THEY SAID THAT: Obama to Harris: “by far the best-looking attorney general in the country”

THEY SAID THAT: Obama to Harris: “by far the best-looking attorney general in the country”

Governor Brown Signs California Homeowner Bill Of RightsIt’s pretty amazing the lowdown approach we’re seeing more and more of these days in our policitians. Things like Congressperson Maxine Watts saying that the sequestor would mean

 ‘170 Million Jobs’ Lost – which is pretty outlandish and would mean over laf the US would be without work. In fact on

and other beauts you can find @

Now President Obama comes out with an amazingly superficial if not sexist comment – especially coming from a President of the U.S. – to Kamilla Harris of California at a fundraiser party, telling her that she’s “by far the best-looking attorney general in the country.”

 For more ‘They said thats’ go to

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Global Warming Meeting Cancelled Due to Cold, Chavez and Obamas

Global Warming Meeting Cancelled Due to Cold, Chavez and Obamas

anti_obama_yes_he_did_demotivational_poster-p228199456778203485836v_325CONGRATS TO SENTAOR RAND PAUL and sorry that Sentators McCain and Graham went against this one after standing up so well on Benghazi…  Everyday there are new surprises. Just the past 24 hours... March 6, the administration’s Council on Global Warming was to have a special meeting but it was cancelled due to cold weather. True story. Meanwhile, the Republican committee still kept it’s meeting on the usage of Drones. – – – – The late leader Hugo Chavez of Venezuela had a lot in common with President Obama. Obama was the first Us President (of four) to see somewhat eye to eye with Chavez. Obama followed in Chavez’ footsteps in this regard: They both improved the poverty rate, cutting the number of people in poverty by taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor. Meanwhile, both Venezuela’s and the u.s. eocnomy took big nose diveS, nearly doubling the debt from before these leaders too office – – – – Looking back and ahead. Obama promised to reduce taxes on average by $2,500 but, instead, he’s seen them increase by $3,500 and rising, due largely to ‘Obama care’. Obama likes to structure things so that the pain comes later rather than early (so he doesn’t have to face the music, so to speak… so look for continued tax hikes, during and especially about the time Obama leaves office. – – – – Now, we learn that First Lady Michelle and new Secretary of State john Kerry are honoring international women tonight including Samir Ibrahim, a known anti-Semite (see her tweets if not recently taken down ……

Finally, interesting watching the Justice Department Oversight committee on Cspan, Senator Grassley and others questioning Attorney General Eric Holder not only on his decisions on things like not prosecuting criminals, but , worse, in most cases not even responding to memos sent to him… Also, interesting to hear Holder speaking the common mantra of ‘bringing to justice’ various people who have killed our soldiers, rather than addressing internal issues that may have caused or contributed to killings… We heard that often about Benghazi but four months later we appear to closer to finding the killers. There was HOlder, basically reading a litany of talking points praising his supossed achievements…  Interspersed with this we watched as Senator Rand Paul courageously stood up to filibuster the ‘automatic’ induction of the prospective new attorney general John Bolden…Interesting also to hear Holder continue on with ‘transparancy,’ saying the government is NOT able to be so transparant as we’ve all been told they are …To hear Eric Holder difficulty answer Senator Ted Cruz’ simple question whether it was constitutional to kill a US bystander with a drone. Cruz also questioned Holder on the many instances where the Justice Dept. has not upheld laws including  ‘fast and furious

Global Warming Meeting Cancelled Due to Cold, Chavez and Obamas

OBAMA: ‘I Am Not A Dictator’ – Said 40 Years After Nixon’s ‘Crook’ -Tshirts, Posters

OBAMA: ‘I Am Not A Dictator’ – Said 40 Years After Nixon’s ‘Crook’ -Tshirts, Posters


“I am not a dictator,”

President Obama said Friday, March 1, 2013,  while defending his efforts to stop the sequester. “I’m the president.”
Obama said there are limits to what he can do to get a deal on the sequester during a press conference in which he blamed Republicans for standing in the way of a deal….

Nixon: “I am Not a Crook”   (from HISTORY channel)

Forty years ago, On November 17, 1973, President Nixon gave a nationally televised and broadcast press conference in which he denied his involvement in the Watergate cover-up and stated that he had never profited from his public service. In the speech he made the now infamous reference , ‘I am not a crook.’ 



Now, 40 years later, March 1, 2013, President Obama, according to ‘;… was responding to a question about why he hadn’t locked the leaders into a room to get a deal. “So ultimately if Mitch McConnell or John Boehner say, ‘I have to catch a plane,’ I can’t have Secret Service block the doorway,” he said.

Obama met briefly with Republican leaders Sen. McConnell (Ky.) and Speaker Boehner (Ohio) before the press conference. He has been criticized by Republicans for not doing more to try to reach a deal. GOP leaders say he has been more interested in blaming Republicans for the $85 billion in automatic cuts set to be triggered on Friday than in crafting a deal.
But Obama on Friday characterized himself as the reasonable party in the talks and someone who couldn’t force Republicans to make a deal.
“I know that this has been some of the conventional wisdom that’s been floating around Washington that even though most people agree that I’m being reasonable, that most people agree that I’m presenting a fair deal, the fact that they don’t take it means that I should somehow do a Jedi mind-meld and convince them” to agree on a deal, Obama said.

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OBAMA: ‘I Am Not A Dictator’ – Said 40 Years After Nixon’s ‘Crook’

Will the Real STATE  OF THE UNION  Please Stand Up

Will the Real STATE OF THE UNION Please Stand Up

‘Socialism is fine until you run out of other people’s money.’

– Margaret Thatcher


state of union cartoon


    Five years ago President Obama blamed then President Bush for ‘taking out a credit card and running up the debt.’  Of course, Obama  promised to lower the debt.  Instead of a credit card Obama just uses the good old Gutenberg  to print more money when he needs it – as he has RAISED the debt $6 trillion since Bush left office.  His promises ‘that things will get better ‘   are usually centered around 2015 or 1016 when he’ll be out of office or close to it.


Democratic House Leader Nancy Pelosi doesn’t think we have a spending problem but rather a budget problem.  (Nice turn of words, Nancy)  Giving you that, then, why is Obama administration the first one without a budget for an entire term? Nancy’s talking about her own.


  Obama probably figures he can sneak in a few more ‘promises’ on his ‘low information’ followers before they  finally catch on just as he goes out of office…  In his State of Union speech we’ll probably also  see some more patented Obama  DEFLECTION  of the REAL current state, with Obama promising less guns and more entitlements for his flock.  Perhaps a little more energy promises, and Obama will remind us that his Obama care ‘will be fine’  but we must be patient for a few years  (until he goes out of office).


As usual, he’ll tell us how well things are in this country -(as long as he can continue to raise taxes) just as former Secretary Hillary Clinton praised her administration last week when she left office.   It may work for a little while more but   people like Dr Ben Carson are starting to say ‘enough already’  and the OPM will dry up.  But,  by then. Obama’s plan is probably to be out of office.  For now he may be able to get away with one more State of the Union speech fairly unscathed , though he better start watching his back with  new watchdogs  like Dr.   Carson, Senators Rand Paul and Marco Rubio coming on,  as they attempt to break through the Press Wall, exposing the REAL State of the Union – and it is NOT GOOD!

It will be interesting that the ‘other side’ will get TWO responses to Obama’s speech, one by Rubio and one by Paul.  This could be a good national platform for helping to expose the REAL State of the Union. 




chuck hagel



In past adminsistrations someone who performed so poorly as Chuck Hagel in his hearing to take over as Secretary of Defense, would be rejected for a cabinet post. Yet, now it’s as if everyone gets a pass. With the exception of Susan rice, who smartly dropped out of the running for Secretary of State it seems like every one of Obama’s nominees now gets a rubber stamp. Obama’s pick for secretary of defense, Chuck Hagel, is a proponent of selective strikes, including drone kills, to maintain America’s edge in the war on terrorism without risking major troop deployments. He showed little knowledge of the sequestration and hardly defended his anti-Israeli stands.


John Kerry, who has had a strong anti-defense position in the past – rather surprising for a Secretary of State  nominee –  must have appeared as ‘jewel’ in comarioon to Hagel as he slid right through the nomination process, which is hardly a process anymore. And, now we have a possible sexual allegation against yet a third  potential cabinet member.  Yet, espite this all three are expected to succeed the ‘nomination’ process. One begins to wondre why they have a nomination process at all. Only susan rice as failed to make it and that’s only because she withdrew.


And, by the way,  why is it that virtually every cabinet member from the first term has quit Obama, including Hillary Clinton, after saying how well she did and how much she will miss her ‘amazing team.’ There’s  always a few turnovers during two term Presidential administratoiins but to see basciall the entire Cabinet seemsr un-Presidented.


Thank goodness for a few like Lindsay Graham who are not afraid to confront the obvious,
ie that Hagel is an incompetent replacement- and other issues, like Obama’s role in
Benghazi. Now that HIllary has finally spoken on Benghazi, Graham promises to hold Obama, the last man
NOT to talk, to the fire…


The fact of the matter is that Obama and his authoritarian administration have put fear
in , primarily, his own Democratic constituents. Even on the Republican side, only the few
Grahams and McCains are willing to risk the wrath – including that of the media,
which has gotten so behind the Obama administration its a joke. Imagine iof George W
was in the same shoes as Obama and how the media would have excorigated him.


 OBAMACARE – After the Fact

Now it comes out the obamacare, if we may call it that which is what most people
know it as, not only is causing layoffs around the country but will cost the average
family of five $20,000 a year – that’s $3,000 per person,
on average, or roughly $250 a month per person, which is more than many of us were/are paying
for their r own health insurance where they can ‘call their own shots,’ so to speak




 Seems that Obama has no problem risking other lives in his desire to kill terrorist leaders, even without full provocation,  witness the Benghazi debacle ,nd the 23 Navy Seals who, quietly, lost their lives,e tc.