Under -reported News and Opinion

How do we know that Obama, Clintons, et al didn’t take classified or otherwise stuff when they left the white house? The National Archives (NARA) may have gotten some of the stuff but there was plenty more valuable stuff they didn’t get (see ‘Art’ van picture below from 2017) >
#obama #stuff #art

#obama #stuff #art

When even staunch Dem former Governor Cuomo weighs in against the FBI’s unexplained , unprecedented raid on former President Trump home one must wonder what heck is happening . Maybe if Wray OR Garland would make a statement WHY THE RAID it might help calm the situation. GOP (and Dems) have right to be upset while Wray and Garland are silent and now trying to divert attention as if they are the victims
–Former NY Police Chief Bernie Kerick:
‘ i would not put assassination past them (Dems) to stop Trump from the presidency. THEY’VE TRIED EVERYTHING ELSE. I really fear for his life
To Eric Bolling ( Newsmax 8-8-22)
–Watch Wimpy Economics- “Wimpy: ‘I’d gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today ‘” Is this the way to live/ run a government ? Have we learned anything in 85 years since Wimpy offered to defer his burger payment to Bluto

Finally, after being holed up ( or held up) for over two years…
Live, Musical ‘Escape’ with Legendary, Ageless Frankie Valli and Four Seasons 7-21-22, Historic San Jose Civic – while others were viewing rancid political hearing we were treated to ‘coming out’ great concert>/ oldiescountry.com/rare-live-mu
– OPINION: Past Time For Our ‘Leaders’ To Get Out of the Rabbit Holes and Find REAL SOLUTIONS to Covid
Covid continues to rage on, well past all expectations of when it might have ended with experts now saying it could go on indefinitely, what with all the many new vatiants and lesser effectiveness of vaccines. We are told to ‘get boosted’ by CDC and our own doctors yet with scant evidence those vaccines will do any good for the newer Covid variants.

My/Our real concern is that nothing is being done to get to the bottom of why covid continues to rage on, unlike most other viruses that may mutate a bit and fade.
After three years, Top ‘experts’ can STILL give no answers or show trends with the virus. Therefore, people cannot be treated properly and many are suffering with ‘Long Covid’ and other side effects, indefinitely, and long after major symptoms have subsided. MORE
– Ilya Shapiro of Manhattan Institute think tank says professors are being forced out of universities such as Georgetown and UCLA for offering more moderate points of view that don’t go along with mainstream faculty. This has never happened to this extent before on college campuses where open discussion was always the rule. T he difference now is that leftists – often the radical students of the late 60s and beyond – are now the administrators running the college campuses rather than the previous more DEMOCRATIC, ‘open’ bodies of the post-war era, says SHAPIRO.

He also says that it’s the same with politicians who are more radicalized today and with fewer moderates, fearful of being ‘primaried out.’ Of 50 democrat senators , only Joe Manchin and sometimes Kristen CINEMA DONT ALWAYS GO ALONG IN LIBERAL LOCKSTEP. No more Scoop Jacksons and not surprising Joe Lieberman left that party and so many house members are retiring today. MORE
– Trump warned Don Lemon 2015 about illegals raping women> Donald Trump on Illegal Immigrants: “Somebody Is Doing The Raping” https://buff.ly/3cbp9qd!

Published July 14, 2022 9:33pm EDT
Ohio 10-year-old’s alleged illegal immigrant rapist, 27, was listed as minor in abortionist’s report to state

and Began Today’s Partisan Advocacy Journalism -See Review
–FACT and OPINION: The Main Difference between the Republican party and the Democratic party. This says a lot, in our opinion
–Is China Getting Away with Murder of Millions WORLDWIDE -over 7 million, more than Germany killed in WWII? Still?
–STILL NO COVID CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS despite real evidence that Covid may have been created in the Wuhan Labs and more strains still may be until we get to the bottom of it…
Rand Paul July 1 on Hannity:
There has not been one congressional investigation on the origins of covid, that killed over 1 million Americans yet there are dozens of investigations on plastic bottles’ cancer effects.
If and when the GOP has congressional power in November he and others will convene such committee to not only investigate covid liability but to prevent similar + from happening again

–Finally, a college student (Harvard, no less), gets it! Good for her. This is well worth your time.
#wakeup #wakeupcall #wakeupamerica
-Watch “The REAL DONALD TRUMP The Media Won’t Tell You About! | Sarah Huckabee Sanders | Huckabee” https://youtu.be/_ToE68Nw8M4
election #2020 #trumpwon electionfraud
–1 million people have changed parties from Democrat to Republican during the past 12 months, according to Associated Press
–Only In AmerIca are some health officals (CDC, EHC, FDA) paId commissions by drug companies (PfIzer, Moderna, etc) . Ths 6 mon ft h old now g I ven cov I d vaccine desp I te 0% death rate
-Biden DOJ has dropped charges against 79 ’21 summer Antifa rioters who assaulted police.
-Appears major Paul Pelosi cover up after DUI. Fact that there was a witness , possibly in car, and that there appears to me an injury to other party after we learn both cars were totalled and more… Thanks to Jesse Waters for suing for infrmato That finally obtained Pelosi Mug shot and hopefully more.
Biden’s going after windmills
–Did you know that Jaime Raskin and Benny Thompson of jan 6 committee called Rodney King riots legitimate at the time

the Oakland, CA Homeless problem is now beyond belief, perhaps double what it was two years ago.. can aND will something rely be done about it or is it just talk? Is this the new normal?
–Top 11 Reasons Why President Trump Won The 2020 Election and 31 More Add Up to Absolute Proof | ROAD TO SUCCESS https://t.co/DorJuijfzUhttps://t.co/gjui54PiRs #election #2020 #trumpwon #electionfraud
–Dem Dershowitz says Jan 6 hearing worse than MacArthyism . At least In McArthy trials the other side was allowed to ask some questions.’ ‘The cities are the American peiple., ‘ ‘its all about getting g Trump.’ He says the Dems have doctored Trumps tape, leaving out the part where he said to go ‘peacefully.’ ‘They’re cheating’ us with ‘no due process.’ Dershowirz also thinks the election had a lot of issues. Also , he xame down on senaror schumer for threatening justices Gorsuch and Kabanaugh, setting up a near assasination. He says we need a non political election committee as done In Europe.
He says on support new ‘Fire’ for free speech, no longer the ACLU
Dershowitz e ven voted to Biden but comes from the ‘old Democrats ‘ who ‘cared’
‘ I didn’t leave the party. It left me.’
Story of Mathew Perna
-In Answer to Joe’s tweet that American economy is best since 1976:
Gas Prices were at 2.29 when you took over and risen steadily since, along with most everything else, with no sign of stopping. Inflation up from 1.8 to about 8%. Putin would not even be part of picture if you maintained our energy I dependence. SPIN JOE SPIN!
–Most important issues to voters:
Economy 51%
Inflation 51%
Gas prices 48%
Gun violence 43%
Abortion 41%
Crime 36%
Immigration 32%
Climate change 25%
Ukrainian war 22%
Chinese coronavirus 20%
Biden’s approval economy (37%) inflation (28%) gas (27%) guns (37%)
— ABC News 6/5/22
Sussman jury foreman dismisses her responsibility to come up with a just verdict saying that there are more important societal problems than finding Sussman guilty
Unlike years ago, Why is it virtually
to adopt a child in America today?
Not because parents are keeping their children but,rather, they are aborting them to the tune of over 3,000 a day. In New York City alone, over 1 million babies were aborted last year
Many millennials who strongly support abortion wouldn’t be here today if abortions was so easy to get as they are today to get a few decades back when they were born.
Believe it or not….
Oregon is now putting tampon machines in boys bathrooms as well as including girls birth control devices
Famed socialist Noam Chomsky admits only one person could have stopped the war in Ukrain.e and thats Preside t Trump
New Biden Office of Disinformation. Remember last week how Obama,of all people, spoke of this topic at Stanford? Well, he was setting the groundwork for this. With Ms Janovick, long opponent of HuNter Biden laptop ‘disinformation’, heading the office and such story, even after Leftist New York Times recentlY verified the laptop story after denying it for two years .
Along with this they’ll have us believe the great inflation is all Putins fault and only began Teo mo ths ago when everyone saw the gas prices were already up $1 by the new year.
But some people just
Go along with whatever they’re told- they find a convenient target to blame and all Parrott the measage,i.e.talki,ng points,. They’re called Sheeple aka Democrats, even if they don’t really believe it.
HOMELESS IN lafayette and reaction
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This massive company has an unrivaled ability to influence American culture, and its economic strength has given it a unique ability to lobby localities, states, and the federal government—

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-Sussman jury foreman dismisses her responsibility to come up with a just verdict saying that there are more important societal problems than finding Sussman guilty of a possible lie to the grand jury:
“Personally, I don’t think it should have been prosecuted because I think we have better time or resources to use or spend to other things that affect the nation as a whole than a possible lie to the FBI. We could spend that time more wisely,” she said.
Those watching the case were worried once jury selection began especially after the judge allowed Clinton donors to be seated despite objections from Durham’s team.
One member was a federal employee who admitted they donated to the Democrats in 2016 and another government employee who told the judge they “strongly” disliked former President Trump both claimed they could be impartial.
But it gets even shadier.
U.S. District Judge Christopher Cooper’s wife is Lisa Page’s lawyer, and another one of the juror’s children is on the same row team with Sussaman’s kid.
Sussman trial:
– Judge’s wife is Lisa Page’s lawyer
– One of the juror’s kids is Sussman’s kid’s rowing teammate
– Multiple jurors were Hillary supporters/donors
There was never going to be a conviction.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) May 31, 2022
more USAA News 5-31-22
-The Hodgetwins : Bill Maher on Trans Trend: ‘You’re 5 Years Too Late’ | Facebook https://fb.watch/dfgHbQgKQv/
-Blacks 2.5x more likely to commit hate crimes than whites but nobody cares if the NY Times etc lies…The big issue here is the lying media . In LA blacks anti-Asian crime eight times higher, according to police records. But people continue to accept the mainstream media
-REAL story the Jan 6 committee ignored> https://loudermilk.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=3989
-Biden’s Disinformation Chief: Men Can Give Birth and HAVE abortions (‘There Are Many Non-Binary People Who Give Birth’)>https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/04/29/bidens-disinformation-chief-there-are-many-non-binary-people-who-give-birth/
– Unlike years ago, Why is it virtually impossible to adopt a child in America today? Not because parents are keeping their children but, rather, they are aborting them to the tune of over 3,000 a day. In New York City alone, over 1 million babies were aborted last year
Many millennials who strongly support abortion wouldn’t be here today if abortions was so easy to get as they are today to get a few decades back when they were born.
-Believe it or not….Oregon is now putting tampon machines in boys bathrooms as well as including girls birth control devices
– Famed socialist Noam Chomsky admits only one person could have stopped the war in Ukrain.e and thats Preside t Trump
OPINION: San Francisco Sport Team Managers Enter Politics

Maybe it’s not a coincidence that the San Francisco Giants, who had the best record in baseball last year, are not even coming close to selling out as in years past. Even though San Francisco is probably 70% liberal, that leaves about 30% of Giants fans who might not appreciate the Giants mixing politics with sports, following manager Gabe Kapler’s diatribe against guns in society. Maybe it’s also not surprising the Giants are increasing their negative reputation among non- San Francisco fans, such as David Rosenthal, who covers the Los Angeles Dodgers. As for the the coach Steve Kerr, a long time anti-gun – and anything anti-Republican- at least his Golden State Warriors have been winning and are in the finals, so Kerr has legs to stand on , right or wrong. But, most fans, we believe, go to games to escape the news cycle and get away from the deadly politics of the day.
Why do you thing late night TV ratings have dropped ten-fold since the days of Johnny Carson, who when he talked politics was sure to skewer BOTH SIDES. Same for TV news, propped up by corporate owners, are seeing their ratings largely in the toilet for years now.

AND NOT JUST OAKLAND….Seen on the wall of the old El Charro Restaurant in Lafayette:

- Gil Scott-Heron wrote ‘Whitey on the Moon’ in 1970 – nothing has changed 50 years later. Listen:
- Biden even has to have notes written for him to answer six ‘tough’ pre-announced questions at recent press conference
- Biden doesn’t want Ukraine, per General Jack Keene, to win for fear of Putin going nuclear. When Ukraine starts winning we do t give them what he needs. “Where is the passion and Patton to stop the slaughter?,” says Keane
- Walt Disney must be turning in his grave over ‘reimagined ‘ Disney Co. where people are no longer addressed as ‘ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls.’ (Gov. Mike Huckabee)
There is a responsibility being the most powerful country in the world . The U.S. is failing at this.
- Instead of fixing the gas problem CA Gov Newsome is putting on a band-aid trying to give us back some of the high gas tax we pay with a $400 gas card , conveniently just before the mid-term elections.
- Like everything else, Biden wants to wait to see what happens with potential chemical warfare- only it could be too late after we’re all dead, much like his holding back on MIGs in Ukraine as we watching thousands die

–Supreme court candidate Ketanji Brown Jackson can’t or won’t give a definition of ‘woman’ which reflects her ‘new’ education where anything goes or doesn’t go. She also won’t allow opposing views on abortion in her personal or business decisions showing no respect for the constitution. Plus , how many images of child porn must one own or view before molesting children to go to jail more than 3 months, regardless of how easy to obtain and then see JACKSON apologize to ‘victim’. Is this really who we want on the constitutional Supreme court?
-Biden: We don’t want a long war in UKRAINE that you speak of


Editorial: Crisis of Truth
Where is our Churchhill?
How Biden can state in his short morn press conference that he had nothing to do with skyrocketing gas prices is pure delusion and political cover.
Finally blocking Russian imports is another meaningless sanction- at best it will help later rather than now when we need to stop the war. Typical ‘kick the can’ mentality.
Gas prices started going up the day Biden took office when he shut down our pipelines which cost our prior oil self suffienciency.
Now we have record gas prices over $7 . To say that he’s not stopping private or public oil production is a lie as he placed restrictions on them while opening pipeline for Putin- at least which Germans had foresight to block but many European countries as well as US are funding Putin’s war by buying his oil since the The US has closed down our previously self Sufficent oil produxtion. The day Biden took office gas averaged under $3. In one year its Gone up over $1 , now averaging over $4.
Biden, instead, is now dealing for oil with terrorist countries Iran and Venezuela as well as Russia instead of using what’s under his Pinocchio nose. Makes no sense but worse its leading to deaths in Ukraine with Putin marching on, now bombing Ukraine hospitals and other countries if he’s not stopped .
Biggest crisis is the crisis of Truth and bankrupt integrity. Now we are learning of Russian bio labs in ukraine – news thst is quickly squashed by so-called media ‘fact checkers’ .We now have Russia bombing maternity hospitals and killing children while you have a president blaming Putin for ALL our problems and afraid to Open up US oil for fear of losing his leftist ‘global climate ‘ base. Just like in Afghanistan, Biden is sacrificing lives for political expediency
We should have never gotten in this place but Obama let Putin take Crimea and Biden has not stood up to Putin, who has been told early on by Biden there will be no military intervention . Biden would be a terrible poker player.
Biden could have gained some creditibility in the world by ratcheting up oil production. But, no. Biden is too stubborn and good at criticizing but does nothing of significance, only bringing us down,
UFC ‘sBryce Mitchell from Arkansas has it right on. Hear him >
In latest press conference, While Biden says he will restrict Russian oil imports he fails to say his giving an executive order for private lands to stop oil drilling (90% of production) , which we learned on the news right after his ‘misinformation ‘ conference. Of course, there were no questions allowed that might
Poke holes in his script

Editorial repeating Dem Barrie Weiss’ and others’ assertion:
Anybody not locked into partisan politics would realize that Biden could end not only the gas price crunch but cut inflation by opening our pipelines and drilling. This would also allow European countries to buy oil from US instead of Russia, thereby cutting Putin profits substantially, enough so to limit refueling of military weapons used in Ukraine. But , many can’t face evil staring them in the eye. Same people rather use climate change rationale rather than save Ukrainian lives

–We’re seeing for the first time in years what the world is like without The U.S. as de facto world leader.

Despite media blackout, main PEOPLES CONVOY
Kept on Truckin with no problems- reached Capitol with over 30 miles of 7,000 plus trucks strong- PeoplesConvoy.org

Common sense Democrat has THE answers and (3 easy) solutions to ending the killing while raising the Western economy NOW >

Common sense Democrat has THE answers and (3 easy) solutions to ending the killing while raising the Western economy NOW >
‘It’s not too late for the rest of the West to save the world from tyrannical regimes that have been empowered by our own energy superstitions.’ WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?
Even Canadian premier and new German Chancelor have cut off Russian oil imports. Time for Biden and other Western leaders to Wake Up. BIDEN HAS BEEN LATE TO THE DANCE WITH EVERYTHING …INCLUDING WEAPONS AND ESPECIALLY ANTI -MISSLE SYSTEMS. PERHAPS WE CAN GET HELP Also FROM ISRAEL IRON DOME ANTI- MISSLE SYSTEM
(The one thing Biden I telligence fot right was predicting when Putin would invade but what good was that info when Biden and Co. Were totally unprepared with missles and money. Biden admits that even his sanctions will do nothing immediately to save lives.!!! Shocking!!! (editorial comment)
Note: I would add a fourth solution to Weiss’ treatise: while Western leaders remain in their ideological ‘climate’ stupor, we the people must speak out and put pressure on them to ‘refuel.’
We’re seeing for the first time in years what the world is like without The U.S. as the de facto world leader

–Always a day (or weeks) late and a dollar short- thats Biden and Congress. So they passed a bill for aid to Ukraine but say it won’t get there until next week. By then, Ukraine will probably be gone and will be useless in saving lives NOW, just like his sanctions, sanctions, sanctions. Y the way I still havent received my free test I sent for 2 monthz
Biden and US govt are funding Russian war aggression with oil we’re buying from Russia when we should be using our own substantial supply. World War III Should Have Never Broken Out https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story/ #biden #ukraine #putin #ww3 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🏚 🌏 💰
Biden hasn’t done a damn thing except throw tax payer money at things too little too late. Call him boastful but There would be no war with Trump. Now it may be too late to step-in militarily but we must immediately start with our oil ramp up and knock out Putins oil prosperity and get Nato nations buying from us again while lowering our own gas prices. NOW

: Biden and US govt are funding Russian war aggression with oil we’re buying from Russia when we should be using our own substantial supply. They’re more worried about global warming future threat than hundreds of lives lost already just as they bungled Afghanistan .
P.S. US should have supplied anti missle systems and arms long ago
This would not have happened with strong leadership
Mistake after mistake by the current administration has already cost hundreds of innocent lives in Ukraine while worsening an already bad U.S. Economy. Past time to ACT. If our president won’t WE MUST
Now U.S. is about to pay Iran millions for oil instead of using our own dormant resources (U.S. is the second leading producer of oil for fuel . Now since Biden cut-off production, western countries including US are, In effect, funding Putin for the war.
-John Kerry, lear jet liberal, making America green one leer jet at a time-

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Shocking stat:
People 18-64 have a 40% higher death rate in 2021 than prior years.
This has to be attributed largely to side effects of covid by
A) ISOLATION AND DEPRESSION = poorer health including more smoking , drinking, drugs and suicides
loans #money #finances #crypto

Follow and support The Peoples Convoy to take back your liberty and freedoms https://thepeoplesconvoy.org/non-financial-donations/ #thepeoplesconvoy #thepeoplesconvoydc2022 and https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story/ > Pass it on

GAS HITS $5 in Pleasant Hill, CA
after Biden robs gas reserves to ‘lower’ gas prices. NOT! Save on Gas 4 Ways:

Michelle Mckelley, 42, allegedly boasted about her “hustle” at the store on Third Avenue near East 70th Street, telling cops, “I haven’t got caught in a long time,” after her latest bust Wednesday, prosecutors said in Manhattan Criminal Court

Trump Spy Scandal Totally Ignored To Date by Mainstream

Biggest Story Should Be
Lesley Stahl / 60 Minutes and Media Coverup of Trump Spy Scandal >
>https://obamascandals.blogspot.com/2022/02/lesley-stahl-cbs-must-be-held.html. and >https://m.republicworld.com/world-news/us-news/durham-probe-claims-clinton-campaign-paid-to-infiltrate-trump-tower-white-house-servers-articleshow.html https://m.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/videos/350524406214941/ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
and https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2020/10/22/president-trump-releases-the-raw-footage-of-60-minutes-interview-with-bias-hatred-rude-lesley-stahl/ Skyscandal #60Minutes #LesleyStahl #TrumpSpyScandal #mediacoverup |

–Where’s our Jesse Owens (of 1936 Olympic fame) today?
Check out Kurt Shlichter, Huckabee.tv

-When Trump left office inflation was 1 1/2%. A year later under Biden its 7% . According to Larry Kudlow and Steven Miller, if Biden had done nothing it would have stayed around 1 1/2% with the economy ‘skyrocketing’
2-10-22 Kudlow program
-San Francisco homeless man says he moved from Texas because it’s ‘easy’ in the Bay Area: ‘They pay you to be homeless here’:
A homeless man in California recently admitted that he moved to the West Coast from Texas because he knew it was easier to live the homeless lifestyle in San Francisco.
“If you’re gonna be homeless, it’s pretty f***ing easy here,” he said of the Bay Area city. “I mean, if we’re gonna be realistic, they pay you to be homeless here.”
What are the details?
The homeless man, identified only as James, went on to say that he receives $820 in welfare and food stamps every month and added that living on the street is easier in San Fransisco because the progressive city simply doesn’t enforce anti-camping laws.
James’ frank admission came as part of a series of street interviews conducted by best-selling author Michael Shellenberger. The author, who is known for “Apocalypse Never” and “San Fransicko,” posted some of the interviews in a Twitter thread Wednesday.
“People are surprised by these interviews because much of what we’ve read is propaganda put forward by activists with an agenda [and] reporters who are also ideological but also lazy [and] too scared to ask direct questions of street people,” he said in one of the tweets.
-Don’t miss out on content from Dave Rubin free of big tech censorship. Listen to The Rubin Report now.
People say lack of housing forces local residents into the streets, but James says he came from Texas to San Francisco for the drugs, the non-enforcement of anti-camping laws, and the $820/month in welfare & food stamps. James says he sold fentanyl, 2 weeks ago, to a 15-year-old.pic.twitter.com/5qMr6tmlWs
— Michael Shellenberger (@Michael Shellenberger) 1644416763
James said he started receiving the government assistance with nothing more than a phone call.
“Why wouldn’t I do it, it’s f***ing free money,” he said, adding, “This right now is literally by choice, literally by choice.”
Then, offering a window into the rampant drug abuse customary in and around homeless encampments, James went on to claim that just a couple of weeks ago, he sold fentanyl to a 15-year-old.
What else?
In another interview, a homeless man identified as Ben claimed that only a small fraction of the homeless in San Fransisco are actually from there. More than 90% he alleged, are from outside the city.
He also pushed back against the prevailing progressive narrative people are predominantly driven to homelessness by poverty. Rather, he said crippling drug addiction is by far the primary cause.
It’s reasonable to ask whether I’m seeking out outliers, but I met James 5 minutes after parking my car and he was the first person I interviewed, and Ben, below, was the 4th person we interviewed after ~20 minutes on the street doing interviews. https://twitter.com/ShellenbergerMD/status/1490130669875253250?s=20&t=8wpXy2kh64brr9LxvYb06gu00a0u2026
— Michael Shellenberger (@Michael Shellenberger) 1644416990
Ben told Shellenberger he supports his drug addiction by engaging in petty crimes like “boosting” (shoplifting and then reselling the items) and breaking into cars.
Both Ben and James said violence and overdoses are commonplace in homeless encampments. James also said that law enforcement officers have no chance of stopping the drug cycle since San Francisco is a sanctuary city. Immigrant dealers who are back on the street within days, he claimed.
Anything else?
-Last year, California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom caught heat for inviting homeless people from across the country to come pursue “new beginnings” in the Golden State.
“To the extent that people want to come here for new beginnings and all income levels, that’s part of the California dream,” Newsom said as he rolled out his California Comeback Plan.
Rampant homelessness and crime have been growing problems in San Francisco, in particular, for years. The city’s inability to solve the problems is a source of angst for residents. Last summer, a whopping 40% of residents indicated they planned to leave the city over the next few years due to the rapidly deteriorating quality of life.
-Dr Tyson , new book and also running for congress in CA after all the frustration, eg
‘If we stopped vaccinating it would stop all the new variants.’

Had Negative Effect on Economy, Society

Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive news now coming out of the Financial Times as a Netherlands scientist has found a so-called “new HIV variant” that’s far more harmful than normal HIV.
Let’s keep in mind that HIV is literally just an autoimmune disorder caused by the bioweapons we call “vaccines.”
CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE CENSORED VIDEO> https://news.bazedon.com/watch-the-banned-video-below-new-hiv-variant-exposed-theyre-trying-to-kill-us/

–Surprise! The free covid masks (link) currently given out by our government are made in, guess where? China, the country that likely designed and leaked the virus to the rest of the world (but not China) causing millions of deaths!
See Bill Mahr, Steve Dace show- see Grifters of omission and comission,
“”””Dems see things in Only two colors,black and white and nothing in between, i.e. no shades of gray. No room for compromise or accepting partial liability
-See Federalist article:
Wall Street journal, others missing election factz in its editorial> Big tech took govt money from CTC aNd elsewhere to finance dem activists at the precincts level . Among those Zuckerberg’s $400 mil as they promoted the left and cut off the right- this in addition to everything else>
-Did the Justice Department Lie About Pence and Harris’ Location on January 6?
January 6 is a tissue of myths, cover-ups, manufactured hysteria, and outright lies.
-Blockbuster! Unbelievable -$81billion spent by 31,000 employees of CDC and NIH on covid but no studies or even questions asked about natural immunity, despite the fact Israel studies find NI 27x more effective than vaccines on wiping out covid (pulled by youtube) but there’s this
A good quote to put out during your next debate:
When it comes To truth Chico Marx had it right , ‘who you gonna believe me or your own eyes.’
-Why is it that the news media labels some conservatives as ‘right wingers ‘ but doesn’t call any liberals ‘Left wingers?’

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Biden the Color Counter 60 Years Later

Biden the color counter still ‘demanding a black woman for next sc justice. Now, again, 60 years since the comprehensive 1964 Civil rights legislation, it’s all about skin color. Even though blacks are only 7% of population , there are also other minorities who aren’t getting representation. You do have a black justice already but , ooh, yuk, he’s a male and republican. Look what going solely by skin color has wrought – Kamala Harris as vp, chosen also for skin color even after getting only 2% of vote in primary and first to drop out of presidential race. She’s been a disaster. What happened to picking someone for other factors such as ability? Maybe thats why our institutions like education are going down the toilet. We’re sacrificing quality for skin color in many cases. WE, personally were kept out choice of colleges because we had wrong skin color: white and that was 50 years ago. We couldn’t get a job with the PO because of skin color. They told this to our face. We believed in affirmative action and still do, i.e. with two similarly qualified people go with the mind ority but they must be well qualified.
A good quote to put out during your next debate:
When it comes To truth Chico Marx had it right , ‘who you gonna believe me or your own eyes.’
-Why is it that the news media labels some conservatives as ‘right wingers ‘ but doesn’t call any liberals ‘Left wingers?’

If President Trump were in the White House, none of the awful things would be happening in our country.
Our border wall would be finished and our border would be secure, no illegals flown all over the country in the dark of night.
Inflation wouldn’t be rising because our economy would be stable and our critical supply chain would be flowing.
Parents would have school choice and CRT would be totally eliminated.
Biological boys/men would not be destroying girls and women’s sports and privacy rights.
Covid would be under control and there would be no mandates for vaccines or masks, especially our children.
President Trump would never allow people to get fired or discriminated against bc of covid vaccines.
America would be GREAT

Kid Rock releases anti-Biden, anti-Fauci single with a “Let’s go Brandon” chorus https://t.co/lwQAehHeuQ https://t.co/ESRtys2nor
-Hospitals now killing people who won’t take vaccine. E.g. dying Boston heart transplant patient turned away at Brigham

Berenson: covid vaccines are dangerous and# ineffective at this point. No one should get them
-De Santos: Biden admin cuts off life saving monoclonal antibodies without solid research
In the Next 24 Hours, Massive Corruption Will Be Exposed – General Flynn https://t.co/jPBMNg3Eyz

Dr Robert Malone (main inventer of MNRI vaccine recently heard on Joe Rogan podcast and thereafter banned by Twitter) RWMaloneMD.com:

-More children will die from vaccine than the covid virus
-Vaccines causing heart attacks and strokes in older people
-Vaccine was only matched for earlier covid strain, ineffective against omicron variant
-Hospitals are paid extra money to encourage vaccines
-Dr Scott Gottlieb is one of those benefitting. Former Anti-vaxer is now being paid by Pfizer to promote their vaccine
-Atlantic Mag, owned or recently owned in part by Steve Jobs wife , is now a mouthpiece for Silicone Valley propaganda
-Israel is being paid off by Pfizer and Big Pharma
-Pfizer is lawless
-Mask formation psychosis and vaccine psychosis based on Nuremberg accords
Q. What do these people have in common?
John Madden*
Betty White*
Bob Saget*
Hank Aaron
Mrs Karen Croaked Hensley, noted anti-vax protestor
Carlos Tejeda, associate editor 49, died of heart attack one day after getting booster
Hairstylist Jean Yop
*noteworthy that recent news obits are not mentioning cause or even possible contributing factors
Thousands of double jabbed over 50s have died in last 4 weeks
References below

FREE Official Covid Tests, N95 Mask, Covid DNA Report -Win A Tesla and more #covidtests #Tesla #n95masks | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
> https://t.co/WKOgNbDiYU | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
⚖ 🏆 🐱 🔺 💊 ⚖ 👺 ⬆️ https://t.co/BWvcwnYTyQ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
(PA) More than 2,500 double vaccinated over 50s have died from COVID-19 in the past month in England, new data shows. In a report published by the UK Health Security Agency
The Dangers of Covid-19 Booster Shots and Vaccines …
The finding that the overwhelming majority of people show a memory-type antibody profile to COVID-19 vaccines proves that our immune systems have seen viruses similar to SARS-CoV-2 before. As a result, our bodies have stored an immune memory of that family of viruses, equipping us to fight back more rapidly and powerfully the next time we
Fact Check : Dr Vincent Wang Died From Pfizer Booster Dose …
Dr Wang Died Two Weeks After Booster Dose The story allegedly written by Dr Wang’s wife said that he felt dizzy and fell down the stairs three days after receiving his Pfizer booster dose.
-Fully Vaccinated accounted for 4 in every 5 Covid-19 …
The totals number of alleged Covid-19 deaths by vaccination status between November 1st and November 28th 2021, as confirmed by table 5 of the UKHSA report were as follows – Not-vaccinated population = 695 deaths Partly vaccinated population = 96 deaths Fully vaccinated population

-My neighbor got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
-Wives are having sex with their husbands because they can not afford batteries.
-CEOs are now playing miniature golf.
-Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
-A stripper was killed when her audience showered her with rolls of pennies while she danced.
-“If the bank returns your check marked ‟Insufficient Funds,” you call them and ask if they meant you or them.
-McDonald’s is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
-Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America.
-Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children’s names.
-A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico.
-A picture is now only worth 200 words.
The Dollar Store is now the $1.25 Store. This last one is a fact.
-SS +!

-2/3 of hospitalized covid patients in Los Angeles were admitted for something else and probably in rest of America, too
– Head of CDC now admits 75% of covid patients had 4 or more co-morbidities. That’s important knowledge. Many of these people were likely on ‘death’s doorstep’ even without covid. So, did covid really kill all 800,000+ Americans? Probably not. More like 200,000.
Economy is so bad:
-My neighbor got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
-Wives are having sex with their husbands because they can not afford batteries.
-CEOs are now playing miniature golf.
-Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
-A stripper was killed when her audience showered her with rolls of pennies while she danced.
-“If the bank returns your check marked ‟Insufficient Funds,” you call them and ask if they meant you or them.
-McDonald’s is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
-Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America.
-Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children’s names.
-A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico.
-A picture is now only worth 200 words.
The Dollar Store is now the $1.25 Store. This last one is a fact.
-SS +!
-Yes, it is much as Fox’ Trey Gowdy calls CA his fave place ‘where the mountains meet the ocean.’ I was in Redlands before. I remwmber the palm trees
-How come congress shows little or no concern over the origins of COVID-19 ,that has killed millions worldwide, and has not even allowed for declassification of covid info. To date there is no info pointing to natural origins, only lab-made- congressman Michael on Jason Chalets 1-2-22
-Read Julie kelley at AmericanGreatness.com
R Carson patriot purge
-Biden beginning 12-21 ‘press conf’:
‘I’m going to shoot right from the shoulder.’
-House Select Committee investigating so-called jan 6 ‘Insurrection’ does not represent the Republic party, with only two of eight members and those anti-trumpers. .say
Ed messe, Jim Demint, Brent Bozell, Mat Schlaff and many more who are bringing charges
-Only 18% of families are ‘nuclear’ (with both parents and children) in 2021-lowest since 1969 (townhall)
Notice fewer Christmas lights and home decor this year, especially in cities? This may have something to do with previous point which goes hand in hand with fewer religious people
Loss of rituals is too bad as its an important part of a rich life. Life becomes more bland without these things.
-Biden 2 hour phone call with China president and now Russian president Putin?
After all, He can barely get thru a 15 minute press conference
This is how bad the economy is:
…and 65 years ago a young Joe Biden was planting his Marxist roots…
The economy (and everything else) is so bad now the Dollar Tree is now the $1.25 Tree
Economy is so bad:
-My neighbor got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.
-Wives are having sex with their husbands because they can not afford batteries.
-CEOs are now playing miniature golf.
-Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.
-A stripper was killed when her audience showered her with rolls of pennies while she danced.
-“If the bank returns your check marked ‟Insufficient Funds,” you call them and ask if they meant you or them.
-McDonald’s is selling the 1/4 ouncer.
-Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America.
-Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children’s names.
-A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico.
-A picture is now only worth 200 words.
The Dollar Store is now the $1.25 Store. This last one is a fact.
-SS +!


With rare exception, EVERYTHING Trending on Twitter now is anti-GOP and anti-Trump and this is where much of population today gets its news . Talk about yellow journalism and reverse-McCarthyism. Here are examples from 12-29-21:

Amazon’s Choice

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)

Top 10 Most Dangerous Cities -and Safest

–VIOLENCE IN OAKLAND and across nation as experienced by local residents:

–What did Biden And Ping possibly talk about for 3 1/2 hours- especially without a nap in between? Biden has trouble having a press conference for 3 1/2 minutes
-Kansas senator introducing bill to invest7Digate possible NIH – Wuhan covid colllusion
Another Benghazi-type raid in Yemencovered up by media
Bidens Broken Promises:
1 ) Inflation is Transitory
2 ) Won’t Leave Americans in Afghanistan
3 ) Government Won’t Mandate Vaccines
4) The Border Is Closed
5) Wont Raise Taxes on Middle Class
Bonus: Illegal border crossers to be Given $450k each for their troubles. Homeless VETERANS given nothing, sleeping in tents at Veterans biulding in Brentwood CA
-60% Taxes-
If you’re not already and you live in a ‘blue’ state, you’ll probably soon be paying over 60% taxes
-The pandemic stimulus money has run out yet people still aren’t going back to work. Try getting a burger at your local Wendy’s and you may have to wait quite a while like Mike gallagher in Greensville, SC
Our Broken Election John Fun?
Nielsen surveys
Conceal and carry certified? https://afflat3e1.com/lnk.asp?o=14029&c=918277&a=145549&k=0&l=14746
-SF’s politicized Weather:
Storm after storm, Meteorologists are saying the San Francisco Bay Area is in a “progressive weather pattern.”
“Essentially, a progressive pattern is a nerdy way of saying the storm door remains open,” National Weather Service forecaster Brian Garcia explained (SFGate)
Voting Irregularities Again-2021 Version. Ciattarelli Must Fight This One >
voting irregularities
voter fraud
Voting Irregularities Again-2021 Version. Ciattarelli Must Fight This One
-Once again, we see likely voting shenanigans in Virginia, New Jersey and other elections.
And, Not surprising to see major turnarounds
In one year with Youngkin and Citarelli turning around the Trump losses in VA and NJ by 10-20 points. With those large discrepancies its not only about these talented candidates but helps confirm election cheating against Trump last year.
Even In this year’s edition you had Citsrelli and Youngkin leading g significantly only to see their leads gradually shrink throughout the night. You had these counties like Fairfax (VA) where they ‘couldn’t count the votes’ and even worse in NJ. For Youngkin, he was so far ahead they couldn’t do enough to cha ge the results but for Citerelli its a different story. Unfortuantely. Its probably too late tondo anything. A ‘recount’ only replicates the cheating. It will take a thorough investigation of Murphy-Citarelli co test, if courts will allow it and with legislators
Hopefully getting involved, unlike last year
When GOP legislatures in swing states let courts control them, allowing Biden to claim unheard -of 80 million votes.
Trump,meanwhile, was largely forgotten in this years races but the momentum he created last year did carry forth and still incredible to think Trump would ‘lose’
Problem with Dems sneaky mail-in ballot scheme is that They can use them to delay vote counting so as to gather more needed votes after election day. Seems elections are now routinely going on beyond election day. Note how Youngkin and Carnelli were far ahead and how vote kept getting closer for Demz, just like wi t h Trump in swing states 2020 and even Georgeia senate race #election

–SF’s politicized Weather
Storm after storm, Meteorologists are saying the San Francisco Bay Area is in a “progressive weather pattern.”
“Essentially, a progressive pattern is a nerdy way of saying the storm door remains open,” National Weather Service forecaster Brian Garcia explained (SFGate)
Voting Irregularities Again-2021 Version. Ciattarelli Must Fight This One >

Seems elections are now routinely going on beyond election day. Note how Youngkin and Catarelli were far ahead and how vote kept getting closer for Demz, just like wi th Trump in swing states 2020 and even Georgia senate race #election
-Daylight Savings Time will NOT Be Year ‘Round Despite Vote, New Reversals on Biden Laptop Denial, Jan 6 ‘Insurrection’ > see next below

Will Rogers’ Words of Wisdom

NO INSURRECTION!, Admits AG Garland.

– Politico Now Admits to Hunter Biden Laptop, etc

-No wonder you don’t see more In and Out Burgers in SF … maybe will wake up some in and out fans in S f. Burger chain refuses to cop to city vax mandate
–Quote of the Week -Chuck Schumer: ‘After meeting with democrats they have come to an agreement to agree to the stimulus package. ‘ So what else is new…

– Lowest covid rates now in FL and TX. but you won’t see this in news

Send The Entire Biden Administration On Paternity Leave | Ep. 1356 @realBenShapiro
– Israel study shows naturally infected covid recipients 27x more likely to fight off covid than w vaccine
-Did Colin Powell die of covid or myloma cancer? Likely the latter but the media will have you believe the former
Nipah Virus will kill 80%!
Dr. STPEHN QUAID quote: In the interview he states that he got samples in 2019 from Wuhan lab workers of Nipah virus that is 80% fatal. Typically the more fatal the less transmissible a virus is. 80% fatal with a .05% R value isn’t all that scary. Pretty sure Ebola was around a 50% death rate.
Fauci Caught Developing Virus That Kills 80% of Humans …
https://smashleft.com › 2021 › 10 › 19 › fauci-caught-developing-virus-that-kills-80-of-humans-alex-jones-show-10-19-21UN Launches Plan to Turn Earth Into “Uninhabitable Hell,” Fauci Caught Developing Virus That Kills 80% of Humans On This Emergency Tuesday edition of The Alex Jones show to learn lifesaving facts that you won’t find anywhere else! Also, pro-American phenomenon Steven Crowder joins Alex Jones to reveal the Left’s latest attempts to silence him!
-Father whose daughter was ‘raped’ in girls’ bathroom by ‘skirt-wearing’ male student slams AG Merrick Garland for threatening parents who protest school boards after he was dragged out of Loudoun County for trying to say staff ignored incident. By Gina Martinez For Dailymail

- How baseball and politics merge in San Francisco – how midgets became Giants overnight.
MLB drug testing dropped sharply during covid, encouraging players to cheat? How did 10 ‘no name’ has-beens or never-theres have career years in 2021?
LA Dodgers won with proven players, not questionable has-beens and never-theres having unlikely ‘career years’. PEOPLE KEEP ASKING, ‘HOW DID THEY DO IT- 107 WINS…?’ #SFGiants able to increase their homer output in 2021 by 33% – 241 to 167- and lower their team ERA more than 1 point https://t.co/vmTokAXBRg #Playoffs

by Mollie Hemingway Before you say ‘sour grapes’ read this book and get a whole different picture than what the mainstream media left out.

WHAT would You do if the Nazis took over AmericA today?
WHAT would You do if the Nazis took over AmericA today? >
Questions to Ponder:
- If a Nazi-like doctrine took over America, and you are/were Jewish and could knock on the door of someone who either obeyed all government orders regarding masks, etc., regardless of their rationality, or someone who questioned government authority and obeyed few or none of its mask orders — on whose door would you knock?
-Why were so few people who died of covid 19 NOT given or at least offered the proven alternatikve therapies such as regeneron or ivermectin? Because of many doctor’s ignorance or stubborness, thousands died needlessly.

Lt. COL. Stuart SCHELLER jr.
Jailed by Marines for criticizing Biden administration handling of Afghanistan withdrawalDemand from your Congressmen for Lt. COL. Stuart SCHELLER jr. be released from military Jail now because he asked for military accountability AND CONTRIBUTE AT PIPEFITTERS.ORG >>>https://nypost.com › 2021/09/Marine who blasted Afghan withdrawal being held in military lockup https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2021/09/stuart-scheller-87.jpg?quality=90&strip=all If you agree that Scheller should be released from jail you can call your congressman: 202-224-3121
-Why did Generals give military inside info to Woodward and other authors?
3 Biden statements denied by generals in Congressional Hearings:
1) Alkeda no longer in Afghanistan 2)Afghan military 300k is strongest, enough to defend.-Generals never told me (Biden) to keep some troops around.. Psaki said gensrals were split but Generals all for leaving troops.
3) Still no real accounting by generals as to how many Americans left in Afghanistan.
-Meet Your New Illegal Neighbor
There were 15,000 (+ or -) at the Mexican border at Del Rio and then there were 3,000. Then none. To Where did the rest disappear? No, they weren’t quickly flown back to Haiti. They were bussed into the United States and released in various cities .
-Fact: Hunter Biden is drug addict, fond of hookers and a launderer of millions of foreign money, according to a new book by liberal Politico reporter
-The FBI and CIA were officially involved in rigging the 2016 and 2020 elections -per Glen Greenwald
Another& Strange Season Winds Down –
How Did SF Giants Do It- Best Record, 2nd Most Homers, Top Pitching with ‘No Name’ Players? Part 1>>>
#sfgiants #baseball #playoffs #peds #steroids

The Giants added Webb to their 40-man roster after the season.[10] He began 2019 with Richmond. [11] On May 1, 2019, Webb was suspended 80 games for testing positive for dehydrochlormethyltestosterone, an anabolic-androgenic steroid.[12][1]
-Longest Homerun in Baseball History (and without steroids)?
- FrankSpeech.com ‘HELP Save Our Country’
-Chamber Of Commerce Will Stop Endorsing Dems Who Vote For $3.5 Trillion Social Welfare Bill https://www.dailywire.com/news/chamber-of-commerce-will-stop-endorsing-dems-who-vote-for-3-5-trillion-social-welfare-bill?utm_source=Jeeng

‘Nightmare (Please Mr Taliban – No More 9-11’s)’
“NIGHTMARE’ (Please Mr. Taliban)
(As sung by a STRANDED American in Afganistan)
CREDIT: original song by Harry Belefonte (Banana Boat, 1956)
Nightmare, Nightmare, Nightmare Come and I’m still not home.
Night, It’s a Night, It’s a Night, It’s a Night, It’s a night, It’s a Nightmare
Nightmare here, Will I ever get home?
I worry all night, I worry all day
Nightmare come and me still can’t get away
Biden said there wouldn’t be any left behind
Nightmare come and me want to go home
US leaders must be deaf and blind
Nightmare come and me want to go home

RECALL PROS and CONS – It Should Have Been About Who Can Do the Best Job, Not About the Party
It may be time to put aside the ‘D’or the ‘R’ for Californians who want to improve the failing state and instead vote for the man they feel can best do the job. The ‘Recall Election September 14 came down to an inexperienced non-poliltician, Larry Elder vs. an experienced lifelong politician who has failed in many areas as governor, thus the recall vote,validated by two million Californians who signed the petition calling for the special election.
Since Newsome took office in 2018 we’ve seen more people leave the state than come for the first time in decades, a major spike in crime and homelessness, an epidemic of wildfires some blame on Newsome’s management skills and, most of concern to many, Newsome’s year-long ‘lockdown’ of the state during the covid 19 pandemic which has been slow to improve the situation while appearing to have negative effects on the economy and even mental health. While many feel Newsome has worn out his welcome – including his famous ‘holier than though’ appearance without a mask at a very upscale Napa restaurant after mandating masks and other covid protocol for his ‘minions.’
While even the left-leaning Los Angeles Times gives Newsome only a ‘C’ for his governing to date,
Elder is untested as a neophyte running for his first public office. Not enough Californias – in a state with nearly two to every one Republicans- were willing to give up their strong political ties to take a chance on ‘hope and change’ much like Republicans did for Obama in 2010?
Editorial: BIDEN’S FLAWED VAX LOGIC – Mandate vs. Freedom of Choice
If ‘only’ 1 in 160,000 U.S. citizens are now dying from Covid- which is less than many other diseases- why is Biden so concerned about mandating the vaccine??? At the rate we’re going, Covid variations could continue indefinitely – or is this the modus operandi for some?
Let’s say, for example, that all 80 million still unvaccinated Americans should remain unvaccinated. We would lose 500 people, total, according to Biden’s NUMBERS. ( 80 million divided by 160,000 = 500). We lose more than that in year to unnecessary violence in Chicago, alone. And, by the way, paying for people to leave their jobs and stay home is not going to help, while hurting the economy at the same time. People have their reasons for not vaccinating, including medical and religious, as well as personal choice they want to and should be able to exercise. And, God for bid, someone gets sick, chances are great he or she will recover while unlikely affecting the vaccinated. Biden doesn’t want this to be political but he’s making it political.
NO CLEAR ANSWER: Even Israel, where 80% Have Been Vaccinated, Is Seeing A Spike in Covid cases
Biden, as well as Fauci and their ‘scientists’ for that matter, are ignoring those who have had the virus and who thereby likely have natural immunity per CDC guidelines itself-perhaps as many as 70% of the remaining 80 million unvaccinated. (On a Sunday morning news show, Fauci had no answer regarding natural immunity- this from the number one ‘scientist.’ This overlooked immunity factor would bring the total down to around 13 million for those with potential risk of getting Covid . And many of those, again , have good reasons not to take the vaccine. Regardless, even assuming all 13 million contract covid, we’d “only’ lose about 78 people, total, to the virus in all of America, according to Biden’s own numbers he gave in his recent covid mandate speech(es) . That’s probably many fewer lives than BIDEN MAY COST US in Afghanistan, in our opinion .
Why should we care if some don’t want to take the vaccine-many for good reason who Biden doesn’t want to consider. They’re the ones to feel sorry for as they may be risking their lives, much more so than those who get the vaccine.
It is our belief Biden would be better off spending his time supporting the world the terrorist threat and perhaps preventing another real 9-11 possibility on this, the 20th anniversary just behind us and Afghanistan torn asunder, rather than trying to ignore the still STRANDED Americans and terrorist threat In Afghanistan by his own doing.

Until a recent spike, a major study in Israel , where 80% have been vaccinated, has found natural immunity much more effective and enduring in wiping out the Delta and other, upcoming Covid19 variants.
It may well be that this ongoing, unnatural fear of the now less-deadly virus, is prolonging the pandemic. Locking down gives new strains more time to generate making this a perpetual battle, even a war. Maybe this is what Biden wants. At the same time, worldwide pressure should be put upon the Chinese to make sure they’re not trying to concoct ‘more’ viruses, as it were. And, then there are the ’emergency’ , under-reported therapeutics that have saved many lives for those who KNEW about them, i.e. Regeneron, Ivermectin, etc. – all but ignored by much of medical ,media and government establishment, no doubt for economic and /or political reasons.
Oh, and on the same subject, why did two FDA experts suddenly resign after Biden announced upcoming covid booster shots including for those who’ve already had the virus ?
-Pfizer has been deemed ‘racist’ because they did’nt have enough blacks and browns employed. So, now they must go out and hire enough blacks and browns, regardless of qualifications . After all the free money out there its hard enough to hire any colo, period.
-A cop is 375x more likely of being killed by a black criminal than an unarmed black being killed by a cop (Heather McDonald)
–Annual San Francisco Giants AI-PE Watch (formerly PED as it now goes beyond just drugs as we found out in Houston recently)

-The SF Giants have been the talk of baseball all year as we enter the final month of the season .
How could a mediocre team, on find out herepaper at least, have the best record in baseball,? Critics said they’d be out of the race by now. Burt its not really that much of a mystery to anyone who has followed the Giants over the years going back to Barry Bonds
The Giants were never known as a powerful team . In fact, they usually hit among the fewest number of homeruns-until this year.
So how have they managed this year to lead the majors in homers , without a single bona-fide power hitter-and playing in one of the most difficult parks to hit homers- ( even with fences moved in slightly this year, for this reason.).. You’ve got all these guys playing ‘launch angle’ . They may be hitting homers right now but their batting averages are suffering. It may work for awhile
what with a lighter schedule, until now. Let’s see what happens in September, AI or not….
AI? How do they do it? Find Out HERE
– 23,000 ‘at risk ‘ Afghans arrived in US, going largely to red states- creating bottlenecks
-San Francisco paying criminals not to shoot people. Go to SF. Make a living not shooting people
Watch “Mark Levin: Can you hear the screams of the Afghans, America?”
Biden is beyond hope…most stubborn person i know of. He says the buck stops here but then passes it on to everyone else, blaming Trump, Afghans etc. I feel sad for those Gold Star families who had to endure him at the funeral. Glad the one mother spoke out as she did…
And, Biden Blunder #5) Biden Breaks promise and strands hundreds of Afghans and Americans, not ending war but ramping it up again, potentially worse than 9-11.
More at
Breaking BLOCKBUSTER: Before Afghan collapse, Biden pressed Ghani to lie with ‘change perception’ | Reuters
More at
More at
And, Biden Blunder #5) Breaks promise and strands thousands of Afghans and Americans, not ending war but ramping it up again, potentially worse than 9-11.
More at
Instead of ‘Commander in Chief’ call Biden now the ‘Abandoner in Chief’.
Not only did he abandon
Thousands of US and. Afghanistan servicemen who supported America but left service dogs to die, according to latest report, for which animal support groups are livid.
More at
The CDC now reports that 6,113 people have died due to COVID-19 injections, including 576 abortions with their newest release of data today in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a U.S. Government-funded database that tracks vaccine-related injuries and fatalities, reported the Health Impact News.
You Can’t Be the One Who Sinks the Ship And then Praise the Lifeboat
More at
Watch “Joe Biden called ‘feckless piece of crap’ by Kathy McCollum, mom of slain #Afghanistan Marine Rylee James McCollum”
Full transcription>
More at
Watch “Joe Biden called ‘feckless piece of crap’ by Kathy McCollum mom of slain #Afghanistan Marine Rylee James McCollum”
Full transcription>
How could the cop who killed Ashley Babbitt
So cavalierly be exonerated and now on media tour praising himself saying he saved thousands of lives by killing this unarmed woman in a Capitol window? This was a pelosi driven median ploy to n get out ahead of criticism
How did US Afghanistan numbers drop from 15k to 1,000 after US couldn’t first even give us a rough idea of how many
US people were even there…even when Airport was closed temporarily we were told the US total was dropping. No backup stats ever given.
And who came up with the ‘about 200’ number of Americans left behind after 10,000 reported previous week?
Even Washington Post is condemning Biden admin.
And what about Biden
Promising ABC’s George Stephanopoulos there would be no
Americans left behind ‘who wanted to leave’ . REPORTER Lara Logan and others have reported PERSONAL FRIENDS/many such Americans, turned away at airport by Taliban. And by the way what American would NOT want to leave???
‘We’re worse 20 years later than we were on 9-11-01’ thanks to Biden -Cgm. Michael Waltz

Breaking BLOCKBUSTER: Before Afghan collapse, Biden pressed Ghani to lie with ‘change perception’ | Reuters
Biden is beyond hope…most stubborn person i know of. He says the buck stops here but then passes it on to everyone else, blaming Trump, Afghans etc. I feel sad for those Gold Star families who had to endure him at the funeral. Glad the one mother spoke out as she did…

And, Biden Blunder #5) Breaks promise and strands thousands of Afghans and Americans, not ending war but ramping it up again, potentially worse than 9-11.
Instead of ‘Commander in Chief’ call Biden now the ‘Abandoner in Chief’.
Not only did he abandon
Thousands of US and. Afghanistan servicemen who supported America but left service dogs to die, according to latest report, for which animal support groups are livid.
Full transcription>

Biden’s epic Afghanistan debacle
Americans are furious, and rightly so
Americans are furious, and rightly so. Our country has been humiliated as never before, with our military humbled by an illiterate and rag-tag army of Taliban fanatics. Our allies are stunned by the incompetence of our chaotic retreat from Afghanistan – dubbed “imbecilic” by former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair – and horrified by the humanitarian disaster now taking place. Meanwhile, our barely conscious President Joe Biden has lied about the disappearance of al Qaeda from Afghanistan, the supportiveness of our allies and about Americans being able to access the Kabul airport. Worse, he is defending the indefensible. How can anybody defend abandoning the strategically critical Bagram Airfield in the dead of night, gifting to our enemies untold amounts of armaments, and not preparing for the evacuation of tens of thousands of Americans? How can anyone say it’s OK for the French, Germans and British to send forces into Kabul to rescue their own people while U.S. troops are told to stand down? Heads should roll, but under the insipid and gutless guidance (not leadership) of Joe Biden, they will not. Instead, his Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Vice President Kamala Harris serve as props, standing literally if not figuratively behind the president as he struggles to answer questions from a suddenly inquisitive press corps. The only remotely positive aspect of the epic disaster unfolding in Afghanistan is this: all Americans – indeed, the entire world – have now seen the real Joe Biden, and will now question the president’s credibility and capability. Mounting doubts about the president will undermine his ability to lead his party to victory in 2022, and threaten to derail his progressive freight train. That’s good news for the country. Republicans have long sounded alarms over Biden’s truthfulness and his ability to perform the duties of his office, while the liberal media has joined Democrats in blocking the public’s view of our failing president. A new poll shows the country is wising up. Imagine: a Rasmussen survey finds only 39% of likely U.S. voters think Biden is doing the job of president, while a majority (51%) say others are actually running the country, making decisions for Biden behind the scenes. Never before has the public concluded that the United States president is a puppet; it is a shocking suggestion. Such is the damage done by the calamity of Kabul. When the New York Times edges toward calling the president a liar, reporting that Biden made “several misleading or false claims about the pullout and evacuation,” you know the landscape has shifted. |
AMA Journal: Masks BAD FOR KIDS, Stop Forcing Your Kids to Wear Them https://thefederalist.com/2021/07/01/ama-journal-masks-are-bad-for-your-kids-quit-forcing-them-to-wear-them/
Dr. Makary: ‘There is no data’ to support Fauci’s call for masking small children

Woodrow Wilson, LBJ and post 60s liberalism gave rise to new Democratic party- Eli Steele: Bad Faith | Pehal News
mRNA-1273 COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness against the B.1.1.7 and B.1.351 variants and severe COVID-19 disease in Qatar | Nature Medicine

#coupons #cbd #keto #diet #concealcarry #pets #afghanistan
Nearly half of Ca respondents in non scientific poll said CA residents should NOT mask up again following new state decree. The Golden State formally recommended Wednesday that residents resume wearing face-coverings indoors, regardless of vaccination status.
–Life today , for many, is about CONTROL. You probably know of people who try to control. Just look at our political parties. ..or at least one of them

‘TUCKER Carlson Ends Don Lemon ‘>
-Japan: People Dying Alone Go Undiscovered for Up to Six Months During Pandemic
-Only 40% CA residents want to keep Newsome. GOP’s Larry Elder up-to 23% (8-5 poll)
-7,000 border-crossers test positive for Covid in McAllen, TX
-Nature and cell’ journals: natural immunity better+. Vaccines cause variants
-UK 92% vac orncovid = herd immunity doing better , U.S. should take a lesson
‘Antibody enhancement’ better-therapeautic is proactive, not reactive
Per docs on Hannity 8-5-21

‘The past is found guilty by the ‘laws’ of the present.’ And so it is being undone. One example, the military is smallest since WWII with new woke military officers like Milley demonizing and alienating the very demographic that hS been suffering most… Joe Biden created a desert and called it progress…
perhaps nearly 2 million
Illegally crossing border this year….
Progressives obsess over ‘stop and frisk’ but
but doesn’t care about leaving the streets dangerous for old and young. Corrupt media will over report on the George Floyd killing in Minnesota but won’t talk about the white conservative woman killed at the Capitol Jan. 6 (Our media, by the way was just ranked last among 49 countries in terms of respect given.). Criminals far better students of human nature than professors… Left only fixates in rare white on black crime and Prs Trump’s lies yet lefts are much more prominent and ubiquitous…
-Victor Davis Hansen
Baseball: SF Giants GM
Farhan supposed to be this analytics guy yet won nothing in Oakland and now he is anything but analytics, picking up over- the -hill ‘black market’ players -guys willing to do anything in midst of flagging careers. Much like the modus operandi Giants used for winning
their only 3 world series in 56 years during the steroid era (which may still continue)….
Carville vs wokeness-both sides
Dems ‘ insulting ‘ bla⁴cks with election lawsuit
In 6 short months since Biden Commitee took over crime is up 315% in cities like Oakland and car jacking up 700% in San Francisco- not due to guns but mainly due to emboldened criminals taking advantage of defunded and reduced police forces nationwide. – per Steve Hilton a day police chief of Detroit https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story/
–Anyone actually been caught cheating in new ‘check the pitchers ‘ rule? Yes, exactly one after a full week-Santiago today
Doesn’t look like it nor have strikeouts been reduced….Cheating has likely never stopped since the beginning of steroids. And steroids probably continue….just because you don’t hear of them
-Biden WHISPERS success of infrastructure bill, then flip flops, demanding secondary bill.
–Why is only Australia and not US and rest of world demanding China come clean on covid leak that resulted in over 3 million deaths now 1 1/2 years later?
Trump still having positive effect, shaming Harris into finally going to ‘border’ days before he goes to real border
–Trump still having positive effect, shaming Harris into finally going to ‘border’ days before he goes to real border

‘Dems doing a favor w two many bills
-Big tech too powerful testing us like animals
-‐Big tech protect privacy and data rates
Crime rates up double
In big cities So time for another gun bill from Biden, even though US has another g strictest gun laws. But we knowbthst guns don’t kill, people do. Killers don’t get their guns legally from stores; they steal them or get them on black market
Jennifer vanlars:
U.S. may be in possession of spy defector from china with motherload of Chinese info
Including covid origins
R-isks of vaccine may ne greater for kids than risk of covid. We don’t know of long term effects of vaccine yet parents are mostly eager to vaccinate.
This pandemic is different. It may be the first real bio-virus fonented by media who are working for the Chinese more than America
-2/3 of Americans feel illegals crossing the border should be sent back to the countries they came from
-55% feel Biden should return to the closed border plan of Trump
Harvard Harris poll (but you won’t t see this is mainstream media)
56% of Americans disapprove of bidens handling of mideast situation
You Can’t Make This Stuff Up:
–San Francisco DA Boudin is the son of convicted terrorists >

–Chicago mayor, who won’t talk to white reporters, declares racism a public health crisis
–Pelosi Dodges on Whether 15-Week Unborn Baby Is a ‘Human Being’>
“How do I have two medical degrees if I’m sitting here oppressed?” https://t.co/gmCRJaphXt
(https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1405624322643873798?s=03) #CRT
- Now all of a sudden we have a crime problem say defunded police city mayors asking for help from government
-We have to get from Australia News that American media won’t report, e.g : “The ‘leader of the free world’ is ‘cognitively delinquent'” > https://youtu.be/7fd9zQjYaUs #news #australia
-Young Girls in America suicides up 50% -we only learns months after facts that CDC delays
(You can only cry wolf so many times)
-Suddenly Covid is over say Newsom and Cuomo with media -hype for CA and NY. But is it really? Living in CA we see no difference here…people still wearing masks, near-empty restaurants and ballpark 1/4 filled. They scared and brainwashed people to the point it may never be the same
UNTOLD SCANDAL: Why are SO-CALLED ‘insurrectIonists’ being jailed 6 months after Jan 6 for what? TRESPASSING ?
(and when they were ushered in by capitol police.) Why arent the real insurrections who burned down America last summer in jail??? Few people know about this because rhe news doesn’t report it.. Where is the legal recourse. We have to go to Vladimir Putin , one of few to ask questions like ‘Who killed Ashlie Babbitt? ‘ Per Julie Kelly.

It took former Daily Show host Jon Stewart to wake up Late night’s Steven Colbert from his Deep State Sleep as to REAL origins of Covid. Colbert Will listen to Stewart. Finally, a few wise Dems like Stewart and Bill Mahr are approaching Reality
– Now all of a sudden we have a crime problem say defunded police city mayors asking for help from government

-We have to get from Australia News that American media won’t report, e.g : “The ‘leader of the free world’ is ‘cognitively delinquent'” > https://youtu.be/7fd9zQjYaUs #news #australia
-Young Girls in America suicides up 50% -we only learns months after facts that CDC delays
(You can only cry wolf so many times)

My Top 10 Media Lies by Michael Goodwin , New York Post

-Best excuse for a border wall. https://youtu.be/KS2919xrjjo and https://t.me/TPUSA/4179
-$600 billions of stimulus money Stolen- more than the entire vaccine program
-Last week Biden said white supremacy is the ‘biggest problem’ . This week he says its climate change.-
–From Father Knows Best to Fathers Aren’t Necessary in one generation

after taking office, Biden encouraged potential illegal immigrants to ‘surge’ the border, after which fhe surge began in actuallity.
-Kamala didn’t need to fly to Guatemala to find ‘root cause’ of illegals flooding border in record numbers. It was sitting right next to her in the White House.

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–INFLATION: Paying today’s prices with last year’s salary
–71% of Dems still want people to mostly stay home despite vaccine effectiveness whereas 87% of GOP wants life as normal again (Gallup)
-60 Minutes Managed to leave Fauci totally out of their Wuhan Lab story..
Totally ignored the Fauci email scandal. Its like the story was done over a week ago or maybe a month or more, before the Fauci emails came out.
Lesley Stahl and company totally ignored the man who could have answered at least some of their unanswered questions , since he was diextly involved with the Chinese for decades
-Election Fraud: The election counting didnt really stop the night of Nov 3, 2020, according to Mollie Hemmingway on the Sunday Futures TV program. The leftists who were running those swing state election precincts were just colluding to buy time to manufacture more Biden ballots, eventually ending up with 85 million- more than ever before, even more than for Obama …
But, the media and big tech has done its best to squash all this. Stay tuned for her Hemmingway book due out in Sept
–Sun. Morn shows totally ignored the biggest story, the Wuhan virus leak scandal confirmed by Fauci emails

after taking office, Biden encouraged potential illegal immigrants to ‘surge’ the border, after which fhe surge began in actuallity.

–The Five Biggest Bombshells (So Far) From Fauci’s Emails
Hows about reading HONEST reporting like this, just to be fair?: https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/06/03/the-five-biggest-bombshells-so-far-from-faucis-emails-n1451869. #freedomoverfauciism
Or this
How The Media’s COVID Lies Weaken America

What happens when the next big disease rolls around? And what if it’s one that’s actually as deadly as people thought COVID might be? Who can people trust?
CNN left out the key emails in question, typical biased reporting in its delayed, reluctant coverage . Here’s REAL reporting you must read:

NEWS & POLITICS The Five Biggest Bombshells (So Far) From Fauci’s Emails BY MATT MARGOLIS JUN 03, 2021 2:32 PM ET AP Photo/Patrick Semansky, Pool (https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/matt-margolis/2021/06/03/the-five-biggest-bombshells-so-far-from-faucis-emails-n1451869)
The release of thousands of Dr. Fauci’s emails as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request has given us a trove of information about Fauci’s behind-the-scenes actions during the pandemic. And there are quite a few bombshells. Below are five key bombshells I’ve identified, though I’m sure more will be coming to light soon.
- Fauci ignored advice to prevent shutdowns and widespread panic In mid-March, Fauci received excellent advice on the proper messaging that should have been done on COVID-19, which Fauci promptly ignored. “The problem right now is that the media has created a panic,” wrote someone named Mike Betts, who has not yet been identified. “Last night my wife and I went to the local whole foods and many of the shelves were empty and healthy younger people were wearing masks. The message is not getting out that the virus is almost solely dangerous to the elderly and immunosuppressed. [Why aren’t the demographics being released? That in itself could calm many people.] With my suggestions, exposures to them would be diminished, significantly reducing the number of deaths, as well as potential impact on hospitals.” Betts urged isolating the vulnerable population and understanding that “the mortality rate for people outside of that group is likely lower than the flu.” “Of course, while this occurs we are working on finding treatments and vaccines. Bud sending home workers who have next to no likeihood [sic] of being significantly impacted by this virus is ridiculous.” Betts added, “The virus hits hardest the old and infirm, two groups that are most likely NOT to even be in the workforce.” Why did Fauci ignore this advice? Had Fauci listened, damage to the economy would have been limited.
4. Fauci knew of the NIH’s ties to gain-of-function research abroad On February 1, 2020, Fauci sent an email to NIH Principal Deputy Director Hugh Auchincloss with the subject line “IMPORTANT” and an attachment labeled “Baric, Shi et al – Nature medicine – SARS Gain of function.pdf.” The undeniably urgent-sounding message informed Auchincloss that it was “essential” for them to speak soon. “Hugh: It is essential that we speak this AM. Keep your cell phone on. I have a conference call at 7:45 AM with [HHS Secretary Alex] Azar. It likely will be over at 8:45 AM. Read this paper as well as the e-mail that I will forward to you now. You will have tasks today that must be done. Thanks, Tony.” Auchincloss replied and told him, “The paper you sent me says the experiments were performed before the gain of function pause but have since been reviewed and approved by NIH. Not sure what that means since Emily is sure that no Coronavirus work has gone through the P3 framework. Ste will try to determine if we have any distant ties to this work abroad.” Fauci had publicly denied the NIH was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
3. Fauci was told COVID-19 may have been engineered We were all aware of Fauci’s recent flip-flop on the origins of COVID-19, but what was made more clear from the release of the emails was that Fauci had been told in the early days of the pandemic that COVID-19 had “unusual features” that “potentially look engineered.” “On a phylogenetic tree the virus looks totally normal and the close clustering with bats suggest that bats serve as the reservoir. The unusual features of the virus make up a really small part of the genome.
Yet, Fauci publicly and others publicly dismissed this idea publicly, suggesting they were, in fact, part of a cover-up.
2. Fauci said face masks don’t keep out the virus
“Masks are really for infected people to protect them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people from acquiring infection,” Fauci wrote on February 5, 2020. “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material.”
Fauci went from saying masks weren’t necessary, to recommending them, to recommending goggles, and even double-masking. Clearly, science wasn’t a key factor in his recommendations.
- Fauci said COVID would “decline on its own” without a vaccine
What really gets me about this one is that Trump was (and still is) mocked for once suggesting that COVID-19 would eventually disappear. But this is essentially what Fauci said himself. “Social distancing is not really geared to wait for a vaccine,” he said on March 2, 2020. “The major point is to prevent easy spread of infections in schools (closing them), crowded events such as theaters, stadiums (cancel events), work places (do teleworking where possible). States and localities make these decisions, not the Federal Government. The goal of social distancing is to prevent a single person who is infected to readily spread to several others, which is facilitated by close contact in crowds.”
“Close proximity of people will keep the R0 higher than 1 and even as high as 2 to 3,” he continued. “If we can get the R0 to less than 1, the epidemic will gradually decline on its own without a vaccine.”
(https://t.co/XCG752r0vf #ExposeFacebook https://t.co/eumPZSbEHM

-Mom fights anti-White training in daughter’s kindergarten class: ‘They reduce everything down’ to skin color https://t.co/Pgxqi5h4DQ #FoxNews
-Gov Newsome filmmaker wife Jennifer Steele has received over $2 million funneled thru her non profit from large corporation political contributors
-SF Mayor London Breed to get another $1 billion taxpayer money to throw at homeless problem.
-Homeless encampment perfect breeding ground for rats and another Dark Plague ‘Green Fraud’ book(Mike Morano) claims the

-Dr Peter McCullough Salemnow.com re. Covid. Now over 4,000 deaths and many illnesses (eg 1,000 + Bells Palsy) American majority now believes Covid came from lab.
–Court to Dems: ‘Dont mess with our courts’ https://jonathanturley.org/2021/06/01/unpacked-and-unanimous-is-the-court-sending-a-message-with-a-litany-of-9-0-decisions/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
In 1997 CNN poll found ‘race relations was not a problem. It haS been made a problem. Obama ‘racism in Americans DNA’ only came out after he was elected to help his party keep winning. Obama KNOWS he’s living a lie in his mansions today -Larry Elder

– Obama ‘racism in Americans DNA’ only came out after he was elected to help his party keep winning. Obama KNOWS he’s living a lie in his white neighborhood mansions today -Larry Elder
–Mental state today: young guy asks girl out on date at coffee shop where she works and her female coworkers told her to ‘file a report’ even though the young woman was excited to go out with the guy.
–Stage 1 vs stage 2 thinking: Stage 1: Teaching children not to ask questions. Eg. why are we getting all this stuff free? What is price for shutting down XL pipeline? Wall Street Journal: cheating in school is easier than ever as is passing courses and graduating.
–Mental state today: young guy asks girl out on date at coffee shop where she works and her female coworkers told her to ‘file a report’ even though the young woman appreciated being asked out

–So, Chris Cuomo and CNN: You mean to tell me that Trump is responsible for the black guy that went up to the Asian woman and hit her as hard as he could? And don’t say Charlottesville alone caused it because that media lie has been debunked.
What has Kamala Harris done as VP aside from laugh a lot?

Kamala tells young women ‘You must expect’ to receive., perhaps the modern version of JFK’s ‘Ask not what’ you can get from your governmnent… or ‘Don’t let others tell you’…
–The End of the Good Samaritan:
Next time you get a flat tire in town dont expect
A good Samaritan to come along and fix it. Those days are probably over when we see people like the guy in Chicago who was carjacked and shot while trying to help someone fix a tire just this weekend-only one of hundreds of similar incidents in our police-defunded cities where crime has skyrocketed.

White Liberal Elites’ Zealousness for a Quick Fix (?) Has Act pually Made Blacks Regress Past 50+ Years >
–In 1997 CNN poll found ‘race relations was not a problem.’ It haS been made a problem by left and media. -Larry Elder
Obama ‘racism in Americans DNA’ only came out after he was elected to help his party keep winning. Obama KNOWS he’s living a lie in his white neighborhood mansions today -Larry Elder

-‘We now have a marketplace that trades exclusively in human futures…and those have produced trillions of dollars that have made the internet companies the richest companies in the history of humanity.’ –Shoshana Zuboff, Harvard Business School see Netflix ‘The Social Dilemna’
–Joe Biden Ignores ‘ Rolling to Remember’ Motorcycle Rally
May 30, 2021 by Charlie Spiering
President Joe Biden will ignore the annual Rolling to Remember motorcycle rally in Washington, DC, on Memorial Day despite past presidents taking part in the day’s events.
Organizers for the rally told Breitbart News they had not been contacted by the White House about recognizing or participating in the annual event.
‘Biden accused of ‘sickening’ comments about young girl, including her legs: ‘Looks like she’s 19’
? @TheBlazeTV
‘We now have a marketplace that trades exclusively in human futures…and those have produced trillions of dollars that have made the internet companies the richest companies in the history of humanity.’ -Shoshana Zuboff, Harvard Business School S seen in new Netflix film ‘The Social Dilemna’
–Fauci KNEW in 2017 there would be ‘a surprise outbreak’ / ‘pandemic’ confronting the new administration with the U.S govt funding it. He was also directly or indirectly involved in funding China ‘gain of function’ research.https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_5e8a0548c5b6e7d76c65c8a4 #fauci

Jan. 6 Insurrection? No guns found. No killings. Just open doors that a few hundred foolish people walked thru. BLM Atiffa summer riots killed dozens and destroyed million$ yet latter not punished or barely reported by media. By the way, exactlu who was responsible for the lone killing of Trump supporter Ashley Babbit? Unequal justice
–Senator Cotten: Dr. Fauci gave hundreds of thousands to Chinese govt for covid research.
The Republicans who voted for the January 6 commission are literally traitors to their party. They don’t deserve tolerance or understanding, only contempt.
They are what Lincoln called the “fire in the rear,” more dangerous than Copperhead snakes. Primary every one of them
#1 Bible Lesson: ‘Dont follow your heart. ‘ like saying cross at a red light. – Dennis Prager
COVID BIO-WEAPON: Australia News reports on Covid Wuhan Lab Leak as Bio-virus that US mainstream News won’t talk about. This could explain sudden covid explosion in China neighbor, hated India.
Similar manufactured bio-virus’ Could result in multiple future virus spreads ala Covid if we dont thoroughly investigate China now to be able to prevent future spreads.
Facebook Oversight Board Member Criticizes Indefinite Trump Suspension
CDC Investigating Heart Inflammation in COVID-19 Vaccinated Teens, Young Adults
Read: https://www.ntd.com/cdc-investigating-heart-inflammation-in-covid-19-vaccinated-teens-young-adults_617300.html?utm_medium=NTD&utm_source=telegram
Subscribe: @NTDNews

If the Left Got Its Wish for Israel

–CNN audience down 70% since Biden took over: Average audience leas than 1 million
SIMILAR for late night TV with ratings (avg 3 million) fraction of what Carson used to get (avg 10 million )…But ratings no longer determine programming fate- corporate politics do (per Les Moonvez) with TV networks and cable owned by left-leaning corps
–Biden supports Putin pipeline after canceling Alaska-US and our oil independece

Why I’m not a Leftist:
-I don’t believe Israel is the aggressor
(For first time in history half of America believes this, according to recent surveys)
-I don’t believe men menstruate or give birth
(Most young are taught and now believe this)
-I don’t hate America.
Frightening how far leftists have been brainwashed just in recent years. Its the older ones I’m most concerned about as they didnt always believe this stuff. People like Schumer and Pelosi have just accepted the new left for the power and income it gives them .. Just ten years ago nobody would have bought this stuff.
Yet we dont dare challenge the left for fear of real harm. Cowardice is a dominant human characteristic.
Left has become a cult, removing authority from parents and authority figures including some of the 10 commitments. The media is now the authority figure including social media for fear of what people think of them
George Carlin was ahead of his time, a modern day philosopher
presented as a comedian, who 30 years ago was already tiring of the
‘self-righteous environmentalists
white, burgeoise liberals’ concerned about not enough bicycle paths and ‘making the world safe for their Volvos’.
-VIEWERS OF CONSERVATIVE MEDIA MORE LIKELY TO GET THE FACTS RIGHT, OPEN LETTER TO JEWISH-AMERICAN BIDEN VOTERS (and other Democrats), Fetish for a (4th) commission to wallow into the mire of Jan. 6

…fetish for a commission to wallow into the mire of the January 6 Capitol uprising is far worse: it is a planned exercise in malicious political theater designed to create heat while shedding no new light.

are waking up! The Left is your enemy! i.e. Parkland shooting victim’s liberal Dad refutes AOC pro -Palestine stance. Resulting rift in Democratic party

George Carlin was ahead of his time, a modern day philosopher presented as a comedian, who 30 years ago was already tiring of the ‘self-righteous environmentalists
and white, burgeoisie liberals’ concerned about not enough bicycle paths and ‘making the world safe for their Volvos’. Carlin would go crazy today…

-Education Dept just officially outlawed pronouns ‘He him hers’ to instead ‘they them theirs ‘
Plus no more freshmen⁶
–New Ca Budget : $20 billion to education and $12 to homeless
Breaking: Devin Nunez’ 25 Answers needed by end of month including
1) where did covid virus come from? and
2) who funded the ‘gain of function ‘ potential weaponized Wuhan lab research in China?
3) who lifted Obama’s pause on Research?
China should not be doing the research. Stay tuned.
-FBI clears Putin in Russian cyber attack. Shows our ‘leader’ weak to other countries
-Why people stopped working. Because Biden raised unemployment so one can get $800 plus a $300 bonus PER WEEK so a couple can get up to $82k per year for staying home! No wonder unemployment is going up!
Meanwhile Biden won’t say if govt paid the Colonial cyber hackers $5 million taxpayer money, setting a precedent.
= higher spin rate, higher velocity etc
–Biden the Robot: “I’m not supposed to be answering many questions”
On a day when there are fires everywhere, Biden leaves the lectern and then comes back and says. That is exactly what he is supposed to be doing.
-A Pillow salesman is doing more for this country than the FBI/DOJ/CIA. Let that sink in for a minute!
–Dem socialist TRUTH defined: whatever Is most politically expedient. This is why you see the Bidens, Pelosi, Schumers flip-flopping all the time based on what will get them the most political power
Example:Joe Biden’s Dementia (as directed to him)
If you’re fully vaccinated you don’t have to wear a mask but if you’re not vaccinated you have to wear a mask (repeated several times).
‘Not political’ they say up interesting timing for the announcement and they’re new technique to force vaccinations. Question: how do you monitor if people were vaccinated??
Never before has our country been like this for anything. Causing pain creates dependency, never intended to stop pandemic virus(never in world history has such defeated virus).
Pay no attention to the:
–Gas shortage
-Border crisis
-Rising unemployment
-Record murders and shootings
And mideast crisis due to Bidens disregard for Israel https://t.co/kjjFjzPstO
Cheney = ‘RAT’ (Republican Against Trump)

Contrast Walt Disney’s ‘Happiest Place on Earth’ Vision Built On the Positive Values and Mores of the Post War Era with that of 2021 Disney Co.’s dark, divided America featuring critical race theory for its employees.http://Roadtosuccess.usr==

Dems slogan ‘Peace is power’ reflects Gigantic self esteem and ‘Thoughtless phrases that make Dems feel good about themselves’
-Dennis Prager
Life’s Tutu Short, Macy’s, Movies, Diet, CBD,Flowers >
Biggest lie yet.
B(LIE)DEN: ‘Anybody Making Less than $400K a Year Will Not Pay a Single Penny in Taxes’ . If this were really true only 1% of people will pay taxes. Not.
–Urban Emigration: A Worrisome Outlook for American Cities https://m.theepochtimes.com/urban-emigration-a-worrisome-outlook-for-american-cities_3807248.html?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=digitalsub
–Oh but the US Census shows totally different numbers than it did 5 months ago in December, please somebody explain if this exodus is real why did all these blue cities not change in demographics…huh funny question.
Sounds like election mongering again.
Watch out 2022, WE have to cheat better than them.

-Fat Acceptance Is a Dangerous Idea
-No PC Police Here- Don’t Regret What Makes You Smile https://youtu.be/7OwTsvqJQ5w #pc #noPC #politics #smile #humor
–Billy Crystal says comedy in the age of cancel culture is ‘becoming a minefield’ — and the woke mob lines up to blast him
? @TheBlazeTV
–VP Harris says ‘undocumented’ are flooding southern borders because of climate change. Huh?
–SF Mayor wants guaranteed income for all.

Alan Dershowitz-
Cancel Culture: The Latest Attack on Free Speech and Due Process
4.5 out of 5 stars (133)Reviews
Major publication:
‘Everyone who voted for Trump (74 million) are racist, selfish and mean-spirited.’
Right not allowed to debate or disagree with Left for fear of being called ‘racist’ or ‘fascist’
One person was cancelled from twitter for simply stating ‘MLK didn’t riot or loot’

Piers Morgan-
Wake Up: Why the world has gone nuts
4.5 out of 5 stars (6,420)

Buy in advance –
Save 46% !
Mark R. Levin
American Marxism
1 Best Seller in Books
Buy now-out July 13
–Biden SOU speech draws 22 million compared to 37 million for Trump’s inaugural speech in 2017… this for the guy who supposedly drew 80 million votes for President, more than OBAMA or Hillary ever got.
–Fake Biden Poll Results – NBC admits to asking 75% Dems to get its 85% approval of Biden SOU speech. NO WONDER high number. Even then you don’t know what else NBC is doing. Oh for the days of honesty and accuracy by the press.
Who knows if ANY Republicans were polled by leftist network. Could gave been 25% independents or ?

–Left ‘enlightened’ racists were trolling Senator Tim Scott on Twitter as ‘Uncle Tim’ following his SOU rebuttal speech last night, until twitter FINALLY took comments down today.

Senator Ted Cruz to Corporate Elites:
Your Woke Money Is No Good

Corporations have taken advantage of Republicans for too long. I won’t take their PAC dollars anymore. (Wall Street Journal)Cruz claims Biden -supporting majority don’t know what they’re
doing backing legislatjon like Georgia voting bill H1, which Cruz says are hindering minorities by controlling their lives ala socialism > https://www.wsj.com/articles/your-woke-money-is-no-good-here-11619649421

Biden Bucks-
SHELBY STEELE: 50 years of throwing billions of taxpayer money at minorities has only resulted in an angrier, more bitter Democratic party.

“Cops are necessary,” said Sen. John Kennedy, Louisiana Republican. “If you support defunding the police, you have tested positive for stupid.” https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/apr/27/sen-john-kennedy-mocks-anti-police-activists-call-/https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2021/apr/27/sen-john-kennedy-mocks-anti-police-activists-call-/

–Why can’t suppliers keep up with our every day needs now that covid has slowed?. Because they can’t find help. Ask them. Even though receding covid allowed people to go back to work, many haven’t thanks to Bidens handouts or lack therof where needed. Many are getting more money for doing nothing than when they worked.
He talks about jobs but only a fraction, 5%, of massive latest ‘infrastructure’ bill is going to infrastructure and jobs.

John Kerry ‘Manchuria candidate’ gave US secrets to our adversary Iran (along with $150 million US taxpayer money to help kill Israelis), reports New York Times of leaked comments from Iran leader
‘CNN main goal was to get Trump out of office ‘ from CNN top official leaked by Priceject Veritas

Officer Tatum Goes Off on Racist Media

7 Non-Lethal Alternatives For Police To Use Instead Of Guns #gunalternatives #guns
Look at results in cities with strictest gun laws- murder rates up in all of them, but media ignores this
Mayorkas denied the border ‘crisis,’ Harris laughed at the idea of visiting the border and Biden, well, Biden is Biden
Where’s the Vaccine Science?

David Limbaugh: Goodbye to my brother – for now
https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/04/09/david-limbaugh-goodbye-to-my-brother-for-now-1057648/?s=03https://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/04/09/david-limbaugh-goodbye-to-my-brother-for-now-1057648/?s=03 #rushlimbaugh
More cancel culture:
I won’t be flying anymore, at least on United Airlines.
United announced it will be selected its new flight school trainees solely on the basis of color and gender-ans theyre not talking about white males. Pretty scary when criteria for choosing pilots, responsible for keeping us safe while in the air (think ‘Sully’) , are not based solely on ability.
Main alternatives Delta and American have already ‘sold out’ to the left.
Reports Stacey Abrams, Al Sharpton, black activists got baseball commissioner Rob Manfred to cave and move baseball All Star game out of Georgia
What Insurrection?
Proof Dem D.C. media narrative a lie: DC medical examiner Francisco Dias Autopsies reveal NO people killed Jan 6 by Trump supporters. 4 of 5 in large rally died of naturaL causes. (2 heart attacks, one overdose). Only a Trump supporter, Ashley Babbitt , was killed (for breaking in by police.) This should be lead story in media= more media malpractice just like CBS’ 60 Minutes Sunday intentionally editing out key interviews in Florida vaccine story (proven by two Democrats who were there). >
Despite a nationwide FBI manhunt for those who participated in the January 6th uprising, it appears that no one was armed and the only person we know was killed was Ashli Babbitt. That we still don’t know the name of the officer who shot her on video is one of the inexplicable mysteries of the Capitol riot. It is also one that no one in the mainstream media seems intent on solving.
Despite new reports, CNNs Chris Cuomo was still reporting the loe that 5 were killed by ‘Trump supporters.’
Former baseball commis Fay Vincent: Opinion | Rob Manfred’s All-Star Error https://www.wsj.com/articles/rob-manfreds-all-star-error-11617726664
60 Minutes Hit Job on Gov DeSantis ‘intentionally false’ info says Palm Beach Democratic mayor, who gave the order himself-not the GOP govenor- to use Publix markets as covid centers
Where are you Mike Wallace? Your old show is beyond repair with Dem operatives Leslie Stahl et al
Waving Goodbye to the America We All Knew and Loved
‘America in a Necessary Era of Decline’ – Barack Obama
Where are you Mike Wallace? Your old show is beyond resurrection with Dem operatives Leslie Stahl et al
“And if I had known that the President (Obama) had posed smilingly with (Farrakhan) when he was a senator, I would not have campaigned for Barack Obama.” -@AlanDersh 1/27/18 Blacks are 2-3x more likely to be antisemitic than non black gentiles. #BlackAntisemitism #WeveGotACountryToSave https://t.co/daQAy96wi3
— See More
Gone: American Icons Baseball, Coke -Next it will be Apple pie.
Alfredo Ortiz: MLB Pulling ASG from Georgia Will ‘Cost Upwards of $100 Million of Economic Damages’
Every freedom-loving person should boycott sponsors supporting MLB move , ie Coca cola , Delta airlines, etc…. Gone: American Icins Baseball, Coke and Next it will be Apple pie
Waving Goodbye to the America We All Knew and Loved
By Ed Brodow
Democrats are rushing HR1 to make sure they can gather as MANY VOTES as they can in WHATEVER WAY.
If you don’t step in, conservatives will NEVER win another election in this country. Joe Biden is becoming the super spreader of covid 19 in this country.’
‘Easiest way to get into US today is illegally

‘Boycott baseball,’ says Trump- LeBron James, liberal sportswriters celebrate MLB stunning decision pulling All Star Game Out of Atlanta -Coke,Delta…


“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the ⁰ United States of America.”
Editorial (author unknown):
I Miss America >
?? America ??
I miss the America I grew up in.
Remember when riots were unthinkable? When you left front doors unlocked. When socialism was a dirty word. When ghettos were neighborhoods. When the Flag was a sacred symbol. When criminals actually went to jail… CONT.
Are you a closet conservative or have you come out of the closet? If not, why not come out?
Get The Constitution and Declaration of Independence For FREE
–While our covid rate is way down, covid 19 cases are skyrocketing in Europe and rest of world. Why? Because they have no vaccine and we do, thanks to President Trump
–Reverse-racist OAKLAND: City to give $500 per low income family unless you’re white
Quote: ‘Shmuck Schumer’ and Democrats are not the party of the oppressed but the Oppressive Party (author unknown)
‘First They Came‘…’ Wake up Call- History Repeats Itself
–World Leaders laughing at our “incompetent president https://rumble.com/vetlrl-this-iswhat-world-leaders-think-of-biden.html #Bidenfall #BidenFalls #PresidentHarris
–Deutschebank survey finds only 36% of people will be spending their stimulus money, which means the economy will not get the big reinvestment jolt as is generally the purpose of stimuli. Fact is the money went largely to people who didn’t need it; those day theyll be reinvesting the money, mainly bitcoin
Hillary: ‘Even if it isn’t true (Steele Dossier,or anything else for that matter) we can use it against Trump’
–8 Ways That HR 1, ‘For the People Act,’ Imperils Free and Fair Elections Forever
https://www.dailysignal.com/2021/03/15/8-ways-that-hr1-the-for-the-people-act-imperils-free-and-fair-elections/ #elections #voterid #fairelections
Time for common sense voting. When 60% of Dems and 70% of GOP are for voter ID (in recent survey) to prevent ‘anything goes’ elections like 2020 why even consider federalizing ‘HR1 For
the People’ with mandatory mail in voting with no signatures required, no voter ID, etc -see bill- which would ‘double down’ on allowing criminal ‘over voting’
Hans von :8 Reasons HR1 voting bill would be a disaster:
BREAKING: Retraction –
Washington Post Accuses Trump Of A Crime Based On Fabricated Quotes
Thursday, March 4, 2021

Hidin’ Biden and The Real Neanderthals Top Hits>https://buff.ly/2ORm4A8
BREAKING: Retraction –
Washington Post Accused Trump Of A Crime Based on Fabricated Quote That May Have Changed Senate Election Outcome, Power Structure

George Floyd memorial site anti-cop autonomous zone: report
LOCAL Homeowners can’t summon police, at mercy of extremists controlling their neighborhoodhttps://nypost.com/2021/03/11/george-floyd-memorial-site-anti-cop-autonomous-zone-report/5 days agoLeft-wing militants have reportedly turned a memorial site for GeorgeFloyd in Minneapolis into a “volatile” autonomous zone — where police and even other protesters aren’t welcome.
–BREAKING: Facebook Global Planning Lead Benny Thomas Reveals Dire Need for Government Intervention
‘The Single Biggest Thing is this Company Needs to be Broken Up’
-‘No King in the History of the World has been the Ruler of Two Billion People, but Mark Zuckerberg is’
–Covid now at exactly
8900 cases per 1 million people per both FL and CA yet they got there 2 very different ways. CA and Gov Newsome ruined its economy with 1 year of lockdowns to the point it had to be bailed
out with other blue states whereas FL needed no bailout with its thriving economy and limited lockdowns.
–Maybe covid and politics were too much but people can’t stand being with their families now more tha four hours on Easter- 3.45 to be exact
–Bari Weiss, now of city Journal, is a Democrat writer who left the New York Times due to her principles – more and more topics became ‘third rail’ according to her- still open to debate unlike so many of her lockstep media cohorts, in new article, says schools have reached point of hopelessness.
Also noted
People are now worshipping individual like the AOCs of the world more than God.⁴

Tx Gov Abbott Discusses Border Security
—Fairness being brutalized in America, part of the new ‘cancel culture‘ perpetuated by new Left but even someone like Gov Cuomo has been treated unfairly, with many wantinh him out before investigation – Bill OReilly
–People are now being silenced on basis of race, ie white midwest farmers, Thomas Sewell, Justice Thomas
RACIST rhetoric is used as a battering ram by Left. Hard to push back… so strong that EVEN MANY have become Democrats for fear of being called ,
‘Racist,’ i.e. group
think. -Chris Rufo
5 CA Cities Among 15 US Happiest (?)
Happy Cities. Example of a faulty survey. Left out of factoring are crime/homeless and politics, which are both a mess in San Francisco, ditto from what I know of San Jose and Santa Rosa to a smaller scale. Fremont, the planned concrete jungle city -Really ¿ need better criteria, variables. Wh a t are your thoughts? I think of Napa as a happy bigger city.
Happiest In America For 2021: LISThttps://patch.com/california/lamorinda/s/hgwd9/5-ca-cities-among-15-happiest-in-america-for-2021-list?utm_source=nearby-news&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=alert #happy #cities

Hidin’ Biden a5nd The Real Neanderthals Top Hits>https://buff.ly/2ORm4A8#biden #BidenBucks
REPORT: SARS Covid-2 Is the ‘Product of Genetic Experiments Commissioned and Funded’ by Fauci’s NIAID – Tennessee Star https://t.co/FFMISgEjQZ
Portland mayor now wants to restore police funding amid violent crime wave after cutting funds last yearhttps://www.theblaze.com/news/portland-mayor-asks-for-police-funding-violent-crime
Trey Gowdy Calls Out MSNBC Anchor’s Hateful Rhetorichttps://youtu.be/dP7bZsszAjs
Marionette DictatorThe only difference between Joe Biden and a marionette is you cannot see the strings of corruption that are making …
I’ll do it myself, thanks!
An angry anti-big government activist went to Washington to participate in an anti-tax rally. Early that morning, …
Big freeze
It was mighty cold in Texas. Citizens in Texas lost power, and water and food became scarce. It is obvious that …
Never forget
America remains a democratic society because of the 106 million gun owners, 6 million added in 2020, and their 467 …
DOH: 1 million fully vaccinated, still not enough supply
Copyright © Williamsport Sun-Gazette | https://www.sungazette.com | 252 W. Fourth Street, Williamsport, PA 17703 | 570-326-1551 | Ogden Newspapers | The Nutting Company⁷

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Free beer for doing what you were going to do anyhow

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Editorial: TOO MUCH POWER-How blind or stubborn are they? They KNOW what’s going on but just can’t give up their new Democrat ‘religion’ and power. They’re not good at saying ‘ I made a mistake’ and may be a little brainwashed. I now totally believe the media has too much power. The worst are the ‘newscasters’ like Tapper, Blitzer, Brian Williams,etc who don’t even pretend to be objective-not opinion people- who portray this stuff as legit news..
Hidin’ Biden
-Biden’s first prime time speech since he’s been ‘president,’ Biden totally ignored the border crisis, and other issues and basically took credit for what Trump did, offering nothing new and giving Trump no credit…said nothing…just read some 20 minute bad script after spending three days practicing.
-Looks like Cuomo may finally be pushed out as poweful AOC called for his ouster, but not Pelosi or ,schumer or Hillary. Where are the women? Then maybe they’ll push out Biden for his worse womanizing (Tara Reid,etc)
-Since he’s failing anyway and inept Commie ‘Joker Harris can try to do better. Ha.. what a joke…other countries are laughing and reporting truth the US media won’t.
-Wisconsin Lawmakers Held General Election Review Hearing on Wednesday Following News that Democrat Operative Given Keys to Absentee Ballot Counting Room – awaiting results
-Mexican President more concerned about crisis on border than so-called US president. He’s Furious about cartels and coyotes coming up via Honduras and central AmericA
C-Stupid people:Why do people pay $ 6 for starbuck lattes whe n they could make their own for 1/10 the price?
-Crisis:-Dumbo, Pete L Pee, Speedy Gonzales DoneCrisis on the borderTrillions spent on ? nothing anymoreAnd barely month into new adminAND THE LEFT VIEWING MEDIA IS IGNORANT OR DOESNT CARE
DISNEY CANCEL CULTURE:No Dumbo, Peter Pan,DISNEYBDIESNF Like singing crows excuse ‘they paybimage to mi stel shows
Speedy Gonzalez Pepe La Pew canceled for ‘fostering rape culture’Peter pan ‘shows negative images of foreigners’.Aristocrats ‘shows stereotypes”
-Powerful narcacists‘Really vile’ Michelle, Hillary, Merkle,even OprahCould care less about the peole below them.Where are the old values of resiliency, virtue, character…instead its complaining all the time.Here’s a duchess complaining about a dress from 3 years ago. Diversity talk is a tactic, distraction…part and parcel of a disturbing criminal country
– JD Vance (Hillbilly Elegy):
-Cop who “killed” George Floyd will have a difficult trial with so much pre trial media bias against him. People have really only heard one side of story to date-typical of media BIAS TODAY. There was a time when media tried to give equal time to both sides.
-Even Bill Gates believes 2+2 doesn’t necessarily = 5 plus half the country
-Oprah’s $7 million interview (Meghan and Harry got nothing) Racist? Now is she’s not she should show some media fairness and offer the royal family an interview to rebut.
-Cuomo may be deposed but not for the more serious nursing home allegations
-‘We’ve turned JFKs slogan ‘Ask Not What the Country can Do For You but what You Can Do For Your Country’ Upside down. -Jason Whitlock. People are only into their feelings e.g I think I should be married to Halle Barry
-New Bill HR/HS = Legalized Cheating…Ballot Harvesting, mail in ballots in all states, no voter ID…
-CNN drops 40% in ratings since Biden took over, 50% in prime time , MSNBC down 20%, Fox down 10% since Biden.60% believe media purposely mislead, per BillOreilly.com

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-Okay, who stopped the payment on my reality check?
the HILL:
-Why is Biden Hidden from the Press and all of Us?
Biden is yet to make his State of Union speech and has gone longer than any previous President without a single Press Conference.https://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/01/rest-of-story.html
-Don’t believe a word of AP poll that says half of Republicans support Bidens first month in office and handling of pandemic
-NEW COMEDY CLASSICS- Between Andrew Cuomo and Biden its like classic SNL. We don’t need the crappy late night or modern SNL anymore. We’ve got the best comics in Cuomo,Biden, Pelosi, etc even if not intending to be…
-Left uses Trickle Down taxation starting with high income, eg.Dems hide taxnin the ultra wealthy, corp and then eventually everyone ends up paying taxes
-FBI Wray also denies any voter fraudW/O real investigations.
-rePublicains ‘loser mentality’ from ’54 to ’94 And after with people like McCain and Romney who didn’t my losing songs they had their little place-Rush Still a lot of rhinos don’t understand how trump has tried to wake up the Republican base at least those that still don’t understand their loser mentality of the still rhinos
Bill Gates, the ‘scientist” Is giving millions of dollars to groups that claim there is no exact science,eg answers IE 2,+2= 5, 2 + 2 = one. etc
‘Kovid did nt Crush the economy ,the government did – Kristi noem governor South Dakota
Only 9% of new Biden ‘covid stimulus’ really goes to covid.l
Chinese Americans mobilize against critical race theory , reminiscent of Maoism, Now being perpetuated by government
Trump lives rent free in the Dems brain.
Overheard at CPAC ‘Lemmings of the left and their useful idiotsOf the media’ – BonginoKeep closing things down and well keep coming back w more of same
Cruz eviscerates GOP establishment at CPAC https://parler.com/post/1e651da6-7105-49de-8ab8-ba71d88a74cf
People are being brainwashed to oppress themselves. How they can challenge being called ‘racist’ all the timehttps://www.instagram.com/tv/CLuT6kXhgZ_/?igshid=13li1pe2apvko#racist #whitesupremicism
’11 Million’ Illegal Immigrants more like 22 Million. According to 2020 Census, while an exact number has yet to be determined, 11 Million is just a number seized on to make Biden Admin look better and echoed by the left leaning HF media
Russell reedNaomi wolffMat taiebe
Good thing Garland didnt become Supdedx turns into salad Burger King,qQ
Biden opening g border but not schools. Only 12% of psoposed $1.9 trillion goes for covid. $350 million will be taken from successful red states and given to dysfunctional blue states
Rebuild Amer family via Charlie Kirk. We’ve been subsidizing ‘single motherhood’ since 1960. Subsidize intact couples like Obama actually didYel

Retro Planet -FREE Wall Decal with purchase- check out cool retro designs > https://retroplanet.zinrelo.com/ref/BUR7E656https://retroplanet.zinrelo.com/ref/BUR7E656 #retro #fifties #5Os

Don’t believe a word of AP poll that says half of Republicans support Bidens first month in office and handling of pandemic
Dennis Prager:The Left seeks power and will do whatever it takes to keep us in constant state of fear to maintain that power, e.g. perpetual lockdown and threats of racism, climate change, etc. Though covid is not made up, the fear IS. Masks are the symbol of ‘I’m afraid.’
the HILL:Why is Biden Hidden from the Press and all of Us?Biden is yet to make his State of Union speech and has gone longer than any previous President without a single Press Conference. By keeping Biden hidden away the left can control him like the puppet he is, to read only what they want him to read -until he starts to go off script like the other day when he offered to take questions, or, ‘whatever they want me to do’ only to have the plug quickly pulled. Guess the Cat’s already clearly out of the Hat!
Everything We Know About Tom Brady’s Extreme Diet, Anti-Inflammation and Fitness Routines > https://t.co/64MpDf8fUz #diets #tombradydiet #tombrady #weightloss #health #fitness https://t.co/sKchv95Sqd
– YALE, MIT STUDY: ’11 Million’ Illegal Immigrants more like 22 Million. According to 2020 Census, while an exact number has yet to be determined, 11 Million is just a number seized on to make Biden Admin look better and echoed by the left leaning media
-Dem on ‘New Totalitarianism’ – Naomi Wolf Warns: USA Rapidly “Moving Into A Coup Situation, A Police State” Under The “Guise Of A Real Medical Pandemic”
READ ALSO Mat Taibbi and Russell Reed
-Some say ‘Good thing Garland didnt become Supreme Court Justice’ after Cabinet Hearing
-Biden opening border but not schools. Only 12% of proposed prospective $1.9 trillion ‘Covid Bailout’ goes for covid. ‘$350 million will be taken from successful red states and given to dysfunctional blue states.’
-‘Rebuild American family’ via Charlie Kirk. ‘We’ve been subsidizing ‘single motherhood’ since 1960. Subsidize intact couples like Obama actually did’

-‘Tribute’ to Rush-Ted Kennedy The Philanderer from Rush Limbaugh https://youtu.be/f4huqCCBcSI – Old nugget takeoff on ‘The Wanderer’ by Dion that Lambaugh used to play on his show
How Chance Meeting With Rush Limbaugh Changed Tammv Bruce’s Life > .@HeyTammy Bruce shares how Rush Limbaugh changed her life: “If I was lied to about him, what else have I been lied to about?” https://t.co/rA6opFLqgH
-Susan Menendez anti- Cancel Culture bill
-RNC Fights to Restore Future Election Credibility
Lockdown, Newsome Failure: California No Better Than Florida Covid Cases Despite Lockdownhttps://www.bizpacreview.com/2021/01/19/heres-how-florida-vs-californias-very-different-covid-strategies-match-up-1018336/
– ‘Nimrod’ Gates also said Trump should be allowed back on all social media though Trump ‘had no facts’ to back up Trumps ‘false’ stolen election claim.How’s about getting Trump a legit election hearing or at least a good debate?
Remembering Rush, Tom Brady Diet, Lincoln Cancelled in SF, Rich Little as Biden, Food You’re Eating from China>http://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/02/everything-we-know-about-tom-bradys.html#rushlimbaugh #tombrady #lincoln #presidentsday #food #china
Attachments areaPreview YouTube video Ted Kennedy The Philanderer from Rush LimbaughTed Kennedy The Philanderer from Rush Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh Lives On Eternally in our Hearts…We must ‘continue his mission’ – Kathryn Limbaugh
Rush Limbaugh was fired seven times as a rock & roll DJ before the college dropout found his niche despite initial complaints of his conservative talk show. But, people came to love his honest, inciteful, sometimes stinging yet heartfelt style he developed and achieved beginning 1988 for over 30 years. Limbaugh also saved ‘am’ radio while popularizing conservative talk radio and setting the stage for those who followed…Hannity, Levin, etc. He was one of a handful of people who were so far ahead in their craft and persona its almost like they were heaven sent. Robin Williams is the only other parallel we can think of, who did as much for comedy and acting as Limbaugh did for talk radio and conservatism. How Rush was able to continue his legendary radio show for the full year right up to the end after his stage 4 cancer diagnosis, amidst his chemo treatments, was an amazing feat initself. Limbaugh will head the conservative monument in the sky with the likes of Ronald Reagan, William Buckley, Milton Friedman and perhaps one day Donald Trump. https://headlineusa.com/conservative-pay-tribute-limbaugh/
Limbaugh Producer James ‘Bo Snerdley’ Golden
“There was nowhere on TV that you could get conservative ideology, that you could get the values that represent what most Americans believe until Rush, he changed the media. He changed the landscape. Rush Limbaugh’s radio show grew…
Boost your immune system with a daily dose of CBD + C8 MCT. Get your Risk-Free bottle.

School Board Cancels Presidents on Presidents Day-Washington and Lincoln are out as S.F. school board unanimously changes history tossing 44 school nameshttps://www.sfchronicle.com/education/article/Washington-and-Lincoln-are-out-S-F-school-board-15900963.php#sanfrancisco #schoolboard

Rich Little is back and Impersonates Joe Biden on Huckabee” https://youtu.be/8BIrKhuBXnM

CBD American Shaman is dedicated to bringing wellness to the world through ultra-concentrated terpene rich CBD oil derived from all natural, high quality industrial hemp. legal https://afflat3d1.com/lnk.asp?o=18182&c=918277&a=145549&k=0&l=20077#cbd #cbdoil #stress #painrelief

Michael van der Veen destroys the entire media after questioning from CBSN anchor.http://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/02/everything-we-know-about-tom-bradys.html

-Why is ‘Gruesome’ Newsome suddenly ‘opening’ CA despite no change in dire covid numbers? Duh. In Case you still don’t know we 2 answers follow shortly below
Official Recall Gavin Newsome Petition https://recallgavin2020.com/petition/?s=03#recallGavinNewsome
Fake News Person of the week : George Stephanopoulos

In exchange with Senator Rand Paul claiming there was no fraudulent voting and GOP is lying while Paul shows compromise asking for fair hearings. Hear exchange for yourself:

Click here for video/story
Perfect example of why there is a serious divide in America. Paul: ‘Liberal side automatically says its a lie’ without open debate. Then Amy Klobuchar cone’s out and parrots George / Dems/media. Remember when it was o.k. for Hillary/Dems/media to contest the 2016 election with many fewer examples?

–KGB-style Surveillance by Big Tech, John Brennan, Adam Schiff, etc. – Tulsi Gabbert
Crime of having different opinions, eg no free speech. Eg Mike Lindell and MyPillow has been shut downOn twitter and his business cancelled from major distributors.What can we do? > https://youtu.be/TlIqrtVxahQ

Tulsi Gabbert, former Dem Congressperson from –click for video

-Chief among 17 Biden first day-in-office executive actions reverse Trump job agenda while opening floodgates to more covid cases:
-Sweeping immigration reform Bringing thousands of illegals and covid carriers to America-Halting border wall constructionResulting in thousands of illegal covid carriers crossing the border
–Canceling the Keystone XL pipeline Resulting in loss of 12,000 + jobs
–Rejoining the Paris Climate Accord-Rejoining the WHO
-McConnell is so angry at Trump for ‘costing him the Senate leadership’ he’s siding with Never Trumpers
-NPR now condones rioting ‘as a powerful tool to bring about real change.’

Trump Aquittal Dancehttps://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/01/rest-of-story.html
-House suddenly trying to broaden impeachment scope by taking witnesses after 4 weeks of inaction.There should have been investigation on capitol security but Dems didnt want that. Trump did not have jurisdiction on capitol hill to make security decision Dems are blaming him for. ‘Pre -meditated plan’ by Trump as Dems claim is hysterical. 1st amendment prevails.https://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/01/rest-of-story.html

-Gas up 18% since election, could surpass $4 under Bidenhttps://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/01/rest-of-story.htmlhttps://www.washingtonexaminer.com/washington-secrets/gas-up-18-since-election-could-surpass-4-under-biden#gasprices #gas
–Bill OReilly: How come no independent assertive effort to once and for all really investigate the election , which still hasn’t had a fair hearing yet. This would at least help appease the anger among 75 million plus voters. This must be pursued despite push back from the median and Dems (You would think they would welcome an open heari g to once and for all Put an end to the real bitterness and lingering questions.
–‘What the hell happened to our society where people just believe what they are being told because “science?”’ per Richard Feynman quote. EVERYONE NEEDS TO QUESTION EVERYTHING-Rob Schneider
–This is a trial about FREE SPEECH andIts About Control and Power…and keeping Trump from running again and covering up Dem criminal activity while tampimg down conservative resistance (through unrealistic lockdowns and more)
‘…Where we’re now greeted by fences with barbed wire around Capitol and government buildings- this is NOT a free country anymore…’
-Biden already breaking promises left and right. … enough to overturn most of Trump’s notable actions through his own record number of over 40 executive actions, His inauguration promise of unity went out the window the second day in office when he started blasting former president Trump for his ‘march peacefully’ Capitol “insurrection” message. Then Biden went so far as to go against the ‘science’ and CDC recommending schools back In session.
-Why didn’t Supreme Court decide on constitutionality of impeachment rather than biased Congress members,Many of whom care nothing about the constitution? #impeachment
-Speaker pelosi was responsible for not having many more police on the Capitol January 6. This after FBI and Congress had been warned much earlier about impending trouble for inauguration day. What did the Speaker Know and when did she know it? And this after Pres Trump offered help 6 times

Aunt Jamima is now Pearl Milling Co.
-For decades Lowell HS was the one SFschoolWhere advanced students weren’t held back. But Lowell has now been designated ‘systemically racist’ so now everyone will be allowed to go to Lowell
-And of course transgender men will be allowed to win in girls sports programs
-How sensitive were the Dems (and RINOS) about the election? Do you think they KNOW and were trying to block truth? First, with social media blocking Trump / Conservative accounts (and first ammendment rights), then impeaching President and now Fox Business cancelling #1 show for Lou Dobbs expressing fact-based first ammendment rights on election? Touchy, touchy…afraid of the truth being exposed?… ? ? ⛔️ ? ❌ ?>https://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/01/rest-of-story.html
Peter Navarro, Steve Bannon Want Trump’s Lawyers to Focus on Alleged Voter Fraud at Impeachment Trial- Biden only won 16% of counties, ‘won’ only in 5 Key Swing states, all 60 Judges Never Even Gave Trump a Hearing> https://www.newsmax.com/t/newsmax/article/1008871?section=politics&keywords=trump-bannon-impeach-riot&year=2021&month=02&date=05&id=1008871&oref=org.telegram.messenger #electionfraud
Illegal,non-citizens are NEW COVID THREAT TO BORDER AGENTS with avg 3,000 illegals a day. Biden wants them to get vaccine over regular American citizens.
@#BREAKING BLOCKBUSTER: #Trump had been ridiculed but turns out to Be Right in his Dec 2 speech when he #noted how his opponent, Joe #Biden ‘wasn’t needed’ to campaign, i.e. ‘ it’s done’ (rigged) …’they were acting like they already knew what The Outcome would be’… ? ? ? https://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/02/secret-history-of-shadow-campaign-that.html

Answers why ‘ Gruesome ‘ is suddenly opening up California 1) Election is over, 2) Gruesome is about to be recalled

-Megan Kelley blames CNN/media for capitol riots.-1 in 5 think Biden can unify America (ABC)

-New declassified info shows Steele/dossier covered for Hillary and her email problems as well as his desire to have Hillary as President and not Trump
– NEW POLL : Media Trust At All Time Low-Only 46% believe media and 54% believe media is purposely misleading people,e.g. New York Times calls China one of ‘safest ‘ countries in the world. Glenn Greenwald: China in bed with Wall Street

Are You US Concealed Certified? find out how easy – Free Online certification > https://yellowpagescoupons.lpages.co/us-concealed-carry-free-lessons-online/ #concealed #certified #gun #guns #online #certification #gunners ?-John Solomon:Deputy FBI McCabe ‘political animal’ showing he didnt want Trump movement like UK Brexit-Lee Smith: FBI now wants to define Trump supporters as ‘domestic terrorists’ -John Solomon: Most important to watch if Biden keeps his strong ties with Chins , Russia and Ukraine -same countries where Hunter was doing his business

Calls for Unity…. and Impeachment
(How do you have both,especially when we now know Capital event was planned well ahead of Trump speech)
We’ve been called deplorables, ugly folks, and are now proud to be known as the ‘cultists’ #Cultists
-Schumer ‘incited the erection’ to quote him 1-22
– Hey, @CNN, I think you forgot your COVID tracker the last couple of days since your new so-called ‘prez’. It just sort of disappeared. I’m sure this was just an oversight and you’re dedicated to keeping us informed, so I look forward to seeing that on screen again any minute.
– Report: Biden killed 52K American jobs on day 1 in office – https://t.co/RCLsByaDjj #OANN https://t.co/z7kQoGcDvb
– Grenell accuses Schiff and his team of ‘regularly’ leaking classified information
Any more evil, vindictive people than Nasty Nancy & Schmucky Schumer with Shifty Sciff and Turtle McConnell not far behind–all on the take?
Big Lib Chris Wallace back in his element with the new liberal Fox.
No hiding his disdain for the GOP by scoffing at the notion the election was stolen .
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-Pres Bush more an embarrassment today than ever, praising Clyburn,etc. Perfect example whats wrong with estsnlushme t GOP
It’s not Trump supporters who are rioting but same old antifa/ left wing mob who’s been doing it forever, continuing riots on inauguration day no less in Seattle, Portland etc. Biden & co wont even control your own #capitol #trump #biden #unity ❗
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The Great Uniter still wants to impeach even though Capitol riots were planned long before Trump speech
– Breaking! Its a miracle! Since Biden elected days ago covid down in 43 states! What a president!
Everyone is a white supremicist and racist who doesnt agree with Dem company plan
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Rest of the Story- FBI ignores Capitol threat warnings days before Trump speech, Biden calls for ‘unity’ -and impeachment . Huh? https://wakeamerica1.blogspot.com/2021/01/rest-of-story.html #capitol #trump #biden #fbi #impeachment #unity ❗
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-Darlene Love on Phil Spector Death: ‘I Feel Very, Very Sad’
-Trump Most popular leader in the world with 40% (Bush at 30% when he left) approval rating even after all the negative press by the left.
-McConnell shows true colors, ties to China with wife’s shippimg co. as he believes Trump lost the election vs. 3/4 of the republicans who feel election was stolen –
For Trump impeachment and paves the way for trial. Time for Turtle to go
-Suddenly The ‘defunding police ‘ party wants to load up national guard troops in DC and elsewhere
–12 things to consider after closing the door on 2020 http://theroadtosuccess1.blogspot.com/2020/12/12-things-to-consider-as-we-get-closer.html?m=1 #newyear #resolutions
-Just wondering why would (Obama) want to tweet this very personal message to his wife Michelle for all to see? Of course he knows it will get trolls which the Obamas can blame on Trump

-BREAKING: A DAY BEFORE CAPITAL RIOTS AND TRUMP SPEECH FBI HAD WORD OF ‘DANGEROUS’ ASSAULT ON CAPITAL. Yet FBI Ignores Threat calling it possible mere ‘bravado’ and never tells President!
That’s why you dont do rush impeachments. None of above in impeachment report. (Just the News, WaPo, NYTimes)

US Concealed Carry Lessons Online-In coordination with our state certified trainer we have prepared a free & simple online concealed carry survey. ? LINK #concealed #carry

-DERSHOWITZ: FREE Speech For Me But Not for Thee-Modern Day McCarthyism“We all hear that the president is not above the law, but Congress is not above the law: When Congress impeached the president earlier this week, they committed six independent violations of the Constitution,” Dershowitz told “Saturday Report.”

-There’s been more coverage of the capital riots than the 6 months of antifa/dem riots this past year

-Dems over-play their hand- DRIVE-BY IMPEACHMENT!Dems have made impeachment meaningless.They can impeach a donut if they want. And there will be repercussions by 2022

Parler CEO floats buying, building own data centers, servers to get back on Internet
Our Positive Spin On 10 Months of Covidhttps://roadtosuccess.us/positive-spin-on-10-months-of-covid/
-BLOCKBUSTER: Jack Dorsey warns Twitter crackdown will be ‘much bigger’ than Trump ban in leaked video https://t.co/RB2SkVETQm https://t.co/DHvVxAE7Zm
-‘Late night TV done.’ Fallon gets only 975,000 viewers Tuesday night,lowest number ever while Colbert and Kimmel get about 2 million as compared to Johnny Carson’s 10 million-plus in his prime

-Trump Capital speech: ‘We will go to the Capital and protest PEACEFULLY.’
-Dems: 2 + 2 = 5

-Rep. Jim Jordan: Dems will not hold hearings for an election that 80 million americans felt was wrong. 19 mins into Trump presidency they started the impeachment push…round one failed and now round 2…’Double standard has to stop’…. ‘Tsunami of lies’… hear Whole speach
-Rep. McClintock must hear anti impeachment address

Biden Calls for Unity…. and Impeachment
(How do you have both,especially when we now know Capital event was planned well ahead of Trump speech)
Dems: 2 + 2 = 5
-By blocking and censoring pro-Trump Its almost like Dems admitting they stole the election , too. If they would and could censor and block the pro-Trump on social media they would and could have affected the election. We already know zuckerberg gave $400 million to Biden and social media cut off conservative discussionOne week before the election.
Election Questions that should have been asked by GOP of Dems Jan 6:
Why won’t Dems:
1) swear under oath
And show background of voting
2) show error logs for particularly Biden voted
And 238,000 votes switched elec nite
3) Why are whistleblowers in Texas being especiallypersecuted?
4) where are all the LEGAL VOTES (not illegal ones)
5)How could Trump suddenly lose 238,000 votes in 5 key states AFTER VOTE COUNT WAS STOPPED
-Dems: The miserable love company
Dems:-Only shut down others thoughts – won’t debatebecause they can’t…-Only want to bring down those they disagree with. Hate religion and capitalism-suppress liberty: we see it in lockdown
-Everything was great until last year.
-2016 one day after Trump election:’Effort to impeach Trump has begun’
-What to do post election:
1 find kindred spirits2 disengage from those places that foment separation
-They got to 98% of GA Senate Vote. Why the heck couldn’t they just have the votes counted same day like its supposed tour be rather than stopping the vote count, causing a lot of more Dem fraud suspicion just like Nov 3 election. We still need a real investigation of both elections for the 75 million-plus disenfranchized ? https://buff.ly/3hKixhp #voterfraud
-Teresa Emma Murphy says the peaceful ones were on the ground not climbing walls ?
This is a Short but Important Take on the DC Capitol Events.
Remember in 2011 when tens of thousands of Democrats surged on the Wisconsin Capitol building in Madison and physically occupied it for more than two weeks? We were told, “This is what democracy looks like.”
Remember in 2016 when Obama was President and hundreds of BLM blocked interstate highways and violently accosted police (even killing several)? We were told, “To assign the actions of one person to an entire movement is dangerous and irresponsible.”
Remember in 2018 during the Kavanaugh hearings when a mob of Democrats stormed the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, and pounded their fists in rage on the door. We were told, “It’s understandable.”
Remember this summer’s riots in major cities across the country when groups of Democrats marched in the streets, set buildings on fire, looted businesses, assaulted and even killed bystanders and police? We were told, “These are mostly peaceful protests.”
Remember this summer when ambulances with severely injured people were blocked by rioters from even entering the Hospital ER so the patients could get life-saving care? We were told “It was only a small handful of protesters, they need to be heard.”
Remember when Democrats seized several blocks of the Capitol Hill neighborhood in downtown Seattle, declaring it an autonomous zone? Remember the guns and deaths and utter destruction? We were told, “It’s a block party atmosphere. It’s a Summer of Love”
Remember when a crazed mob gathered after the Republican National Convention and attacked Rand Paul, a sitting U.S. Senator? We were told, “No justice, no peace.”
Remember how police were told to stand down, governors refused to call in the national guard, and Democrats paid bail for violent protesters who were arrested? We were told, “This is the only way oppressed people can be heard.”
I have condemned violent protests and lawlessness every single time they’ve been reported. I condemn the actions of those who stormed the Capitol. But I refuse to condemn hundreds of thousands of peaceful protestors because a handful (52 arrested) chose to be lawless and to defy everything the vast majority of the crowd (of conservatives) stood for. Feel free to copy above and pass it on as we did
Questions that should have been asked by GOP of Dems Jan 6:
Why won’t Dems:
1) swear under oath
And show background of voting
2) show error logs for particularly Biden voted
And 238,000 votes switched elec nite
3) Why are whistleblowers in Texas being especiallypersecuted?
4) where are all the LEGAL VOTES (not illegal ones)
5)How could Trump suddenly lose 238,000 votes in 5 key states AFTER VOTE COUNT WAS STOPPED
There’s been more coverage of the capital riots than 6 months of antifa/dem riots
Dems/Media act on pure emotion without logic or facts
Instead of ‘uniting’ (as promised) Dems/Media are DIVIDING
MediaDems recklessly out of hand leading news with Trump impeachment story. You had a tiny minority among 74 million-plus disenfranchised conservatives frustrated and rightly angered after four years of biased, un- journalistic ‘get Trump’ coverage finally reaching a boiling point in last days of Trump term – exacerbated by under-staffed police presence. This was first show of (unfortunate) violence by Trumpers following 6 months of media ignoring Dem-inpired rioting that killed 25 people with $millions in destruction, for which there was no accounting..
Some Things Cannot Be Stolen – UncoverDC https://uncoverdc.com/2021/01/07/some-things-cannot-be-stolen/#
Michelle malkin:
Antifa & BLM turned every major city and state capitol into shitholes last year, torching small businesses, smashing windows, tearing down statues, looting & shooting with impunity.
Don’t talk to us about how America became a Third World country “today.”
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Two good answers to never Trumper Pat Toomey…not to mention all summer while Dems sanctioned rioting and GOP sat on their hands. Enjoy BiteMe
(Attach twits)
Hows about people sick of 4 years of Dems wrongly attacking our President and his many accomplishments and then stealing elections… Not to excuse violent but With 250k you will get bad apples. if enough DC police in place would not have happened.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
“To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free, when men are different from one another and do not live alone—to a time when truth exists and what is done cannot be undone: From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink—greetings!”
Orwell, 1984
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Dems the great ‘uniters’ have only one motive- not to lift a finger to help society but to close free speech and squash Conservatives at every turn. ‘You can’t negotiate with a tiger when your head is in the tigers mouth.’
Speaking for 74 Million-plus >
Best written post that I have seen to date. He captured what over 74,000,000 people want to share.
Not open for debate. I have listened to everyone else’s hatred and rhetoric for months, so now I am having my day. If you don’t like it, you know where the delete button is. Let me be clear, I AM NOT a Biden fan. I think he is corrupt, a liar, and probably suffering from dementia. He has done nothing to improve anything in his 47-year political career. But what has Trump done in the past 4 years?
The “arrogant” SOB in the White House , brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
The “buffoon” in the White House, is the first president that has NOT engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
The “racist” in the White House, has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. EVER!.
The “liar” in the White House, has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.
The “buffoon” in the White House, turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.
The “fool” in the White House, neutralized the North Koreans and stopped them sending missiles toward Japan and threatening the West Coast of the US.
The “xenophobe” in the White House, turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of business back to the US, and revived the economy. Hello?????
The “clown” in the White House, has accomplished the appointing of three Supreme Court Justices ,who believe in the rights of the unborn and close to 300 Federal Judges.
This same clown lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 to $24,400 for married couples and caused the stock market to rise to record levels, positively impacting the retirement accounts of tens of millions of citizens.
The “clown” in the White House, fast-tracked the development of a COVID Vaccine, which was just approved and is being shipped out as we speak and yet we still don’t have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations???
The “clown” in the White House rebuilt our military, which the Obama administration crippled and fired 214 key generals and admirals, in his first year of office.
I got it, you don’t like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people
And might I add, he’s doing it for FREE.. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him for catching the China virus?? Some of you were even hoping that COVID would be the cause of his demise??
Please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office, besides making the whole Biden family richer??? By the way, where is Hunter? Oh, and when asked by the media about HUNTER, BIDEN has no response?
I’ll take the ‘clown’ any day, versus a fork tongued, smooth talking, hypocritical, corrupt liar. I want a strong leader who isn’t afraid to kick some ass when needed. I don’t need a fatherly figure. I don’t need a liar. That’s what Hollywood, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times are for.
God bless Donald Trump – the most unappreciated President in U.S. history.
Dems have only one motive- not to lift a finger to help society but to close free speech and squash sConservatives at every turn. ‘You can’t negotiate with a tiger when your head is in the tigers mouth.’
The ones responsible are the Dems and their pet Antifas , DC bad (Dem) security and terribly rigged (by Dems (2)) elections that have exacerbated 4 years of false charges against GOP. Schumer and Pelosi are the ones who should go
Thought for the Day:
Why is flu having record low numbers? Covid?
Really sad how Left gets free pass every time at Trump events – sabotaging every time . and GOP fell for it initially. The Dems couldn’t have scripted this one better and GOP couldnt have fallen for it more, eg Lindsay Graham, etc condemning GOP protestors before knowing truth
Editorial: Perfect (Dem) Storm -One Party Rule
Where’s the outrage of police killing unarmed white vet?
Dems: We Don’t Want To Be Nice (even trying to impeach Trump)
John Adams (1860) : Constitution was not designed for immoral people
Fair voting dead?
Editorial: Perfect Storm
Dems: We Don’t Want To Be Nice
John Adams (1860): Our constitution is not designed for immoral people
Please ‘splain me Lucy:
1 Q. Why was there never violence at other Trump rallies until this one while there WAS violence at democratic- inspired protests all summer long? (Think Antifa, BLM)
A. After 4 years of pent up Anger you may have seen some fed up republicans explode after a 2nd (senate) election stolen with the last (unlikely) chance to turn the presidency around andor You may have even seen some dem-inspired antifa or the like involved in the Capital breakin masquerading as GOP.
2: Q. Where was the security at the Capitol, especially this day with so many major political figures involved?
A. Perhaps playing into the situation , DC mayor /cops perhaps Enabling those antifas and the like masquerading as gop? Just a thought.
The one possible GOP protest is labelled a ‘bloody coup’ .
Sam Adams, Thomas Paine, etc. never felt that way.
Imagine if there was half the outrage all summer long when regular people’s homes and businesses were torched -not the political class.
‘If you want to have a life in Wash today you have to play the (Dem) game and get along with them’-Rush Limbaugh
Thats why so many political insiders are suddenly abandoning Trump. And why the few that aren’t abandoning Trump are so hated , such as senator Cruz.
Between insider politics and new social media devices republicans dont have a chance. The Dems want a political coffin e.g.
‘We don’t want to be nice…’ to the other side -Hank Johnson .
Only positive now is that the media won’t have a president to torture every day-or wait. Maybe they will start eating their own- but probably not. Theyll find ways to keep torturing Trump and his supporters even though he’s out of office
John Adams (1860): Our constitution is not designed for immoral people
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‘We need to answer these questions’ – constitutional expert Jonathan Turley, regarding potential election fraud, noting the 40% of voters who feel the election was stolen. Turley feels the one prior fraud case,in 1870, was not a good precedent to follow and that we’re in ‘uncharted territory’ and that a election committee as proposed by senator Cruz is a good idea
They got to 98% of Vote. Why the heck couldn’t they just finish the vote same day like its supposed to be rather than stopping the vote count, causing a lot of more Dem fraud suspicion just like last election? #voterfraud
By the way,
Even Mexico has voter ID
https://wakeupamerica.roadtosuccess.us/2020/12/-central-its-not-over-for-trump-support-honest-s/ #StopTheSteaI #voterfraud
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