FREE Certification – US Concealed Carry – Lessons Online -⠀ In coordination with our state certified trainer we have prepared a free & simple online concealed carry survey. This 6 question survey represents the first step in qualifying for your permit.
Now for a change of pace…Same world, different place. It is possible, for now.
escape the pandemic…
Bay Area Backroads presents…
Time for a Change of Pace
You’d think that Napa would be another Carmel by now, what with its world reknown wineries and reputation. Yet, only a few hundred feet off the famed Silverado Trail or Hwy 29 much of Napa is just the opposite of what you see at those other tourist destinations: An area untouched by the gentrification – one could easily believe he or she is time traveling back to Napa as it was in the 1950s or even 1940s. Just spending some time on one main artery of town, Jefferson St. , made us appreciate this throwback of a town and how city fathers have kept big business from changing that old charm as you see happening in so many Bay Area towns and nationwide. With the ‘quickening’ of society it’s refreshing to find places like this that remind us of the ‘happy days’ before pandemics and polarization. Never seen so many American flags. Only 45 minutes from the Bay Area- Check it out HERE
What a crying shame, I say. Lots of my old friends ruined. It ain’t fair. I’m sorry but Gruesome Newsome, oops, it slipped. I’m sorry but the Guvner could do a little better saving these old bidnesses, I say. What ‘ya think?It shouldn’t be all about politics…. Let them have a little more say – -JB
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