News You Probably Didn’t Hear About in Mainstream Media

(Also see ARCHIVES at https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story/) If it seems like most of these stories we report ,below, target the mainstream media and Dems its because those involve the stories mostly not covered or which were highly edited. There are promising signs out there now with new News Nation TV and Twitter removing one-sided restrictions
Michael Moore’s Unlikely, Honest Speech from 2016 on Why Americans Will Elect Trump >

–Pennsylvania early voting numbers sound fishy
How do they come up with the exactly even number that 1 million Democrats have already voted in Pennsylvania and only 580, 000 Republicans , especially when you have someone like Scott Pressler out there canvassing unlike anybody else. Leading to questions if if the if the Republicans are really that far behind they better get going but more than likely that’s there’s something wrong in the numbers . how are these numbers calculated in who is behind these numbers . you know something seems a little smelly here and let’s get to the bottom of it right now with only two weeks left
-And now the Democrats have leaked all the Israeli plans to Iran if you believe it or not
–Whatever Trump is for the Democrats will say he’s for the opposite and many of the things they say he’s four he’s not that they are for -like democracy he claims tropical destroy democracy when in fact they’re the ones that are destroying democracy another one is weaponization they say he’s weaponizing well they’re the ones indictments and putting half of his cabinet in jail ,i.e ‘he he’s going to put all the Democrat leaders in jail⁷
-Kamala Harris is doing so badly even her own Democrats are siding with Trump and aligning themselves to pick up on the Trump momentum . we’re talking about Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin and Bob Casey in Pennsylvania and Sharod Brown in Ohio
‘-ENEMY FROM WITHIN’ Trump Comment totally mischaracterized by media
The media has totally taken Fox’ Maria Bartiromo’s question out of context after she asked Trump about if he won the election and he said there would be concern, just like Biden said about violence after election results. ‘ the enemy within ‘ comme t was with respect to violence on Election Day if Trump won. media totally left out her question and left out the context. Trump said to keep people safe we may have to call out the military to quell the violence if it erupts. whereas the media will have you believe that Trump wants the military out there shooting people randomly
Recent weeks’ events in politics summarize in photos and tweets >>>
Trump Against the Machine
Biden Administration Middle East War Paradox. Biden-Kamala wanted Israel to cease fire and now that Israel was able to get Yaya SinWar now they’re all in support of that… You can’t have it both ways Biden and Kamala, who just came first To take advantage of the situation, take kudos.
If Israel had listened to Biden Administration they would not have achieved this feat.
It was Sinwar who was holding up the peace negotiations and no w itIsrael has done such a good job of removing him this should enable or help greatly the peace efforts ans hostage chances. if there’s a chance of peace and the Biden admin Tried to prevent this

Trump Against the Machine
–Biden Administration Mkddle East War Paradox. Biden-Kamala wanted Israel to cease fire and now that Israel was able to get Yaya SinWar now they’re all in support of that… You can’t have it both ways Biden and Kamala, who just came first To take advantage of the situation, take kudos.
If Israel had listened to Biden Administration they would not have achieved this feat.
It was Sinwar who was holding up the peace negotiations and no w itIsrael has done such a good job of removing him this should enable or help greatly the peace efforts ans hostage chances. if there’s a chance of peace and the Biden admin Tried to prevent this

Garvey might have been wise to get Trump out here to help him rather than trying to pick up Democrats By ignoring Trum
Garvey vs Schiff in CA debate recap. CAN ‘hidden’ Garvey Continue to move the needle enough in 3 weeks? https://www.youtube.com/live/MAwcqrbx_4g?si=3XhAbirSwvaeiGz9
War on truth- relativism
from Rich V a l d e s)
Cultural diversity, DEI and the like
Example: absolutist religion as practiced more by Republicans versus openness or relativist religion as practiced by democrats like Pelosi and Biden
Media are relativists basing their truth on consequence. with them its Okay to change the rules if it favors their needs or agenda i. E. Situational truth.
this basically means getting rid of a standard set of rules for everyone and having two sets which could destroy and probably would destroy Society as it is doing right now. People can’t talk to each other because there’s disagreement on near everything. Take for example discussing the election and the polling well Democrats say there persons they had even if scientific research shows Trump is ahead and that’s been born out and passed elections where they claim their person as a head I.E Hillary Clinton in 2016 and she loses big.
There was a time not long ago when news reporters or anchors lost their jobs, like Dan Rather and Brian Williams, the latter
removed from his position on “NBC Nightly News” after admitting to fabricating details about a story while covering the Iraq War.
- Today it’s rare to see a journalist (so called ) get fired for misreporting ; they only get fired for doing personal nasty things like the guy on The Today Show or the night time interviewer on PBS. Today if you do get fired you get rehired like Jeffrey Tubin and Brian stelter both of CNN. ‘Plausible Deniability’ is another form of ev ading the truth as Joe Bidens brother came right out and admitted as an excuse for not accurately answering questions posed to them even under oath.Today we see Dem candidates like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz simply not answer questions or ‘answering’ with non-related nonsequiters and ‘word salads’, the new expression of the year. It’s gotten so bad that even Democrat leaning SNL is doing spoofs on Kamala and Waltz.
Democrats are living in a bubble today no longer able to handle real truth. For Democrats truth can be related to culture for example foreigners coming into our country bring different cultures and different truths, so say Democrats so therefore it’s okay -there’s no one truth they say. Which is one reason we see Democrats desire to bring in foreigners to our country, legal or otherwise . And it can get dangerous with people like Haitians believing in voodoo.
form of ev ading the truth as Joe Bidens brother came right out and admitted as an excuse for not accurately answering questions posed to them even under oath.Today we see Dem candidates like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz simply not answer questions or ‘answering’ with non-related nonsequiters and ‘word salads’, the new expression of the year. It’s gotten so bad that even Democrat leaning SNL is doing spoofs on Kamala and Waltz.
Democrats are living in a bubble today no longer able to handle real truth. For Democrats truth can be related to culture for example foreigners coming into our country bring different cultures and different truths, so say Democrats so therefore it’s okay -there’s no one truth they say. Which is one reason we see Democrats desire to bring in foreigners to our country, legal or otherwise . And it can get dangerous with people like Haitians believing in voodoo.
And so without the glue of real truth and rules holding us together we see unraveling ofsociety
Israel Jewish Homeland Timeline 2,000 /Years

Interior Secretary Mayorkas said that the government does not have funds to get thru the hurricane season
If someone says,
“I can’t believe you would vote for Trump.”

Actor Kevin Sorbo:
That moment when someone says, “I can’t believe you would vote for Trump.”
I simply reply, “I’m not voting for Trump.”
I’m voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I’m voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I’m voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I’m voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
I’m voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world – to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made.
I’m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we have actually have flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country. I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.
I’m voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.
I’m voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.
I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.
I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.
I’m not just voting for one person, I’m voting for the future of my Country.
I’m voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future. voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I’m voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
I’m voting for the next Supreme Court Justice(s) to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement and reducing inflation.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I’m voting for the Electoral College and for the Republic in which we live.
I’m voting for the Police to be respected once again and to ensure Law & Order. I am tired of all the criminals having a revolving door and being put back in the street.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for keeping our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over the world – to China, Mexico and other foreign countries. I want USA made.
I’m voting for secure borders and have legal immigration. I can’t believe we have actually have flown 380,000 illegal immigrants into our country. I am voting for doing away with all of the freebies given to all of the illegals and not looking after the needs of the American citizens.
I’m voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country to give the American people their freedoms.
I’m voting for the unborn babies that have a right to live.
I’m voting for peace progress in the Middle East.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.
I’m voting for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I am voting for the return of teaching math, history, and science instead of indoctrination of our children and pronouns.
I’m not just voting for one person, I’m voting for the future of my Country.
I’m voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.

Anniversary of Viet Nam War
We lost 60,000 U.S. military men in 10 years during Viet Nam War. That was bad but today we’re losing 100,000 A YEAR to fentanyl

30% of Democrats wanted Trump dead by assassin
30% of Democrats want him dead by assassins bullet. (Rassmussen) Donald Trump is still In the Dems bullseye unbelievably! Speak out NOW! Deep State knew Iran threat years ago but
did nothing (whistleblower-Bongino-Ingraham) Iran and Deep State gunning for No 3, SPEAK OUT!
Counter surveillance team was Purposely left off detail!! >>>Report: https://www.yahoo.com/news/secret-failures-trump-rally-shooting-090313267.html
U.S. was unanimous in its grief over killing of a President in 1963. This is beyond belief how so many feel this way about one of the most successful presidents In history. SPEAK OUT before we have another Nov 22, 1963 which many of us still haven’t gotten over!!!

Secret Service supposedly covering Trump was not Made up of secret service agents but Homeland Security, such as it was, and locals because the Secret Service was short-handed and they called on locals and only gave them one hour Zoom training -hard to believe! Tons of questions must be answered but nobody is saying anything just like they’re not telling us anything about the the killer, 20 year old killer Crooks was still ab le to kill one and seriously injure several more -Information courtesy of whistleblowers. if this information had not been provided or even maybe researched as it was supposed to have been by the Secret Service and reported by the media we would have been totally in the dark: Representative Josh Holly: ” the only reason we know about this is thanks to the whistleblowers. “
Only 20% of prime age people roughly 17 to 30 now qualify for the service due to people not being having high of ttests tests or taking drugs or not being in the right shape obese Etc
RUSSIA 3.0 – Putin Makes Fool of Garland, Another Election Interference https://roadtosuccess.us/russia-3-0-putin-makes-fool-of-garland-another-election-interference/
Question for ABC moderators to ask Kamala tonight at debate (which won’t be asked): what were you doing at DNC on January 6th when somebody found a pipe Bomb right outside where were you and how come nobody has said anything about it?
Related texts & emails were destroyed
If it was really a training exercise as the dems are telling us why were all the texts and emails destroyed?
Also, why don’t we know more about Thomas Crook, the would be killer of Donald Trump ,and who and why was his body cremated before any test could be done or if they were done we have no information
Join Trump Force 47
Trump Force 47 is the official army of volunteer neighborhood organizers working together to defeat Kamala Harris and the far-left liberal democrats.
Your small time commitment will have a big impact on the outcome of November’s elections.
Go To: TrumpForce47.com
Nuclear World War 3, Civilization Could Be Over In Hours – ROAD TO SUCCESS https://roadtosuccess.us/nuclear-world-war-3-civilization-could-be-over-in-hours/
NEW Coffee Table BOOK from President Trump
RUSSIA 3.0 – Putin Makes Fool of Garland, Another Election Interference
Can’t make it up. One day after AG Merritt Garland tells us that the Russians are back again interfering with our election- of course assuming that they’re helping Trump- Russian leader Putin comes out and endorses Kamala! I love it . haha Merritt Garland you fool . Good job Putin!
You probably won’t see this on the mainstream media but if Putin endorsed Trump instead-as Garland would have loved- you’d see wall to wall coverage in the mainstream media
Shark Tank’s Kevin O’Leary says he won’t invest in blue States like New York California New Jersey Massachusetts and others wear taxes are high and profits are lower comparatively speaking then in red States and the encouragement for business people is not what it should be
Shark Tanks Kevin O’leary:
Says Judge Joe Brown who worked with her for years in San Francisco…
Judge Joe Brown: Kamala Harris a CASTING COUCH HOE PIECE OF SH*T
Gloria Romero, former Democratic State Senate leader, joins Republican Party
The announcement is met with praise from GOP leaders, cynicism from regional Democrats
Non-citizen homicides are up in this country 941% and robberies non-citizen robberies are up 600% per Brian Mudd (AP
215 PROVEN incidents of voter fraud (AP
10,500 illegal immigrants found registered to vote in just Texas and Florida and many already voted
Nuclear World War 3, Civilization Could Be Over In Hours – ROAD TO SUCCESS
“In Nuclear War: A Scenario, Annie Jacobsen gives us a vivid picture of what could happen if our nuclear guardians fail…Terrifying.”—Wall Street Journal
We are closer to nuclear war that can wipe us out in minutes or hours than ever before and most people are totally unaware and unconcerned of this reality. For the first time in history there are several nuclear threats and with two major Wars and another Possible Ukraine in Taiwan due to a unresponsive, weak US government with a vacationing figurehead who doesnt talk but provokes. It is very true we’re in danger of World War 3 breaking out at any time. The scary thing is that for the first time war could last for only minutes and hours with the world powers wiped out by the real nuclear threat. Never before has this been so true as today with an unhinged Iran now with nuclear capability or very close to having full nuclear capability for the first time since the Biden and Obama admins have enabled Iran with millions and millions of dollars . we have been betrayed by our leaders and their war machine. I live each day as if it could be the last and perhaps you should and will too after reading this book.

(In fact, a Democrat friend asked me today to help him better understand what’s going on since he knew he wasn’t getting the true story from Youtube, where he gets his news. )
OR COVERED AT ALL BY MEDIA* (In fact, a Democrat friend asked me today to help him better understand what’s going on since he knew he wasn’t getting the true story from Youtube, where he gets his news. )
☀ This is a public service for my friends and anyone interested . Set yourself and our dear United States up for success!
I’ve been following the election run up pretty closely. I always try to keep an open mind just like a lot of my mentors did – REAL journalists like like Walter Cronkite , Tim Russert and even my high school journalism teacher, who always insisted that I report equally on both sides of news stories. (She would even get very upset if I didn’t interview people from both sides of issues-and she was correct.)
I watch , read and listen to just about everything I can get my hands or eyes on and I’ve been pretty troubled lately to see a lot of one-sided reporting like I’ve never seen before. I’m certainly not going to tell you who to vote for but I will just suggest you keep an open mind and consider the sources and not just the same one or two.
I believe that we’re living in a very dangerous time during which many people are unaware by not taking the time to dig deep and search out the real news or because they are listening to only one or two sources. And, I totally understand because until the last 5 or 10 years I never took the time to really investigate what I was reading snd learning on the news. Or was too busy with other things and didn’t really care. Many today are getting their news through social media like tick tock which is anything but balanced reporting. But now is the time to care. We’re living In a nuclear age for the first time – the first time when Our Lives can be snuffed out in minutes with little or no warning.
Never before in my life have I seen our Administration turn against our number one Ally in the world, Israel, after suffering their own ‘9-11.’ This has resulted in a year-long war in the mid East like nothing since World War II.
We’ve seen a seemingly never-ending war in Russia – Ukraine . It probably would have never started in the first place with stronger leadership. Then, an assassination attempt that was totally botched by an inept Secret Service that only got lucky because Trump turned his head, the details of which have still not fully been reported or ignored by mainstream media and slow-walking investigators. None of the guilty were even fired , only a handful put on paid-leave.
I am an independent, neither a Democrat nor Republican but more of a ‘ no labels’ kind of person- I always looked up to to former Democrat Joe Lieberman , who started ‘No Labels,’ but, sadly, passed away recently. May the truth be told, regardless of party. Source your information, double check and triple check in this era of opinion news and ‘fake news’ (over 70% no longer trust the news, according to a Harvard study , below)
‘Journalists and politicians have become ensnared in a symbiotic web of lies that misleads the public.’ (Peter Vanderwicken, Harvard Business Review) Some of these connections are dated but they set up what we have today – and non wonder ratings don’t matter to them
‘Much of what appears in the press as business news is corporate propaganda.’ continues VANDERWICKEN

Last Friday, RFK Jr held an significant press conference during which I learned a lot from and you may, too, below

TRANSCRIPT of Robert F Kennedy Jr speech 8-23-24:
(Please note below transcription was done electrically and there are some points that were not transcribed correctly. We tried to fix them as best we could).
“Democracy today is a little more than a slogan for at least one of the political parties to throw me and other candidates off the ballot and try to throw president Trump in jail . It ran a sham primary that was rigged to prevent any serious challenge . The same shadowy DNC operatives appointed his successor (Kamala Harris) – also without an election- they install the candidate who was so unpopular voters that she dropped out in 2020 without winning a single delegate.
“My uncle and my father both relished debate, ‘ continued RFK Jr in a 35-minute press conference by independent candidate Robert F Kennedy Jr in Phoenix outlining the current state of affairs, as in these excerpts:
“President Trump, who actually was nominated and won an election, also does interviews daily. How did the Democratic party choose a candidate (Kamala Harris) who has never done an interview or debate during the entire election cycle. We know the answers . They did it by weaponizing the government agencies . The Democratic Party… has kept me and others from free expression and that’s the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest. Vladimir Putin’s 88% landslide in Russian elections observing that Putin and his party controlled the Russian press and that is serious opponents from appearing on the ballot. For year in America the DNC also prevented opponents from appearing on the ballot and our television networks expose themselves over the course of more than a year in a campaign where my poll numbers reached at times in the high 20s. On Fox I gave 34 interviews ; in contrast, during the 16 months since I declared ABC NBC CBS MSNBC and CNN combined gave only two live interviews for me. The Democratic Party… has kept me and others from free expression and that’s the very right upon which all of our other constitutional rights rest. I’ll just take a moment to ask you to consider the many ways do you have a free press to safeguard democracy’.
FBI joins other Government Admin organizations obfuscating Assassination Attempt
When WE first heard the latest update by the FBI on the assassination attempt of trump WE thought ‘ what a lame cover-up’. If they don’t want to get to the truth they be better off saying something that would make more sense rather than to question the motive. Of course we know the motive was to kill Trump and then it was probably for political reasons with all the threats in the air right before an election.
Why not give us the actual search results rather than to say there were threats by searches for both Trump and Biden.? With all the anti- Trump rhetoric in the media there were likely a lot more threats on Trump than they were on Biden and why not lay those out? Just another admin cover-up, in our opinion – and hopefully yours. We sure haven’t learned much about the shooter Thomas Cooks after more than a month. You think they’d have the results by now that it’s not too hard to figure it out when it’s all on the internet from searches and emails. It’s unlikely that crooks was after both Biden and Trump equally. It’s really sad to see something as serious as a assassination attempt being treated lightly before an election at least from what the public is seeing

Secret Service problem was not being fixed- 3 Problems:
1) technology -they rely on yesterday’s technology tomorrow
- they thought they could do more with last but they did less with more
3 they should not be doing criminal investigations which takes away from their real mission of security
ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT Update: Incompetence or Intent?
Was Thomas Crooks the Lee Harvey Oswald of 2024 without the results ? Who was he working for with all his foreign connections? The $3 billion dollar Secret Service Agency was outsmarted by this 20 year old kid with little resources. Nothing has changed at the FBI, nobody has been fired and they’re supposed investigation is being slow walked and Congress is not doing anything other than a small group of Republicans headed by Chip Roy, Matt Gaetz , Andy Biggs, etc A successful assassination could happen soon without more being done and now! IS THIS INCOMPETENCE OR INTENT?
Top 11 Reasons Why President Trump Won The 2020 Election and 31 More Add Up to Absolute Proof
Grandma jailed for defying Walz’s COVID rules issues stark warning: ‘America needs to know’
ELECTION 2024 : Kamala Vs Trump
see link below
Kamala vs Trump Common Sense Facts- PASS IT ON!
Now, Kamala Harris versus Donald Trump, just the facts. You can fact check this, it’s all true.
- She graduated from Hastings College of Law.
- The law school’s ranked 82nd out of 196 law schools.
- She graduated, she took her bar exam, she failed.
- She has never had her own business, never had any of her own employees, ever.
- From 2017 to 2021, she served in the California Senate.
- During those four years, she worked on 164 pieces of legislation, not one of them ever became law.
- What makes it worse is that she’s a liberal governing in a liberal state and she was still zero for 164.
- So during the four years, she accomplished nothing.
- As vice president, she has a record, the lowest approval rating ever in the history of this country, 28%.
Donald J. Trump:
- He graduated from Penn’s Wharton School of Business.
- It’s ranked number one out of 124 business schools in the country.
- He has run many businesses over 53 years, employed hundreds of thousands of employees over that time.
- Currently, he has 22,450 employees split between men and women.
- That equates to hundreds of millions of dollars over time that have flowed into the economy.
Personally, I don’t just vote blindly along party lines. I just vote common sense. Let me keep it simple. If your parents had a company and you inherited this company and you didn’t want to or couldn’t run it yourself, who would you pick to run it? Kamala or Trump? Someone that has never run anything or someone that has run companies worth billions?
Now let me extrapolate for a second. Forget about this company I was saying your parents own. What I’m really talking about is a company called the United States of America. Again, please, common sense. Thanks. Bye-bye.
ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT Update Incompetence or Intent?
Was Thomas Crooks the Lee Harvey Oswald of 2024 without the results ? Who was he working for with all his foreign connections? The $3 billion dollar Secret Service Agency was outsmarted by this 20 year old kid with little resources. Nothing has changed at the FBI, nobody has been fired and they’re supposed investigation is being slow walked and Congress is not doing anything other than a small group of Republicans headed by Chip Roy, Matt Gaetz , Andy Biggs, etc A successful assassination could happen soon without more being done and now! IS THIS INCOMPETENCE OR INTENT?
But it started out well before October 7th.
– At Miralago the Trump administration had asked the secret security for more security and was turned away many times on the excuse that they don’t cover countryvcc clubs ,which was a lie.
But multiple Whistle blowers all Democrat and provide have come forward with this information.
Trump Derangement Syndrome Ad: Ask your doctor about INDEPENDENCE!

Trump has had one assassination attempt and at least two more threats-one coming today-from a man in Arizona where Trump currently is staying. You would never know anything about this by viewing the Democratic Convention where the only thing said about Trump was negative- in fact roughly 200 negatives mentioned by speakers versus only five or six mentions of the bad economy or the Border, Etc. Democrats have no ‘governor’ as in moderator / people to cut off immorality. They just say whatever they want and twist everything
They create a hate for Trump which no doubt contributes to the number of threats against Trump. You don’t see the same thing against Biden admin who really has had a bad record they will never admit to but in Kamala Harris who would never be nominated by the people for president . Only today in the crazy Democratic party- which is changed drastically from even a decade ago
The Biden Administration and now the Obama’s and even Oprah Winfrey talked about uniting the country and ‘bringing back democracy’ but yet they won’t let the head of the Auto Workers speak at their rally at their convention, they won’t let RFK get on the ballots (don’t be surprised if he joins the Trump campain or at least come out for it Friday) , Kamala goes to meet with the leaders of the Islams in Michigan in secret etc etc. Even the Jewish governor of Delaware who should have been the best pick for vice president and wasn’t because of his Jewish religion has nothing to say with tail between his legs and let’s his Democrats go with the extreme radical Walz from Minnesota to go along with the extreme radical Kamala from California.
Nice job Dimwads
Meanwhile the dams do everything they can to keep Kabbalah quiet until the election and then they can let her out of the cage
Christopher Ray reports higher threat level than ever in his memory threats from all over the world coming into the US.

From Hamas to America: My Story of Defying Terror, Facing the Unimaginable, and Finding Redemption in the Land of Opportunity https://a.co/d/8gk33Bd
(In fact, a Democrat friend asked me today to help him better understand what’s going on since he knew he wasn’t getting the true story from Youtube, where he gets his news. )

Bureau of Labor Statistics exaggerated the number of jobs all year long.
Dems hate wealth creation but love to live in their mansions they onlyngot by redistribution other peoples money with Bernie Sanders useless human being lea d ing the way
Dems hate Trump because he actually earned his money thru capitalism and free market.
Obamas get $750k per lying speeches . Her parents didn’t feel right of people making ‘too much’ money like her daughter.
Dems ‘from Hope to Nope’ – no, you wont get that or thst or that.
from hope and change to hate and revenge.
Kamala’s Dangerous Agenda
Details >>> https://kamala2024policies.com/
As Trump says the one good thing about the break between his first presidency and expected second presidency is we saw how bad the Democrats can mess up the country and it’s pretty obvious how bad they can get and people don’t see that that’s pretty bad most of us do
Pat Boone has a new song out called where did America go. There was actually a song with the same title and not unsimilar by Merle Haggard about 15 years ago and here it is https://youtu.be/DgFlX3qUkU4?si=Rx_0AHmUDQim8lQx
Obama could have been a hero last night at the DMC by payimg trubute to Trump after his near assassination but instead he just mocked him and went through the same litany of false charges
Colleges today are now turning away 70% of qualified white students with perfect SAT scores for unqualified DEI students and only accepting overall 20% of white qualified applicants despite the fact whites make up over 50% ofnthe population. Must hold college credential elite responsible. Stanford today has much less qualified students than a small Hillsdale College, both colleges where he works – Victor Davis Hanson > https://youtu.be/5RJzXwwDQO0?si=pMGzy_0mYCWhBRNQ
The REAL Kamala Harris from som eone who ‘grew up’ with her – ROAD TO SUCCESS https://roadtosuccess.us/the-real-kamala-harris-from-someone-who-grew-up-with-her/
The REAL Kamala Harris from someone who ‘grew up’ with her
add more at
Fake poles exaggerating theDems results put out by the Dembs media are larg that money I’m sorry I didn’t get you but Marty never such a brilliantely to make fraud look less fraudulent it also to keep the Democratic donors happy . Also exaggerated poles are because a lot of people do not know the true facts of the matter because the media doesn’t report what they they only report what they want to report.
56% of all media coverage is for Kamala Harris compared to 44% for Trump but of that 56% 89% is positive for Kamala Harris I’m sorry 86% is positive and 89% for Trump is negative. So the trick for the Trump campaign is to do to make up for what the media is not doing and that is to try to educate the unknowing people of which there are many a large percentage said if they knew or they said they they do not know the whole story and that’s why they were for Kamala but if they did know the whole story they would possibly change their vote so the gym I said the Trump campaign needs to try to educate and do the job the media is not doing
If Joe Biden Ashley’s best friend I feel sorry for her . what about her husband for one?
Republicans quote founding fathers , Dems quote rappers , case in point head of the Auto Workers quoting rapper Nelly about ‘it’s getting hot in here’ whatever that means.
Kamala is great only becaude the dem party decides shes great but nobody really loves her, nor Biden… T he demz love mandates. if theyre told Kamala is great shes geeat(even thou nobody likes her. 3 months ago and she couldnt even get past first round of primaries 2020. Dems loved the mask mandates and follow right in line.-Jesse waters
The theme song for Dem convention should be Elvis’ ‘In the Ghetto’ which men tions Chicago and the -‘angry young man with the gun in his han d ‘ dying (from 50 uears ago nothimg has changes, only worse today)
if you see things like this happening you can report them to protect the vote.net and
At One of his most revealing public displays, Donald Trump answered questions from reporters at his news conference Thursday Aug 15. Well worth a listen to really get a better understanding of Trump and his thoughts and policy plans if elected
The news conference was held at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.
PASS IT ON especially to skeptics
nothing nothing has changed. Trump is still up 1% according to what polls you look at and you can usually tack on another couple percentage points but don’t take it for granted so despite all the hoopla for Kamala nothing has changed in those three weeks since she became the instant presidential Presidential nominee.
Trump pushing Jewish vote since Jews claim they no longer have a home
Trump and Musk Dance

Jan 6 Pipe Bomb quote ‘conspiracy‘
How come they cannot find the guy who left the pipe bomb at the DNC when Kamala Harris came in on January 6th. Pictures were there initially but since manipulated or deleted, text messages from the Secret Service have been deleted and people are avoiding the pipe bomb question at least on the Democratic side. And Kamala Harris who could have lost your life if if it were really the RNC that did it has nothing to say and doesn’t want to talk . Questions: Where are the Secret Service texts, why is the camera manipulated, where the phone records and ask that lady why she ran back to the bomb in the alleyway.
the so-called conspiracy would have been the Democrats planning a pipe bomb to distract from the Senate hearings that day that could have just exposed the Democrats involvement in the January 6th events then they could have blamed the pipe bomb on the RNC or the Republicans
Tom Massey
12:53 soppsed security detection of man planting pipe bomb
FBI reported viable device could have killed and Kamala so ear, yet never talks about it. . told it was place nite before but wasnt.
instead planted minutes behind senate hearing.
today’s mainstream media are made up of sociopathic Liars and unfortunately the people that follow them must be the same or very very naive
The media are conveniently flip-flopping on everything they believed in in 2019 when Biden took office and now they are for political reasons going against it not that they forgot but because it’s strictly political befoee the electionjust like stealing Trump’s tax on tips and of course the Kamala border czar they’re denying now but you can’t deny when it’s on video and in print from before.
What’s wrong with America today? In the sixties Robert Kennedy Jr’s father and uncle wanted to make sure everybody could vote .^%today the Democrats want to make sure that Robert Kennedy cannot run for president some people cannot vote for him.
Civil WaR
Now , how many other states is this happening in?
if you see things like this happening you can report them to protect the vote.net and
At One of his most revealing public displays, Donald Trump answered questions from reporters at his news conference Thursday Aug 15. Well worth a listen to really get a better understanding of Trump and his thoughts and policy plans if elected
The news conference was held at his golf club in Bedminster, New Jersey.
PASS IT ON especially to skeptics
Ms. Cheadle , recent DEI Biden hire, recently spoke of hiring her own DEI employees with an emphasis on women, like the ones we saw stumbling around Trump, dropping sun glasses ,etc.

past time to speak out against the SecrService for a catastrophe that could have been even worse and can happen again if we don’t stop them for making excuses and continuing their lackluster performance.
Secret service is doing nothing but making excuses we must hold them accountable before another catastrophe happens and also correct the system. So stand up speak out why does President Trump allowed on the edge tell Congress to hold these people accountable they should be resigning and the system should be corrected so another traged or tragedy and you’re trashy will not happen.
Trumpinator Bobblehead
All the assassination attempts in past 50 years have been against Republican presidents- Trump , Bush, Reagan, Ford -think about it. Hint:Since the radicalization of America beginning in 1964 with LBJ’s ‘Great Society’
Finally RFK is given the secret service support by Biden but only after the tragedy or the near major tragedy in Pennsylvania.

the difference with the Kennedy assassination ND Trump attempt and some of the other attempts were that the assassinators were well hidden whereas with the Trump attempt, Crooks was obvious to anyone, a sitting duck for the Secret Service to get him. With Kennedy , shooter Oswald was well hidden in The Book Depository.

Ms. Cheadle , recent DEI Biden hire, recently spoke of hiring her own DEI employees with an emphasis on women, like the ones we saw stumbling around Trump, dropping sun glasses ,etc.
past time to speak out against the SecrService for a catastrophe that could have been even worse and can happen again if we don’t stop them for making excuses and continuing their lackluster performance.
Secret service is doing nothing but making excuses we must hold them accountable before another catastrophe happens and also correct the system. So stand up speak out why does President Trump allowed on the edge tell Congress to hold these people accountable they should be resigning and the system should be corrected so another traged or tragedy and you’re trashy will not happen.

Trumpinator Bobblehead
All the assassination attempts in past 50 years have been against Republican presidents- Trump , Bush, Reagan, Ford -think about it. Hint:Since the radicalization of America beginning in 1964 with LBJ’s ‘Great Society’
Finally RFK is given the secret service support by Biden but only after the tragedy or the near major tragedy in Pennsylvania.
JFK II – – WE BARELY DODGED BULLETS, LITERALLY- TO ANY STILL OPEN-MINDED DEMOCRATS WILLING TO LISTEN: https://roadtosuccess.us/to-any-still-open-minded-democrats-willing-to-listen/
How did a guy with a long rifle get on a nearby roof in clear view. why no asseftssment by security of perimeter??? Some former security people are blaming lack of communication between agencies including FBI and local police as well as changing hiring practices allowing less-qualified DEI employs including small women

Biden Administration and dams are doing exactly to Donald Trump what they are accusing the Supreme Court of enabling

79,000 DACA Recipients Were Approved Despite Arrest Records, Some Arrested 10x or More

By Jack Davis June 29, 2024 at 12:00pm
Those social media posters targeting Trump for assassination should be immediately investigated by the fbi, which used to be normal protocol when somebody threatens a president. You know if rolls were reversed and Biden was being targeted that the FBI would go after those people targeting Biden. No reason for this crazy assassination coup Just because of a Supreme Court Decision Which really is not a full decision but a Partial ruling . Total third world activity that never used to happen before is happening now and it’s got to stop. Seems that many no longer have any moral compass.
U.S. Has Less Than Seven Minutes to Respond to a Nuclear Bomb sent at the U.S.
Yet Nobody Seems Concerned, Especially Joe Biden, of the Greatest Threat to U.S. Ever with Weakened Presidency and New Real Nuclear Threat by Korea, Russia, Iran…

The Entire Biden admin ( FBI, CIA, ETC) KNEW Their President Was Seriously Ill Yet Nobody Did Anything. In Fact some like AG Garland Kept Requwsted Evidence from House Investigations

/ of cover ups and their typical lockstep loyalties, the Dems have finally paid the price.
And its not Uncle Joes fault. Sainer, more honest controllers would have had Joe out of there long ago, along with Kamala-or never had them in there in the first place. Joe was a fufurehead they could control – and they liked that- but in the end Joe had to answer for himself (thanks to a debate he might have nevwr done, which appears to be his ultimate undoing. The Damn holding back 8 years of lies and schemes has finally burst right before over half of America’s 350 million eyes (or 700 million to be accurate).
There was no drug or Red Bull strong enough to overcome the damage Joe and the Dems had wrought upon America. America already saw the phony lawfare wrought against their main political opponent(s) via hoaxes such as ‘Russia Russia Russia’ and ‘Jan 6’ exposed. The curtain came down around the ‘Wizard if Biden.’
Not one Dem -nor any of their lapdog media- would come out and admit the obvious: that their President and candidate for another term was suffering from advanced dementia, incapable of running the country. But, last night could Biden came out of the basement with his true colors on display for all of America to see. What had lomg been suspected by many was now onvious to all but the most ardent denayer.
They thought they could make it thru a debate or two-on their terms, with Trump’s hands tied behind his back- and sneak Old Joe across the finish line only a few months away. But even with this advantage, the Dems had perhaps stretched their lick maybe one time too many by even doing the debate.
Now its probably too late to do anything months before the election . Had a more honest party spoken up sooner with a doctor’s FULL medical report thete mivjt have been tine for Biden to graciously bow out; apparently Biden, nor Kamala Harris were i no mood to give up their powerful positions. But, why coukdnt a loving wife havw a heart ti hwaet to give Joe a more comfoetableblife where belonged, like in a retiremwnt home or a permenent place on the beach.
Not that the Dems had such a large ‘bench’ but a dose or two of reality spoken rwther rather than long lockstep denial might have given the Dems time to find a replacement for Joe, now in his 50th year in politics. But even after debate night, ‘Dr Jill’ Biden instesmad of making wxcuses for her husband- instead of admitting the obvious- doublef down at a lo cal Atlants waffle house trying ro rectify an unrectifyable situation. Yes, the chickens came home to roost.

Government is not turning over the records of most of the people that are injured or killed by illegal aliens we only hear of the obvious ones where the family reports it and the government can’t help it admit to it
Bottom line : Dams want to tell everyone how to run their lives. They don’t care if what we say is right or wrong. They just want to do what they want to do- call it stubborn, call it egotistical . Can’t influence most or I can say very few can be influenced like when there was a time when you could debate and you could actually convince people empiracally but you can’t do that much anymore.
Germans – Even During the Hitler Era – Were a Better People Than the Palestinians – The Dennis Prager Show https://dennisprager.com/column/germans-even-during-the-hitler-era-were-a-better-people-than-the-palestinians
Rep Clyburn of S. Carolina says you edont have to pay interest on dept, only princupal on college debts etc
Why Seinfeld is Crying >
Jews continue to vote Democratic despite seeing Jews discriminated by the party more than ever, thinking it’s still the party of Kennedy and Truman
WW III Before the Nov Election!!!
‘State Department spokesperson told the AP that Russia’s military exercises “have ratcheted up because of U.S. support to Ukraine and exercise activity in support of our NATO allies.”
And any surprises thst Hamas turned down linked s latest cease fire deal even though Israel approved it
Finally, rare video appears of Pelosi taking responsibility for lack of security and no national guard at Jan 6, filmed by her daughter nonless. Thanks to Barry Loudermilk and House committee for ringing it out
Now we know that all 51 who signed Blinkins fixtitious letter debyingbrhe Hunter laptop were lying, calling it Russian disinformation.- And they are now doubling down, still not admitting.
an Outrage that iden will not give RFK Jr secret service protection especially after what g happen ed to his father and uncle.
More homelessness, crime coming to CA after
$45 billion ‘lost’ in 3 years after CA was ahead $97 billion, according to the State and Cal-Matters seems $27 billion for homelessness was lost somehow and now homelessness is worse than ever. $100 million for high speed train to nowhere was also misplaced and now Newsome says he wo f take money from $10 billion climate budget but take it from crime sub- budgets > https://calmatters.org/commentary/2024/05/california-budget-surplus-became-deficit/
It’s not about Republican vs Democrat per se’ but right vs wrong, Truth vs. Lies, Good vs. Evil. New El SalvaDor Leader just turned around the country with the worlds highest crime rate infested with over 70,000 MS-13 Terrorists- so bad people were afraid to go outside. But now it’s doing better than the US and President Bukele talks about what America needs to do to clean up its messx2
President Nayib Bukele: Seeking God’s Wisdom, Taking Down MS-13, and His Advice to Donald Trump
as he visits with Tucker Carlson >
WHO Pushin$è//g Sttict pandemic Treaty .
prof John yu:
DA bragg took federal case and made it local illegally to I fluenc election.
Another reason 2020 electio. rigged by Dems Mike Morel and 51 signed letter denying hun ter laptop just before 2020 election, : 10% recently of Dems said they would not have e oted for Biden had they k own had letter signed by 51
posted at 9:20 PM on Mon, Apr 01, 2024:
If I was Donald Trump I would send this video out as part of my campaign and title it with
“I’m Donald Trump and I approve this message.”
Bill Clinton short cut from 1995
Not long- give it a listen.
What changed? Obama- that’s what changed everything. https://t.co/vsnLHVzsO9
When they use the justice system to go after their political enemies at home is the beginning of the end
Only way to deal with them is to give them back a taste of their own medicine’ – Megan Kelley
A Rush Limbaugh message, They can not stop “We The People”
and read and watch the ‘War on Truth’
Cop gives medical aid, Gets shot and killed in Minnespolis!
Biggest Story UnCovered in mainstream media – NPR Whistleblower Calls Out Increasing Media Bias

CLIVK HERE FOR STORY >>>https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust?s=09


>>> https://www.npr.org/2024/04/09/1243755769/npr-journalist-

NPR whistleblower Uri Berliner claims colleagues ‘confidentially’ agree with him about broadcaster’s hard-left bias >>> trib.al/MDp7FSj

@jameshartline IMPORTANT NEWS UPDATE: I’ll be reporting tomorrow on how the bombshell revelations that were just disclosed by an NPR editor whistleblower are connected to DOJ abuses in the Trump classified documents case. NPR is a taxpayer-funded news organization. NPR colluded with Adam Shifty Schiff and Congressional Democrats in the Russia Collusion hoax to get Trump.
Uri Berliner, a senior business editor at NPR, wrote in an essay for the Free Press that NPR’s coverage veered off the deep end when Trump was elected in 2016. He cited its coverage of Russiagate first and said NPR “hitched our wagon” to Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who peddled Trump-Russia collusion claims for years.
“Schiff, who was the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, became NPR’s guiding hand, its ever-present muse. By my count, NPR hosts interviewed Schiff 25 times about Trump and Russia. During many of those conversations, Schiff alluded to purported evidence of collusion. The Schiff talking points became the drumbeat of NPR news reports,” Berliner wrote.
Berliner also disclosed that there were 87 registered Democrats and 0 Registered Republicans working in the NPR newsroom. Again, NPR is a taxpayer-funded news organization.
But it gets much, much worse.
Tomorrow, I’ll be reporting on the connections between NPR and the DOJ “Get Trump” classified documents case

JOE LIEBERMAN-Last of the Moderate Democrats
Three Important Points only 10% of Americans Are Aware Of
Many Americans are falsely made to believe by mainstream media that inflation is down and the economy is doing better. But a good economist/ will tell you that inflation is cumulative and up and going even higher since Biden took office in 2021 https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/06/15/in-the-u-s-and-around-the-world-inflation-is-high-and-getting-higher/

What only 10% of America Knows
1.) Inflation is cumulative. Just because they tell us inflation is down from last year doesn’t mean inflation is really down. You have to add this years 3% to the previous years ‘ 7% =10% inflation. Now you know why grocery, real estate etc. prices aren’t coming down
2.)To pay down Biden’s 7.3 trillion dollar budget this year He will need to tax you, the middle class, more and the corporations and upper class . He promised to help the middle class but is doing just the oppo site. That’s the only way he could spend 7.3 billion he doesn’t have. That most people don’t understand what’s going on and why they m60s. 3,will be paying 30% more to take their kids to Disneyland plus food and everything else is a tragedy, too. The news doesn’t address this stuff anymore-severity of this with US becoming a socialist country Including the media . The Middle class is not just fleeing blue states but fleeing the country and the wealthy aren’t far behind.
3.) As side effects, cities have no money and are falling in lockstep with administration , laying off police ans employees , with this becoming a police state ala Russia and third world. My middle class taxes were higher than ever last year. What about you -Among those 60% of America living paycheck to paycheck with credit cards maxed out? Wake up Americ

Agencies Hid Gain of Function research knowledge that wouldnhave saved thousands
Sen. Rand paul:
We now know that 15 US agencies , knew of the Gain of Dunctuonresearxh showing many similarities to man Maid viruses, yet none came forward. They would have saved many thousands of li es if they had and should be censured but yet the house has showed littleni terest tobdayte.

Doctor Phil says government is getting in the way by doing things like shutting down the schools for 2 years, which was worse for kids than the COVID disease itself.. How to mention all the wasted money? Over 5 trillion dollars used for naught.
He says unelected officials have no right to be able to change laws that affect kids and others.. News of life have been lost information their lives themselves..
Decide what your life philosophy. Am I gonna work hard? Am I gonna let the schools dictate to my children telling them out of live, etc? I do have rights to my child and responsibilities.
We can’t be passive anymore. We can’t let people convince us that we don’t have any power. . Too many people are trying to win arguments instead of solving problems.. Go to your kids, schools and find out what the policies are and offer to work with the schools or whoever ..
Find your voice even if people try to label you and make it difficult ala Riley Gaines.
Watch these and tell us what you think
Chuck Schumer, a Jew, seems to be more anti-Semitic than many of his non-Jewish counterparts. Along with Biden, He’s called to stop providing needed weapons for Israel if not part of the Ukraine package, while sending over a new $10 billion to Iran, who has been behind the slaughter of over 1,000 Israelis Oct 7. And now, Schumer has called for
the elimination of Netanyahu, who has done more for Israel and middle East peace than anyone in recent history.
Three Important Points only 10% of Americans Are Aware Of
Restaurants close in Oakland due to violence
Only 15% of CA residents say theyre hppy. Houing 7x higher in CA than elsewhere
Schools chronic absenteeism
What only 10% of America Knows
1.) Inflation is cumulative. Just because they tell us inflation is down from last year doesn’t mean inflation is really down. You have to add this years 3% to the previous years ‘ 7% =10% inflation. Now you know why grocery, real estate etc. prices aren’t coming down
2.)To pay down Biden’s 7.3 trillion dollar budget this year He will need to tax you, the middle class, more and the corporations and upper class . He promised to help the middle class but is doing just the oppo site. That’s the only way he could spend 7.3 billion he doesn’t have. That most people don’t understand what’s going on and why they m60s. 3,will be paying 30% more to take their kids to Disneyland plus food and everything else is a tragedy, too. The news doesn’t address this stuff anymore-severity of this with US becoming a socialist country Including the media . The Middle class is not just fleeing blue states but fleeing the country and the wealthy aren’t far behind.
3.) As side effects, cities have no money and are falling in lockstep with administration , laying off police ans employees , with this becoming a police state ala Russia and third world. My middle class taxes were higher than ever last year. What about you -Among those 60% of America living paycheck to paycheck with credit cards maxed out? Wake up America!
Wake up america!
Hillsdale College
National Survey on the Free Market
and Economic Libert
Middle class killed in CA, those of us making $85k-120 paying upwards of 30% tax
Steve Hilton 23: ‘Herd Stupidity’- natlnreviewb10-4 Covid lockdown did more harm than good
Been having fun with 3 cat days ( like 3 dog night)..all getting along for most part. 2 went out in catio only 2nd time thus year. See pic… more bew hand therapy, music group fun, new accordian , Young well ans now finally daylight! How’s Louie?
Politics abysmal. My take, affirmative action for over 50 years has really dumped down America and mu h of world getting g unqualified workers like the judges going after Trump, changing the laws and rules, making lying and cheating acceptable (as well as shoplofing–reparations
When can trace the liberation of america
Back to the 1960s, and earlier. After the kennedy assassination, things turn to extreme liberal. The so-called repressive 50s and before were pretty much over with the Kennedy administration. Kennedy was moder a televised rigging the course, But after he died, things were taken a step too far. And it seems to have continued ever since books like rachell Carson silent Spring and the falsification of d. T. D- one veteran tells of having DTdspread on the soldiers to prevent disease- and it worked with no sign s e efrmfecrs I, personLly, was unknowing victim of brainwashing. In school in the 70s in college when Paul Er lick wrote ‘ The population bomb’ and I was a true believer that we were in danger of being overpopulated to death which turned out to be anything but the truth.
And since then, we’ve fed all these other crazy. Things like the global warming. There’s actually a global cooling way back in history. Marks had allowed to do with this. He was an angry lefty. Who much like George Soros today? Just wanted to take a anger out on America. And we’ll do anything to change the country…
Fall of the great empires
Thr Roman, Greek, 2nd Jewish Temple went down from withi. Due to power humgry, greedy people on the inside. and now the greatest empire of all, the American Empire, is going down thanks to similar power hu gry irrational leaders. MARX was an angry power hungry man who began the assault on his own people which w3Aas followed up by people like Alinski who wrote Eules for Radicals and those whobhave followed him like Chimsky, the Underground , Soros, Obama, ans now Biden abs hisbilk- including moat of the media. Be prepared. Its happening effectively our eyes a s will co ti ue unless you and > stand up And help stop it.
Democrats hate black people, want more bums, less workers. Note katie prter, Adam sxhifd, Barbara Lee senate candiadate s-can it get worse?
Victoria Nuland gets out of Biden administration before things. Get any worse period she was behind. Much of the Ukraine aggression And failed war effort in this afraid and seized Biden. Failing and time to get out .
Stupidity of the California voter voting for Adam Schiff, a congenital liar time and again in the Russian hoax, etc. He perpetuated with direct lies to Congress saying he had evidence of Russian hoax when he knew he disnt. I guess and I’ll George skone, the worst da. Ever releasing criminals, left and right back in the streets of l. A.
And then manipulating vote so that Repub steve garvey wins promary ahead of his democrat competitors hmm
Somebody else compared Biden to be used and butthead the way he lifts his his fists up.
Doctor Phil says government is getting in the way by doing things like shutting down the schools for 2 years, which was worse for kids than the COVID disease itself.. How to mention all the wasted money? Over 5 trillion dollars used for naught.
He says unelected officials have no right to be able to change laws that affect kids and others.. News of life have been lost information their lives themselves..
Decide what your life philosophy. Am I gonna work hard? Am I gonna let the schools dictate to my children telling them out of live, etc? I do have rights to my child and responsibilities.
We can’t be passive anymore. We can’t let people convince us that we don’t have any power. . Too many people are trying to win arguments instead of solving problems.. Go to your kids, schools and find out what the policies are and offer to work with the schools or whoever ..
Find your voice even if people try to label you and make it difficult ala Riley Gaines.
Jerry Seinfeld FIRES BACK At Woke TV Host Over ‘Mostly White Males’ https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F4UNpFZJKII?si=c5DL55pCZ-_rPp2X
‘Pied piper candidates’ spread spy scandal – massive overseas spy ring vs US citizens (Bongino)
Does Haley realize that Obama barely got 50% of the vote in 2008 promaries vs Hillary. They were neck and neck thru May 2008. Trump has won 5 primaries in a row by sizable margins. Incumbents always have big margins ala Biden with nonreal competitors
Trump got more votes in Michigan turnout that all the other democrats combined.
Incredible that Biden administration allows our number one competitor/enemy, China , to blast its propaganda through TikTok to our young people- Tiktok is their main source of news . No wonder our country is so messed up
Why China Was Never Held Accountable for the Covid-19 Lab Leak
Mary Poppins UK ratings uprated to PG due to ‘racist’ word ‘hotintot’
There are things that democrats say And then there is reality
Last honest mainstream reporter, Catherine Herridge, fired by CBSfor being too honest, Reporting on Biden whistle blower- FBI agent in format who was arrested by FBI who tried to blow whistle on Biden
Strange Presidents Day, #Ranking Presidents / #ElectionPoll #Paradox 🗳 https://seniorcountry.org/800-2/
Many reporters paid a price for covering Russia gate story- Matt Taibi
Lincoln’s moral equivalency with israel
All In The Family | Sammy’s Visit | Season 2 Episode 21 | FULL EPISODE https://buff.ly/3OFfAQP
Missed those days too when we could laugh at these things. That we still caner, we can still laugh at the stuffit’s good cause there’s not a lot of else to laugh at in current society.
It took a special prosecutor’s report for the lockstep media jackels To finally admit what they knew all along, that Biden was diminished and febile -minded and KNEW thst he took the classified documents home
Contravention of houseb roken fist by Pelosi a d now by Colorado
Trump Censored from liberal networks, thus half of America won’t hear what hebhas to say. Trump agsin cut b off today by Jake Tapper at CNN
Testimony before Congress, @MZHemingway sums up everything wrong with America’s elections from mail in ballots, to Zuckerbucks, to censorship, to Big Tech censorship, to Democrats trying to put Trump in jail. 02/07/2024 02/07/2024 Video The Faulkner Focus (clip)
Thu, Feb 8, 2024

A 2015 SNL skit about what America would look like under a President Donald Trump
A 2015 SNL skit about what America would look like under a President Donald Trump
– Kaiser, Oakland has told its employees not to go outside for lunch. What does that tell you.?
Maybe they want to promote their new cafeteria -not!
-Biden has now sent over one hundred billion dollars to the Ayatola in Iran to kill israelis and our own people
-Now they’re swearing on the news . yes it’s come to that… ‘journalist’ Joy Reid on m s n b c quote ‘another f_____g war’. Imagine walter cronkeit coming out with that or even lester holt. Seems like anything goes today because People get away with it. No rules. Anything goes. Sodom and Gomorah 2024.
-Now they’re swearing on the news . yes it’s come to that… ‘journalist’ Joy Reid on m s n bpool c quote ‘another f_____g war’. Imagine walter cronkeit coming out without or even lester holt. Seems like anything goes today because People get away with it
-Jan 6 questions- why no report on media interest of person who placed bomb Outside DNC just prior to the election Verification Jan 6? . Why didn’t they? Why didn’t the media tell us that Kamala Harris was inside at the time? And why was there no interest in discussing the bomber, especially if it were a purported republican placing a bomb at the democratic headquarters. Why were transcripts removed the day before the republicans take took over the House some ten thousand transcripts involving the january sixth incident?
Where is the video of reported sweep of the bomb outside the d n c? Where’s the video of the person placing the bomb outside the DNC? There’s reports of everything else but not the actual person.
I know it was from the media? And where is the meditator for all this? That was corrupted to remove just before the verification process?
Where’s the d n a on the bomb? Where is the reports from the secret service about all thisWhere’s the DNA on the bomb? Where is the reports from the secret service about all this?
Not surprisingly, we learn the 20% of people take advantage of self check outlines if you know what I mean so stores are now cutting back on the self checkout lines G took them. They couldn’t figure that out ahead of time people couldn’t help themselveso to speakNot surprisingly, we learn the 20% of people take advantage of self check outlines if you know what I mean so stores are now cutting back on the self checkout lines G took them. They couldn’t figure that out ahead of time. People couldn’t help themselveso to speak.
Wake America : Time to Re-Evaluate the Legacy of Martin Luther King
After Trumps historical primary victory In Iowa, MSNBC refused to show Trumps vixtory speech , but they sure spent a lot of time using him as the subject matter all day long
Definitely not traveling now. After alerting the FAA federal aeronautic aviation, whatever association of FAA who directs your planes when you’re flying a flight tower and all that they are now hiring people based on v. EI diversity equity and that includes people with psychiatric problems, intellectual deficiencies etc et cetera.
This is Dr. Ben Carson, and the date is February 8th.
Whether or not left-wing, anti-democratic officials can erase President Trump from the ballot in 2024 will now be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court, and that’s the day oral arguments will begin.
Between now and then, it is critical that “We the People” make our voices heard as loud as we possibly can, because we know Trump’s political enemies will be doing exactly that.
Tens of millions of us believe President Trump is the right man at the right time to defeat Joe Biden and make America great again.
We DEMAND that his name appears on the ballot, because we will not allow a corrupt elite to rig our elections and truly destroy this republic.
Senior Living in the White House
-1965 before affirmative action and LBJ , 25% of black babies were born out of wedlock, todY 85% out of. wedlock . In addition govt is payimg 100 million for this.
-Gallup: 40% of city folks afraid to walk in their own neighborhoods

Presidents Day 2024- First 44 Presidents – Please add Donald Trump #45 (2016-2019) and Joe Biden (2020-2023)
21% of 2020 mail-in voters (16 million votes) surveyed said they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member. In addition, 17% of these voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member, with or without permission. Need to stop widespread mail-in ballots
Which lead to voter fraud

Presidents Day 202
(Also see ARCHIVES at https://roadtosuccess.us/rest-of-the-story/) If it seems like most of these stories we report ,below, target the mainstream media and Dems its because those involve the stories mostly not covered or which were highly edited. There are promising signs out there now with new News Nation TV and Twitter removing one-sided restrictions

21% of 2020 mail-in voters (16 million votes) surveyed said they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member. In addition, 17% of these voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member, with or without permission. Need to stop widespread mail-in ballots
Which lead to voter fraud

4- First 44 Presidents of the U.S. Please add Donald Trump #45 (2016-2019 and Joe Biden (2020-202

21% of 2020 mail-in voters (16 million votes) surveyed said they filled out a ballot for a friend or family member. In addition, 17% of these voters said they signed a ballot for a friend or family member, with or without permission. Need to stop widespread mail-in ballots
Which lead to voter fraud


– Kaiser, Oakland has told its employees not to go outside for lunch. What does that tell you.?
Maybe they want to promote their new cafeteria -not!

–Biden has now sent over one hundred billion dollars to the Ayatola in Iran to kill israelis and our own people
-Now they’re swearing on the news . yes it’s come to that… ‘journalist’ Joy Reid on m s n b c quote ‘another f_____g war’. Imagine walter cronkeit coming out with that or even lester holt. Seems like anything goes today because People get away with it. No rules. Anything goes. Sodom and Gomorah 2024.
-Jan 6 questions- why no report on media interest of onperson who placed bomb Outside DNC just prior to the election Verification Jan 6? . Why didn’t they? Why didn’t the media tell us that Kamala Harris was inside at the time? And why was there no interest in discussing the bomber, especially if it were a purported republican placing a bomb at the democratic headquarters. Why were transcripts removed the day before the republicans take took over the House some ten thousand transcripts involving the january sixth incident?
Where is the video of reported sweep of the bomb outside the d n c? Where’s the video of the person placing the bomb outside the DNC? There’s reports of everything else but not the actual person.
I know it was from the media? And where is the meditator for all this? That was corrupted to remove just before the verification process?
Where’s the d n a on the bomb? Where is the reports from the secret service about all thisWhere’s the DNA on the bomb? Where is the reports from the secret service about all this?
Not surprisingly, we learn the 20% of people take advantage of self check outlines if you know what I mean so stores are now cutting back on the self checkout lines G took them. They couldn’t figure that out ahead of time people couldn’t help themselveso to speakNot surprisingly, we learn the 20% of people take advantage of self check outlines if you know what I mean so stores are now cutting back on the self checkout lines G took them. They couldn’t figure that out ahead of time. People couldn’t help themselveso to speak.
Wake America : Time to Re-Evaluate the Legacy of Martin Luther King