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by admin | May 14, 2009 | A's, Baseball, Giants, Winning
The A’s continue to lose the one run games as much as the Giants win them.Like yesterday, again the Chicago White Sox, losing 4-3. At the same time the Giants were losing to the Cubs, but it was 11-4.
If you’re going to lose, may as well lose big. I’d rather lose my a big score by one run.
What does this all mean in the greater scheme of thing?
It’s another indicator in the management of a team. When a team consistently loses by one run, can’t come up with the clutch strategy to plate that winningrun, one must look beyond the players. If you’re that close in games, you shouldwin your share. With Manager Bochy, the giants recently won three of six games in ‘walk-off’
I can’t remember the last time the A’s had a walk off win.
A good team should have its share of one run wins. The A’s are a good team,with a better team ERA than the Giants and comparable batting average, yet theGiants are able to win the close ones the A’s don’t. Even though the Giants arenot a fast team, they manage to run themselves into runs when they need to.Force a walk, steal a base, perhaps rattle the pitcher and force an erro, a sacrifice fly – all without beneift of a hit!
The Giants play smart baseball – and I’m not a Giants fan. In fact I don’tlike them. GM Sabean deals in steroid players – there are stil some on the team – and hewon the series in September , after bringing in convicted steroid user Jose Guillen, w, who with the help of newbie, Cody Ross, ‘infected’ the Giants, asiit were, from a .500 team in July to a playoff team and then World Series champs. I go into detail elsewhere forthose interested, as too many have turned a blind eye or don’t care , or both.I have a big issue here as an ‘old school’ baseball fan…at and http://www.BayAreaCoupons.infobut that’s a sidetrack, and I apologize, but feel the need to speak out on thisjust as I did on Bonds, while everyone else thought Barry hitting homers ata Ruthinan in his 40s was normal and great! I think it cheating, just as I have lost all respect for my previous faves McGwire and Conseco and their steroid abuse.
So,getting back on track, A’s manager Bob Geren has had good players to work with the past four years but cannot come up with a winning record, the firstmanager under Beane NOT to have a winning record. As long as Geren is at the helmexpect the same. Pitching takes care of itself, for the most part, but to buildan offense a good offensive strategy, especially in late innings, is necesary, alathe Giants and Bochy, as much as I hate to admit it.
Eventually, Beane will be forced to fire his buddy, Geren, as remaining A’s fansgrow increasingly resentful and the fanbase dwindles even further. (And owner Wolfand Co. wonder why there are so few fans at the games.)
I can’t stand mediocrity but that’s what we’re been getting at least the last four years with the A’s. Great pitching , yes, but it is spoiled by poor team play and lack of a winning style. Geren doesn’t bunt, hardly steals,over uses some players (eg Fuentes) and doesn’t play others enough(eg hot hitter Sweeney). I could go on… With different managers over the past decade the A’s could have and should have had at least 3 or 4 league championships and probably a world series entry or two.
As good as a trader Billy Beane can be, he better FACE FACT that THE MANAGER CAN MAKE A DIFFERNCE! He must swallow his ego and find a strong manager and let him MANAGE! If Beane truly can’t watch games because he gets too upset whenthey lose, how does he think A’s fans feel. Or does he care. Secretly, I think perhaps the management is just riding things out as they try to move the team. Thankfully, for once, commissioner Selig, in his usual plodding way, isn’t helping them and the agony goes on… At least Oakland still has a team, I guess.
by admin | May 12, 2009 | Baseball, Sports, Winning
Glaring Differences
A’s and Giants
Managers and
Management 5-11
To Billy Beane, the manager may not make a difference but don’t tell that to suffering A’s fans, who after nearly four years have had more than enough of Bob Geren. Now, previous Beane managers Macha and Howe are looking good, by comparison; at least they were winners.
MLB San Francisco Giants 2010 World Series Championship Carousel
Why would a manager continue NOT to play his best hitter, Ryan Sweeney (.364 as of 5-11) on a regular basis, at least while he’s hot?. Instead , Geren continues to run out ‘Mendoza line’ hitters like Ellis, DeJesus and Barton – and even worse, Geren is batting Barton second!. A smart manager like Giants’ Bochy will play the hot hitters. Geren just runs out the same players, hoping one day they’ll hit. GM Beane has his favorites and will resign an Ellis for 6 mill, saying we need his defense. And, don’t blame the low averages totally on the A’s hitters, themselves. I’ll bet just a manager change would bump up players’ averages. These guys are not .200 hitters but, among other things, Geren doesn’t inspire.. He is bland, deer-in-the-headlights kind of guy. Perhaps they don’t have a lot of other choices – and Geren isn’t doing anything to inspire these hitters, As we’ve seen with Apier , Holliday and so many others, when we trade guys away away they suddenly get better!
A’s now have a lineup of yes men. As a caller to the great Rick Tittle just said , the A’s have assembled a team of ‘yes’ players. Gone are the Milton Bradleys. These guys won’t complain. While hot hitting Sweeney sits, he doesn’t complain. Maybe the A’s need s