Words of Wisdom – LIFE IS SHORT – Getting Older, Appreciating Little Things, Friendship

Words of Wisdom – LIFE IS SHORT – Getting Older, Appreciating Little Things, Friendship

Life is Short – so Do Whatever Makes You Happy, And Be With Whomever Makes You Smile


Life Is Too Short To Be Serious All The time. So, if you can’t laugh at yourself, just callme, and I’ll laugh at you.


They Are Not Grey Hairs But Wisdom Highlights . I just happen to be extremely Wise!


Bored so let’s go glue some coins to the floor and watch people try to pick them up


It’s nice when someone remembers small details about you,not because

you always remind them, but just because they care.



I’ve finally reached the Wonder Years:

I wonder where my car is parked

Wonder where I left my phone

Wonder where my sunglasses are

Wonder what day it is



Always believe something wonderful is going to happen. Even with all the ups and downs,

never take a day for granted.Smile, cherish the little things and remember to hug the ones

you really love


Sometimes I forget to thank the people who make my life happy in so many ways.

Someitmes I forget to tell them how much I really do appreciate them for being an important part of my life.

So, thank You , all of you. Just for being there for Me.




Golfing Off – OBAMA ACHIEVEMENT – 200 GAMES OF GOLF – Obama Tshirts

Golfing Off – OBAMA ACHIEVEMENT – 200 GAMES OF GOLF – Obama Tshirts

Free Flights For Life Ebook



October 12 – Just as the Ebola crisis was heating up and and another US

nurse was admitted with Ebola, President Obama was out for another

game of golf, but not without stopping along the way for a brief photo


Obama golf, golfing, golfing off, obama tshirts, obama t-shirts, obama golfing, golfer-in-chief, golfer in chief

CLICK HERE for video:

President Barack Obama follows through on a swing while golfing at Farm Neck Golf Club, in Oak Bluffs, Mass., on the island of Martha's Vineyard, Saturday, Aug. 23, 2014. Obama is vacationing on the island. (AP Photo/Steven Senne)

Not wanting to lose out to Tiger Woods, President Obama may not be the golfer of Woods caliber but he may end up playing more rounds of golf than Woods;  Woods is now injured. Woods is at  269, Obama 200 and coming on strong – and he doesn’t even golf for a living… or maybe he does. DO WE REALLY WANT A GOLFER IN CHIEF. WEAR and SHARE this tshirt, or customize as a poster, mug, button or about anything else…


GOLFING OFF T-SHIRTS ON SALE TODAY – also posters, mugs, etc.






OBAMA ACHIEVEMENT – 200 GAMES OF GOLF – Golfing Off Obama Tshirts







IN NEW BOOK, PANETTA Opens Up on   Benghazi , other topics …
Obama’s former Right Hand Man Breaks Silence , refutes Obama claim  violence that killed four Americans   wasn’t a terrorist attack on Benghazi. 

Finally, a real smoking gun. Perhaps he was busy holed up  / saving it for his new book and interviews he’s now doing but Panetta has come out in multiple interviews explaining how he told President Obama even before the ‘video excuse’  given for the Sept 11, 2012 Benghazi violence that killed four Americans   that the REAL culprits of Benghazi were TERRORISTS. Obama flatly denied on the O’Reilly Factor that he heard this from Panetta.


Perhaps now Panetta will go before Trey Gowdy’s Benghazi Investigation Committee and put the ‘new’ information on the record.

So it appears, again, Obama went with politics over ‘transparency’ and doing what was right.  And now,  Gowdy has just come out saying that he has found new info on which he believes Obama could be charged of a high crime right now…. We shall see

Leon Panetta isn’t at fault, it’s the White House

CNN.com – Octobe r 10, 2014

(CNN) — The publication this week of memoirs by Leon Panetta has stirred up a sharp …








The harrowing, true account from the brave men on the ground who fought back during the Battle of Benghazi.

13 HOURS presents, for the first time ever, the true account of the events of September 11, 2012, when terrorists attacked the US State Department Special Mission Compound and a nearby CIA station called the Annex in Benghazi, Libya. A team of six American security operators fought to repel the attackers and protect the Americans stationed there. Those men went beyond the call of duty, performing extraordinary acts of courage and heroism, to avert tragedy on a much larger scale. This is their personal account, never before told, of what happened during the thirteen hours of that now-infamous attack.

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    13 HOURS presents, for the first time ever, the true account of the events of September 11, 2012, when terrorists attacked the US State Department Special …





  • Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth 

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    Available in: NOOK Book (eBook), Hardcover, Audiobook, Other Format. CAN AMERICA SURVIVE ANOTHER CIVIL WAR?According to Michael Savage, OUR …


    According to Michael Savage, OUR NATION IS IN REAL TROUBLE and the seeds of a second conflagration have been sown.

    Not between the states – but between true patriots who believe in our nation’s founding principles and those he believes are working every day to undermine them and change the very nature of the country.

    Savage cut his teeth exposing the political left’s goals, tactics and actions as they attempt to tilt the country’s axis ever closer to socialism. In these pages he lays out his belief that lefties don’t want some to know… connecting the dots between their many frightening moves hiding in plain sight, and raising the not-so-obvious questions they don’t want people to ask:

    -How are recent changes to the Senate’s filibuster rules a thinly- veiled extension of big government’s limits on our civil rights?

    -Why have so many of our top military commanders been summarily pushed aside, after years of brave service?

    -When will the nefarious strategy of “purposeful incompetence” underlying Obamacare be exposed for what it is?

    -How is Obama’s feckless foreign policy not just weakening us in the world, but actually endangering our security at home as well?

    STOP THE COMING CIVIL WAR is a no-holds-barred tale as gripping as any movie script in which some super hero or secret agent saves the day. Except no one but We the People can save the country we love. A page-turner from start to finish, this [intelligent and principled] fervent warning offers the Savage truth — a call to action in the voting booth – in order to defend the freedoms our Constitution so brilliantly established.

    Read it and be ready to play your part in helping STOP THE COMING CIVIL WAR!

World’s First Robot Restaurant Open in China

World’s First Robot Restaurant Open in China


World’s First Robot Restaurant Open in China

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einsteins small
it‘s the first in the world

Robot Restaurant HARBIN


A restaurant in downtown Harbin, China, employs 20 robots

instead of humans that cook, serve and entertain its guests.

The restaurant opened in June 2012 and has since become a novelty spot in Heilongjiang provinces capital.
When a diner walks in, an usher robot extends their mechanic arm to the side and says
Earth person hello. Welcome to the Robot Restaurant
Patrons can then place their order, which is relayed by humans to one of the four robot chefs
who are able to cook various styles of dumplings and noodles.
Once the dish is prepared, a robot waiter, which runs along tracks on the floor, carries it from kitchen to table.
Prepared dishes are placed on a suspended conveyor belt and when the plate reaches the right table
the mechanical arms lift it off and set it down.
There`s a singing robot too !!!


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The robots are between four and five feet tall and can display 10 different facial expressions.
They can work continuously for five hours after a two-hour charge. But the staff doesn’t come cheap – each robot
costs between 200,000 to 300,000 hinese yuan (US$31,500 – US$47,000) with
an additional 5 million yuan (US$790,000) invested into the restaurant itself.

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Click here to join nidokidos
(Credit: Xinhua)
Harbin is one of the most genuinely unique places in China!!.
known for its annual ice festival, the city has many other marvels
, a huge tiger park
that travel faster than 300 km/h
a train
in temperatures as low as -40 degrees Celsius.
These are all cool, but Harbin is apparently not a city to rest on its laurels.
The Robot Restaurant opened in Harbin in June .
.robot Restaurant staffs a total of 20 robots as waiters, cooks and busboys..
The robots were designed and built by a local firm, the Harbin Haohai Robot Company.
Each robot costs between 200,000 to 300,000 Chinese yuan (US$31,500 US$47,000) with
an additional 5 million yuan (US$790,000) invested into the restaurant itself.
With the average Robot Restaurant meal costing less than 62 yuan (US$10),
the restaurant is not meant to earn Harbin Haohai money.
Instead, it turns out the restaurant is just a brilliant piece of marketing !!

 World’s First Robot Restaurant Open in China


Restaurant.com Three Products



Judicial Watch just announced, after years of trying, that it finally is getting release of documents

via the Public Information act that implicate Secretary of Justice, Eric Holder. Tom  of Judicial Watch made the announcement , noting that it has gone to court 160 times to get release of not only these papers but those of IRS government hidings, that may also be released soon..
Fast and furious involved allowing guns to be bought and sold, knowing they’d end up in South American drug cartels. The US government didn’t bother to track the guns and Holder was the main one who signed off to allow hundreds of deaths among innocent South Americans.
Donations may be made to JudicialWatch.org where one can also

COMING SOON!  Top 10 Scandals of Obama Administration in Review

Click here to subscribe to   mailing list*

Not just Benghazi, or IRS, or Obamacare but 10 Top Scandals




Cell Phone Addiction, Smart

Phone Culture –10% Off

Phone Covers, Tshirts

Tired of seeing folks, including your own friends staring down at their cell phones – or – are you one of them? Here’s a perfect gift for them – or anyone who loves or hates ‘cell phone stare,’ America’s preoccupation with cell phones! In honor of the new Iphone 6, we’re offering 10% OFF All Cell Phone Covers with above design or customizable. Next time, perhaps,we’ll sell the Elizabethan collars, too. cell phone addiction, cell phones in school, cell phone recon,cell phone addition, signs of addition, history of cell phones, upcoming cell phones, put down your cell phone

SHOP and WIN – PCH – Publishers Clearing House

SHOP and WIN – PCH – Publishers Clearing House




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Donna Reed’s PAUL PETERSON Not Afraid To Speak Out Win Disneyland Tickets

Donna Reed’s PAUL PETERSON Not Afraid To Speak Out Win Disneyland Tickets



Not to pigeonhole PAUL PETERSON or typecast him as the son on the great DONNA REED show we watched and loved in the late 50s, early 60s – he’s done a lot more since then including acting and helping fellow child stars cope with growing up during changing times…
 And… he’s one of the few, perhaps, to speak his mind on the shape of today’s society.
For example, while so many early artists dismiss ‘rap’ as ‘acceptable kids’ music of today,Peterson comes right out and says for what it is: one of the many signs of cultural decline.
If more people stood up like Peterson, perhaps it wouldn’t solve problems of today but it might help.  (We don’t mean to preach, but were buoyed by Paul’s words. Here are Paul’s words, directly. (We won’t wish you a happy birthday quite yet. We know the feeling…)

Donna Reed’s PAUL PETERSON Not Afraid To ‘Tell It

Like It Is’

WmPaul Petersen (Facebook  9-17)

I love the birthday greetings, believe me I do, but my Birthday is on the 23rd of this month…Don’t rush me. 69 is going to be bad enough!!!


I have a few Housekeeping notes in addition to putting the brakes on birthday wishes; 1st, I don’t play Internet games, so please don’t ask for my participation. 2nd, please stop using my Timeline for your commercial purposes. It’s not fair, and an encroachment on my ability to communicate freely with my friends. 3rd, please continue to keep me posted on your personal lives. I read everything and cherish all of these FB friendships.

Now then, to some personal observations regarding the recent NFL controversies (which virtually ruined my weekend’s viewing pleasure) as they relate to children, women and social responsibility:
NFL professionals, (college graduates in the main), are NOT wanton criminals. In fact, the NFL players have HALF the rate of Criminality as their peer group when measured against Race, Gender and Age. This is true for Whites, Blacks and Others in professional sports. Don’t let the media frenzy fool you.

Cultural Values are at the root of our problems. Rap Music, Popular Entertainment, the spreading blight of ‘body art’ and the cowardice of the Popular Press (some call them “Press-titutes”) are all signs of cultural decline.
“Judge not, lest ye be judged” often prevents overt political action, especially for those who believe in Western Civilization’s Values, but “money talks and losers walk” is a fact of life.

Poisoned money is distorting the images that are suffocating our culture. Our media has been kidnapped by the Forces of Evil. If the resolution of storylines relies on unconstitutional mechanism you are witnessing covert influence. If an entire network is funded by Islamic money you are subjected to propaganda, not entertainment. When crucial news is denied to you by poisoned money or political influence you are vulnerable to political whims.
I understand Popular Culture. Please take a word from the Wise.

Wake Up. ‘

Paul Petersen


Donna Reed’s PAUL PETERSON Not Afraid To Speak Out Win Disneyland Tickets



OBAMA 9/11 SPEECH – OBAMA DECLARES WAR IN IRAQ (without calling it war)

OBAMA 9/11 SPEECH – OBAMA DECLARES WAR IN IRAQ (without calling it war)

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IRAQ (without calling it war)


WAR in Iraq
Obama also said there would be ‘no boots on the ground,’ though it’s hard to call the 475 new troops being sent over for administrative purposes and to train Iragi forces NOT books on the ground. All told, with the new additions there should be roughly or exactly 1100 American
helping out the war effort in Iraq.


Without giving a number, The President said there would be a ‘broad coalition’ working with the US in Iraq. Upon further checking we learned of only nine countries agreeing to work with the U.S.
in the new depolyment. President Bush II entered Irag during his presidency with a full 37 countries on the U.S. coalition.


With any significant help from abroad, that leaves the weak Iraq army helping us, or us helping them.  Look what happened last time we were in Iraq and , then, with a stronger Iraq army.  Doesn’t look good…


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It’s How You Say It’
Sometimes it’s as much or more important the way one phrases something than than the actual actions. Obama , in his speech, was sure to tell republican congress members
words , in effect, with regard to bomping the Isis:
‘I can do it myself but it would be good to get the support of Congress. Why not just tell his cronies that he would appreciat their support, rather than couch it with the opening back-handed compliment that he could ‘do it himself’?


‘Core Principles’ – A rather strange mention by Obama was one of his ‘core principles’ having to do with countries or groups that attacked the United States would be attacked back, perhaps a core principle Obama just made up for the day…
Look for a new book…
New book from author living in Israel