HILLARY’S AMERICA E-book: From Whitewater to Email Gate via Benghazi Uncovering The REAL Hillary Clinton and the Hidden Agenda of the Democrat Party in Review and Analysis featuring BENGHAZI TIMELINE, EMAIL-GATE and TOP 10 SCANDALS plus BONUS Pages of Colorful Memes and Videos plus Advance Movie Ticket Access

GREAT AGAIN – Donald J Trump In this book (previously published as Crippled America), There has never been a more dangerous time. The politicians and special interests in Washington, DC are directly responsible . How we make Great again

CLINTON CASH – Peter Schweizer In 2000, Bill and Hillary Clinton owed millions of dollars in legal debt. Since then, they’ve earned over $130 million. Where did the money come from? Most people assume that the Clintons amassed their wealth through lucrative book deals and high-six figure fees for speaking

HILLARY The Other Woman by Dolly Kyle – Dolly Kyle met former president Clinton (Billy as she calls him) on a Hot Springs golf course when she was eleven and he was almost thirteen. Their friendship grew throughout high school and college. It became a decades-long affair that lasted until she became a political liability, and he threatened to destroy her

ARMAGEDDON -Dick Morris The 2016 election is truly America’s Armageddon—the ultimate and decisive battle to save America, a fight to defeat Hillary Clinton and the forces seeking to flout our constitutional government and replace it with an all-powerful president backed up by an activist judiciary that answers to no one.

CRISIS OF CHARACTER – GARY J BYRNE In this runaway #1 New York Times bestseller, former secret service officer Gary Byrne, who was posted directly outside President Clinton’s oval office, reveals what he observed of Hillary Clinton’s character and the culture inside the White House while protecting the First Family.
ELECTION CENTRAL -Home of the Not-So-Silent Majority
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