Romney was right – the 47%intransigents he spoke of were not going to be moved to vote beyond the Democrartic party, especially after the perks – more food stamps, free ‘Obama phones’ , ‘Obama bucks’ etc. – promised in exchange for votes during Obama’s campaign.
So, Romney – or any other Republican who would have run – had only 3% to work with, making winning a very difficult task. And, with Obama’s ‘ground game’ that somehow got as many as 99% of Democrats voting in inner cities like Philadelphia, Romney hardly had a chance, storm Sandy or otherwise.
One thing the mostly young and / or minority voters who elected Obama will now have to content with making $45,000 or so incomes plus benefits with Obama’s new system. It’s not a whole lot more than the n $20,000 minimum guaranteed income for anyone using all their new benefits including increased food stamps, welfare, disabiliy, etc. The days of free enterprise where incentive and hard work paid dividends and made millionaires are all but over n ow as the United States if following the trends of Greece and France where, as the economy tanks so do the masses’ incomes; only a small elite is making any real income.
Obama was more about METHOD OVER MATERIAL. Obama’s forces rounded up almost any inner city folk who were breathing and got them to the polls, one way or another,and not always legal (according to many illegals, themselves). Beyond the perks, there was the 3 million probable votes Obama picked up via his ‘Dream Act,’ just another method over material to got him votes.
The Obama victory reminds me of the recent San Francisco Giants’ World Series Victories two out of last three years where they somehow made it, arguably, without a top caliber team. Ownership did whatever it could to skirt issues of talent for other means of ‘winning’ –
like rounding up its largely young, liberal fan base with half price tickets and other enticements, turning up the PA system and other psychologoical advantages along with the new prerequisite social marketing, and, finally, bringing in questionable journeymen players other teams don’t want, who suddenly become ‘instant stars’ such as the four Venezulelan
players named Melky, Scutaro, Sandoval and Blanco, who suddenly all hit far above their lifetime averages or homerun productions, especially late season and in the World Series – much like the 2010 team with sudden wonders like Ross and Torres – more than enough
to allow the Giants to miraculously make mincemeat out of one top team after another (Cincinatti, St Louis and Detroit and in 2010 Philadephia, Atlanta and Texas). If it weren’t for a couple big late season injuries to star players the Giants would have probably won it all in 2011,too.
It’s called ‘Win at Any Cost.’ Lilke the giants team, which was one of the weakest hitting teams to start the season,, Obama brought one of the weakest records ever to re-election l. Both played on young, impressionable markets, with both being ‘bought’ in by perks , whether discount tickets and ‘promises’ of a world series’ or free cell phones
or more food stamps, etc.) Both used social marketing almost to the border of unfairness with the Giants getting Sandoval on the AllStar team , and others, without big numbers. Obama got more voters with questionable tactics, eg an unheard of 99% turnout in Philadelphia’s
inner city precincts. And, the ‘giveaway’ mentality spreads like wildfire as the momentum builds.
So, it’s a different world today. Perhaps old values don’t matter as much any more. A person on American Idol may win more for his or her look than the music. Negative political advertising can win out over honest, positive messages. And baseball players convicted or suspected of using illegal drugs are not necessarily looked down upon anymore,
eg Barry Bonds and Melky Cabrera, who will likely join the Giants again next year after being one of two giants players suspended this season.
Looks like Kruschev may be right , too, when he said back in 1956 that not only will Russia ‘ bury you’ (the U.S.) but that the US would become communist through it’s own leaders! If not communist yet , certainly socialism is already upon us.
New Demographics Played Big Roll – California Minority
Now Majority of Voters Pay NONE or Little Taxes.
Obama’s handouts swing these voters who only gain and
lose nothing by voting for more taxes . This demographic of new
imigrants / minorities was promised more handouts by
voting for Proposition 30 and other tax increases.
Remember these are among almost 50% of Americans now paying
no taxes!
CALIFORNIA amd Divided States of America Future
California is looking more and more like a Socialist state as is much
of Ameroica now, whereh only the lower income
and very wealthy able ca afford to live. It has been a long time
coming what with Obama’s increasing benefits to lower income
(food stamps increased by $17 million,welfare up, free phones, etc) while middle class income went down $4,000 per family.
According to Associate Press article, noted on John and Ken show (KFI late October), Prop 30 is deceptive,where most funds would NOT go to education but to infrastructure programs (like high speed rail – tens of billions of dollars, moving water from north to south, etc) and the teachers pension funds (Prop 38 was the one to truly help education. ) Brown has held education and schools hostage. Prop 30 was just a guise to help Brown move money around as he chooses. Another expected result will be more job losses.The pro-Prop 30 budget was ten times greater than the anti-30.
California is now a third world state and we will see more middle
class people leaving the state in droves. Meanwhile, this new
majority will have control and make things even worse for the
middle class, the result much like we see in the many third world dictatorships around the world.
23,136,000: The Number Of Americans Who Are Unemployed, Underemployed, Or Have Stopped Looking For Work. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
12,544,000: The Number Of Unemployed Workers. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
8,031,000: The Number Of Workers Working Part-Time For Economic Reasons. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
5,033,000: The Number Of Workers Who Have Been Unemployed For 27 Weeks Or Longer. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
1,043,000: Construction Jobs Lost Since President Obama Took Office. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
582,000 Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since President Obama Took Office. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
368,000: Workers That Dropped Out Of The Labor Force In August. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
261,000: Jobs Lost Since President Obama Took Office. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
41,000: Downward Revision Of Jobs Created Over The Last Two Months. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
15,000: Manufacturing Jobs Lost In August. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
1981: The Last Time The Labor Force Participation Rate Was At Its Current Level Of 63.5 Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
43: Consecutive Months The Unemployment Rate Has Remained Above Eight Percent. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
39.2 Weeks: The Average Duration Of Unemployment – Nearly Double The 19.8 Weeks When President Obama Took Office. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
14.7 Percent: The Real Unemployment Rate, Including Those Who Are Working Part-Time Due To Economic Reasons.Includes t hose who have given up looking for jobs (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12) (Many have helped swell the ranks of those on food stamps (40 million plus) and other government assistance under Obama, that may contribute to not encouraging people to look for jobs-editor’s note(
11.2 Percent: The Unemployment Rate Had Labor Force Participation Remained Steady Since President Obama Took Office. (American Enterprise Institute, 9/7/12)
8.4 Percent: The Unemployment Rate Had Labor Force Participation Remained Steady From July. (American Enterprise Institute, 9/7/12)
8.1 Percent: The Unemployment Rate In August. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
7.8 Percent: The Unemployment Rate When President Obama Took Office. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 9/7/12)
5.4 Percent: The Unemployment Rate President Obama’s Advisers Predicted If We Passed His $787 Billion Stimulus. (Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, “The Job Impact Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan,”1/9/09)
Obama – Are You Really Better Off? Obama Gay Marriage, Obama Lies
How Obama Parses Words
Yes, 96,000 American jobs were added in August, which Obama admin appraises
as a drop in unemployment, but when one figures in the 368,000
who stopped looking for work , the unemployment rate really rises to 8.4%, according
to the US Bureau of Labor Statistic and Daily Mail.Most, mainstream media, like the
Obama administration
has not reported the full facts.
The 69.9 per cent labor force participation rate for men is at lowest level recorded
since the US government began tracking it in 1948
According to James Pethokoukis of the American Enterprise Institute, the unemployment
rate would be 11.2 per cent if the labour force participation rate had remained what it
was when Obama took office in January 2009. The U.S. Labour Department also said that
41,000 fewer jobs were created in June and July than previously reported.
President Barack Obama was made aware of the figures before he took the stage to deliver
his prime-time address at the Democratic convention on Thursday night, which
could account for his sometimes grim demeanour as he spoke, according to Daily Mail
Obama’s address came at Democratic Convention thrusday, Sept 6, which wasswitched from a
74,000-seater stadium to a 20,000-seater arena
ostensibly because of the weather but amid indications there were problems filling seats,
brought the three-day democratic convention to a close.
A ‘phantom’ roll call early in Thursday’s proceedings to put back ‘God’ and pro-Israel sentiment
in the protocol after political pressure, took three votes, all of which appeared to show
anti-God sentiment in the majority – not the two-thirds ‘pro-go ‘ majority needed.
Yet, it was, obviously , predetermined to keep
God in the platform as an immediate affirmative or God was finally given
after the third voting. A hail of boos followed the change.
President Obama, seeking to quell criticism from Republicans and pro-Israel groups, directed his party to restore language declaring Jerusalem Israel’s capital:
Stalling: The growth of new jobs has taken a significant dip compared to the beginning of the year
Hourly pay fell
386,ooo dropped out of labor force,
meaning 96,000 fewer working is meaningingless
96 mill men working is the lowest since 1948
23 months in a row with unemployment above 8 %.
Remember admin promised that if we passed stimulus bill
unemployment would be in the 5%
23 mil underemployed
when you add in those who ga e up, it would be 14%
= 14% of people not working
Obama and media only tell you that the unemployment is down
without looking at these other important factors…
‘No amount of data can help you understand’- Mrs Obama tues nite speech
Obama – Are You Really Better Off? Obama Gay Marriage, Obama Lies
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