– Poorly Secured Libyan Embassy even after many requests by Ambassador Stevens and others
– Refusal to send in military jets during terrorist attack to at least try to stave off terrorist attackers
– Denial of terrorist attack, after the fact, for a full two weeks: ‘ It was a protest over a Youtube video’
– Refusal to give true details eight months later, only false promises that the purpetrators ‘will be brought to justice.’
– FOUR DEAD AMERICANS – America Wants Answers How it happened and Who did it
1) Promise an investigation and that purpetrators ‘will be brought to justice.’
2) Stonewall for months
3) Refuse to talk ‘pending the investigation.’
4) String along the ‘investigation’ for many months until , hopefully, people will forget Benghazi
5) When people ask , ‘What REALLY Happened,’ just tell them ‘ Oh, that was so long ago…’
Pick One:

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