After 8 years of cover ups and lockstep loyalties, the Dems have finally paid the price.
And its not all Uncle ‘The Vessil’ Joes fault. Sainer, more honest controllers would have had Joe out of there long ago, along with Kamala-or never had them in there in the first place. Joe was a figurehead they could control – and they liked that- but in the end Joe had to answer for himself (thanks to a debate he might have never done, which appears to be his ultimate undoing. The Damn holding back 8 years of lies and schemes has finally burst right before over half of America’s 350 million eyes (or 700 million to be accurate).
There was no drug or Red Bull strong enough to overcome the damage Joe and the Dems had wrought upon America. America already saw the phony lawfare wrought against their main political opponent(s) via hoaxes such as ‘Russia Russia Russia’ and ‘Jan 6’ exposed. The curtain finally came down around the ‘Wizard if Biden.’
With ‘Sorcerer Newsome’ in mind, we have country singer Adley Stump
and her tribute to the two biggest states’ governors and mayor, among others –
those like California Governor Newsome, New York governor Cuomo and Mayor
De Blasio, who have been perpetuating the covid lockdown, off and on , off and on.
Did You Know That In California, under ‘Sorcerer’ Newsome:
Illegal Aliens Are Allowed to Vote
You can still vote 17 days after election day
Illegal Aliens Can Get Drivers Licenses at age 17
or ‘Dems Block Trump 2020 Election Modus Operandi’:
Leak anti-Trump fake news of which Dem politicos can pontificate and the media spew out together in lockstep
Gruesome: ‘You Vill Stay Home and Vear Your Mask.
You will get bored and depressed and maybe even suicidal.
Meanwhile, Vee Vill Switch and Toggle Back (whatever that means – favorite Gruesome expression) and enforce vutever vee vant”
Kentucky Senator Rand Paul: “One Man should not be the total arbiter of everything covid.”
(reference to Sorcerer Fauci but could be referring to Gruesome or any number of other
governors and mayors such as DeBlasio, who just cut $1.5 billion from the New York City
police budget, when he probably should be adding same; De Blasio also stated today
that New York City has fewer people in jails than since World War II – as the New York
crime rate goes up exponentially. )
Why would Newsome and Cuomo/Deblasio want to destroy their states economy when the Democrats
have CA and NY well wrapped up already?

We Have Too Many Chicken Littles Today – Let’s Flatten the FEAR
Fun, little ancient eight- minute video may help one better understand current societal conditions. It’s from the standpoint of animals who have, themselves, been the subject of ‘human-ism’ (like in racism) by us human beans. Yes, it’s important to diversify, as it were, but not just when it supports our own points of view. It’s easy to see how the media and its gatekeepers have created an election year frenzy. I’m always shocked how so many intelligent people continue to fall for it. WE ARE NOW SEEING WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE PLACE DIVERSITY OVER QUALITY, WITNESS KAMALA HARRIS
‘Nothing Worse Than Fear But Fear Itself’ – Another CA COVID LOCKDOWN !! GRUESOME NEWSOME DOES IT AGAIN Despite Warning from Top (CA) Scientist!
by burtkauf | Jul 15, 2020 | UncategorizedDr Scott Atlas of Hoover Institute debunks Pelosi and Newsome continued lockdowns ‘Nothing Worse Than Fear But Fear Itself’ – FDR CA COVID LOCKDOWN AGAIN!! GRUESOME NEWSOME DOES IT AGAIN!All Politics All the Time- Are Fear and Politics taking over?…
BREAKING: Fake News -Fake Polls..Now FAKE TESTING! Scandal: COVID+ Numbers Proven Fake In Florida…(Impossible) 100% Positive Test Rate Reported At over 300 Test Sites
by burtkauf | Jul 15, 2020 | UncategorizedMercedes Dream Car, $7,000 a Week for Life,Diet, Cash, Rest of Story> https://t.co/YSkvjTMwXh BREAKING: Fake News -Fake Polls..Now FAKE TESTING! First it was questioning effectiveness of Hexachloraphine, then the questionable effectiveness of masks – NowMore…
Mainstream Media Exposed Twice for Liberal Bias as Two Noted Writers Quit New York Publications in Frustration
by burtkauf | Jul 15, 2020 | UncategorizedWin $7,000 a Week for Life PCH, Prime Day, Hamilton, Dining, Diet, Cash, Rest of Story> https://t.co/YSkvjTM NEWS Reporters finally fed up, quitting and exposing leftist media . We always thought it would happen: real journalists would tire of fakery at their left…
Oakland Police Try to Stem Spike in Crime with Fewer Cops
by burtkauf | Jul 14, 2020 | UncategorizedSunspotter technology pinpoints gunshots within seconds. This map shows heaviest number of shootings in East Oakland More than 180 assaults with a firearm have been reported in Oakland so far in 2020, according to Oakland Police .That is 34-percent up from last year….
Misleading Media (Again)

by burtkauf | Jul 13, 2020 | UncategorizedOakland Tribune (Eastbay Times, formerly Conta Coata Times) seems to have a bias when it comes to race , cops, etc. But, it’s not what is assumed today or expected.…. see leading Headline from 2 sundays ago… Easy overlooked answer why more blacks killed by cops…
The Education Myth
by burtkauf | Jul 8, 2020 | UncategorizedThe Education Myth The Education Myth: Are Our Best Schools Really Best and Equal for All -And Do Our Leaders Really Want Them to Be? We’re told they’re some of the best school districts in the nation and we move our families to places like Lafayette, CA…
Did George Floyd Kill Tulsa Cop? Racist Cop Myth Debunked
by burtkauf | Jul 1, 2020 | UncategorizedTulsa OFFICER Johnson, left, has died of injuries after being shot by repeated felon David Ware. OFFICER Zarkeshian remains in critical condition Did George Floyd Kill Tulsa Cop? May sound preposterous but think about this: When split second reactions were required of…
More To Riots and BLM Than Meets the Eye, Fake Noose

by burtkauf | Jun 25, 2020 | UncategorizedMore To Riots and BLM Than Meets the Eye, Fake Noose: BLM’s Benny Johnspn threatens to burn down America “This is not a momentary civil disturbance. This is a highly organized political movement. It is deep and profound ans has fast ambitions. It is…
On Covid-19, Polling Inaccurate Reporting – and Why People More Likely To Share Misinformation Than Believe

by burtkauf | Jun 25, 2020 | UncategorizedOn Media’s Doomsday Narrative: Covid19 Cases Are Up But Failing to Report Most Important Facts, i.e. Testing and Death Rates Every day it seems to be another doomsday story from the media, about people not social distancing or wearing masks – or a new…

New Blue Backlash to One-Way Criticism of Police by Inner City Officials, Media
by burtkauf | Jun 20, 2020 | Race, Riots, Social MediaFormer New York Police Chief Bernie Kerik defends police – the rare pro-cop media interview you will see and this was from Fox news, hardly the mainstream media and one of only a handful youll see on youtube, buried way down. Police / chiefs are resigning or…
People Less Happy Today After 50 Years of Civil Rights Healing and Relative Prosperity – Why and What To Do

by burtkauf | Jun 17, 2020 | Cops, Fake News, Media Bias, Never Trump, Polls, Race, Rigged Elections, Social Media, Trump, VotingU.S. citizens have gone from ‘very happy’ to moderate in 25 short years. Perhaps much of the displays of discontent we see today come out of people’s personal dissatisfsction with their personal lives Recent studies show American people are less…
Lord’s Prayer by a Minnesota 15 year old
by burtkauf | Jun 13, 2020 | UncategorizedLord’s Prayer by a Minnesota 15 year old By a 15-year-old school kid who got an A+ for this entry(TOTALLY AWESOME)! The Lord’s Prayer is not allowed in most U.S. Public schools any more. A kid in Minnesota wrote the following NEW School Prayer:-…
I Grieve for America
by burtkauf | Jun 13, 2020 | Covid19, Race, RiotsVIctim of riots, Iconic 68-year-old SF diner ITS TOPS has closed for good”Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repaintedad victim of riots iconic SF Diner ‘Its Tops’ circa 1958 every statue and…
Food for Thought – Are Minneapolis Leaders Partly to Blame for Floyd Death?
by burtkauf | Jun 8, 2020 | UncategorizedFOOD FOR THOUGHT Guest Editorial by Mike Huckabee (reprinted from ) Retired Army officer and blogger Donald Sensing poses some questions that are getting overlooked in the midst of all the protests, rioting and name-calling sparked by the killing of George Floyd by a…
FREE Trump Gold Commorative Bills Will Shock Your Liberal Friends
by burtkauf | Jun 5, 2020 | Advertising, TrumpFREE – Released To The Public January 31, 2020. Claim Your Free Gold Donald Trump Commemorative BillIt Looks So Real Your Liberal Relative Will Freak Out When You Show Them This “NEW U.S. Commerce”. Hand out these great keepsakes while promoting your fave…
Levin: ‘Media Protects’ Democrats In New Blockbuster Book ‘Unfreedom of the Press’
by burtkauf | May 22, 2019 | UncategorizedFrom five-time #1 New York Times bestselling author, FOX News star, and radio host Mark R. Levin comes a groundbreaking and enlightening book that shows how the great tradition of the American free press has degenerated into a standardless profession that…
‘Media Protecting Obama and Hillary’ – Media, Public Not Comprehending Full Extent of FISA Memo says Mark Levin
by burtkauf | May 5, 2019 | Memo, Mueller Investigation Steele ‘ is the COLLUDER, the hired gun of the Hillary camp to influence the election. It is Comey and company to further influence by using the dossier – an old-style soviet trick,’ explains Levin. ‘Obama and Hillary knew…’ …
MAGA-nificent !
by burtkauf | Mar 25, 2019 | UncategorizedView this post on Instagram Part 2/3: #celebrity #democrats reliving November 8, 2016 when the Mueller Report vindicated Trump 😂😂😂 #perezhilton #chelseahandler #rachelmaddow #chrismatthews #mileycyrus #megynkelly #buildthewall #trump2020 #trumppence #TrumpTrain…
FBI Expert Blows Cover on Mueller – Wiseman Connections in Enlightening Book and on Levin TV
by burtkauf | Jan 28, 2019 | UncategorizedFormer Department of Justice prosecutor, Sydney Powell ‘I Am Livid Over The Mueller Investigation’, shares her strong views of key participants in the Mueller investigation which she wrote about in her new book Licensed to Lie on the John Frederickson…
FUND THE WALL – If They Won’t We Will
by burtkauf | Dec 20, 2018 | -T-shirts, Trump, Uncategorized, WallIf They (Congress) Won’t Do It, We The People Will #FundTheWall If They (Congress) Won’t Do It, We The People Will #FundTheWall – Wear it on your sleeve > https://buff.ly/2T2aDlH , contribute (already over $5 million donated first …
3 Catastrophic Lies and Government Cover-Ups Spell Certain Doom…PROTECT YOUR FAMILY NOW
by burtkauf | Oct 1, 2018 | Obama, SurvivalClick Here! (video) 3 Catastrophic Lies and Cover-ups in our Government Spell Certain Doom…PROTECT YOUR FAMILY NOW Attention Fellow Patriot It’s happening… The writing is on the wall… An unthinkable crisis is set to hit THIS YEAR, and inside this short…
Charles Krauthammer – He Really Mattered – One of the Last Great Old School Journalists
by burtkauf | Jun 22, 2018 | Charles Krauthammer, UncategorizedCharles Krauthammer – Things That Mattered ‘In a fractured media environment where almost no one commands universal respect, where crudity of expression and thought are increasingly the norm, and where most commentators feel compelled to cater to…
READ the IG REPORT on Hillary Email
by burtkauf | Jun 15, 2018 | IG Report, UncategorizedREAD the IG REPORT on Hillary Email IG Report [contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”true” /][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”true” /][contact-field…
“Collusion Against Trump” TIMELINE (Sharyl Attkisson) Fact Not Fiction Unlike Trump-Russia Media Propaganda
by burtkauf | May 24, 2018 | Collusion, Fake News, Trump‘Collusion Against Trump’ TIMELINE (Sharyl Attkisson) Well-Respected JOURNALIST Sharyl Attkisson, who walked away from mainstream media to establish her own news affiliate, has come up with ‘Collusion Against Trump’ timeline to counter the…
‘MUELLER UNMASKED’ – Gohmert’s Explosive 48 Page Report Could Help Remove Mueller from SC Post
by burtkauf | May 7, 2018 | Mueller Investigation, Rigged Elections, Russian Hacking, Trump ‘MUELLER UNMASKED’ by Rep. Louis Gohmert – 48 Page Report Gives More Grounds for Mueller Removal Than Anything To Date Much like with James Comey as then FBI Director, the media had many of us brainwashed that Robert Mueller ‘was…
10 Reasons for #NeverTrump to Vote Trump -Supreme Court, etc
by burtkauf | Jul 19, 2016 | Books, Never Trump, TrumpBumper Stickers Now on SALE – Support the Cause – twitter.comWakeAmericaNow 10 Reasons for #NeverTrump to Vote for Trump For Those Who Seem to Dismiss Donald Trump for President At Any Cost, Below are TEN REASONS To Reconsider A Vote for Trump If You Are…
OBAMA CHANNELS RICHARD PRYOR After Pryor Predicted,Portrayed Obama
by burtkauf | Jul 18, 2016 | Obama, Richard Pryor Bumper Stickers on sale today ***** Obama as Pryor- See below video Comic great Richard Pryor never knew President Obama, but he did an impersonation of Obama 32 years earlier (above) having no idea that his impersonation would not be unlike the real…
How Obama,Media,Entertainers Affect Cop Killings,Violence,Racial Divide
by burtkauf | Jul 18, 2016 | Cops, Obama, Race, Uncategorized We weren’t going to post this ‘ant-white rant’ by so-called comic Jesse Williams but we thought it would speak for itself: Anyone with good judgment will come away with, hopefully, her own opinion that this is the kind of thing that DOES…
by burtkauf | Aug 31, 2016 | DNC, Elections, FBI, Hillary, Polls, Trump, WikiLeaksWATCH OUT REPUBLICANS – DEMOCRATS ONLY ABOUT WINNING THE ELECTION Republicans may be too nice / honest to win elections today. It would appear the first order of business for Democrats is to win the election at any cost, rather than concern over bettering…
From Tillman to Kaepernick, From Color Blind Society To Focus on Race
by burtkauf | Aug 29, 2016 | RaceIn the Course of One Administration…. From Pat Tillman to Colin Kaepernick- Football’s version of Obama ? From A Color Blind Society To One Focused on Race But wait, it’s not only about Colin Kaepernick . In South Carolina a high school…
Truth About Milwaukee Race Riots & SOLUTIONS Trump Should Consider
by burtkauf | Aug 15, 2016 | Obama, Race, Trump The New KKK in reverse Milwaukee Police Chief Speaks from Experience & SOLUTIONS for Trump to Get On Track Police Chief David Clark is from Milwaukee County and thereby capable of directly commenting on the latest ‘race…
Why We Can’t Trust Political Polls Anymore Nor Mainstream Media
by burtkauf | Aug 9, 2016 | Hillary, Polls, TrumpLATEST VOTER FRAUD ALLEGATIONS FROM NEW YORK CITY COMMISSIONER OF BOARD OF ELECTIONS! http://wakeupamerica.roadtosuccess.us/2016/10/rigged-elections-bet-three-ways/ DEBATE 3: TRUMPS’s Honesty,Substance Again Dismissed by Mainstream Media Why all the…
by burtkauf | Aug 3, 2016 | FBI, Hillary– ‘ A Gmail account had better security than what Hillary had.’ NO ‘INTENT’ BY HILLARY, SAYS FBI’s COMEY -BUT WHAT ABOUT THE PRIVATE SERVER, etc? EMAIL Select Committee Emergency Hearing with FBI Director James Comey Review by…
BREAKING – Obama’s Brother for Trump,WikiLeak-ed Emails Backfire on Dems
by burtkauf | Jul 25, 2016 | DNC, Hillary, Obama, Uncategorized, WikiLeaksOBAMA BROTHER’S ‘DEEP DISAPPOINTMENT’ IN OBAMA ADMINISTRATION “I like Donald Trump because he speaks from the heart,” Malik Obama told The Post from his home in the rural village of Kogelo. “Make America Great Again is a great slogan. I would like to…
Speech ‘Too Dark, Nixon-like’ – Dems Running Out of Blame for Trump
by burtkauf | Jul 22, 2016 | RNC, Trump Many in the Mainstream (aka Dem) Media actually broke down and finally had to admit that Donald Trump gave a ‘good’ if not great nomination acceptance speech Thursday night. After some tried to call the speech ‘too dark,’ and…
Trump RNC Move Turns Tables on Cruz, Media-Positioned to Unify Party
by burtkauf | Jul 21, 2016 | RNC, Ted Cruz, TrumpTrump, Ingraham RNC Actions Turn Media On It’s Head -Trump Strategy May Unite Party Not long after radio and TV commentator Laura Ingraham opened the third RNC night by cleverly lambasting everyone from Hillary to the liberal media – but mostly…
Obama First Term Revisited-Racked up 10 Failures In No Time -Could Hurt Hillary
by burtkauf | Jul 20, 2016 | ObamaOBAMA IN THE MIRROR – Negative Results Could Hurt Hillary ‘3rd Term’ Even four years ago, Obama had racked up an incredible list of failings. As we enter a new election period let’s look back at just how bad it was even during his first term…
by burtkauf | Jul 19, 2016 | All Lives Matter, Cops, Obama, RaceRoadTo Success Surprising to see Rock actually present a positive,true message that even Obama and so-called black leaders rarely do http://buff.ly/29sQzlu ***************************** Social Survey – Win Money :TELL US IF YOU AGREE WITH OUR PROPOSED SOLUTION…