CONGRATS TO SENTAOR RAND PAUL and sorry that Sentators McCain and Graham went against this one after standing up so well on Benghazi… Everyday there are new surprises. Just the past 24 hours... March 6, the administration’s Council on Global Warming was to have a special meeting but it was cancelled due to cold weather. True story. Meanwhile, the Republican committee still kept it’s meeting on the usage of Drones. – – – – The late leader Hugo Chavez of Venezuela had a lot in common with President Obama. Obama was the first Us President (of four) to see somewhat eye to eye with Chavez. Obama followed in Chavez’ footsteps in this regard: They both improved the poverty rate, cutting the number of people in poverty by taking from the wealthy and giving to the poor. Meanwhile, both Venezuela’s and the u.s. eocnomy took big nose diveS, nearly doubling the debt from before these leaders too office – – – –
Looking back and ahead. Obama promised to reduce taxes on average by $2,500 but, instead, he’s seen them increase by $3,500 and rising, due largely to ‘Obama care’. Obama likes to structure things so that the pain comes later rather than early (so he doesn’t have to face the music, so to speak… so look for continued tax hikes, during and especially about the time Obama leaves office. – – – – Now, we learn that First Lady Michelle and new Secretary of State john Kerry are honoring international women tonight including Samir Ibrahim, a known anti-Semite (see her tweets if not recently taken down ……
Finally, interesting watching the Justice Department Oversight committee on Cspan, Senator Grassley and others questioning Attorney General Eric Holder not only on his decisions on things like not prosecuting criminals, but , worse, in most cases not even responding to memos sent to him… Also, interesting to hear Holder speaking the common mantra of ‘bringing to justice’ various people who have killed our soldiers, rather than addressing internal issues that may have caused or contributed to killings… We heard that often about Benghazi but four months later we appear to closer to finding the killers. There was HOlder, basically reading a litany of talking points praising his supossed achievements… Interspersed with this we watched as Senator Rand Paul courageously stood up to filibuster the ‘automatic’ induction of the prospective new attorney general John Bolden…Interesting also to hear Holder continue on with ‘transparancy,’ saying the government is NOT able to be so transparant as we’ve all been told they are …To hear Eric Holder difficulty answer Senator Ted Cruz’ simple question whether it was constitutional to kill a US bystander with a drone. Cruz also questioned Holder on the many instances where the Justice Dept. has not upheld laws including ‘fast and furious