But now gods have returned to save the world” -rabbi Jonathan kahn

OPINION: Problem today:
‘We, the govt., will continue being the single source of truth .
If you didn’t hear it from govt. it isn’t true‘ – prime
Minister of New Zealand who was key
speaker at Harvard
Who Lies? How do you know who lies?
Those who censor lie , ie Facebook, Google, etc., which have algorithms for sensoring. Why else would they sensor ? They’ll even ignore swear words and some nudity but they’ll block things they don’t agree with politically, for example. This never used to happen. Even in the the 50, 60s, 70s , 80s, and until recent years the mainstream media disdained Russian propaganda and welcomed all opinons . But no more. They’re living a lie. -Dennis Prager, edited
The left may hate Putin but they act like him,censoring as they do
-Who says big cities are no longer safe? Even with the big move to Florida and increased population , Miami has gone from 350 homicides to just 43 this year .

So, now we know where the Dem candidates got much of their millions . Yes, froM. SAM BANKMAN, WHO DONATED SOME $40 BILLION, 2ND ONLYBTOBGEOEGE SOROS…NOT TO .MENTION UKRAINE. Of course the govt tied it to hurricane and money for weather crisis

Subscribe to this approximately weekly coup-lettet

Another key


More Paul Pelosi and dishonest media coverage. Like before we have to go to the foreign media to get ho
Honest coverages. The Daily Mail of England tells us a reporter for KNTV NBC San Francisco was , effectively, let go for honest reporting https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11431747/Pelosi-attack-suspect-pleads-not-guilty-federal-charges.html
Sad to think where we’ve come with Warnock now representing Ebenezer Baptist Church where Martin Luther King Jr once held fort

These delayed swing state and other elections are strategically planned out by Dems to win elections and its worked for them 10 of 13 recent times, according to … These delayed swing state and other elections are strategically planned out by Dems to win elections and its worked for them 10 of 13 recent times, according to Tucker Carlson research . With votes allowed to come in up to three days after election day, people can literally bring in boxes of harvested ballots-legal or otherwise-as we watch Dem vote counts creep back up. It’s not because mail-in ballots are always counted last and more Dems do mail-ins. The longer an election drags on the more chance for fraud. We need to go back to when elections were completed the same day. If large states like Florida and Texas can do it so can Arizona, Nevada, Oregon , California, Washington and Pennsylvania. Notice a pattern here. Mostly western blue and swing states taking part In these election scams -again , much like 2020 and most doing it with mailin ballots, no voter ID and ballot harvesting after election day! The New GOP house(?) should do a real investigation that the state Dem courts and Pelosi House illegally rejected in 2020 and we think you’ll find that, yes, the election(s) was stolen from Not only Trump But many other mostly GOP candidates. –73% surveyed said they will use Bidens bailout money to travel and eat out rather than use it as intended to pay off bills. Our election takeaways: 1) The ‘red wave’ was largely driven by Dems and media with desire 2) Big questions were Pennsylvania -how someone so Ill and who did so poorly in debate like Fedderman could possibly win- and ‘inept’ Arizona where Lake was 10 points ahead. Voting irregularity questions in both states should be pursued PS Ron Desantos got elected as Governor. Dont let Dems aNd media stop Trump from his deserved second term. By the way, elections never before took this long to complete. Why did Dems keep telling us to be patient? 1) The WOULD-BE ‘red wave’ drama was largely driven by Dems and media with desire http://roadtosuccess100years.blogspot.com/2022/11/three-election-takeaways.html?m=1 In a virtual townhall from one of her posh homes, Nov. 3, with nobody of significance in attendance, Oprah went full bore in backing extreme, radical candidates, including picking stroke-weary John Fetterman for Pennsylvania senator over longtime associate and friend, Dr. OZ > even allowing discussion of the obvious missing facts in the Paul Pelosi beating case. NBC has removed info regarding a purported third person at the Pelosi home . CBS and its Sunday morn show and more mainstream media got at least two things wrong, 1)the Pelosi beating was orchestrated by GOP and the 2) Election Denials, believing that nearly half of America is wrong (as per above media montage) Questions Abound in Alleged Pelosi Beating > http://roadtosuccess100years.blogspot.com/2022/10/questions-abound-in-alleged-pelosi.html?m=1. #pelosi Questions Abound in Alleged Pelosi Beating > http://roadtosuccess100years.blogspot.com/2022/10/questions-abound-in-alleged-pelosi.html?m=1. #pelosi Too many questions in Paul Pelosi beating… Like 1) Lack of security – How did the ‘intruder’ David Depape get in t he gated house? Or , was he really an in truder? 2) GOP Pelosi protestors in Sf? Surprising to hear of any GOP lurkers in SF. 3) How was Paul Pelosi REALY able to contact 911 and have police get to his house in time. Did anyone really SEE DePape beat Pelosi with a hammer? For all we know, Pelosi could have been on a drunk and fallen down the stairs, without real witnesses. some say it could have had to do with gay sex and a fight that ensued. 4) All this happening right before a big election. Very suspicious timing. Not saying it didn’t happen. Just a lot of questions that need to be answered just like when Pelosi was arrested for DUI thst nearly killed someone that was nearly covered up MISC -Google sending GOP emails to spam to especially hurt GOP in elections. They deny but No Carolina Feb study backs this up. So, now RNC is suing Google over this…. -Pensions selling investme ts in ofx bldgs and renting out since offices are going half empty -NY Times surveyors try to rationalize the increase in red vote polling for mid term elections. Bottom line: people care most about day to day issues that affect us directly like inflation , economy and crime > Media will never hold Biden Responsible for Political Murder of 18 year old Ellingsom 100% of San Franciscan have been robbed at least once in the last 5 years More @ roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story-latest The ‘Great Reset ‘book Cash Bsron Distopia- legalizing crime Cops can no longer remove trespassers A 911 call takes 2 hours to respond to in New Orleans All due to racial anamous Your rich leaders can afford security of their homes so it doesn’t affect them ************************** ************************** NEWS and OPINION –Literal KILLING of Freedom of Speech, Beheadings Coming to Street near You, What Next? We mentioned elsewhere what Taliban-like actions might be next, such as David Pearl-like beheadings. Before We mentioned elsewhere what Taliban-like actions might be next, such as David Pearl-like beheadings. Before we could even get this out it already has happened , though not to another journalist, but right here in the Bay Area. This is the mentality we’re now dealing with> YOUNG MOTHER BEHEADED “She was putting (her children) in her car and raised her head — and he cut her head off and her children saw everything,” Adrienne Murray said. Or @kpixtv cbsn.ws/3BsX7kj or –‘(Big) Government is not the solution but the problem.’ – Ronald Reagan -‘Society has created Non-binary children, not nature.’ LEAKED AUDIO: ‘Treat {white} people like S**t’: –CNN staffers are ‘terrified’ that new boss Chris Licht is launching a purge of the woke after Brian Stelter and John Harwood were unceremoniously fired – as network tries to win back ‘most trusted name in news’ title -OPINION: Mockingbird media and gas lighters Whatever convenient for them . Truth doesn’t matter to the mockingbird media and gaslighters. Dems were the pivoters who wanted the lockdowns that caused all kind of problems but they think they can make you forget (editorial board) -96% of Americans now believe mixed marriages are acceptable in latest survey. Editor: It’s not about race or guns anymore but letting criminals out of jail early and Defunding police. Bad people will commit crimes any way any how if given the chance, and , yes, there are bad people Hillarious TRUMP & SON Modern Take on Old Red Foxx TV Program You Won’t See On Mainstream Media -Trump’s Florida home was raided apparently for nothing specific but 15 boxes of mostly declassied materials Obama and other presidents took home documents never reported https://nypost.com/2022/08/09/fbi-trump-raid-exposes-washingtons-secrecy-shams/ Hillary Clinton famously deleted 30,000 emails as Sectt of State, of which About 15,000 were classified -Even NY Times’ Maggie Haberman writes that Dems didn’t find what they were looking for in Maralago raid and now have to find another reason to ‘get Trump.’ -Chuck Grassley- best thing GOP HAS IN Chuck Grassley and his reminders to FBI head Wray of the numerous whistle blowers –Double Standard and Violence: –Biden pulls a ‘deplorable’ moment. More ‘Stop the Steal’ Adds: -Zuckerberg Admits FB / Media and FBI Rigged 2020 Election -Covid Vaccine Held Until After #Election ☑️ ⛔ >>> http://roadtosuccess100years.blogspot.com/2022/08/fbi-redacts-their-reasons-for-redacting.html?m=1 #technology – FBI Redacts Their Reasons for Redacting the Trump Mar-a-lago Papers. Bottom line: it was a paperwork dispute! https://afflat3e1.com/lnk.asp?o=24111&c=918277&a=145549&k=0C71D7911A85D715182D8936155B53EF&l=25119 -Beware of ‘Cou try Club Republicans’ says Victor DAvid HAnsen, who felt he had to leave National Review this year for their unwillingness to overlook the angry Trump tweets for the many positives he accomplished as President -22 mil watched Walter Cronkite on CBS news when country had only 200 million people SENATOR Jeff Hawley grills energy sectry Granholm, who denies admin had any effect on Rest of the Story-latest: Dem leaders like Wray, Garland , etc, are worse than double standard bearers. They are AUTHORITARIANS. Congress is out for the next four weeks (thankfully!), so while they’re out, there are other types of actions we can take to make a difference for our country.  URGENT: SIGN UP TO BE POLL WORKER OR WATCHER Lisa Booth on President Biden: More ‘Stop the Steal’ Adds: 7B PERHAPS somewhat overlooked was perhaps the greatest ever running back in football, Jim Brown- certainly the equivalent in sports to what Tina Turner was in music
To appear as if they won something. Also , some expected better than polls but polls were slightly more honest this election after misleading in 2020
3) Dems today will only vote Dem , regardless of bad Biden , etc . ‘Red wave’ was largely a concoction pushed by the media and fake polls to cover Dems losses.
Election was NOT a loss for GOP nor Trump, who endorsed 20 ‘election deniar’ winners. Dems and media were the losersThe Real Reason Behind the Many Election Delays
to appear as if they won something. Also , some expected better than polls like in 2020 but polls were slightly more honest this election,perhaps part of the ruse…cont.Oprah Exposes Herself in Town Hall and It Ain’t Pretty
EXCLUSIVE: Two Far-Right Websites Attributed to David DePape to Smear Conservatives Were Scraped Friday and Deleted Saturday
Depape’s ex partner said DePape was progressive if anything https://www.foxnews.com/politics/pelosi-attacker-david-depapes-ex-says-mentally-ill-once-came-home-thinking-jesus-report
o (sp)
Dems about ‘PMI’ Power, Money, Ideology eg Bill Gates
Large cos. like this have no problem pushing out the little guy
See elec cars u afordable- we will soon be like Cuba all driving old cars from the 1950s
See high school beating of white by Blacksburg in beaumont txAs an old journalist I can handle much but not when they kill our freedom of speech and the people whonfight for it >
Las Vegas reporter remembered as fearless force after elected official, angry at journalist’s work, is arrested in his death . Has U.S. sunk to Taliban / Third world standards? Are David Pearl -like beheadings next?> https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/las-vegas-reporter-remembered-fearless-force-elected-official-angry-jo-rcna46902
RIP to a young mother, beheaded, yes, right here in the San Francisco Bay Area, following on heals of a murdered Las Vegas journalist
Attacked Trump for wanting to open the schools and now, two years later are blaming him for same. Whatever convenient for them .GEORGE ORWELL FOREBODING QUOTES:
Sen. Lindsey Graham said if Trump is prosecuted for mishandling classified information ‘there will be riots in the streets’. Normally, theres no excuse for violence but when half of America continues to be attacked by a double standard that gives it no voice , maybe its even understsndae if frustration finally boils over in violence . Dems tend to label rather than explain
Like Hillary called half of America ‘basket of deplorables,’ Now Biden labels similar group of ‘MAGA’ Republicans (which are the great majority of GOP) as ‘semi-fascists,’ this from the man who campaigned to ‘unite’ the country.
The Trump Army Patriot Shop, offers the US’s most stunning and high-quality products. User can purchase a Donald Trump inauguration gold badge.>>>
Today, with 350 mil Americans, only 5 mil watch cbs evening news. Can’t even tell you the anchor today.
Why? It’s not the newer cable channels cuz left leaning msnbc and cnn
Only garner 2 mil combined, on a good night.
Today Corp News don’t care about truth, only how they look to their base / dem lockstep political ideology
Skyrocketing gas prices
Great example is Rob Reiner, who has no facts to back his claim of Trump’s ‘classified evidence’ as he claims on Bill Mahr show and Dem Mahr even pins him. But he doesn’t care
As you may know, the main focus of Tea Party Patriots Action since the 2020 election has been election integrity. Much of election integrity depends on honest patriots like you signing up as poll workers and poll watchers. In nearly every county in the U.S., most these positions have historically been held by left-wing activists. If we are not a part of the process, we cannot ensure there is honesty and integrity in the system.
If you’re wondering which is better, poll worker (also called election worker, officer of election, election judge, etc. in different places) is preferable. Poll watchers are much more limited in what they are able to do, while workers have actual power to
Make decisions that matter, in most cases. And they get paid a lot of the time! So, if you have a choice, it is better to be a worker than a watcher, but being a watcher is better than nothing!
Deadlines are fast approaching for the November election, so please sign up today!
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission has a handy tool to find out how to become a poll worker/watcher in your state and county. Just scroll down to the Poll Worker Recruitment Lookup Tool and select your state.
They also have a document that lists all of the requirements for serving as a poll worker on a state-by-state basis, so you can use that to see if you meet the requirements. Also, many states allow teenagers (i.e. 16 and up) to serve as poll workers or watchers, so if you know any high-schoolers who would want to serve in this way, invite them to sign up too!
https://rumble.com/embed/v1ffaqd/?pub=u5bfs –Zuckerberg Admits FB / Media and FBI Rigged 2020 Election -Covid Vaccine Held Until After #Election ☑️ ⛔ >>> #technology
Wray and Garland looking for trouble with their strong arm tactics. America is angry and incidents would not be a suppose until W and G try to do right and not keeping lighting fuses with unequal treatment of GOP
Rather than using violence, memes like these are one way many of us are venting our frustrstions today on how we’re , shockingly, being treated by our corrupt, dictatorial government (using every legal and illegal loophole to keep us down) as we, the ‘bourgeoisie,’ are being ‘de-balled’. , in dealing with our anger and upset – through memes, sometimes humorous ones, sometimes not. Please spread the word.
GOOD HUMOUR (if it weren’t so sad)
The difference between Trump and Biden is that Trump had his house broken into and Biden isn’t even housebroken. (As a group, the GOP is much less vindictive. For example, After he won the 2016 election, Trump said he wouldn’t attempt to prosecute Hillary and her 33,000 deleted emails. ) Interesting to just learn how the retired National Archives director decided to go after Trump for unknown classified materials in a raid that didn’t happen until six months later, just months before a midterm election but same person decided to ignore Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 heavily classified , deleted (by her) emails as well as President Clinton’s and Obsma’s parting ‘takes’
When Life Gives You Don LEMON change the channel
Even NY Times’ Maggie Haberman writes that Dems didn’t find what they were looking for in Maralago raid and now have to find another reason to ‘get Trump.’
–Chuck Grassley best thing GOP HAS IN Chuck Grassley and his reminders to FBI head Wray of the numerous whistle blowers
-‘If you’re going to indict a former President you better have something bigger than diputed documents’ -WSJ
Double Standard and Violence:
Sen. Lindsey Graham said if Trump is prosecuted for mishandling classified information ‘there will be riots in the streets’. Normally, theres no excuse for violence but when half of America continues to be attacked by a double standard that gives it no voice , maybe its even understsndae if frustration finally boils over in violence https://www.businessinsider.com/lindsey-graham-trump-prosecution-for-classified-info-will-cause-riots-2022-8. Dems tend to label rather than explain
Biden pulls a ‘deplorable’ moment.
Like Hillary called half of America ‘basket of deplorables,’ Now Biden labels similar group of ‘MAGA’ Republicans (which are the great majority of GOP) as ‘semi-fascists,’ this from the man who campaigned to ‘unite’ the country.
More ‘Stop the Steal’ Adds: -Zuckerberg Admits FB / Media and FBI Rigged 2020 Election -Covid Vaccine Held Until After #Election ☑️ ⛔ >>> http://roadtosuccess100years.blogspot.com/2022/08/fbi-redacts-their-reasons-for-redacting.html?m=1 #technology
FBI Redacts Their Reasons for Redacting the Trump Mar-a-lago Papers. Bottom line: it was a paperwork dispute!
The Trump Army Patriot Shop, offers the US’s most stunning and high-quality products. User can purchase a Donald Trump inauguration gold badge.>>>
Trump Bucks 5000 Bill is a golden piece of Donald Trump memorabilia. This product has a 60 day customer satisfaction guarantee. Users can purchase these bills and create a timeless collection.
Zuckerberg Admits FB / media and FBI Rigged Election
(Add More Evidence to ‘Stop the (2020 Election) Steal’ by Dems, Media, FBI)
‘Subterfuge by Biden admin and FBI ‘ -Trump
-We know Zuckerberg gave $40, 000 to the Dems for the 2020 electuon, NOW we learn FBI told Zuckerberg/FBI to hold off on Hunter Biden laptop scandal story until AFTER election (Joe Rogan interview w Zuckerberg 8-22) .
If this isn’t evidence that FBI wasn’t complicit in rigging the election along with FB and media, nothing is.
If effect, FB says it didn’t suppress story, aa Twitter did, but ‘MERELY’ reduced distribution of story
-Media -Dems didn’t honor Trump covid vaccine until day AFTER 2020 election. Until that day it was ‘ we won’t take that vaccine if it came through Trump’ (Kamala and others)
And , now Looking back
Latest dem blame Trump for pushing vaccine
Of course Dems liked it right after 2020 election but had nothing tondo within up to election day!
2= DeSantis tweet right out of trump book. People without common sense and humor will condemn him but Desantis got this so right – perfect -‘elf’ description-and Fauci deserves this ,long past due after what he has done to thousands
3 So also appropriate is quote from AMAC head
1 Trump is one of a kind: a doer, a humanitarian, a politician, yes, an entertainer and funny guy that many humorless folks don’t ‘get’…
It’s confounding how many don’t understand/accept ho. And I worry for his life everyday, especially in this climate
Another $2.98 billion to Ukraine
-Biden is wasting our money dripping just enough each time to keep the war going instead of one large amount to end the war, per Zelinski comments. Or, Simply having g given the MGs when requested we wouldn’t be sending over any more taxpayer money . And we have no accounting to even know that they’re using all this mon ey for war
3As 3 Es that will hapenelec
Biden has now taken 150 vacation days or roughly 1/3 of his days in office. (Some say h
e has taken everyday off)
Dem leaders like Wray, Garland , etc, are worse than double standard bearers. They are AUTHORITARIANS.
Great example is Rob Reiner, who has no facts to back his claim of Trump’s ‘classified evidence’ as he claims on Bill Mahr show and Dem Mahr even pins him. But he doesn’t care
Congress is out for the next four weeks (thankfully!), so while they’re out, there are other types of actions we can take to make a difference for our country.
As you may know, the main focus of Tea Party Patriots Action since the 2020 election has been election integrity. Much of election integrity depends on honest patriots like you signing up as poll workers and poll watchers. In nearly every county in the U.S., most these positions have historically been held by left-wing activists. If we are not a part of the process, we cannot ensure there is honesty and integrity in the system.
If you’re wondering which is better, poll worker (also called election worker, officer of election, election judge, etc. in different places) is preferable. Poll watchers are much more limited in what they are able to do, while workers have actual power to
Make decisions that matter, in most cases. And they get paid a lot of the time! So, if you have a choice, it is better to be a worker than a watcher, but being a watcher is better than nothing!
Deadlines are fast approaching for the November election, so please sign up today!
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission has a handy tool to find out how to become a poll worker/watcher in your state and county. Just scroll down to the Poll Worker Recruitment Lookup Tool and select your state.
They also have a document that lists all of the requirements for serving as a poll worker on a state-by-state basis, so you can use that to see if you meet the requirements. Also, many states allow teenagers (i.e. 16 and up) to serve as poll workers or watchers, so if you know any high-schoolers who would want to serve in this way, invite them to sign up too!
One last note: Watch my speech at CPAC where I discuss election integrity and how important it is!
Dems and GOP so angry with each other they are overlooking the biggest thread , which id staring us In the face In the name of communist China, a bigger threat than even the woke neo-marxists
Heard hearted people
Young today are being raised with hard hearts. Garbage is being fed into their minds which COmes out in the heart. Negative volition=people only interested in entertainment via social media etc.
Heart is control center of the soul
People don’t want to learn or study, only want fun,being entertained.
Soul is being polluted. No interest
In understanding . Only want to tell how they’re right. No interest in God or a higher power. Not capable of reason. They are there own God, they believe.
Only tragedy can cure a hard heart. Only a death or something very bad will finally change a person
We believers can help bring change as influencers
Wray and Garland looking for trouble with their strong arm tactics. America is angry and incidents would not be a suppose until W and G try to do right and not keep lighting fuses with unequal treatment of GOP
Rather than using violence, memes like these are one way many of us are venting our frustrations today on how we’re , shockingly, being treated by our corrupt, dictatorial government (using every legal and illegal loophole to keep us down) as we, the ‘bourgeoisie,’ are being ‘de-balled’. , in dealing with our anger and upset – through memes, sometimes humorous ones, sometimes not. Please spread the word.
If we waited for facts we wouldn’t have a show– as seen on Gutfeld TV show week of Aug 10 (Too bad I can’t send these favorite jokes to half of my friends or they might not be friends anymore. Wb
What happened to people and their SENSATIVity to humour?)
We lost the great political comic Mort Sahl too quietly during the pandemic. Sharp to the end, at 94,He might have noted: ‘Is Mayor Pete the best the Dems can offer for Prez after Biden and Harris continue to falter? That’s our Secretary of Travel who nobody noticed when he disappeared for two months while on ‘Maternity leave'(not sure if he’s the husband or wife).When he reappeared he told us the best way to help the gas crisis was to buy a $60k electric car, with its fossil-fueled battery.
How do we know that Obama, Clintons, et al didn’t take classified or otherwise stuff when they left the white house? There was plenty more stuff that DID NOT GO TO The National Archives (NARA) (see ‘Art’ van picture below from 2017) > https://thepoliticalinsider.com/hypocrisy-obama-moves-white-house-people-noticed-collection-fine-art/ #obama #stuff #artHow do we know that Obama, Clintons, et al didn’t take classified or otherwise stuff when they left the white house?
The National Archives (NARA) may have gotten some of the stuff but there was plenty more valuable stuff they didn’t get (see ‘Art’ van picture below) >https://thepoliticalinsider.com/hypocrisy-obama-moves-white-house-people-noticed-collection-fine-art/ #obama #stuff #art
When even staunch Dem former Governor Cuomo weighs in against the FBI’s unexplained , unprecedented raid on former President Trump home one must wonder what heck is happening . Maybe if Wray OR Garland would make a statement WHY THE RAID it might help calm the situation. GOP (and Dems) have right to be upset while Wray and Garland are silent and now trying to divert attention as if they are the victims
Former NY Police Chief Bernie Kerick:’ i would not put assassination past them (Dems) to stop Trump from the presidency. THEY’VE TRIED EVERYTHING ELSE. I really fear for his life
Watch Wimpy Economics- “Wimpy: ‘I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today ‘” Is this the way to live/ run a government ? Have we learned anything in 85 years since Wimpy offered to defer his burger payment to Bluto? http://wwwyellowpagescouponsnet.blogspot.com/2022/08/is-this-way-to-run-country-even-yaakov.html?
Congress is out for the next four weeks (thankfully!), so while they’re out, there are other types of actions we can take to make a difference for our country.
As you may know, the main focus of Tea Party Patriots Action since the 2020 election has been election integrity. Much of election integrity depends on honest patriots like you signing up as poll workers and poll watchers. In nearly every county in the U.S., most these positions have historically been held by left-wing activists. If we are not a part of the process, we cannot ensure there is honesty and integrity in the system.
If you’re wondering which is better, poll worker (also called election worker, officer of election, election judge, etc. in different places) is preferable. Poll watchers are much more limited in what they are able to do, while workers have actual power to
Make decisions that matter, in most cases. And they get paid a lot of the time! So, if you have a choice, it is better to be a worker than a watcher, but being a watcher is better than nothing!
Deadlines are fast approaching for the November election, so please sign up today!
The U.S. Election Assistance Commission has a handy tool to find out how to become a poll worker/watcher in your state and county. Just scroll down to the Poll Worker Recruitment Lookup Tool and select your state.
They also have a document that lists all of the requirements for serving as a poll worker on a state-by-state basis, so you can use that to see if you meet the requirements. Also, many states allow teenagers (i.e. 16 and up) to serve as poll workers or watchers, so if you know any high-schoolers who would want to serve in this way, invite them to sign up too!
One last note: Watch my speech at CPAC where I discuss election integrity and how important it is!
Dems and GOP so angry with each other they are overlooking the biggest thread , wwhich stari g us I the face In the name of communist China, a bigger threat than even the woke eo-marxists
Hard hearted people
Young today are being raised with hard hearts. Garbage is being fed into their minds which COmes out in the heart. Negative volition=people only interested in entertainment via social media etc.
Heart is control center of the soul
People don’t want to learn or study, only want fun,being entertained.
Soul is being polluted. No interest
In understanding . Only want to tell how they’re right. No interest in God or a higher power. Not capable of reason. They are there own God, they believe.
Only tragedy can cure a hard heart. Only a death or something very bad will finally change a person
We believers can help bring change as influencers
theater in Rheem here sound not so good so I wouldnt mind seeing it at a big theater if u wants to go again sometime. I question some of the script if It were true or poetic license like Elvis firing Col Parker right during performance and going overboard with ‘security’ / Elvis not traveling to Europe: it’s OK if made up but they just need to tell us …just like the news should do with unverified ‘facts’ otherwise people will get false impressions and elvis and Colonel aren’t around to defend themselves. Maybe they said at the novie start that I missed ‘this is a depiction,’ not a factual presentation ( But ‘Cilla and others liked the movie so that’s good… I just have problems with innacutate social media and regular news that becomes ‘truth’ for many, like the 10 year old girl Biden said was raped in Ohio and had to go to Indiana to get an abortion. The latter Not true-news didn’t bother to report that that critical abortion would be legal in Ohio and other states under such extreme circumstances. News even blocked interviews with Ohio AG who said as much. Sorry, that’s the old newspaper editor coming out in me while Mrs ‘cover both sides of story) Murphy turns in her grave. That’s why wew have such antagonism today, because many people believe everything they see or hear . No more Walter Cronkeits who told it ‘the way it was, ‘ not letting his politics get in the way. End of sermon.
Ps Biden and the mainstream media also didn’t tell us it was his illegal alien buddy who crossed the border to rape the 10 year old girl. Bet u didnt know that either.
Declar header ‘forbthe pursuit of liberty and happiness,’
One man’s stock tips and prognosticatio s(he’s been right since 2018)- segdoe Phil’s gang YouTube cl hannel
Top 11 Reasons Why President Trump Won The 2020 Election and 31 More Add Up to Absolute Proof | ROAD TO SUCCESS https://t.co/DorJuijfzU https://t.co/gjui54PiRs
#election #2020 #trumpwon
Dem Dershowitz says Jan 6 hearing worse than Mac atheism . At least I McArthur trials the other side was allowed to ask some questions.’ ‘The cities are the American peiple., ‘ ‘its all about getting g Trump.’ He says the Dems have doctored Trumps tape, leaving out the part where he said to go ‘peacefully.’ ‘They’re cheating’ us with ‘no due process.’ Dershowirz also thinks the election had a lot of issues. Also , he xame down on senaror schumer for threatening justices Gorsuch and Kabanaugh, setting up a near assasination. He says we need a non political election committee as done In Europe.
He says ronsupport new ‘Fire’ for free speech, no lomger the ACLU
Dershowitz e ven voted to Biden but comes from the ‘old Democrats ‘ who cared
‘ I didn’t leave the party. It left me.’
Story of Mathew Perna
In Answer to Joe’s tweet that American economy is best since 1976:
Gas Prices were at 2.29 when you took over and risen steadily since, along with most everything else, with no sign of stopping. Inflation up from 1.8 to about 8%. Putin would not even be part of picture if you maintained our energy I dependence. SPIN JOE SPIN!
Most important issues to voters:
Economy 51%
Inflation 51%
Gas prices 48%
Gun violence 43%
Abortion 41%
Crime 36%
Immigration 32%
Climate change 25%
Ukrainian war 22%
Chinese coronavirus 20%
Biden’s approval economy (37%) inflation (28%) gas (27%) guns (37%)
— ABC News 6/5/22
Sussman jury foreman dismisses her responsibility to come up with a just verdict saying that there are more important societal problems than finding Sussman guilty
Unlike years ago, Why is it virtually
to adopt a child in America today?
Not because parents are keeping their children but,rather, they are aborting them to the tune of over 3,000 a day. In New York City alone, over 1 million babies were aborted last year
Many millennials who strongly support abortion wouldn’t be here today if abortions was so easy to get as they are today to get a few decades back when they were born.
Believe it or not….
Oregon is now putting tampon machines in boys bathrooms as well as including girls birth control devices
Famed socialist Noam Chomsky admits only one person could have stopped the war in Ukrain.e and thats Preside t Trump
New Biden Office of Disinformation. Remember last week how Obama,of all people, spoke of this topic at Stanford? Well, he was setting the groundwork for this. With Ms Janovick, long opponent of HuNter Biden laptop ‘disinformation’, heading the office and such story, even after Leftist New York Times recentlY verified the laptop story after denying it for two years .
Along with this they’ll have us believe the great inflation is all Putins fault and only began Teo mo ths ago when everyone saw the gas prices were already up $1 by the new year.
But some people just
Go along with whatever they’re told- they find a convenient target to blame and all Parrott the measage,i.e.talki,ng points,. They’re called Sheeple aka Democrats, even if they don’t really believe it.