<a href=”http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org “><img class=”alignleft wp-image-173″ alt=”FireShot Screen Capture #074 – ‘Hospitals Search Results – Consumer Reports Health’ – www_consumerreports_org_health_doctors” src=”http://healthfitness.ws/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/FireShot-Screen-Capture-074-Hospitals-Search-Results-Consumer-Reports-Health-www_consumerreports_org_health_doctors.jpg” width=”603″ height=”473″ /></a>


Many don’t consider they may have a choice of hospitals when going for  inpatient or outpatient visits, but one’s choice of hospital can make a big difference, sometimes a life altering difference.


As the above chart indicates for a sampling of hospitals in the San Francisco Oakland East Bay Area, there is quite a range, from a high score of  62  at John Muir Concord to a low score of 44 at Sutter Delta medical center in antioch, for this small sampling. (Consomer Reports). There are at least two online safety score guides, ConsumerReports.org (as above) or <a href=”http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/”>http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/</a>   There are overall scores, as above, or using ‘A,B,C ‘ grading as   with http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/ , which are broken down specific categories where one can check the prominence of infections, frequency with which one must return to hospital following initial visit,  costs, etc. For ConsumerReports you may need to sign up with them, though it may be the easier of the two systems to follow.


Surprisingly, some of the hospitals that you thought had great reputations may not be so popular with actual patients, themselves, who have spent time int he hospitals. Witness world reknown UCSF in San Francisco, which manages only a ‘B’ score (http://www.hospitalsafetyscore.org/) and John Muir Walnut Creek, which manages only a ’45’ (ConsumerReports.org)

<a href=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;index=books&amp;keywords=hospital&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;tag=ypc-20″ target=”_blank”>choosing a hospital</a><img style=”border: none !important; margin: 0px !important;” alt=”” src=”http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=ypc-20&amp;l=ur2&amp;o=1″ width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ />

We recently had personal experience at the two John Muirs noted above.  We totally agree with the above nuimbers, finding John Muir Concord far superior, all around, as compared to John Muir Walnut Creek, surprisingly, despite the fact that the Walnut Creek has a brand new campus with the latest   surgical tools and procedures.  Of course, a major decision as to choice of hospital deals with the particular medical need, and different hospitals are also rated by medical procedure.


So, next time you or your loved one must go to a hospital you may want to check one or both above reports.

&lt;a target=”_blank” href=”http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?ie=UTF8&amp;camp=1789&amp;creative=9325&amp;index=books&amp;keywords=hospital&amp;linkCode=ur2&amp;tag=ypc-20″&gt;choosing a hospital&lt;/a&gt;&lt;img src=”http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=ypc-20&amp;l=ur2&amp;o=1″ width=”1″ height=”1″ border=”0″ alt=”” style=”border:none !important; margin:0px !important;” /&gt;

<iframe style=”border: none;” src=”http://rcm.amazon.com/e/cm?t=ypc-20&amp;o=1&amp;p=12&amp;l=st1&amp;mode=books&amp;search=choosing a hospital&amp;fc1=000000&amp;lt1=_blank&amp;lc1=3366FF&amp;bg1=FFFFFF&amp;f=ifr” height=”250″ width=”300″ frameborder=”0″ marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no”></iframe>

WHY HEAVY ARTILERY TO EGYPT? 60 Minutes Love Fest, Death Panels






Does it make any sense that we are arming new President Morrisey of Egypt with heavy duty rockets and tanks, especially when he has repeatedlyspoken out against Israel with extreme statements like the Jews descended from apes and pigs’ (taken right from the Koran and ‘The Holocaust never happened.’

And. what would Egypt even do with the guns? Shoot them at Israel?
They have no other enemies and we can’t think of what else they would
use them for. This is beyond bizarre that the Obama administration
would continue arming Egypt, even after Obama admitted that Egypt
is not a friend of ours. And, with our economy, it’s just
million dollars more in debt…

Sadly Obama administration believes that they can help democratize
Islamic nations like Egypt.  They need only look at the 60 year histroy of the ‘Brotherhood’  to  see that there never has been any indication of peace with Israel or even any one who is not a Muslim for that matter. Nice to be idealist but reality is reality. 

Asbad as Mubarik may have treated his people , Morrisey and the new
Islamic government is worse as we see by the continued civil insurrections.

And, then there are others like Senator mary Landreau of Louisiana who feel there’s no spending problem, ‘despite what Fox News says.’   Thus, the spending continues.. and when it goes for inapproriate things we wonder…  If my small business ran without budgeting I’d be in big trouble, yet the  U.S. government can continue on this way, affecting 300 million citizens!



OBAMA PROBLEM : It’s Largely in the Attitude.

As long as Obama makes everything about him
it’s going to be harder for im to get things done.
Instead of saying ‘I’m going to insist this gets done,’
as he stated to Las Vegas high schools 1-29
after flying across country in his jet just to make that speech.

If Obama tried saying ‘WE would like to work together
to get things done.’ That’s how legislation works. There’s
an old expression ‘ You woo with honey ‘

Obama’s big problem in getting the Republicans to
go along with things is his ATTITUDE. As good a
politician he may be as far as wooing voters (rightly
or wrongly) he makes everything about ‘ME’when it comes
to his constituents, including some Democrats lately.

Just try it President. A very simply thing.



60 Minutes Love Fest

It appears a carefully scripted interview featuring outgoing Secretary fo State Hillary Clinton with President Obama took place sunday night January 31 to help position Clinton in a better light for a likely run for President in 2016.

 Following what most objective viewsers must consider a meltdown by her in the recent Benghazi Congressional hearing, Clinton needed to go out on a positive note and Obama and liberal leaning 60 MInutes helped accommodate her,


Clinton spoke about how proud she is of how she performed as Secretary and the
position in which she left the country. One could easily ask whY and how?
Under Clintoon the U.S. lost two at least two long-time pro-american administrations
in Egypty in Libya. while they may have been dictatorships, at least the the
governemtns of Mubaric and Kadafi remained pro-Israel and helped keep their
geographical neighborhoods non-violent over the past few decades. Their ‘Muslim
Brotherhood’ replacements have already resulted in considerable bloodshed
including the loss of our Libyan ambassador Stevens and three other americans –
another black mark against
Clinton as it appears she and her fellow administrators might have been able
to prevent the deaths had they paid better attnetion to security reports.


Her admission to not liking to appear on Sunday morning talk shows and that ‘ it didn’t
matter’ what she did or didn’t do during the Benghazi affair hardly speaks well
for her. Even the one real notch in her belt, the killing of Bin Laden has come
into question as to whether it was the Bush administration that really set up
the intelligence that took Bin Laden, and some are now questioning the possible
torturous methods used in gaining information. Finally, under Clinton, the U.S.
lost more Navy Seals that in all prevous years coombined including 23 in one
incident along with over 1,000 military troops in Irag and Afghanistan,
where war and American deaths continue to mount.


Yes, Clinton travelled thousands of miles around the world during her tenure,
but what was really accomplished to make the world a safer place? It would
appear the U.S. has more enemies today than ever before while she leaves
with Israel in a precarious state, without a true friendly nation in its midst.
Meanwhile, the U.S. continues giving f-16 jets to Egypt and other weapons to our
enemies, which could likely be used against Israel -who else would they be
used against?. Meanwhile, our rather inept Congress praises Clintons – at least
with an outward display of words upon her exit as Secretary of State. And, if
things went so well and she wants to run for President, while is she leaving
her post?


In any case the 60 MInute ‘lovefest’ was no doubt an attempt by the left leaning
media – and Obama – to help clearthe ‘bad taste’of Clinton’s k Benghazi
testimony and position her for no less than a better legacy and possibleh Presidential











Prior tot he Obamacare debate, former Republican Vice Presidential nominee
Sarah Palin and others were widely critisized for stating that Obamacare
would result in older citizens being ‘sacrificed’ before their time.


Now , after the fact, now that Obama is well ensconsed in his second term
Presidency and the Democrats are in control they are all but admitting
this is one of the ways that Obamacare will have to be paid for, by letting
older population die as they get closer to their time


former secretary of state Robert Reich came out recently saying this in
so many words. The President can’t deny it. Taxking the rich can only cover so much
like 8 days out of a year. Something will have to be paid form other sources.




Hillary and Barack Love Fest – 60 Minutes Unlikely Interview

It appears a carefully scripted interview featuring outgoing Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with President Obama took place sunday night January 31 to help position Clinton in a better light for a likely run for President in 2016.


Following what most objective viewsers must consider a meltdown by her in the recent Benghazi Congressional hearing, Clinton needed to go out on a positive note and Obama and liberal leaning 60 MInutes helped accommodate her,Clinton spoke about how proud she is of how she performed as Secretary and the position in which she left the country. One could easily ask whY and how?


Under Clinton the U.S. lost two at least two long-time pro-american administrations in Egypt  in Libya. while they may have been dictatorships, at least the the governemetns of Mubaric and Kadafi remained pro-Israel and helped keep their geographical neighborhoods non-violent over the past few decades. Their ‘Muslim Brotherhood’ replacements have already resulted in considerable bloodshed including the loss of our Libyan ambassador Stevens and three other americans –another black mark against Clinton as it appears she and her fellow administrators might have been able to prevent the deaths had they paid better att enetion to security reports. Her admission to not liking to appear on Sunday morning talk shows and that ‘ it didn’t matter’ what she did or didn’t do during the Benghazi affair hardly speaks well for her.


Even the one real notch in her belt, the killing of Bin Laden has come into question as to whether it was the Bush administration that really set up the intelligence that took Bin Laden, and some are now questioning the possible torturous methods used in gaining information. Finally, under Clinton, the U.S. lost more Navy Seals that in all prevous years coombined including 23 in one incident along with over 1,000 military troops in Irag and Afghanistan, where war and American deaths continue to mount.

During the hour interview, Clinton managed NOT to answer the question if she felt guilty over Benghazi. Obama, long a rival of Hillary’s, looked odd suddenly playing up to Clinton, giving short, programmed answers like ‘Hillary was one of of the best Secretaries of State,’ ‘Hilllary is a strong friend.’ etc. It obviously was so staged to make the HIllary and Obama and Democrats look clean in front of their press friends and nation on Clinton’s exit. If things were such ,again, why is Hillary leaving the cabinet, as we will ask again and again.


Hillary’s Performance Spotlights Split America


Now, Hillary gets in the act. Though she can’t (yet) make presidential decisions she can assert herself as she did on the Congressional stand Wednesday, trying to defend herself and the administration from the potential Benghazi ‘coverup’ .


How someone who has taken ‘full responsibility’ for the Benghazi disaster,can emphatically state ‘ it doesn’t matter’ what happened but that we just need to prevent it from happening again, we have a major problem. This, from the  leading candidate to be the Democratic nominee for President in 2016? And, of course that’s not all.


She went on to admit she doesn’t like to do Sunday morning talk shows, thus we had Susan Rice erring big time, which contributed mightily to Hillary and the administration’s subsequent problems. And, further, we saw Hillary continuously referring to ‘the ARB’, the investigative report on Benghazi done by her own state staff, whenever there was something she didn’t want to talk about. ‘It’s too lengthy to go into now, but you can find it in the ARB.’ Or, she would state that some things were STILL not resolved and she couldn’t give an answer, as she’s been for the past four months.


COUNTRY’S REACTION: HOW DO HILLARY, OBAMA and the Administration Get Away with all this Stuff?


After seeing Hillary on the stand, giving what we would consider a very poor performance, -never really telling us anything, e.g. who did what, who made the decisions or didn’t  make the decisions – and then the response from the media (or lack therof) we’re beginning to finally understand why we have such a split country. 



For the general media Hillary got a pass and was even praised for how she defended herself and the administration. Truly incrediable! What it comes down to now is that virtually anything Clinton says will be defended by today’s media, with the exception of Fox. We’re talking not about talk show hosts so much as the mainstream news media.



There was once something called objectivity in the news but today one must consider the news source and try to find a balance, if possible. For example , any news feed from the NEW YORK TIMES is likely to defend Obama, Hillary, et al. Same for most of the others. You might get an unbiased real news report from the Wall Street Journal if you’re lucky but that’s about it for the mainstream media. 



How anyone can defend Clinton’s statement, ‘It doesnt (at this time) matter’ anymore, in reference to Benghazi, is akin to closing down the courts and letting all potential criminals off. Sure, there were the actual murderers who killed Ambassador Stevens and three others but the murders likely would not have happened had Hillary read the ‘cables’ from Benghazi, requesting more security, as Senator Rand Paul noted, or had she showed up, herself at the Sunday morning shows rather than passing the buck to an inexperienced Susan Rice. In a sense, Clinton and/or members of the Administration were the REAL culprits for enabling the murders to happen. 



(Afterall, this was the first time an US ambassador was killed in over 30 years
which would indicated something like this just shouldn’t happen.) Yet, inexplicably,
one side of America seemingly goes along with everything and anything the administration
does, even something so incredibly and obviously WRONG! To say something doesn’t matter
why even have court hearings – or rules to live by, for that matter. President Obama
has basically stonewalled the entire proceedings himself. Had Obama taken the stand
we would likely have seem a similar performance of passing the buck.

How someone as intelligent as Clinton – and obama- can get away with this stuff is beyond us.
Worse though, is the half of the American populous that sits by accepting this stuff. Even
the Republican leaders could have done a better job of grilling Clinton. With the exception
of Paul and a few others, it was largely a love fest for Hillary, a probable bump in the
road on the way to a 2016 nomination for President, assuming she still wants this.
Have we become a brain dead nation, so dumbed down by Obama’s ‘giveaway’ culture that
doesn’t encourage work or even much thought. Just live and enjoy while the government
and working stiffs pay for the 50% who don’t .





So we have President obama now coming up with not one ,not two but 23 ‘gun’ bills he wants to push through on his own. And. now he’s already made the order to allow women in the front lines of our military. Now, tha he’s been elected and before he goes into true ‘lame duck’ status it’s Seemingly every day something  else he’s trying to push through. The idea, of course, is just to ‘goo for it all’ and hope at least some of the directives will stick. And, some probably will.

It’s Obama at his best, which may not necessarily be best for the country.


TRANSPARENCY – word of year

Word of the year, at least in politics, has to be ‘transparency.’  I hear it all the time, from obama to anyone in government and those covering them.

I guess it’s supposed to be a positive thing, but  I think of it as  a negative , ie  ‘How transparent these people are.’  As if , you can see right through them…




 HILLARY CLINTON’ finally had her day in court   a full four months after the Benghazi crisis – and not by choice, of course. Though she had previously taken ‘full responsibility’ for what would turn out to be not the result of a Youtube video but  a terrorist action which killed Libyan Ambassador Craig Stephens and three other Americans, she now blames what happened on money.


Clinton complained to the Senate investigating committee that the Defense department was underfunded by 10% – which was apparently enough to cause the murders in her view.  Midway through the morning Congressional Hearing  she would ‘blow up,’ accusing the Republicans of ‘going after’ the administration   for something that was apparently out of their control due to lacking funds, in her view. . She then came up with other instances over the years when terrorist bombings near embassies took place, also due to lack of funds.   One main difference is that these did not deal with American embassy loss of life, especially after dire warnings were given – in this case by the embassador, himself, who was killed.


 Certainly in emergencies extra security could and would be ordered and sent in- but it was not – and Clinton appears to be using the same excuses as the Administration when it comes to problems in government, lack of funds. So much for personal responsibility.


It appears none or most of the main questions about Benghazi were NOT answered: why it took so long for the administration to correct the ‘video’ explanation, that the raid was a spontaneous act on 9/11 in response to an anti-Muslim Youtube video. Nor did Hillary clear up who knew what, or who ordered Susan rice to cover for her on the Sunday morning talk shows, following thge Benghazi activity.


 What it came down to was Hillary blaming NOT taking full responsibility – and what does she really mean by that?.


So, four months since the 9/11 travesty,  Clinton and the administration haven’t totally been able to escape the cloud of  Benghazi., though not for a lack of trying.   Yes, the blood clot could be a serious issue and we wouldn’t downplay that, but don’t forget, there was first a wine tasting in Australia that Clinton had to attend in October, then a couple of viruses caused her to miss two more hearings prior to the blood clot.

So, Clinton  was able to scate free up until just days before her exit as Secretary of State perhaps.  She was probably hoping things would calm down by now and that she could leave her position ‘intact’ as the leading Democratic candidate for president in 2016.  Benghazi would be forgotten and all would be fine. Many of the questioning senators DID throw her softball questions and the question about the video only came up briefly near the end of the briefing. Only Senator Rand Paul and John McCain called her on the carpet. So, as has been the case  much during the Obama administration, she may yet escape unscathed .  But, then again, the Republicans may grow backbones as they have requiring a budget before any further  monetary concessions.



Caching up on our blogs as we were down a few days due to technical difficulties, sorry…


After saying nothing about the rather serious hostage taking by Islamic militants our head foreign leader, Hillary Clinton acknowledged the hostage taking by saying simply words ‘We hope for as few casualties as possible,’ or close to that. Duh! Do we think that she would be hoping for more loss of life? Perhaps Hilary would do better to say nothing than to come out with inane words must tofill the void… and, of course , there was nothing from President Obama, other than his twitters to eight-year-plds…In fact, while Clinton and Obama had reallynoting to say, it was Reuters who was at least giving us some details including that
two American hostages were being held in a gas plant in Algeria and that some otherhostages were killed in a raid.


Perhaps Obama should spend some time on the other peripherals that contribute to the crime program.   Violence has become part of the culture. It’s in the movies, the music, our daily lives – what with murder rates climbing in major cities like Chicago.  Some like producer Quentin Tarrantino  may say that violence in the ‘arts’ has no affect on violence in society but statistics show otherwise.

Obama’s decry of guns has simply sent thousands to the gun stores to clean them out of  anything and everything.  And besides, those are mostly the honest people. It’s the crimnal element that will get it’s guns anywhere they can – and do.  Nothing against tougher gun laws here, but it’s only a fraction of the problem.

We must try to remove violence from the culture, just like England and some other countries have done. The crime and murder rate in England is proportionately  much lower than it is in the U.S.  There is much more civlity in that country, where even the ‘Bobby’s’  (please) don’t need to carry guns, as a rule, we are told.



OBAMA railed against President Bush raising the debt ceiling in 2006, callingBush a ‘tyrant trying to gin up’ the debt celing. It would appear Obama is doingexacly what he spoke against six years ago, having now nearly doubled our debt
from when Bush left office going from $4million to $7 million.

He said he would compromise with Republicans on the debt ceiling and took only six questions from press people who seemed to be predeterminedfrom a list he would scan.

It was only the second press conference in a year. Some in the crowd
said they missed the days of Clinton and Bush I where press conferences
were light and open, where any questions were fair game and topics were open.
The public… Does anyone really care anymore? During the press conference apparently viewers of TV’s the Price is Right were outraged that their showwas preempted for Obama’s speech. Haven’t people noticed that their taxes havegone up…even those 40-50% who weren’t paying taxes will now have to paythe payroll tax (1-2% of their income) if they’re working?

Other notes…

In 2006 Obama complained that Bush II would pull out a credit cardto raise taxes on a whim, who was ‘unpatriotic for raising the debt to 4 trillion
dollars. Has anybody reminded Obama lately that he has raised the deficit to 7 trillion from 4 trillion?

We also learn that Obama has tried 19 times to write new gun law , and others, on his own. However, there
is something called a constitution which prohibits the president from doing this on his own.But, if people don’t care and watch this , who knows what can slip by.


For those who say the Republicans are being too hard on the Democrats, let’s lookback at the Clinton administration. When things weren’t going well initially,Clinton, Gingrich and co. tightened up spending, to only 20% of GDP or about 1.5 trillion dollars
as compared to Obama at about 35% or 3 Trillion dollars.
Fair Tax: or what about taxing people WHEN they spend, not before they spend whenyou don’t even know what they’re spending on or if they’re spending… Countries that have used it are doing well. No wonder the US is no longer in theTop 10 countries with lowest taxes. Nor are the Euroopean countires running in similar socialist manners.

Gun violence:

Obama asks for ‘voluntary efforts’ for decreasing violence in movies, etc.
Good luck to all these hypocritic movie stars coming out against guns but yet
using them frequently in their violent mogies.