by admin | Apr 5, 2013 | Obama, THEY SAID THAT
It’s pretty amazing the lowdown approach we’re seeing more and more of these days in our policitians. Things like Congressperson Maxine Watts saying that the sequestor would mean
‘170 Million Jobs’ Lost – which is pretty outlandish and would mean over laf the US would be without work. In fact on
and other beauts you can find @
Now President Obama comes out with an amazingly superficial if not sexist comment – especially coming from a President of the U.S. – to Kamilla Harris of California at a fundraiser party, telling her that she’s “by far the best-looking attorney general in the country.”
For more ‘They said thats’ go to

by admin | Mar 30, 2013 | Charity, COUPONS, Food, Groceries, Health, Holidays, Restaurants
COUPON COUNTRY and Road To Success’
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Baby Boomers Must Remember Annette Funicello ( need only say Annette, really) going back to the Mickey Mouse Club, Beach Movies, Music, Inspiration and more…Well, as you may know she’s had a tough time the past 20 years with incurable MS and she and her husband have set up a foundation to help not only herself but other victims of Multiple Schlerosis
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featured article…
Labels, collectors celebrate the vinyl record revival
Posted in GOLDMINE
By Dave Thompson
“Vinyl never went away. It was the record companies that deserted it, believing they could make better margins out of CDs,” says Keith Jones of U.K. independent record label Fruits de Mer Records, which specializes in vinyl.
Jones — who admittedly may be just a little bit biased on the topic of vinyl vs. CDs and MP3s opinion, insists that vinyl is here to stay.
“I don’t see much of a commercial future for bland, sterile CDs and even less for paid-for downloads,” he says. “The only future for paid-for recorded music that I can see is to create something that looks and sounds great, has lasting value, means something to the buyer, makes them feel good about spending hard-earned cash on it, makes them want to repeat the dosage.”

by admin | Mar 28, 2013 | Uncategorized
PHCAPTIONcaptkion hconetst |
COUPON COUNTRY E-Letter on the ROAD TO SUCCESS March 27, 2013
A little change of pace this time around… featuring WORDS OF WISDOM and a few funnies like the above , which we thought could be the subject of a CAPTION CONTEST in honor of our sister site and the famous ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational Poster’s 100th Anniversary (1913-2013 )
and Coupon Country’s 30th Anniversary rights to the poster… Enjoy’! – JB
Just give us your best shot at good captions for above and the winners will receive:
2- OAKLAND ZOO passes
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3- Road to Success Allegorical Cartoon Print from 1913 (30 year old print)
$100 VALUE
EMAIL TO: [email protected]
We will announce winner next week in subequent e-letter at which time w’ll ask the winner for their mailing address. -JB
PS – Sorry again about the ‘Sample Links’ that were sent 4x by mistake last week as we were testing a new feature. Obviously, the test failed but we are making it up to you todoay plus! |
COMING SOON – 4* Vegetarian Restaruants! |
by admin | Mar 23, 2013 | Giants, Sports
MLB Trying To Cover Itself From Further Embarassment as PEDs Continue To Purvade Baseball
Notice things seem a little quieter in the Spring Training Circuit this year? With only a week before the season starts, baseball hasn’t even reached the First Page of the Sports section. Along with an unusual amount of ‘mysterious’ injuries this year, there’s an underlying feeling of discontent in Mudville. Especially among the old school guys, the broadcasters and sportswriters, who know, deep down, that baseball is far from the pure sport it was thirty years ago when guys named Willie and Micky lead the way. The old ‘spring fever’ isn’t there. No surprise what with the continuing stream of players continuing to test positive for chemical enhancement – and more often those who don’t- and the unknowing who IS and who ISN’t ‘on’ something…
Sadly, the young generation – under age 20 – has never seen baseball played CLEANLY , now over 10 years since Bonds made Ruth turn over in the grave and Henry Aaron wince a lot, when Bonds broke Ruth’s asterisk-free season total of 60 homers with 73 and broke the Aaron’s lifetime total – and in cold San Francisco, where homeruns used to be scarce; Bonds was really the one who set things off, though McGwire and Conseco played a smaller role, a mere blip on the radar years earlier. Now we have players being invited back to a team a second and third time after playing with performance enhancing drugs – and still making big money while at it. Who knows if they are still on the juice or not? If they are, they’ll probably perform well; if not, they probably won’t. It’s crazy that this is happening. Does anybody care anymore?
So,’Commissioner’ Selig and MLB decide they have to make a point, lest they continue to look even more like ‘turn the other cheek’ laughing stock, as they’ve been for over a decade now. They come up with some names, much like Edgar Mitchell did – remember the Mitchell report that went nowhere? – and threaten a lawsuit against this new Miami-based version of San Francisco’s BALCO. Good luck guys. Sounds like going after straws again. Give ’em a little scare, I guess. Without real hard evidence, you’re putting yourselves in position for a reverse lawsuit – and to further upset the game.. Nothing’s going to change at this point, especially with the speed and ineptness that Selig and his ‘yes men’ do things. Baseball’s players union is very strong and you’re not going to get very far. Meanwhile the fans will suffer, or will they? The young ones don’t know any other way than baseball on steroids. It’s sad for both those who haven’t had the opportunity to see REAL baseball , and , us ‘oldtimers’ who remember how great the game can be if played honestly. But, like so many things today, there are easy short cuts to easy money, thanks largely to advanced chemicals, computers and , perhaps, a society gone south. I, for one, have pretty much lost interest in baseball (especially living in the SF area ( PED headquarters) but it looks like things may be going bi-coastal . As Buster Olney noted in his ESPN column today, the problem is now so entrenched . Easily half the SF Giants are on the stuff, in my opinion, lead by the Venezuela connection of Scutaro and Sandoval. (Scutaro comes over mid season to suddenly become Babe Ruth and ‘teach’ Sandoval his ‘tricks’ just as A-Rod did with M Cabrera, before Cabrera took his ‘secrets’ back to Kansas City where he taught his fellow Venezuelan Scutaro and Mijarez before THEY came to the Giants… and on and on it goes.. Incestual relationships all over the place but either I am the only one who sees them or perhaps one of the few who cares enough to speak out. So the Giants lose another star of 2010, Brian Wilson. No big deal.. J ust go back and get old suspects from 2010 , Andre Torrez and Rafael Ramirez, who had their best seasons with Giants, as have most of these guys. Across the bay The A’s bring back Bartolo Colon, who will either still have to be on the juice , at 39 , to perform well, or will be a throwaway. Here today , gone tomorrow, just like the experiment with Manny Ramirez, last year; that failed, leaving him out of excuses and into retirement. Finally. More @ 
by admin | Mar 12, 2013 | Political
The Chevy Volt has sold less than the ‘Unsafe At Any Speed’ Corvair and Edsel in the same time period of 2-3 years.
Edseland Corvair were discontinued after their poor performances back in the late 50s-early 60s, yet
Volt hangs on, a ‘pet project’ for the Obama Administration, tied to the government’s new
ownership of GM, says Charles Bartell.
Charles Bartell of Newport Investors group brings forth how General Mortors has been able to somehow show such positive results this year. He says GMs sales have been built on sub-prime sales and ‘air’. Invest in GM and take a big risk, says Bartel
– – – –
After a council meeting on fighting obesity, chairperson Michelle Obama took the party
for pizza at a pizza parlor
– – – –
Obama: ‘My purpose for a balanced budget is more than just balance.’ Obama has yet to put forth a budget. He’s the first president since 1921 not to submit a budget in his first four years.
by admin | Mar 12, 2013 | Economy, Economy, Political
Fwd: WaPo Covers Our Pay Cuts for Congress Petition!
1 ~ The number of Congresspeople voluntarily taking a pay cut right now.
Rep. Tammy Duckworth served in the Iraq War as a US Army helicopter pilot where she lost both her legs. While most of Congress has exempted itself from salary cuts, newly elected Tammy Duckworth is taking a pay cut during Sequestration. Let’s thank her for stepping up and send a message to other members of Congress that people will support those who do.
Can you sign the online card thanking Rep. Duckworth thanking her for her leadership?
355,862 ~ The number of people who have signed our petition demanding Congress and the President take a pay cut during Sequestration.
The Washington Post featured us in a recent article about the Congressional Sequestration pay cut exemption. In it, they note that the 27th Amendment is not a factor in why Congressional members have been exempted, indicating that there is no clear reason why they have been. It remains a mystery.
500,000 ~ The number of people we need signed on for members of Congress to wake up and listen to us. Can you help build our numbers?
Email, Tweet or Share the following with your friends:
Congress exempts self in sequester Sign the petition & demand they take a pay cut! @MissWrite @PostPolitics @SignOn
Thank you