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HOW TO VOTE – The Correct Way and the Illegal Way

HOW TO VOTE – The Correct Way and the Illegal Way



There was a time, not so many years ago, when  people voted on election issues and candidates based more on empirical reasoning. Today voting is based almost exclusively on the party line or by what a person’s favorite network or pundit has to say about a particular candidate or issue. We see this even in Congress where our congressional leaders vote in lockstep on candidates and issues.  This has made for a very derisive and corrosive situation where the best person or issue doesn’t always win and often, bringing down society’s standards.

In the media it’s the same story or worse. Not that long ago newscasters such as as Walter Cronkite and Tim Russert, known liberals, were able to put their personal political beliefs aside to report the straight news. Today, one can hardly distinguish between a  news anchor and political pundit. Back in the 1960s when we studied journalism we were taught  to give equal time to  both sides of issues or candidates, as much as possible. One would make every effort to give both the Republican candidate and Democrat candidate equal opportunity to voice their platforms with or without pointed questions at not one but BOTH of them.

Such objective fairness has gone by the boards in recent years, especially when it comes to political issues and people. There are reasons for this, but in an effort to stay objective we won’t go into these in this article.

Harvard Media Bias Study


Today’s media have made it more difficult to come up with the ‘right’ answers.  Watching or listening to one specific station or network will usually give a person a skewed picture. In researching issues today one must watch, listen and read any number of networks   and/or   print media that represent both points of views – or sometimes more.

At one time the major networks, in general, reported the straight news. One would hear nearly the exact same information from any of the ‘Big Three’ networks, ABC, CBS and NBC. Same for publications.  But today, in order to get a fair representation, one must go beyond those networks to find a balance of media representing both sides of issues. This can be difficult. In a 2016 survey by liberal Harvard University, most media were found to have a definite liberal slant. The baseline was the    the Presidential Election involving Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.  Of the 10 media surveyed only FOX news showed an even-handed balance – and even they had a slight swing to the right. (See chart above)

So, to make a well reasoned decision in the upcoming election we encourage you to not limit yourself

to just one point of view because that’s what you’ll usually get if you just follow a single medium or even several from the same slant.  Encourage your family members and friends to do the same. Then, maybe then you can have a REAL DEBATE over substantive issues rather than be afraid to talk politics, as so many are today.


rigged electon



Try walking into any election voting precinct and you should be able to vote with a valid address and little else. . Last election I did that without  being asked  for any ID.  And I wasn’t   even trying to cheat. Just think of all the people who do this intentionally many times over. Voter I.D. is way overdue.

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Learn to Sing, Harmony, Software – Free Singing Lesson from #1 Rated Online Singing Lessons Program

Learn to Sing, Harmony, Software – Free Singing Lesson from #1 Rated Online Singing Lessons Program

Superior Singing Method

Superior Singing Method


Learn to Sing- Free Singing Lesson from #1 Rated Online Singing Lessons Program

Click Here

Hi, my name is Aaron Anastasi, and I am the founder of Superior Singing Method!

I’ve been passionate about singing, and music, for most of my life, which is why I started playing guitar as a 13 year old and wrote and recorded my first record, of original songs, at 18.

Since then, I’ve released four full-length records and two EPs, toured all over the US, part of South America and Europe and have worked in the studio, as an artist, with several Grammy Award winning producers.

During that time, I worked my way through a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lee University in Tennessee (a long way from home for Huntington Beach, CA bred, surf punk!) and a Masters degree from Princeton in New Jersey.

For years, I’ve put all that experience into teaching students how to sing, write songs and play guitar. And so I dedicate myself to constantly staying up-to-date on new and innovative training, exercises and vocal tips in order to pass this valuable information on to you, my reader, and help improve the quality of your life. And I practice what I preach.

I don’t counsel my readers and students about vocal training and then not do the work myself. I’m currently working on a new record with a two-time Grammy award winning producer as well as performing live on a regular basis, so not only do I keep up on my own vocal program, I’m also constantly improving it so that both you and I, can have the most cutting edge program in order to be able to compete with the best.

As I said, singing is my passion and I’d love to help make it your passion as well!

So stay with me, and I won’t let you down…try out the Superior Singing Method, and enjoy the videos, and, I promise, you won’t be disappointed.

Superior Singing Method

  • Learn how to sing properly and take your voice to the next level
  • Comprehensive vocal training program that guarantees to improve your voice
  • Vocal training HD videos and downloadable audio exercises will skyrocket your vocal ability
  • Plus much, much more…

Superior Vocal Performance

  • Discover the secrets of being a world-class performer from “All-4-One” grammy award winner, Jamie Jones.
  • Hours of performance training and tips so you are ready to shine when you hit the stage
  • Develop the skills necessary for becoming more than just a great…become a superstar performer

Superior Harmony

  • Step-by-step training that teaches you to sing harmony
  • Understand how to sing various harmonies to blend perfectly with the melody
  • Quickly learn harmony in this simple-to-follow video program…


REAL Results From REAL Superior Singing Method Users…

Here are just some of the amazing reviews that we have received from actual Superior Singing Method users around the world.

Disclaimer: In accordance with the latest FTC guidelines, we want to make it explicitly clear that the customer letters we have received are based on the unique experiences and circumstances of a few people only. We cannot promise that you will experience similar benefits from using our product.

“I can already tell a huge difference…”

“Thanks soooooo much Aaron!!! So many people have told me that they can hear a great voice inside of me but even though they knew it, I never really believed it. After trying your lessons I can already tell a huge difference and I have realized that confidence is a big key! I never knew that! wow thanks! Well i’m off to watch some other videos right now!” ~ Sarah Criss

– Sara Criss

“I am getting a little better every day…”

“This is great! I am really enjoying these lessons so far, and I can tell that I am getting a little better every day. I’m on Warm-up 5 tonight, just finished the annoying nay-nays, I’m sure I woke my wife up and she must be thinking these lessons are really paying off.  Thanks again man! This is money well spent.”

– John, Sacramento

“I’m already starting to get those high notes I’m looking for!”

“Hi Aaron! It’s only my first day and I’m already starting to get those high notes I’m looking for! I’ve have been singing for some years now and I’ve also had some lessons with a teacher. But now I’m looking forward to complete this awesome singing course!  Thank you so much for making an affordable singing program!”

– Stan

“I feel soooo great!”

“Hi Aaron,  I’ve just finished lesson 1 in module 1….and guess what? I FEEL SOOOO GREAT!!! I can’t wait for lesson 2 and for the rest of the modules!”

– June

“I’m already able to hit notes I thought I would never hit…”

“What is this black magic!?  I’ve only been using this for 2 days and I’m already able to hit notes I thought I would never hit. I’m just here to say THANK YOU!”

– Javier

“This is a great program.”

“Hey Aaron, I just want to say this is a great program so far! I love it! I am seeing improvements in the fullness and strength of my voice. I’m also able to hit higher notes better.”

– Jeremy McMurray

“So much has grown in my voice…”

“Aaron I just have to tell you, SO much has grown in my voice! Depth, tone, clarity, and even the higher end of my range is more powerful! The breathing is amazing and the exercises are making my throat stronger already. I can sing longer (besides holding a note longer) fuller, and can really project almost all the way up my full range! I really want to thank you for being so uncomplicated, down to earth, and just…well Thank you! I am so excited for the future of this voice I am building, with your help.”

– Kimberli

“It’s so easy to follow…”

“Hello Aaron!  I’ve just started with this course, and I must say that this far I’m impressed. It’s so easy to follow it. Every exercise is just so well explained.”

– Mikael

“I am starting to climb the scale higher in my chest voice now…”

“I’ve noticed that I am starting to be able to climb the scale higher in my chest voice now. Depending on the exercise I can go all the way up without needing to, or barely needing to use my head voice. My breaks are also higher up than they were before.”

– Brenton Baker

“My voice reached a new level…”

“Please allow me to extend my thanks to you, Aaron. I am thrilled to work through this program! At first I was skeptical–but when I sang in choir today, my voice reached a new level; I even received a compliment! Thank you for all your hard work!!”


Superior Singing Method

Superior Singing Method                 Click Here!

For Those Who Have Loved and Lost and more – A Healing Spiritual Revelation-Dani Shapiro, ‘Devotion’ Book

For Those Who Have Loved and Lost and more – A Healing Spiritual Revelation-Dani Shapiro, ‘Devotion’ Book

Not since I happened upon a particular episode of ‘Touched By An Angel’ more than a decade ago have I come upon such spiritually healing words /visions that have done as much for this blogger. I’ve never been able to recapture that episode of TBAA but Dani Shapiro’s words are here to stay, and, hopefully may be of an equally healing nature for others like us who have been through many  tragedies in life



DANI SHAPIRO Books – Devotion – Spiritual Journey

This morning I had one of those personal revelations listening to Dani Shapiro interview on Oprah. Apparently Ive been doing alot of the ‘right’ things Ive needed to do after whats transpired in my life but didnt know I was necessarily moving in the right directions . ( I can go into this another time.) These thoughts probably wont have as much meaning for you as they do me  but you can get a greater window into this sometimes neurotic person Burt K…and may gain something from it otherwise for your own spiritual enhancement.

from Oprah Super Soul Sundays


‘DEVOTION’ spiritual book by Dani Shapiro –  ‘What Do You Believe’?


Dani Shapiro was born to an orthodox father and athiest mother whose early death and illness became turning points in Dani’s life. These events WOKE HER UP from that ‘hard kernal of sadness’ in what was then ‘the humdrum everyday way of life ‘ for her and many around her. She would await the next impending doom in her life instead of experiencing  the beautiful life of the NOW. Sad, Bad things will happen again and again in life but we must learn to not only enjoy but savor the many good times in between-especially those like some of us who have experienced much loss, sadness and even tragedy. And even build upon it.

As Oprah points out in the interview, at least Dani had the foresight to ‘awaken’ and do something about her spiritual void. After waking up every morning at 3 am with feelings of something really missing from life   one day the word DEVOTION popped into her head during her yoga class and her reawakenin g began as she wrote down her thoughts around that word that became the title of her new book.


Not Just For Those Who Have Loved and Lost – A Healing Spiritual Revelation from Dani Shapiro, ‘Devotion’ Book


Special, fleeting moments…
‘Learn from others (like Dani) and incorporate new views and be open to change your previous ‘locked in’ thought patterns’….
Your teachers can be books, things you see on TV, even links on twitter as well as serendipitous events …Perhaps take notes.
Be open to receive….Ref ‘The Alchemist’... Follow and be open to the ‘teachers’ around you.
‘Youre going to miss this  someday… Dont let even mundane events like packing your kids lunch become routine. As the great Warren Zevon said ‘Enjoy every sandwich.’

Simply Driving with her son watching the fall leaves turn…That can be a sacred moment. WHEN YOU’RE BEING WITH SOMEONE REALLY BE WITH THAT PERSON. EVERY EVENT CAN BE MEMORABLE.



Ask ‘What are the spiritual takeaways of your past and now?’…Recognize even the negative… Every death is a wake up call WE CAN LEARN FROM.
Recognize the possibility of the divine in every moment like a lense to the world or that moment is lost.  The energy of a place or event can becone sacred like that beautiful day in Napa with Mindy Helen Maggie and her mother and dog just sitting out on the winery lawn enjoying life  one special day among many. Every day can be a special day and now THEY ARE in my life. Without the losses perhaps I would be unaware of these daily special moments…walking the dog or just  waking early to that wonderful  morning sun and fresh chill in the air.  Ref: Abraham Joshua Heshold> ‘THE TASK OF LIFE IS TO FACE SACRED MOMENTS’  It can require courage. Some can shut down from close deaths and tragedy and some will make lemonade out of the lemons to use a trite phrase. God has given us this wonderful life not everyone gets to enjoy like those taken away from us prematurely…Joan, Don,Cookie, Polly, Mitch, Juicy, Dorian,Kevin and Mikee among others famous and not so famous. ( I like when I can drop names like this to keep these friends alive, never forgetting).

Life happens but we can control what we are given. One CAN heal from tragedy.



REMAIN CURIOUS. Greatest underated trait. Follow the path of my own calling. That is where to find peace..living , finding, speaking. Follow the gut more than the head.

All of have longing and it is important to keep reaching out for the invisable we cant touch

 For Those Who Have Loved and Lost – A Revelation from Dani Shapiro, ‘Devotion’ Book


Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous 100 Year Old Motivational Cartoon Points To Keys To Success In Life

Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous 100 Year Old Motivational Cartoon Points To Keys To Success In Life


CELEBRATING 100 YEARS (1913-2013)

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Road To Success , Motivational Poster and T-shirts

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 Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous Road To Success Motivational Cartoon

THE ROAD TO SUCCESS Motivational Poster, adapted to musical education from an original drawing issued by the National Cash Register Co. to point the road to business success. It originally appeared in THE ETUDE music magazine, published October 1913 and includes some of the unique language and jargons of the time. Great inspirational and motivational tool/gift for anyone, especially young people starting out, new businesses and anyone seeking success (aren’t we all?).. Just follow the ‘Road to Success,’ making sure not to fall prey to ‘bohemianism,’ shiftlessness’ or one of the many other pitfalls along the way. Don’t lose time at the ‘Hotel Know It All’ or ‘Mutual Admiration Society’ waiting for compliments such as ‘Caruso can’t touch you’ or ‘You’ll set the world on fire.’ Once you reach the ‘Gate of Ideals’ you’ve nearly reached the big zither(?) of success! Great promotion or gift. 23″ x 17 1/2″, black writing on white, glossy 80 lb. paper stock, comes rolled.


Click image twice to blow up size: ‘This (literally) lyrical prize is achieved by first entering the Gate of Opportunity. People are running through, but some have already settled in to the sit-down life of ease and comfort in what looks like the Beer Garden of Bohemianism. Some manage to pass by those delights to check in to the Hotel Know It All, because they hold to mottoes such as Nobody can tell me, or I don’t need to practice, or I’m a born genius, or yet: I don’t need system. Similarly misguided cries are heard on the patio of the Mutual Admiration Society: You’re the Hit of the Age, You’ll Set the World on Fire, You’re a Wonder My Boy, or (my favourite): Caruso Can’t Touch You. Those who avoid those three establishments of ill repute might still fall victim to the deep, dark well of Illiteracy, or the spinning, disorienting wheel of Conceit. A select few manage to board the train called Right System at the Railroad Station.

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NOW AVAILABLE IN TSHIRTS! That doesn’t stop some from running along the rail track towards Success, only to succumb to the ugly hand of Vices, the spinning fan of Bad Habits (blowing its victims towards Oblivion), or the pitfall of Bad Reputation. Others fall prey to Charlatanism, or get tangled up in the webs of Jealousy and Do It Tomorrow. Those who overcome all these perils will enter the gates of System. But while the train crosses a bridge across the river Failure, those on foot are threatened by the Cauldron of Misrepresentation, and tempted by Short Cuts. Some do manage to wade across the river to the other side, but there must overcome Bad Temper, Carelessness, Shiftlessness and Bad Memory. Then there’s Lack of Preparation, a giant rock which the train can tunnel through effortlessly, while the surviving pedestrians must trek across it. Sprees, Laziness and Bad Business Methods then still threaten them, until at last they come before two gates, the one for Weak Morals remaining forever closed, the Gate of Ideals open to the train (and some on foot). Conclusion: you can be successful without adopting the Right System, but your chances are far smaller. And you’ll have to make a lot bigger effort to get there.’ Many thanks to Strange Maps for the above review.

The ROAD TO SUCCESS has since become very popular with young people starting out, new business, musicians and people in all walks of life. Purchase 1 poster for $15 or 2 for $20 plus $5 flalt rate for shipping and postage. Pay by PayPal or credit card (Visa,,Master Card or American Express). Entertainment Advertising copyrighted the poster in 1982 and is the only known, legal source for the poster. See to appreciate. An ideal gift for or any occassion. May pay 1) with Paypal or Credit Cards using handy menu above , 2) email your credit card info to [email protected] or 3) Call it in: 1-888-429-3272. Only available from Yellow Pages Coupons. SAVE ON SHIPPING! We only charge $5 flat rate shipping, regardless of the quantity you buy. Cannot guarantee delivery by certain date.usually 3-7 days.  

CLICK below either: 1 POSTER, 2 POSTERS , 5 POSTERS, 10 POSTERS  (Get One FREE) or call 925 788 3316 for other quanities or T-SHRTS, below that (Order Separately- mailed in separate package ) – Indicate Quantity and Size or call 1-925-788-3316 or 888-422-6876

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Road To Success , Motivational Poster

 Road To Success , Motivational Poster, Inspirational Print, Allegorical Cartoon
Road To Success Posters Success Posters Make Great Gifts

Original ROAD TO SUCCESS Posters, T-shirts – Famous Road To Success Motivational Cartoon

KENNEDY FILES – Sad End to the Reporter Celebrity Who ‘Knew Too Much’ May Have Legs Again

KENNEDY FILES – Sad End to the Reporter Celebrity Who ‘Knew Too Much’ May Have Legs Again

Dorothy Kilgalen

Dorothy Kilgalen

DOROTHY KILGALLEN – Hollywood Reporter and What’s My Line Panelist

Died Mysteriously While Investigating the Kennedy Assassination


Dorothy Kilgalen with Bennett Cerf, Arlene Francis and hair dresser Marc Sinclaire

Dorothy Kilgalen with Bennett Cerf, Arlene Francis and hair dresser Marc Sinclaire

      If you’re old enough to remember the Kennedy Assassination you also might be old enough to remember ‘What’s My Line’ and one of the four popular, celebrity panelists on the show, Dorothy Kilgallen. But, you may not know that she may have been closest to  the truth as to who killed JFK when her story died prematurely with her own death – perhaps until now and a new book, ‘The Reporter Who Knew Too Much.’


Called by the New York Post, “the most powerful female voice in America,” and by acclaimed author Mark Lane the “the only serious journalist in America who was concerned with who killed John Kennedy and getting all of the facts about the assassination,” Kilgallen’s official cause of death reported as an overdose of barbiturates combined with alcohol, has always been suspect since no investigation occurred despite the death scene having been staged. Shaw proves Kilgallen, a remarkable woman who broke the “glass ceiling” before the term became fashionable, was denied the justice she deserved, that is until now.  (Amazon new book: Dorothy Kilgallen the reporter who knew too much)

Dorothy Kilgallen Story


In a new book out 54 years after the Kennedy Assassination, Mark Shaw writes about perhaps the person   closest to uncovering the real truth behind the Kennedy Assassination (at least for those who don’t believe that Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone killer) and just as more investigative  information was released by court order regarding the Kennedy

Assassinatioin.  Assassination (10-27-17). Shaw was interviewed on KGO Radio 10-27 and told about how her belongings were immediately removed from her home after her supposed ‘overdose’ death before the FBI and investigators could reach  the scene.  He says that , in late 1963 following Kenndy’s assassination, J Edgar Hoover was eager to make the public believe Oswald was the  loan killer.  Kilgallen had written ‘the Oswald file must not close’  but the Killagalen connection to the Kennedy Assassination was not very   prominent like the Garrison investigation even this reporter was not aware of the connection, until now and Shaw’s book.

In the interview, Shaw says that Kilgallen had the only interview with Ruby, who was jailed only days after the assassination when he somehow got into the Dallas jail where he killed Oswald. Shaw spoke of a Jack Harvey (sp) who knew of Ruby and that Ruby had an ‘in’ with the police department, this coming after the Warren Commission has stated it wasn’t true.

New book 'Reporter Who Knew Too Much'

New book ‘Reporter Who Knew Too Much’ -Mark Shaw

Of the newly released Assassination information, Shaw found only a few items of interest, so far. One was that Oswald had been in Mexico just prior to the assassination where he had met with Cubans. One  of them had later noted that ‘Oswald was a good shot,’ as Shaw quoted from the new material. Shaw had hoped to find more information about CIA involvement. We may never know, since some ‘sensitive’ pages were not released at the lat mome nt after the CIA and FBI imposed on President Trump not to release them for security reasons.

Shaw noted also a mafia member, Carlos Marcello (sp) who had made a point of wanting to kill Kennedy.  He talked about the JFK -Marilyn Monroe connection and how brother Robert Kennedy picked up the relationship with Monroe after JFK died, upon which Kilgallen threatened to ‘expose’ ‘Bobby’  if he didn’t help with the investigation of Kennedy. Shaw also stated that  Hoover was ‘in cover up mode’ from day one following the assassination.

Again, the ‘official’ explanation for Kilgallen’s death was an ‘overdose of barbituates’ though one of the people who quoted who, paradoxically,  told Shaw he still ‘wanted to prove who did  it’ (killed Kilgallen).

Editor’s note: We find this seemingly new ‘chapter’  on the Kennedy assassination fascinating and will dig further into the story of Dorothy Killgalen and  her Kennedy connection. Because Kilgallen died soon after the assassination, before she could really get her own investigation moving, little has been known or said of Kilgallen- perhaps until now. Book available at left


 Last program of 'What's My Line' that Kilgallen would appear in. For
 hardcore fans, do you notice anything different about her this night?
Nov 7, 1965



KENNEDY FILES – Sad End to the Reporter Celebrity Who ‘Knew Too Much’

How Inspirational Blog from a Grieving Wife Affected My Life, Maybe Yours   

How Inspirational Blog from a Grieving Wife Affected My Life, Maybe Yours  

How Inspirational Blog from a Grieving Wife Affected My Life, Maybe Yours

I was just forwarded a wonderful blog about Jill’s husband’s life . I had to write her to say ‘thanks’
for the timely,  needed inspirationfor my own life. …
Dear Jill,
That was a very moving, bittersweet account of Fred’s life and persona 
that has given me new, needed inspiration for my own life.
 It’s never long enough, but Fred certainly accomplished much in his life
and seemed to enjoy most every moment (aside from his illnesses, which
he was somehow able to  not dwell on.)   
I am at a crossroads in my life and Fred (and your) story gives me new
inspiration to climb out of the dark place I’ve been in of late. In my case,
it was my dear, young , special cat (don’t laugh) who I lost that triggered the grief (which 
is actually an accumulation of many things.  At least with Ornji I had a best pal
to bond with during his amazing battle he finally lost to FIV-influenced liver cancer.
But along the way  during that battle we had our best days together, savoring  the days
– Ornji and some pets , in general, don’t always dwell on their illnesses like people, especially
when they still have quality of life with projects of their own to keep the busy and happy.
With some inspiration from people including you via your blog about Fred I will be 
commemorating Ornji in an ebook, gathered from the multiple blog chapters I’ve written
(http://FavoriteFurryFriends.info/Ornji). Along the way Ornji taught me many things
including enjoying life and making the most of what time we have.
In my case, I’m lucky to have good health right now, but we never know what can happen 
tomorrow, so each day should be savored and enjoyed, if not met with an accomplishment or two.
In recognition of Ornji, I try to do at least one good deed or achievement per day.
My accomplishment today was taking my surviving cat to a kennel to see if he would accept it for a day
so I could take my first vacation in a decade ;  I won’t go into the many contributing factors
that held be back from traveling. If all goes well – I won’t go away if Zack doesn’t accept
the kennel (but first reports are good in this one day test) – this will be a major accomplishment for me.
In summation, your article came at a very opportune time for me. It’s amazing how  good can result out
of bad.  I will hang on to Fred’s story and think of him along my future road (hopefully the Road To Success).
With your permission I will pass on your artiocle to others like myself who may benefit from Fred’s story.
Thanks again to you and Fred.



” When my husband kissed me goodbye at the airport on November 6th, I had no idea it would be for the last time.

Fred-Jill-Hiking.pngI was flying home for a day and then on to Boston to speak at HubSpot’s big INBOUND conference. Fred was staying at our condo in southern Utah to spend a couple weeks golfing.

That’s not how things turned out. Two days later he died of complications from PSC, an autoimmune liver disease. I made it back to say good-bye; so did my kids. It was tough. We all miss him—a lot.

As I reflect back on our life together, I realize how much Fred changed the trajectory of my life, reordered my priorities and modeled behaviors that I wanted to emulate. That’s why I want to share them with you.

Life Lesson 1. Winning is always possible.

When I first met Fred, he was the head football coach in White Bear Lake. By the age of 33, he’d already won two state championships. But in between those seasons, his teams really struggled.

I’ll never forget the time his team played Stillwater, the reigning state champs who had a 6-0 record. White Bear still hadn’t yet won a game. Over the weekend, Fred and the coaching staff spent hours watching game film. Their challenge? Figuring out how to stop an unstoppable offense and how to score against an impenetrable defense.

We went out for dinner mid-week. He was excited about what the team was working on. He used the placemat to draw up their offensive plans and blocking schemes. He diagramed how they were going to keep Stillwater from scoring.

Shocked, I finally said, “You don’t actually think you’re going to win, do you?”

Fred answered, “Yes. I do. We’ve got a good game plan. And, if we can execute it and they have a bad night, we can win.”

On Friday night, White Bear came out on top, winning by a score of 7-6. This was only possible because of the hard work put into figuring out a “win strategy” and near flawless execution.

Life Lesson 2. Be a cheerleader.

Fred-coaching.pngAny time you learn new skills or go beyond your comfort zone, fear and doubt creep in. As a life-long coach in both sports and business, Fred knew that the young people and adults he worked with needed to know the “why’s” and “how-to’s” first.

But, to be the best they could be, he knew that people needed someone to believe in them. When he was coaching, whenever kids did anything right, Fred was always the first one there, patting them on the back and saying, “Atta, baby!”

And, when people screwed up, he pulled them quietly aside to show/tell them what to do differently. Then, before he sent them back to work (or into the game), he’d pat them on the back and say, “You can do it.”

When I was thinking of starting my own consulting firm, I was a bundle of angst, worrying if I could actually make a go of it. When I told Fred my fears, he said with a 100% conviction, “I’d bet on you any day.” It’s what I needed to make the leap into entrepreneurship.

In short, Fred wanted people to be the best they could be—and this was how he helped them achieve it.

Life Lesson 3. Always have fun.

When I first watched my husband coaching the high school kids, it was clear that he was having more fun than anyone else on the field. He loved what he was doing and his enthusiasm was contagious. I saw him do the same thing when he coached both our kids. He made practice and drills fun, while working the team hard.

When he ran his leadership development program at Thrivent (a financial services firm), he spent hours at a magic shop figuring out what would be fun and surprising to the attendees. His favorite was setting a big glass of water down right in front of big table as he was talking.

Then, when he was gesturing wildly with his hands, he’d knock it over. Everyone would jump up to avoid getting soaked and quickly grab their workbooks, purses and devices. Except, no one ever did. When they weren’t looking, he’d dropped some “potion” in the water that turned it into a gel.

For me, Fred was my playmate. While I was working, he was busy planning what we’d do next. As I write this, I’m at our condo in Southern Utah. Every day, when I was done with work, he’d have an idea about where we should go hiking or a new restaurant to visit. He was always on the lookout for cool activities or incoming shows.

Fun matters. Fun makes everything better. Mary Poppins once said, “In every job that must be done, there’s an element of fun. And when you find the fun then snap, the job’s a game.”

Life Lesson 4. Learn new things.

When my husband decided to retire early due to health reasons, I was worried that he’d become a couch potato and lose his oomph (like so many retirees). After all, research shows that if you want to stay vital in life and work, learning new knowledge and skills is essential.

I shouldn’t have been concerned. The first project Fred tackled was earning his instrument rating, a special designation held by only 5% of private pilots that allows you to fly when visibility is near zero. It took a full year.

Then, he decided to re-do his prized possession, a 1966 Corvette. He literally took it apart piece-by-piece, putting every nut and bolt in a little plastic bag, labeling it and hanging it on a wall in the garage. When it was stripped bare, a welder fixed the corroded frame and then Fred started reassembling it.

He spent hours watching YouTube videos to figure out how to put it together again. He was a frequent visitor to Corvette forums, reading how others fixed problems, found good replacement parts and more. Four years later, after it was finally running again, he was proudly showing it at local car shows.


Finally, Fred was a golf lover. Even as a retiree, he was determined to bring his handicap down. He religiously read golf magazines, watched videos and experimented with new techniques. When the weather permitted, he practiced daily. Putting, chipping and ultimately, the drives. Shortly before he passed away, he shot a 78!

Life-long learning is essential for all of us. We feel better. We’re challenged. We stay at the top of our game.

Life Lesson 5. Create memorable experiences.

My husband loved planning events of all sorts—the kind that wouldn’t be forgotten. My surprise 40th birthday was filled with an assemblage of friends from every decade of my life. Anniversaries were carefully-planned romantic dinners. This fall, Fred pulled together a 5-day trip to the Columbia River Gorge to celebrate the completion of my newest book.

With my daughter Katie, he created a tradition of going to one big horse race each year. Together, they completed the Triple Crown series by going to the Kentucky Derby, the Belmont and the Preakness. They also looked forward to watching horse racing at a small local track, where they’d bet against each other for fun. When the track was closed, they’d visit the Science Museum, then go for dinner and gelato at a favorite Italian restaurant.

Memorable experiences with my son Ryan centered around football and flying. This fall, a few weeks before Fred died, the two of them went to UND’s homecoming game where my son played college ball. In previous years, they went to watch home games of the Oregon Ducks and Miami. They’d also make annual treks to the Oshkosh Airshow, camping out on the tarmac and spending their days looking at the planes.

In business today, customer experience is the #1 emerging trend. As leaders and sellers, it’s essential to think about this at work now too. But I’d also suggest you make it part of your personal life as well.

Fred-Top of the World.png

Life Lesson 6. Choose your attitude.

My husband had numerous health problems throughout his life, but most people didn’t have a clue. He was always so active and upbeat. Over the years, he had ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, bad headaches, severe curvature of the spine, Hashimoto’s disease, skin cancer and multiple operations.

Most recently, Fred had quadruple by-pass surgery (where he almost died), a hip replacement and was undergoing experimental procedures for neck pain. All the while, the PSC was slowly destroying his liver.

Yet Fred always got up with a smile on his face and plans for doing something that mattered. He always had some project going on to help others, improve the house, or to brighten someone’s day. And, he’d try to get some physical activity in as well, knowing it helped him stay healthier.

By evening, Fred was often exhausted and would collapse in front of the TV … but he felt good, like he’d accomplished something meaningful and enjoyed the people in his life.

Life Lesson 7. Your job is not your life.

After experiencing early success in sales at Xerox, I was hooked. I loved making my numbers, hitting 135% of quota, then even higher. I loved competing against the “A” players and beating them on the leader boards. I loved winning Sales Rep of the Month awards and the quarterly contests. All I could think about was getting promoted, the faster the better—and making even more money.

Today, I feel fortunate that my husband fought for my soul. While he was happy for my success, he continually challenged on the fact that my self-image was so wrapped up in being “successful.” Initially I hated him for it.

But the reality is, he was right. I could have easily become a bigwig executive making boatloads of money. I could have been so wrapped up in my job that I’d have lost the important relationships in my life—and all the priceless moments that go with them.

Fred helped me stay grounded in what matters. Family. Friends. And, doing work that matters.

Fred-Close-Up.pngFred’s Motto.

Finally, I’d like to share the credo my husband lived by. Katie and Ryan heard him say it endlessly. As a coach, he always shared it with the kids on his teams. I think he got it from Lou Holtz, a legendary coach who once asked Fred to join his football staff.

Do what’s right.
Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Be the best you can be.

Left Hypocrisy Shines Thru Again – Trump Gave up Billionaire Lifestye to Take This Abuse

Left Hypocrisy Shines Thru Again – Trump Gave up Billionaire Lifestye to Take This Abuse


Left Hypocrisy Shines Thru Again – Trump Gave up Billionaire Lifestye to Take This Abuse







Left Hypocrisy Shines Thru Again – Trump Gave up Billionaire Lifestye to Take This Abuse in Pictures







Left Hypocrisy Shines Thru Again – Trump Gave up Billionaire Lifestye to Take This Abuse in Pictures