by admin | Mar 19, 2014 | ROSS PEROT

Where’s ROSS PEROT ? Could He Be A Third
Party Presence Today?
It’s been over 20 years since Texan billionaire businessman ROSS PEROT took the US by storm, giving George Bush 1 and Bill Clinton a real scare in the 1992 election when he garnered 19 percent of the vote – more than any third party candidate in history. Though running as the ‘reform’party, Perot was basically a conservative and, combined with Bush’s conservative votes, they received over 50 percent of the popular vote; thereby, Perot siphoned off votes from Bush and, ironically, probably handed the 1992 election to the liberal Clinton.
But Perot was a real presence, not afraid to speak his mind, regardless of the political consequences.
Running largely on tax reform, Perot won over many dissatisfied conventional two party system.
It’s surprising to us that, considering the even greater dissatisfaction with goverment today that we haven’t seen others attempt to run on a third party platform – unless one considers the Tea Party
that third party, though it is solidly Republican.
Today, Ross Perot is largely a forgotten man. Now 82 and still a vibrant businessman, Perot is unknown to most people under 40 and if they did remember him they would likely write him off immediately for his unconventional ways and folksy, Southern drawal in an era which is supposed to be more open and transparent in the past -but is probably just the opposite. The media likely has no use for a man who some say went ‘foo far’with his extreme views and eccentric chalk-board presentations and outright blunders ( such as bringing aboard the non-political, less-than-articulate General Stockdale as his Vice Presidential candidate).
But you had to admire Perot for speaking his true mind at the risk of alienating many -which he would later do in spades – and the result was a reversal of a short-lived love affair with a goo d share of the nation – and even some of the media. When he ran for president in 1992, the national debt was about $4 trillion with a then-gigantic deficit of $290 billion. Currently the debt is just over $16 billion and the deficit in excess of $1 trillion.
A younger and more ‘charming’ Perot might ‘sell’ today, but it will probably have to come in the form of a Rand Paul or Ted Cruz, two Tea Party-leaning likely presidential candidates. Judging by his reclusive ways of late – and his age, though that should really not be factor – it is doubtful that Perot won’t pull a ‘Harold Stassen’ for you younger folks.
So, what’s Perot up to today? We haven’t heard a peep out of him in years, although he
did grant a rare political interview to USA Today in 2012 – and we have some excerpts of that interview here. We thought such a presence from not that many years ago – who could have some interesting comments about today’s politics , shouldn’t be forgotten. Like him or not,
he was a presence in the ’90s and likely affected history.
As you might expect, Perot is pretty down on today’s government and administration and especially the way the budget has been handled. Though he doesn’t name names in this interview one does get a glimpse into the outspoken, likeable curmudgeon who probably wouldn’t have a chance today, anyway, in a totally different world than even 1996 – a society run largely on digital and social media. A 62-yeare-old Perot today would likely be right in the frey, going after President Obama on multiple issues, though it’s hard to say whether his dated style and look would go over – or even be regarded by today’s younger, left-leaning media.
From the USA Today interview by Mark Whittington in 2012, the questions in bold and Perot’s answers are in regular type, as follows:
The debt is an even bigger issue in 2012 as it was in 1992
Most of Perot’s thoughts turned to the national debt and the annual federal deficit in the USA Today interview. When he ran for president in 1992, the national debt was about $4 trillion with a then-gigantic deficit of $290 billion. Currently the debt is just over $16 billion and the deficit in excess of $1 trillion. Perot feels vindicated for sounding the alarm about the debt 20 years ago but he is naturally not happy about it.
The United States could be “taken over”
Perot is so concerned about the effects of the persistent and ballooning debt that he is afraid that the United States could be “taken over” by some other nation, taking advantage of America’s fiscal weakness, the USA Today piece mentions.
Perot muses about other issues
There are other issues that concern Perot, according to USA Today, including the state of education in America and the tendency of the news media to concentrate on the trivial and ignore the important (like the debt.)
Perot on the tea party
Perot is largely approving of the tea party movement, though he doesn’t think it’s the solution to the debt problem, according to USA Today. He does think that the tea party helps to wake politicians up and raises public concern.
Perot’s political career enabled Bill Clinton’s
When he ran for president in 1992, Perot garnered 19 percent of the vote, according to an analysis of Perot’s effect on national elections by political blogger Kevin Willis. Willis believes that Perot handed the 1992 election to Bill Clinton by siphoning off votes from then-President George H. W. Bush. Willis even believes that there is a case that Bob Dole might have won in 1996 without the third-party run by Perot in that year that got 8 percent of the vote.
Perot build his fortune partly on government contracts
Perot made his fortune in the 1960s by creating a company called Electronic Data Systems. EDS provided high end data processing services that included hardware and staffs of programmers and system analysts to create software systems, according to a history of the company by Funding Universe. Ironically, for a man who would later be concerned about the debt, EDS won contracts to computerize the claims processing systems for Medicare and Medicaid, two government programs that were started in the 1960s as part of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. At one point, helping to run the two largest entitlement programs in the federal government provided 25 percent of EDS’s revenues. According to the Center for Budget and Policy Priorities, the percentage of the federal budget eaten up by Medicare, Medicare, and CHIP, a children’s health care program, was 21 percent of the budget in 2011, or $769 billion in FY 2011.
Perot’s future plans
At age 82, Perot does not have any plans to run for political office again and he has not endorsed any candidates, according to USA Today. His autobiography is forthcoming.
Where’s ROSS PEROT ? Could He Be A Third Party Presence Today?
by admin | Jan 3, 2014 | BUD SELIG, PEDs, Steroids

Alex Rodriguez never did get the trial he probably
deserved. So, his case went before TV’s 60 Minutes
Sunday night, January 12.
Rodriguez has sued the Commissioner of baseball
calling his suspension of 211 games (later
reduced a still whopping 162) ‘a witch hunt.’
When Selig is questioned by 60 Minutes whether Rodriguez
is being ‘singled out’ Selig simply replies
that Rodriguez’actions were ‘beyond comprehension,’
without giving specifics.
Well, there certainly was no trial and
not a whole lot of justice as we could see it.
Now, mind you, we’re not defending Rodriguez purported
use of PEDs, by any means; in fact, we’re vehemently against
their use , which we feel has been the ruination of baseball today.
It is our belief that Commissioner Selig,
who appears to be a very nice man, personally, never
was able to control performance enhancing
drugs in baseball. The problem has gone on
probably as long as Selig has been commissioner -almost
two decades-
and doesn’t seem to have improved, though
he tells us that he is now proud to have
‘the strictest drug policy in all major sports.’
As far as singling people out, others, such
as Barry Bonds, have tried to obstruct justice.
In fact Bonds was even convicted in his court
case NOT for using steroids but for OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE.
Others like Rafael Palmeiro lied under oath
during the Mitchell Hearings.
As for Rodriguez, guilty or not guilty as he
may be of steroid use there were no court hearings
of which we know. If the man wants to appeal
that group (Biogenesis) conviction, he should be
allowed a fair trial.
With the commissioner’s reign coming to an end
he no doubt wanted to finally put an end to
what has ruined baseball in the eyes of many,
including our own. He thought he could pick
on one man, Rodriguez, and scare off everyone else.
By so doing, Rodriguez has had to ratchet
up his case and say some of things that probably
should have been saved for the court room. What’s
had to come out in the media, instead, has probably
infuriated Selig, but it’s his own fault for the willy nilly
way he has handled PEDs in baseball.
Sure, there’s a good chance that Rodriquez
used steroids but just because he’s the ‘golden boy’
big name of the 20 or so Florida lab cases, he shouldn’t\
have been singled out with a stiffer penalty
(players normally get 50 games for one PED
infraction and 100 for two).
Rodriguez, to our knowledge, has not been
personally convicted of PED usage. He was
just one of many whose name was turned over by the Biogenesis
lab in Florida, after its owner , Tony Bosch,
was ratted on by a disgruntled employee.
As Bosch feared for his life he came forward
to major league baseball. There was no
court case for Bosch, either. He could be
lying for all we know.
Selig has approached the whole matter in
a very unscientific manner. As the lawyer we
believe him to be, he should know better,
innocence until proven guilty
And, as far as Selig being proud to have
the ‘best drug testing’ in baseball, there
wasn’t a single PED conviction at the major league
lever this past season, to our knowledge.
Don’t tell us , Mr Selig , that the problem
is cleaned up, that nobody is still using.
Your most recently updated drug policy
barely called for a single testing during
the regular season (2013) after testing
was only given during the preseason during
prior years – this after a decade and dozens
of PED convictions, including the Mitchell
report findings (At least the government
did a formal hearing, from which little
was done by MLB, thereafter, to change
things , to our knowledge. What would stop
players from continuing to use PEDs –
especially the new designer, now undetectable
ones – when they knew they were
unlikely to be tested more than once
during the season-and normally with warning
(the latest testosterone drug can be out of
one’s system and undetectable within hours)?
A-Rod’s big problem now is that he has both the Commissioner’s office as well as his own player’s union against him. The new head of the player’s union has been more cooperative with the commissioner than the previous one, so it may be quite an uphill battle for Rodriguez, but kudos for him for at least speaking out and pointing to the unfair treatment by Commissioner, guity or not of using PEDs.
The main reason we make an issue of
the Rodriguez-Selig case is that it brings
to a head what’s been going on for years,
mishandling of drugs in baseball to the
ruination of the game. Sure, some newer
fans, especially, have only grown up to
see baseball played one way, on steroids.
But many of us vintage fans remember when
the Golden Era of baseball when games were
played on a level playing field. Living
in the Bay Area and having to see an otherwise mediocre San
Francisco Giants team, sans PEDS,
steal two World Series in three years
on their own to put the Giants over the top has been difficult.
(At least we had a team across the Bay, in Oakland, with only
one KNOWN user.)
Pick One:

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by admin | Nov 2, 2013 | Nancy Pelosi, Obama, Obamacare, PROFESSOR IRWIN COREY
1) NANCY ‘I believe in technology’ PELOSI’s take on fixing Obamacare website
2) PROFESSOR IRWIN COREY’S Take . Even though he wasn’t directly addressing Obamacare – in fact,we’re not exactly sure what he is even talking about- the 98 year old Professor seems to make more sense -or at least sound better – than Pelosi, in our opinion. What do you think? Pelosi or Corey?
Now go back to and VOTE (comment) your favorite of the two, the Professor or the Speaker , and then take a look at….
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Don’t you think that Prof. Irwin Corey makes more sense than Nancy Pelosi (and he’s not even talking about the website)?
MEANWHILE…Latest Obamacare News…
No wonder HHS Secretary Sebelius didn’t want to give out the numbers during her congressional grilling last Wednesday. Out of the prospsective 19 million insurance buyers,we know of 254 for sure who signed up
– SNL does it’s take on the Sebelius hearing.
In case one thinks we’re ‘picking’ on Pelosi, this was not just A one time ‘edited’ edition of Pelosi-speak.
Here are three , intact, and only one edited talks with Pelosi going back from recently to 2009:
– Nancy ‘It doesn’t matter’ PELOSI with Martha Raditz on ABC ‘This Week’ Sunday 10/27 morning , discussing more on the website ‘glitch’ and Obamacare ‘rollout’ Notice, near the end that Pelosi borrows a line from Hillary ‘It doesn’t matter’ Clinton:
-This may be the best one yet… going back a few years to 2009 with Pelosi still on the subject of Economics, specifically the TARP Funding , with Pelosi ‘trying to make sense’ for Stewart out of what the government did with the funds from TARP. Pelosi talks of ‘Accountability’ and ‘Transparency’ and more economics,ie ‘PRINTING MONEY and EARMARKS’ ‘Are we broke’ asks Stewart? ‘We’re coming back,’?’says Pelosi . Stewart seemed to have a good take way back in 2009 what would later happen ,ie 2013. ‘We have done more for education… health care, energy,…pioneering’ in the first few months of the Obama administration that ever before, Pelossi concludes:
– Here, Pelosi is again trying to explain government spending, specifically at the time of one of the government bailouts or ‘recovery act’ as she prefers to call it.
A frustrated videographer comes in at the end with his opinion of what Pelosi has to say:
– Pelosi here tells Chris Wallace on Fox News that it’s a good thing to raise taxes. We don’t have a ‘spending problem’ ,says Pelosi, but a ‘budget problem.’ ‘Nobody’s saying it (the budget) has to be balanced,’she goes on… to a rather unbelieving Wallace.

Two views on Obamacare, Website – Speaker Nancy Pelosi vs. Professor Irwin Corey, More Pelosi-speak

OBAMACARE- The Trillion Dollar Bandaid – You know the story by now: First the promises, then the implementation(?)…. Three years later still not working right…The $634 million dollar website down … and now the rules have changed …Premiums have risen…. Majority of individuals can’t keep their own providers – and doctors…. and many are now without health insurance…What next? tshirt

20 VIEWS of OBAMACARE, Health Care Reform Timeline – Affordable Health Care Act
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