by admin | Nov 2, 2018 | Election, Uncategorized

There was a time, not so many years ago, when people voted on election issues and candidates based more on empirical reasoning. Today voting is based almost exclusively on the party line or by what a person’s favorite network or pundit has to say about a particular candidate or issue. We see this even in Congress where our congressional leaders vote in lockstep on candidates and issues. This has made for a very derisive and corrosive situation where the best person or issue doesn’t always win and often, bringing down society’s standards.
In the media it’s the same story or worse. Not that long ago newscasters such as as Walter Cronkite and Tim Russert, known liberals, were able to put their personal political beliefs aside to report the straight news. Today, one can hardly distinguish between a news anchor and political pundit. Back in the 1960s when we studied journalism we were taught to give equal time to both sides of issues or candidates, as much as possible. One would make every effort to give both the Republican candidate and Democrat candidate equal opportunity to voice their platforms with or without pointed questions at not one but BOTH of them.
Such objective fairness has gone by the boards in recent years, especially when it comes to political issues and people. There are reasons for this, but in an effort to stay objective we won’t go into these in this article.

Today’s media have made it more difficult to come up with the ‘right’ answers. Watching or listening to one specific station or network will usually give a person a skewed picture. In researching issues today one must watch, listen and read any number of networks and/or print media that represent both points of views – or sometimes more.
At one time the major networks, in general, reported the straight news. One would hear nearly the exact same information from any of the ‘Big Three’ networks, ABC, CBS and NBC. Same for publications. But today, in order to get a fair representation, one must go beyond those networks to find a balance of media representing both sides of issues. This can be difficult. In a 2016 survey by liberal Harvard University, most media were found to have a definite liberal slant. The baseline was the the Presidential Election involving Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. Of the 10 media surveyed only FOX news showed an even-handed balance – and even they had a slight swing to the right. (See chart above)
So, to make a well reasoned decision in the upcoming election we encourage you to not limit yourself
to just one point of view because that’s what you’ll usually get if you just follow a single medium or even several from the same slant. Encourage your family members and friends to do the same. Then, maybe then you can have a REAL DEBATE over substantive issues rather than be afraid to talk politics, as so many are today.

Try walking into any election voting precinct and you should be able to vote with a valid address and little else. . Last election I did that without being asked for any ID. And I wasn’t even trying to cheat. Just think of all the people who do this intentionally many times over. Voter I.D. is way overdue.

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by admin | Apr 11, 2016 | DONALD TRUMP, Election, Ted Cruz

Democracy or Socialistic Society? Trump Exposes That Your Vote May Mean Nothing
Whether you like him or not, Donald Trump has brought to the fore major corruption in both political parties that has affected the political process. Only a true outsider not dependent on crony capitalism and ‘insider trading’ could do this, so give Trump credit at least for opening up a new anti-government wave against the corruption. What we just saw in ‘rigged’ voting in Colorado, Louisiana and states before has been largely overlooked or ignored in past elections-until now. Trump is that guy many people have been waiting for to finally stand up against the mainstream media and establishment ‘system’ while having some impact. Trump may not be as organized or up on the issues as others but he offers something that other candidates have not, heretofore. Trump’s campaign is in the hearts of many average American voters who haven’t been really heard until now.
No wonder we see candidates once far ahead in primary voting, such as Rick Santorum in 2012, suddenly cast aside by party elite assistance to, e.g. Mitt Romney.

Let’s face it. The insider party candidates are by and large all tied into money, dependent on lobbyists and crony capitalists in buying votes. And, other non- candidate party members are largely beholding to the party line for their jobs. Same goes for members of the media, who are nowadays tied into advertisers who favor certain candidates, usually Democrats or liberal-leaning persons. President Obama’s entire presidency has been politically-based with every decision tied to political gain. Only can someone like Trump come in and shake things up.
Party manipulation has long been part of the voting process, with parties tweaking the electoral delegate process as the Republicans did in 2012 to help Romney gain the Republican ticket. The electoral process may make sense to give small states a fair chance against big states but when it comes to delegate count, that shouldn’t be manipulated every election, if ever. Certainly, the electorate must wonder, at times, what their vote is really worth if the party is going to make the ultimate decision who wins elections.

Voters must wake up, appreciate and ACT with Trump,Cruz and a few other outsiders like Carly Fiorina and Mike Lee who have exposed the political game – on both sides of the isle. And, it CAN bring results against political insider corruption , going against the party plan. The party Republicans have lost the last two elections with their guys, Romney and John McCain, but in the 1980s it was an outsider, like Trump, with the requisite personal money and and name recognition, one RONALD REAGAN, WHO won two terms despite the party, which did not initially support him.

Today, more than ever, the United States is approaching a ONE PARTY system, thanks to Obama, who continues to get away with murder with self-serving followers and media, who benefit directly or indirectly from Obama’s handouts, whether it be the growing number of poor thinking they’re really benefitting from all the favors or the well-heeled corporates and Hollywood wealthy raking in profits from Wall Street, propped up the past seven years by Obama’s zero interest rates ; the lower class seem to benefit in the short run (but not really in the long run) by the various increasing handouts, from food stamps to health care to welfare; meanwhile we’ve seen the middle class shrink with many ending up in that lower class. Sounds more and more like totalitarianism than capitalism with the small higher class proletariat and the large lower class bourgeoisie, with many of its victims still blind to the REAL picture that’s been happening. Meanwhile, Obama continues to bring in left-leaning refugees to help swell the Democrat voting ranks.
Whether Trump makes it all the way or not, what he has achieved already in exposing the corruption will carry forth to other outsider candidates for the future. Just look at how outsiders Trump and Cruz have skyrocketed form nowhere to the top of their party candidates. Other ‘outsider’ candidates such as Ted Cruz can thank Trump for helping to expose the faulty system, which has brought over independents and even some Democrats. To a lesser extent, Bernie Sanders has done the same thing as Trump for the Democrat party. Hopefully, we’ll see other Republicans , and perhaps Democrats learn from Trump, as long as they’re willing to forego their deep pocket alliances. After all, Sanders has done pretty well without major sponsors as has Cruz to a lesser extent.

No, Trump is far from a perfect candidate, but he should be given credit and even a chance at the Presidency. Sure, it would be a gamble with someone like him; but then, that’s what they said about Reagan, too, who had no real government experience before being elected President.
In a perfect world, outsiders like Trump and Cruz would band together to present what would appear to be an unbeatable ticket. Trump’s bombast and personal attacks might have already gone too far for Cruz to swallow and take a Vice President position on the ticket. But, if it were the only way for the Republicans to win, just maybe they would reconsideR.

Hopefully, voters can overlook the Trump bombast and see him and Cruz as the best two candidates running for President. Rather than being locked in, we should appreciate having one one but two outsiders as compared to the last two election losers. Once we all get behind one or both of these refreshing outsider candidates we can have VERY GOOD CHANCE of beating the very weak Democrat candidates Clinton and Sanders. So, if you’re against ‘government as usual’ including crony captialism, dirty tricks, executive actions, try to appreciate the sleeping giant that Trump has awoken. It has brought many new GOP voters and exposed the lies in the SYSTEM, which can only help the anti-‘government-as-is’ movement. No longer is supporting anti-establishment candidates considered so ‘kooky’ and terrible. We’re not supporting Trump – Cruz has many different qualities to offer , which is why he and Trump could make a great team, but Cruz may not have the votes or the unique media skills as Trump. Trump may be the last chance for saving this country from the one-party, socialist system it is becoming.

by admin | Feb 28, 2016 | Election, Political
Donald Trump-king of the political soundbites and noted twitter |
Love him or not, RUSH LIMBAUGH has been around awhile and makes some good, unbiased points that have little to do with taking sides. In trying to explain away what seems to be an especially hostile election atmosphere, Limbaugh drew a parallel to late night TV… He noted that the new Late Night with Steven Colbert show is having real ratings problems while Jimmy Fallon of the Tonight Show is doing well. It’s not necessarily that the Fallon show is any better than Colbert – we, personally, never saw any extended humor or quality content in the former – and it has nothing to do do with the actual viewership of the show but, rather, how many tweets and/or likes that are generated. Fallon’s show is set up on short bits, playing right into the hands of the Twitterers and Youtubers.
It’s no wonder we don’t see much in the way of extended interviews anymore. Everything’s a 30-second soundbite with social media carrying it forth. Johnny Carson would never have good ratings today doing what his top-rated show did in the Seventies and Eighties. It’s a different world, notes Limbaugh, and one must adapt if one wants to have a successful show -ratings-wise that is –or win in politics. Fortunately, audiences that are tied into the latest trends, there’s always cable with its 57 +channels and, yes, some good material, albeit not necessarily highly rated. But, again, to be successful, e.g. high ratings, one must follow the new line -whether you like (say, twitter) or not. No longer is quality and content necessarily tied to success. And, when it comes to politics and the Presidential election it’s not longer necessarily who’s really the best qualified but who is best at generating the most ‘soundbites,’ i.e. social media. How else would a neophyte senator like Barrack Obama beat out much more experienced, ‘qualified’ people like Mitt Romney or even Hillary Clinton for the Presidency? How is a businessman with no political experience like Donald Trump continuing to lead the polls despite saying the most outlandish things? Because they know how to get the media attention. Even with ‘high negatives’ someone like Trump can out-poll a seemingly better, more qualified candidate (on paper) like a Rubio or Cruz.
The whole, mean-spirited nature of not only poliltics but culture, in general, probably goes back even before social media, perhaps even to the assassination of President Kennedy, but, no doubt social media has accelerated the angry culture. Polite, upstanding citizens like a Ben Carson, qualified or not, don’t have a chance today. Yes, it’s a different world, politics or otherwise. Like it or not….
by admin | Nov 9, 2012 | Election, Obama, Political, Romney
HOW OBAMA WON, obama reelection, romney campaign, romneys campaign, where is mitt romney today, why romney is better than obama, WHY ROMNEY LOST, women for romney,
1) VOTER IRREGULARITIES ala third world:
A) Unheard of ‘99% voting turnout’ in Philadelphia inner city precincts with Black
Panthers overseeing the voting in many cases. Biased Polling Places included murals of Obama but not Romney.
B) Unregulated voting by social email in New Jersey
C) Much of right-leaning military did not get their absentee ballots.
These are just some of the voter irregularites that have been surfacing following election.
2) Obama’s ‘Dream Act’ made way for as much as 3 million illegal voters in this electionalone, not to mention other illegal voting around the country. Illegals actually came out and admitted voting for Obama.
3) Obama began more bailouts, conveniently, two months before the election, which has some affect on job growth, making Obama look better.
4) Obama and cronies stalling Libya Ben Gazi investigation of coverup until after election.
5) Obama’s campaign promoted FREE cell phones in poor areas in exchanged for votes Reported 1 million people in Cleveland, alone, benefitted from the free cell phones, which included 600 free minutes a month.
6) Obama increased welfare rolls and food stamp distribution months before election with proviso that recipients should vote for Obama.
7) Obama preyed on the youth and minorities with promises of above handouts which Romney couldn’t match even if he wanted. As Obama didn’t really have anything positive to promote for his first four years he had to tear down Romney, the man via social media so popular among the youth. The social media went viral and as did the promises for FREE phones, FREE Obama bucks and such. No way Romne could compete with this – or would have the lack of conscious to do so.
8.) Obama took credit for the GM motors improvement when, in fact, Bush paved the way for it with a big chedk when it WAS needed, in December 2008 before going out of office. Bush had also set the groundwork for the one other thing Obama took credit for , the killing of BinLaden.
9) Obama continued to use Third World Election tactics playing on the ‘Pathology of Dependency’ among the mostly young and poor. It was generlaly, the the young, poor \ and illegals who won the Presidency for Obama, not the well read, working class citizens who understood the truth about obama. It will be a rude awakening one day for these adoring young when they find themselves stuck forever in the new, growing,lower class with little hope of advancing in the new Socialist United States.
10) Romney was correct – the 47% intransigents were not going to be moved to vote beyond the Democrartic party, especially after being given more food stamps, free ‘Obama phones’ and ‘Obama bucks’ in exchange for votes.
HOW OBAMA WON, obama relection, romney campaign, romneys campaign, why romney is better than obama, WHY ROMNEY LOST, women for romney
obama relection,how obama won, why romney lost,romney campaign, romneys campaign, where is mitt romney today, why romney is better than obama, women for romney, voter irregularities, dream act, illegal voting, Ben Gazi, social marketing,47%
So, Romney – or any other Republican who would have run – had 3% to work with, a pretty difficult task to say the least. And, with Obama’s ‘ground game’ that somehow got as many as 99% of Ddemocrats voting in inner cities like Philadephia, Romney hardly hada chance, storm Sandy or otherwise.
One thing the mostly young and / or minority voters who elected Obama will now have to content with making $45,000 or so incomes plus benefits with Obama’s new system. It’s nota whole lot more than the n $20,000 minimum guaranteed income for anyone using all their
new benefits including increased food stamps, welfare, disabiliy, etc. The days of free enterprise where incentive and hard work paid dividends and made millionaires are all but over n ow as the United States if following the trends of Greece and France where, as the economy tanks so do the masses’ incomes; only a small elite is making any real income.
Obama was more about METHOD OVER MATERIAL. Obama’s forces rounded up almost any inner city folk who was breathing and got them to the polls, one way or another, and not always legal (according to many illegals, themselves).
The Obama victory reminds me of the recent San Francisco Giants’ World Series Victories two out of three years where they somehow made it, arguably, without a top caliber team.
Ownership did whatever it could to skirt issues of talent for other means of ‘winning’ – like rounding up its largely young, liberal fan base with half price tickets and other enticements, turning up the PA system and other psychologoical advantages along with the new prerequisite social marketing, and, finally, bringing in questionable journeymen players other teams don’t want, who suddenly become ‘instant stars’ such as the four Venezulelan players named Melky, Scutaro, Sandoval and Blanco, who suddenly all hit far above their lifetime averages or homerun productions, especially late season and in the World Series – much like the 2010 team with sudden wonders like Ross and Torres – more than enough to allow the Giants to miraculously make mincemeat out of one top team after another (Cincinatti, St Louis and Detroit and in 2010 Philadephia, Atlanta and Texas). If it weren’t for a couple big late season injuries to star players the Giants would have probably won it all in 2011,too.
It’s called ‘Win at Any Cost.’ Lilke the giants team, which was one of the weakest hitting teams to start the season,, Obama brought one of the weakest records ever to re-election l. Both played on young, impressionable markets, with both being ‘bought’ in by perks , whether discount tickets and ‘promises’ of a world series’ or free cell phones or more food stamps, etc.) Both used social marketing almost to the border of unfairness with the Giants getting Sandoval on the AllStar team , and others, without big numbers.
Obama got more voters with questionable tactics, eg an unheard of 99% turnout in Philadelphia’s inner city precincts. And, the ‘giveaway’ mentality spreads like wildfire as the momentumbuilds.
So, it’s a different world today. Perhaps old values don’t matter as much any more. A person on American Idol may win more for his or her look than the music. Negative political advertising can win out over honest, positive messages. And baseball playersconvicted or suspected of using illegal drugs are not necessarily looked down upon anymore, eg Barry Bonds and Melky Cabrera, who will likely join the Giants again next year afterbeing one of two giants players suspended this season.
Looks like Kruschev may be right , too, when he said back in 1956 that not only will Russia ‘ bury you’ (the U.S.) but that the US would become communist through it’s own leaders! If not communist yet , certainly socialism is already upon us.
– – –
OBAMA ZOMBIES – REPUBLICAN FUTURE: You may have noticed in watching Obama’s victory speeches and at the DNC
convention that most of Obama’s supporters appear young and/or non-white and are likely idealists,who have largely made up their minds on issuesat least for the coming years. . Assuming it’s fair to call them generally lower and middle income folks, it will be tough for Republicans to have any influence on this growing group without GIVING AWAY thingdaway while trying to make them understand how their lives could be shortchanged by relying on government help rather than seeking the road to success and real personal achievement and the real wealth that goes along with it.
Perhaps this COULD be accomplished with younger REpublican politicians and social networks.
It just came to light in a meeting of neurosurgeons that people over 70 needing neurosurgery will NOT be given the surgery but ‘be made comfortable’ as it were…
Stuff like this is just coming out as people are learning the truth behind Obama Care.
– – – – –
It’s coming down to who will be left for Obama to take from pretty soon. Right now, 50% of the population is paying no tax and the wealthy are paying 90% of the taxes. If they’re taxes keep getting raised they’ll either have little left to pay with or will be out of here and then who will Obama go after
Instead of trying to squeeze money out of whoever he can he should be encouraging the low income to GET OFF government assitance rather than to depend on it indefinitely (3 years is average now for low income to be out of a job and relying fully on the government).
– – –
Now, just following the election we’re starting to see, not surprisingly, people likeGeneral Petraus, walk out of the administration. Petraus was a pawn in the Ben Gazi coverup and certainly wants to get out of there before things hit the fan…Hilary will probably be next.
HOW OBAMA WON, obama relection, romney campaign, romneys campaign, why romney is better than obama, WHY ROMNEY LOST, women for romney
by admin | Nov 8, 2012 | Election, Obama, Political, Romney
Romney was right – the 47% intransigents he spoke of were not going to be moved to vote beyond the Democrartic party, especially after the perks – more food stamps, free ‘Obama phones’ , ‘Obama bucks’ etc. – promised in exchange for votes during Obama’s campaign.
So, Romney – or any other Republican who would have run – had only 3% to work with, making winning a very difficult task. And, with Obama’s ‘ground game’ that somehow got as many as 99% of Democrats voting in inner cities like Philadelphia, Romney hardly had a chance, storm Sandy or otherwise.
One thing the mostly young and / or minority voters who elected Obama will now have to content with making $45,000 or so incomes plus benefits with Obama’s new system. It’s not a whole lot more than the n $20,000 minimum guaranteed income for anyone using all their new benefits including increased food stamps, welfare, disabiliy, etc. The days of free enterprise where incentive and hard work paid dividends and made millionaires are all but over n ow as the United States if following the trends of Greece and France where, as the economy tanks so do the masses’ incomes; only a small elite is making any real income.
Obama was more about METHOD OVER MATERIAL. Obama’s forces rounded up almost any inner city folk who were breathing and got them to the polls, one way or another,and not always legal (according to many illegals, themselves). Beyond the perks, there was the 3 million probable votes Obama picked up via his ‘Dream Act,’ just another method over material to got him votes.
The Obama victory reminds me of the recent San Francisco Giants’ World Series Victories two out of last three years where they somehow made it, arguably, without a top caliber team. Ownership did whatever it could to skirt issues of talent for other means of ‘winning’ –
like rounding up its largely young, liberal fan base with half price tickets and other enticements, turning up the PA system and other psychologoical advantages along with the new prerequisite social marketing, and, finally, bringing in questionable journeymen players other teams don’t want, who suddenly become ‘instant stars’ such as the four Venezulelan
players named Melky, Scutaro, Sandoval and Blanco, who suddenly all hit far above their lifetime averages or homerun productions, especially late season and in the World Series – much like the 2010 team with sudden wonders like Ross and Torres – more than enough
to allow the Giants to miraculously make mincemeat out of one top team after another (Cincinatti, St Louis and Detroit and in 2010 Philadephia, Atlanta and Texas). If it weren’t for a couple big late season injuries to star players the Giants would have probably won it all in 2011,too.
It’s called ‘Win at Any Cost.’ Lilke the giants team, which was one of the weakest hitting teams to start the season,, Obama brought one of the weakest records ever to re-election l. Both played on young, impressionable markets, with both being ‘bought’ in by perks , whether discount tickets and ‘promises’ of a world series’ or free cell phones
or more food stamps, etc.) Both used social marketing almost to the border of unfairness with the Giants getting Sandoval on the AllStar team , and others, without big numbers. Obama got more voters with questionable tactics, eg an unheard of 99% turnout in Philadelphia’s
inner city precincts. And, the ‘giveaway’ mentality spreads like wildfire as the momentum builds.

So, it’s a different world today. Perhaps old values don’t matter as much any more. A person on American Idol may win more for his or her look than the music. Negative political advertising can win out over honest, positive messages. And baseball players convicted or suspected of using illegal drugs are not necessarily looked down upon anymore,
eg Barry Bonds and Melky Cabrera, who will likely join the Giants again next year after being one of two giants players suspended this season.
Looks like Kruschev may be right , too, when he said back in 1956 that not only will Russia ‘ bury you’ (the U.S.) but that the US would become communist through it’s own leaders! If not communist yet , certainly socialism is already upon us.
by admin | Nov 7, 2012 | Election, Obama, Political, Uncategorized
New Demographics Played Big Roll – California Minority
Now Majority of Voters Pay NONE or Little Taxes.
Obama’s handouts swing these voters who only gain and
lose nothing by voting for more taxes . This demographic of new
imigrants / minorities was promised more handouts by
voting for Proposition 30 and other tax increases.
Remember these are among almost 50% of Americans now paying
no taxes!
CALIFORNIA amd Divided States of America Future
California is looking more and more like a Socialist state as is much
of Ameroica now, whereh only the lower income
and very wealthy able ca afford to live. It has been a long time
coming what with Obama’s increasing benefits to lower income
(food stamps increased by $17 million,welfare up, free phones, etc) while middle class income went down $4,000 per family.
According to Associate Press article, noted on John and Ken show (KFI late October), Prop 30 is deceptive,where most funds would NOT go to education but to infrastructure programs (like high speed rail – tens of billions of dollars, moving water from north to south, etc) and the teachers pension funds (Prop 38 was the one to truly help education. ) Brown has held education and schools hostage. Prop 30 was just a guise to help Brown move money around as he chooses. Another expected result will be more job losses.The pro-Prop 30 budget was ten times greater than the anti-30.
California is now a third world state and we will see more middle
class people leaving the state in droves. Meanwhile, this new
majority will have control and make things even worse for the
middle class, the result much like we see in the many third world dictatorships around the world.