JFK II? -Get Ready for the Copy Cats- I don’t know about you but I still haven’t gotten over Nov 22, 1963 . IT’S NOT ABOUT WHETHER YOU LIKE TRUMP OR NOT. WE’RE TALKING ABOUT FREE SPEECH WITH A FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. SEEKING OFFICE. ARE WE LIVING IN THE THIRD WORLD? WE JUST BARELY DODGED A BIG BULLET, LITERALLY- BY LESS THAN ONE INCH! As if we need this now-WHERE’S THE UNITY? WHERE’S THE OUTRAGE? Looks Like Secret Service, Police Were Unprepared. Did Politics, New Policies (DEI =DIE) ,etc. Contribute to Possible Breakdown? Never Again! Speak Out!
Rep. Benny Thompson employee social post– see below
Head of Secret Service Still Hasn’t Spoken – Wanted Diversity Over Best Qualified . (Rep. Benny Thompson Tried To Take Secret Service Away From Trump with April Bill, then failed to condemn his employee for posting that she was sorry shooter didn’t kill Trump)
Biden, in a recent speech, said “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye“
CAN WE DISCUSS, FRANKLY. As Pershing CEO Bill Ackman shares in the following post , RATHER THAN CLOSE OFF DEBATE?
Below reposted from⁹ĺ
Right now, all the incitement is coming from the left. All the violence is coming from the left. All the violent protests are coming from the left.
At what point will the media and politicians acknowledge that left is the very threat and danger they keep pointing at the right for?
Biden, in a recent speech, said “We’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”
Well, today someone put Trump in that very bullseye.
But how are Biden’s words any different to what they’ve accused Trump of doing on that January 6th?
Sure the left will play it down and tell us all how it’s very different. But it isn’t different. The left are openly and violently attacking their opponents. And they’re filling their countries with immigrants and foreigners who will do the dirty work for them and bring that savage violence against the people.
How far does this need to go before the people finally wake up and rise up? What needs to happen for people to stand up against the violence and incitement against them?
Tonight Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt to prevent him standing up against the left. America and the world needs Trump more than ever now. This spiral of violence must be broken. And it’s up to the people to break it.
Many OF US LIVED thru JFK assasination and couldn’t take another.
Many concerns have been raised about the secret services’ role and possible lack of preparation in light of ‘loosening’ protocol changes since Reagan assasination attempt as well as DEI hiring, including comments from Rep. Burchet (sp)
How did a guy with a long rifle get on a nearby roof in clear view. why no asseftssment by security of perimeter??? Some former security people are blaming lack of communication between agencies including FBI and local police as well as changing hiring practices allowing less-qualified DEI employs including small women
1) Elon Musk observed it’s a major flaw by the Secret Service not to have secured the roof area where the shooter got a shot off and was able to hit president Trump in the ear from roughly 130 yards away
Apparently some in the audience warned police of the man on the roof with the gun but the police did not react quickly ,according to bystanders.
2) What causes a young 20-year-old to be so vehement to want to kill an ex-president ? Likely seeing enough stuff on social media to rile him up to do such a dirty deed, to attempt to kill the president of the United States. We need to find out and to start condemning some of the social media posts that we’re encouraging in the assassination of President Trump and such similar ones that might appear in the future
3) No w we must worry about copycat murder attempts following this and the Secret Service must ramp up their game. . Cities must prepare for future rallies much better than they’ve done. and Dems ans media must stop dominating the ‘Trump is Hitler’ narative that riles up people.
4) People should not take this incident for granted or casually. Trump came within one inch of his life- some said he had just turned his head and if he hadn’t turned his head away for him so this is serious stuff don’t want to go through another JFK I went through it and I still am dealing with it to this day you effect on a 12 year old kid . I don’t know about people, brainwashed by media today , have as much empathy towards the president- probably not
the party in power thats been calling Trump Hitler for eight years has fomented the problem. that’s why this sort thing happens in US more than other countries. were very lucky this time but this can’t happen again.
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer said he was shocked that this would happen and nobody expected this . it’s the last thing anybody had expected, he said.. Well, speak for yourself, Mr Blitzer. We predicted it weeks ago . I just got a call from a friend who remembered our statemwnt said ‘ you were right’ you were right . well of course I was right. the Democrats would never say that but the Republicans a lot of us were in fear yes Trump you should win if he survives until the election.
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