Could New York Times Slant on Israel-Arab  conflict Affect National Support, Outcome?

This morning I picked up my local  ‘news’ paper in the driveway , opened it and couldn’t believe my eyes!
The Contra Costa Times was passing on filtered ‘news’ via the New York Times feed with as slanted a headline and lead story as you will ever see. But, it’s pretty commonplace as  of the last decade among America’s ‘finest’ newspapers?!

I could imagine what my high school journalism teacher  would have thought 40 years ago of a headline like above.  Unfortuately, many readers today will take such headlines and articles at face value without really checking into the stories – or knowing the background. Were they aware that  the Israel strikes have only come as a last ditch effort to protect its little country following hundreds of missle attacks from neighboring Palestine in prior days? And, yes, Israel civilians have been killed , too , but you won’t read that.
Typical example of how the New York Times and  most US media have changed how they report ‘news’  over the years to the point its hardly real news anymore but slanted fluff to appease Publisher Egos and the left-leading media complex we see today –  and perhaps to help get certain people elected
Add in the sub-headline that children were among the dead and that Israeli prime minister warns of more attacks.  The article is already filled with so much filtered tripe why even bother reading on but, while we’re at it ,  we read of Israeli’s ‘bombardment of the Gaxa Strip’ – nothing about the Palestine initiation of hundreds of rockets days prior to the Israeli attacks. Only much further down the article, which many will never get to, do we learn of the Palestinian attacks.
So, you ask, what might be a better headline for this aritcle? How about ‘Israeli Responds to Palestinian Attacks ‘  Subhead could read: Unintended Arab civilian casualties product of war

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Please don’t believe everything that meets the eye as gospel – and pass that on to the younger generation, who don’t even read newspapers anymore… And, perhaps that’s why the newspapers are doing this. They’re already on life support and willl obviously go after any straws to  survive.. Sad